
This manual is for Gforth (version 0.7.9_20220127, February 8, 2018), a fast and portable implementation of the Standard Forth language. It serves as reference manual, but it also contains an introduction to Forth and a Forth tutorial.

Authors: Bernd Paysan, Anton Ertl, Gerald Wodni Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

(a) The FSF’s Back-Cover Text is: “You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development.”

Table of Contents

1 Goals of Gforth

The goal of the Gforth Project is to develop a standard model for Standard Forth. This can be split into several subgoals:

To achieve these goals Gforth should be

Have we achieved these goals? Gforth conforms to the Forth-94 (ANS Forth) and Forth-2012 standards. We have changed some of the internal data structures (in particular, the headers) over time, so Gforth cannot be considered a stable model. It certainly has not yet become a de facto standard, but it appears to be quite popular. It has some similarities to and some differences from previous models. It has some powerful features, but not yet everything that we envisioned. We certainly have achieved our execution speed goals (see Performance)1. It is free and available on many machines.

1.1 Stability Goals

Programs that work on earlier versions of Gforth should also work on newer versions. However, there are some caveats:

Internal data structures (including the representation of code) of Gforth may change between versions, unless they are documented.

Moreover, we only feel obliged to keep standard words (i.e., with standard wordset names) and words documented as permanent Gforth extensions (with wordset name gforth or gforth-<version>, see Notation). Other words may be removed in newer releases.

In particular, you may find a word by using locate or otherwise inspecting Gforth’s source code. You can see the wordset in a comment right after the stack-effect comment. If there is no wordset for a word, it is an internal factor and may be removed in a future version. If the wordset is gforth-experimental, gforth-internal, or gforth-obsolete, the word may also be removed in a future version.

If you want to use a particular word that is not marked as permanent, please let us know, and we will consider to add the word as permanent word (or we may suggest an alternative to using this word).

2 Gforth Environment

Note: ultimately, the Gforth man page will be auto-generated from the material in this chapter.

For related information about the creation of images see Image Files.

2.1 Invoking Gforth

Gforth is made up of two parts; an executable “engine” (named gforth or gforth-fast) and an image file. To start it, you will usually just say gforth – this automatically loads the default image file In many other cases the default Gforth image will be invoked like this:

gforth [file | -e forth-code] ...

This interprets the contents of the files and the Forth code in the order they are given.

In addition to the gforth engine, there is also an engine called gforth-fast, which is faster, but gives less informative error messages (see Error messages) and may catch some errors (in particular, stack underflows and integer division errors) later or not at all. You should use it for debugged, performance-critical programs.

Moreover, there is an engine called gforth-itc, which is useful in some backwards-compatibility situations (see Direct or Indirect Threaded?).

In general, the command line looks like this:

gforth[-fast] [engine options] [image options]

The engine options must come before the rest of the command line. They are:

--image-file file
-i file

Loads the Forth image file instead of the default (see Image Files).

--appl-image file

Loads the image file and leaves all further command-line arguments to the image (instead of processing them as engine options). This is useful for building executable application images on Unix, built with gforthmi --application ....

--path path
-p path

Uses path for searching the image file and Forth source code files instead of the default in the environment variable GFORTHPATH or the path specified at installation time and the working directory . (e.g., /usr/local/share/gforth/0.2.0:.). A path is given as a list of directories, separated by ‘:’ (previous versions had ‘;’ for other OSes, but since Cygwin now only accepts /cygdrive/<letter>, and we dropped support for OS/2 and MS-DOS, it is ‘:’ everywhere).

--dictionary-size size
-m size

Allocate size space for the Forth dictionary space instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 256K). The size specification for this and subsequent options consists of an integer and a unit (e.g., 4M). The unit can be one of b (bytes), e (element size, in this case Cells), k (kilobytes), M (Megabytes), G (Gigabytes), and T (Terabytes). If no unit is specified, e is used.

--data-stack-size size
-d size

Allocate size space for the data stack instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 16K).

--return-stack-size size
-r size

Allocate size space for the return stack instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 15K).

--fp-stack-size size
-f size

Allocate size space for the floating point stack instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 15.5K). In this case the unit specifier e refers to floating point numbers.

--locals-stack-size size
-l size

Allocate size space for the locals stack instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 14.5K).


Normally, Gforth tries to start up even if there is not enough virtual memory for the dictionary and the stacks (using MAP_NORESERVE on OSs that support it); so you can ask for a really big dictionary and/or stacks, and as long as you don’t use more virtual memory than is available, everything will be fine (but if you use more, processes get killed). With this option you just use the default allocation policy of the OS; for OSs that don’t overcommit (e.g., Solaris), this means that you cannot and should not ask for as big dictionary and stacks, but once Gforth successfully starts up, out-of-memory won’t kill it.


Print a message about the command-line options


Print version and exit


Print some information useful for debugging on startup.


Start the dictionary at a slightly different position than would be used otherwise (useful for creating data-relocatable images, see Data-Relocatable Image Files).


Start the dictionary at the normal position.


Initialize all bytes in the dictionary to 0 before loading the image (see Data-Relocatable Image Files).


Normally Gforth handles most signals (e.g., the user interrupt SIGINT, or the segmentation violation SIGSEGV) by translating it into a Forth THROW. With this option, Gforth exits if it receives such a signal. This option is useful when the engine and/or the image might be severely broken (such that it causes another signal before recovering from the first); this option avoids endless loops in such cases.


Disable or enable dynamic superinstructions with replication (see Dynamic Superinstructions).


Disable dynamic superinstructions, use just dynamic replication; this is useful if you want to patch threaded code (see Dynamic Superinstructions).


Use only the first N static superinstructions compiled into the engine (default: use them all; note that only gforth-fast has any). This option is useful for measuring the performance impact of static superinstructions.


Use specified metric for determining the cost of a primitive or static superinstruction for static superinstruction selection. Codesize is the native code size of the primive or static superinstruction, ls is the number of loads and stores, lsu is the number of loads, stores, and updates, and nexts is the number of dispatches (not taking dynamic superinstructions into account), i.e. every primitive or static superinstruction has cost 1. Default: codesize if you use dynamic code generation, otherwise nexts.


This option is useful for measuring the performance impact of static superinstructions. By default, an optimal shortest-path algorithm is used for selecting static superinstructions. With --ss-greedy this algorithm is modified to assume that anything after the static superinstruction currently under consideration is not combined into static superinstructions. With --ss-min-nexts this produces the same result as a greedy algorithm that always selects the longest superinstruction available at the moment. E.g., if there are superinstructions AB and BCD, then for the sequence A B C D the optimal algorithm will select A BCD and the greedy algorithm will select AB C D.


Prints some metrics used during static superinstruction selection: code size is the actual size of the dynamically generated code. Metric codesize is the sum of the codesize metrics as seen by static superinstruction selection; there is a difference from code size, because not all primitives and static superinstructions are compiled into dynamically generated code, and because of markers. The other metrics correspond to the ss-min-... options. This option is useful for evaluating the effects of the --ss-... options.

As explained above, the image-specific command-line arguments for the default image consist of a sequence of filenames and -e forth-code options that are interpreted in the sequence in which they are given. The -e forth-code or --evaluate forth-code option evaluates the Forth code. This option takes only one argument; if you want to evaluate more Forth words, you have to quote them or use -e several times. To exit after processing the command line (instead of entering interactive mode) append -e bye to the command line. You can also process the command-line arguments with a Forth program (see OS command line arguments).

If you have several versions of Gforth installed, gforth will invoke the version that was installed last. gforth-<version> invokes a specific version. If your environment contains the variable GFORTHPATH, you may want to override it by using the --path option.

On startup, before processing any of the image option, the user initialization file either specified in the environment variable GFORTH_ENV or, if not set, ~/.config/gforthrc0 is included, if it exists. If GFORTH_ENV is “off,” nothing is included. After processing all the image options and just before printing the boot message, the user initialization file ~/.config/gforthrc from your home directory is included, unless the option --no-rc is given.

2.2 Leaving Gforth

You can leave Gforth by typing bye or Ctrl-d (at the start of a line) or (if you invoked Gforth with the --die-on-signal option) Ctrl-c. When you leave Gforth, all of your definitions and data are discarded. For ways of saving the state of the system before leaving Gforth see Image Files.

bye ( ) unknown “bye”

2.3 Help on Gforth

Gforth has a simple, text-based online help system.

help ( "rest-of-line" –  ) gforth-1.0 “help”

If no name is given, show basic help. If a documentation node name is given followed by "::", show the start of the node. If the name of a word is given, show the documentation of the word if it exists, or its source code if not. Use g to enter the editor at the point shown by help.

authors ( ) unknown “authors”

show the list of authors

license ( ) gforth-0.4 “license”

print the license statement

2.4 Command-line editing

Gforth maintains a history file that records every line that you type to the text interpreter. This file is preserved between sessions, and is used to provide a command-line recall facility; if you type Ctrl-P repeatedly you can recall successively older commands from this (or previous) session(s). The full list of command-line editing facilities is:

  • Ctrl-p (“previous”) (or up-arrow) to recall successively older commands from the history buffer.
  • Ctrl-n (“next”) (or down-arrow) to recall successively newer commands from the history buffer.
  • Ctrl-f (or right-arrow) to move the cursor right, non-destructively.
  • Ctrl-b (or left-arrow) to move the cursor left, non-destructively.
  • Ctrl-h (backspace) to delete the character to the left of the cursor, closing up the line.
  • Ctrl-k to delete (“kill”) from the cursor to the end of the line.
  • Ctrl-a to move the cursor to the start of the line.
  • Ctrl-e to move the cursor to the end of the line.
  • RET (Ctrl-m) or LFD (Ctrl-j) to submit the current line.
  • TAB to step through all possible full-word completions of the word currently being typed.
  • Ctrl-d on an empty line line to terminate Gforth (gracefully, using bye).
  • Ctrl-x (or Ctrl-d on a non-empty line) to delete the character under the cursor.

When editing, displayable characters are inserted to the left of the cursor position; the line is always in “insert” (as opposed to “overstrike”) mode.

On Unix systems, the history file is ~/.local/share/gforth/history by default2. You can find out the name and location of your history file using:

history-file type \ Unix-class systems

history-file type \ Other systems
history-dir  type

If you enter long definitions by hand, you can use a text editor to paste them out of the history file into a Forth source file for reuse at a later time.

Gforth never trims the size of the history file, so you should do this periodically, if necessary.

2.5 Environment variables

Gforth uses these environment variables:

  • GFORTHHIST – (Unix systems only) specifies the path for the history file .gforth-history. Default: $HOME/.gforth-history.
  • GFORTHPATH – specifies the path used when searching for the gforth image file and for Forth source-code files (usually ‘.’, the current working directory). Path separator is ‘:’, a typical path would be /usr/local/share/gforth/0.8.0:..
  • LANG – see LC_CTYPE
  • LC_ALL – see LC_CTYPE
  • LC_CTYPE – If this variable contains “UTF-8” on Gforth startup, Gforth uses the UTF-8 encoding for strings internally and expects its input and produces its output in UTF-8 encoding, otherwise the encoding is 8bit (see see Xchars and Unicode). If this environment variable is unset, Gforth looks in LC_ALL, and if that is unset, in LANG.
  • GFORTHSYSTEMPREFIX – specifies what to prepend to the argument of system before passing it to C’s system(). Default: "./$COMSPEC /c " on Windows, "" on other OSs. The prefix and the command are directly concatenated, so if a space between them is necessary, append it to the prefix.
  • GFORTH – used by gforthmi, See gforthmi.
  • GFORTHD – used by gforthmi, See gforthmi.
  • TMP, TEMP - (non-Unix systems only) used as a potential location for the history file.

All the Gforth environment variables default to sensible values if they are not set.

2.6 Gforth files

When you install Gforth on a Unix system, it installs files in these locations by default:

  • /usr/local/bin/gforth
  • /usr/local/bin/gforthmi
  • /usr/local/man/man1/gforth.1 - man page.
  • /usr/local/info - the Info version of this manual.
  • /usr/local/lib/gforth/<version>/... - Gforth .fi files.
  • /usr/local/share/gforth/<version>/TAGS - Emacs TAGS file.
  • /usr/local/share/gforth/<version>/... - Gforth source files.
  • .../emacs/site-lisp/gforth.el - Emacs gforth mode.

You can select different places for installation by using configure options (listed with configure --help).

2.7 Gforth in pipes

Gforth can be used in pipes created elsewhere (described in the following). It can also create pipes on its own (see Pipes).

If you pipe into Gforth, your program should read with read-file or read-line from stdin (see General files). Key does not recognize the end of input. Words like accept echo the input and are therefore usually not useful for reading from a pipe. You have to invoke the Forth program with an OS command-line option, as you have no chance to use the Forth command line (the text interpreter would try to interpret the pipe input).

You can output to a pipe with type, emit, cr etc.

When you write to a pipe that has been closed at the other end, Gforth receives a SIGPIPE signal (“pipe broken”). Gforth translates this into the exception broken-pipe-error. If your application does not catch that exception, the system catches it and exits, usually silently (unless you were working on the Forth command line; then it prints an error message and exits). This is usually the desired behaviour.

If you do not like this behaviour, you have to catch the exception yourself, and react to it.

Here’s an example of an invocation of Gforth that is usable in a pipe:

gforth -e ": foo begin pad dup 10 stdin read-file throw dup while \
 type repeat ; foo bye"

This example just copies the input verbatim to the output. A very simple pipe containing this example looks like this:

cat startup.fs |
gforth -e ": foo begin pad dup 80 stdin read-file throw dup while \
 type repeat ; foo bye"|

Pipes involving Gforth’s stderr output do not work.

2.8 Startup speed

If Gforth is used for CGI scripts or in shell scripts, its startup speed may become a problem. On a 3GHz Core 2 Duo E8400 under 64-bit Linux with libc-2.7, gforth-fast -e bye takes 13.1ms user and 1.2ms system time (gforth -e bye is faster on startup with about 3.4ms user time and 1.2ms system time, because it subsumes some of the options discussed below).

If startup speed is a problem, you may consider the following ways to improve it; or you may consider ways to reduce the number of startups (for example, by using Fast-CGI). Note that the first steps below improve the startup time at the cost of run-time (including compile-time), so whether they are profitable depends on the balance of these times in your application.

An easy step that influences Gforth startup speed is the use of a number of options that increase run-time, but decrease image-loading time.

The first of these that you should try is --ss-number=0 --ss-states=1 because this option buys relatively little run-time speedup and costs quite a bit of time at startup. gforth-fast --ss-number=0 --ss-states=1 -e bye takes about 2.8ms user and 1.5ms system time.

The next option is --no-dynamic which has a substantial impact on run-time (about a factor of 2 on several platforms), but still makes startup speed a little faster: gforth-fast --ss-number=0 --ss-states=1 --no-dynamic -e bye consumes about 2.6ms user and 1.2ms system time.

The next step to improve startup speed is to use a data-relocatable image (see Data-Relocatable Image Files). This avoids the relocation cost for the code in the image (but not for the data). Note that the image is then specific to the particular binary you are using (i.e., whether it is gforth, gforth-fast, and even the particular build). You create the data-relocatable image that works with ./gforth-fast with GFORTHD="./gforth-fast --no-dynamic" gforthmi (the --no-dynamic is required here or the image will not work). And you run it with gforth-fast -i ... -e bye (the flags discussed above don’t matter here, because they only come into play on relocatable code). gforth-fast -i -e bye takes about 1.1ms user and 1.2ms system time.

One step further is to avoid all relocation cost and part of the copy-on-write cost through using a non-relocatable image (see Non-Relocatable Image Files). However, this has the disadvantage that it does not work on operating systems with address space randomization (the default in, e.g., Linux nowadays), or if the dictionary moves for any other reason (e.g., because of a change of the OS kernel or an updated library), so we cannot really recommend it. You create a non-relocatable image with gforth-fast --no-dynamic -e "savesystem bye" (the --no-dynamic is required here, too). And you run it with gforth-fast -i ... -e bye (again the flags discussed above don’t matter). gforth-fast -i -e bye takes about 0.9ms user and 0.9ms system time.

If the script you want to execute contains a significant amount of code, it may be profitable to compile it into the image to avoid the cost of compiling it at startup time.

3 Forth Tutorial

The difference of this chapter from the Introduction (see An Introduction to Standard Forth) is that this tutorial is more fast-paced, should be used while sitting in front of a computer, and covers much more material, but does not explain how the Forth system works.

This tutorial can be used with any Standard-compliant Forth; any Gforth-specific features are marked as such and you can skip them if you work with another Forth. This tutorial does not explain all features of Forth, just enough to get you started and give you some ideas about the facilities available in Forth. Read the rest of the manual when you are through this.

The intended way to use this tutorial is that you work through it while sitting in front of the console, take a look at the examples and predict what they will do, then try them out; if the outcome is not as expected, find out why (e.g., by trying out variations of the example), so you understand what’s going on. There are also some assignments that you should solve.

This tutorial assumes that you have programmed before and know what, e.g., a loop is.

3.1 Starting Gforth

You can start Gforth by typing its name:


That puts you into interactive mode; you can leave Gforth by typing bye. While in Gforth, you can edit the command line and access the command line history with cursor keys, similar to bash.

3.2 Syntax

A word is a sequence of arbitrary characters (except white space). Words are separated by white space. E.g., each of the following lines contains exactly one word:


A frequent beginner’s error is to leave out necessary white space, resulting in an error like ‘Undefined word’; so if you see such an error, check if you have put spaces wherever necessary.

." hello, world" \ correct
."hello, world"  \ gives an "Undefined word" error

Gforth and most other Forth systems ignore differences in case (they are case-insensitive), i.e., ‘word’ is the same as ‘Word’. If your system is case-sensitive, you may have to type all the examples given here in upper case.

3.3 Crash Course

Forth does not prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot. Let’s try a few ways to crash Gforth:

0 0 !
here execute
' catch >body 20 erase abort
' (quit1) >body 20 erase

The last two examples are guaranteed to destroy important parts of Gforth (and most other systems), so you better leave Gforth afterwards (if it has not finished by itself). On some systems you may have to kill gforth from outside (e.g., in Unix with kill).

You will find out later what these lines do and then you will get an idea why they produce crashes.

Now that you know how to produce crashes (and that there’s not much to them), let’s learn how to produce meaningful programs.

3.4 Stack

The most obvious feature of Forth is the stack. When you type in a number, it is pushed on the stack. You can display the contents of the stack with .s.

1 2 .s
3 .s

.s displays the top-of-stack to the right, i.e., the numbers appear in .s output as they appeared in the input.

You can print the top element of the stack with ..

1 2 3 . . .

In general, words consume their stack arguments (.s is an exception).

Assignment: What does the stack contain after 5 6 7 .?

3.5 Arithmetics

The words +, -, *, /, and mod always operate on the top two stack items:

2 2 .s
+ .s
2 1 - .
7 3 mod .

The operands of -, /, and mod are in the same order as in the corresponding infix expression (this is generally the case in Forth).

Parentheses are superfluous (and not available), because the order of the words unambiguously determines the order of evaluation and the operands:

3 4 + 5 * .
3 4 5 * + .

Assignment: What are the infix expressions corresponding to the Forth code above? Write 6-7*8+9 in Forth notation3.

To change the sign, use negate:

2 negate .

Assignment: Convert -(-3)*4-5 to Forth.

/mod performs both / and mod.

7 3 /mod . .

Reference: Arithmetic.

3.6 Stack Manipulation

Stack manipulation words rearrange the data on the stack.

1 .s drop .s
1 .s dup .s drop drop .s
1 2 .s over .s drop drop drop
1 2 .s swap .s drop drop
1 2 3 .s rot .s drop drop drop

These are the most important stack manipulation words. There are also variants that manipulate twice as many stack items:

1 2 3 4 .s 2swap .s 2drop 2drop

Two more stack manipulation words are:

1 2 .s nip .s drop
1 2 .s tuck .s 2drop drop

Assignment: Replace nip and tuck with combinations of other stack manipulation words.

Given:          How do you get:
1 2 3           3 2 1           
1 2 3           1 2 3 2                 
1 2 3           1 2 3 3                 
1 2 3           1 3 3           
1 2 3           2 1 3           
1 2 3 4         4 3 2 1         
1 2 3           1 2 3 1 2 3             
1 2 3 4         1 2 3 4 1 2             
1 2 3
1 2 3           1 2 3 4                 
1 2 3           1 3             
5 dup * .

Assignment: Write 17^3 and 17^4 in Forth, without writing 17 more than once. Write a piece of Forth code that expects two numbers on the stack (a and b, with b on top) and computes (a-b)(a+1).

Reference: Stack Manipulation.

3.7 Using files for Forth code

While working at the Forth command line is convenient for one-line examples and short one-off code, you probably want to store your source code in files for convenient editing and persistence. You can use your favourite editor (Gforth includes Emacs support, see Emacs and Gforth) to create file.fs and use

s" file.fs" included

to load it into your Forth system. The file name extension I use for Forth files is ‘.fs’.

You can easily start Gforth with some files loaded like this:

gforth file1.fs file2.fs

If an error occurs during loading these files, Gforth terminates, whereas an error during INCLUDED within Gforth usually gives you a Gforth command line. Starting the Forth system every time gives you a clean start every time, without interference from the results of earlier tries.

I often put all the tests in a file, then load the code and run the tests with

gforth code.fs tests.fs -e bye

(often by performing this command with C-x C-e in Emacs). The -e bye ensures that Gforth terminates afterwards so that I can restart this command without ado.

The advantage of this approach is that the tests can be repeated easily every time the program ist changed, making it easy to catch bugs introduced by the change.

Reference: Forth source files.


\ That's a comment; it ends at the end of the line
( Another comment; it ends here: )  .s

\ and ( are ordinary Forth words and therefore have to be separated with white space from the following text.

\This gives an "Undefined word" error

The first ) ends a comment started with (, so you cannot nest (-comments; and you cannot comment out text containing a ) with ( ... )4.

I use \-comments for descriptive text and for commenting out code of one or more line; I use (-comments for describing the stack effect, the stack contents, or for commenting out sub-line pieces of code.

The Emacs mode gforth.el (see Emacs and Gforth) supports these uses by commenting out a region with C-x \, uncommenting a region with C-u C-x \, and filling a \-commented region with M-q.

Reference: Comments.

3.9 Colon Definitions

are similar to procedures and functions in other programming languages.

: squared ( n -- n^2 )
   dup * ;
5 squared .
7 squared .

: starts the colon definition; its name is squared. The following comment describes its stack effect. The words dup * are not executed, but compiled into the definition. ; ends the colon definition.

The newly-defined word can be used like any other word, including using it in other definitions:

: cubed ( n -- n^3 )
   dup squared * ;
-5 cubed .
: fourth-power ( n -- n^4 )
   squared squared ;
3 fourth-power .

Assignment: Write colon definitions for nip, tuck, negate, and /mod in terms of other Forth words, and check if they work (hint: test your tests on the originals first). Don’t let the ‘redefined’-Messages spook you, they are just warnings.

Reference: Colon Definitions.

3.10 Decompilation

You can decompile colon definitions with see:

see squared
see cubed

In Gforth see shows you a reconstruction of the source code from the executable code. Informations that were present in the source, but not in the executable code, are lost (e.g., comments).

You can also decompile the predefined words:

see .
see +

3.11 Stack-Effect Comments

By convention the comment after the name of a definition describes the stack effect: The part in front of the ‘--’ describes the state of the stack before the execution of the definition, i.e., the parameters that are passed into the colon definition; the part behind the ‘--’ is the state of the stack after the execution of the definition, i.e., the results of the definition. The stack comment only shows the top stack items that the definition accesses and/or changes.

You should put a correct stack effect on every definition, even if it is just ( -- ). You should also add some descriptive comment to more complicated words (I usually do this in the lines following :). If you don’t do this, your code becomes unreadable (because you have to work through every definition before you can understand any).

Assignment: The stack effect of swap can be written like this: x1 x2 -- x2 x1. Describe the stack effect of -, drop, dup, over, rot, nip, and tuck. Hint: When you are done, you can compare your stack effects to those in this manual (see Word Index).

Sometimes programmers put comments at various places in colon definitions that describe the contents of the stack at that place (stack comments); i.e., they are like the first part of a stack-effect comment. E.g.,

: cubed ( n -- n^3 )
   dup squared  ( n n^2 ) * ;

In this case the stack comment is pretty superfluous, because the word is simple enough. If you think it would be a good idea to add such a comment to increase readability, you should also consider factoring the word into several simpler words (see Factoring), which typically eliminates the need for the stack comment; however, if you decide not to refactor it, then having such a comment is better than not having it.

The names of the stack items in stack-effect and stack comments in the standard, in this manual, and in many programs specify the type through a type prefix, similar to Fortran and Hungarian notation. The most frequent prefixes are:


signed integer


unsigned integer




Boolean flags, i.e. false or true.


Cell-aligned address


Char-aligned address (note that a Char may have two bytes in Windows NT)


Execution token, same size as Cell


Cell, can contain an integer or an address. It usually takes 32, 64 or 16 bits (depending on your platform and Forth system). A cell is more commonly known as machine word, but the term word already means something different in Forth.


signed double-cell integer


unsigned double-cell integer


Float (on the FP stack)

You can find a more complete list in Notation.

Assignment: Write stack-effect comments for all definitions you have written up to now.

3.12 Types

In Forth the names of the operations are not overloaded; so similar operations on different types need different names; e.g., + adds integers, and you have to use f+ to add floating-point numbers. The following prefixes are often used for related operations on different types:


signed integer


unsigned integer




signed double-cell integer

ud, du

unsigned double-cell integer


two cells (not-necessarily double-cell numbers)

m, um

mixed single-cell and double-cell operations


floating-point (note that in stack comments ‘f’ represents flags, and ‘r’ represents FP numbers; also, you need to include the exponent part in literal FP numbers, see Floating Point).

If there are no differences between the signed and the unsigned variant (e.g., for +), there is only the prefix-less variant.

Forth does not perform type checking, neither at compile time, nor at run time. If you use the wrong operation, the data are interpreted incorrectly:

-1 u.

If you have only experience with type-checked languages until now, and have heard how important type-checking is, don’t panic! In my experience (and that of other Forthers), type errors in Forth code are usually easy to find (once you get used to it), the increased vigilance of the programmer tends to catch some harder errors in addition to most type errors, and you never have to work around the type system, so in most situations the lack of type-checking seems to be a win (projects to add type checking to Forth have not caught on).

3.13 Factoring

If you try to write longer definitions, you will soon find it hard to keep track of the stack contents. Therefore, good Forth programmers tend to write only short definitions (e.g., three lines). The art of finding meaningful short definitions is known as factoring (as in factoring polynomials).

Well-factored programs offer additional advantages: smaller, more general words, are easier to test and debug and can be reused more and better than larger, specialized words.

So, if you run into difficulties with stack management, when writing code, try to define meaningful factors for the word, and define the word in terms of those. Even if a factor contains only two words, it is often helpful.

Good factoring is not easy, and it takes some practice to get the knack for it; but even experienced Forth programmers often don’t find the right solution right away, but only when rewriting the program. So, if you don’t come up with a good solution immediately, keep trying, don’t despair.

3.14 Designing the stack effect

In other languages you can use an arbitrary order of parameters for a function; and since there is only one result, you don’t have to deal with the order of results, either.

In Forth (and other stack-based languages, e.g., PostScript) the parameter and result order of a definition is important and should be designed well. The general guideline is to design the stack effect such that the word is simple to use in most cases, even if that complicates the implementation of the word. Some concrete rules are:

  • Words consume all of their parameters (e.g., .).
  • If there is a convention on the order of parameters (e.g., from mathematics or another programming language), stick with it (e.g., -).
  • If one parameter usually requires only a short computation (e.g., it is a constant), pass it on the top of the stack. Conversely, parameters that usually require a long sequence of code to compute should be passed as the bottom (i.e., first) parameter. This makes the code easier to read, because the reader does not need to keep track of the bottom item through a long sequence of code (or, alternatively, through stack manipulations). E.g., ! (store, see Memory) expects the address on top of the stack because it is usually simpler to compute than the stored value (often the address is just a variable).
  • Similarly, results that are usually consumed quickly should be returned on the top of stack, whereas a result that is often used in long computations should be passed as bottom result. E.g., the file words like open-file return the error code on the top of stack, because it is usually consumed quickly by throw; moreover, the error code has to be checked before doing anything with the other results.

These rules are just general guidelines, don’t lose sight of the overall goal to make the words easy to use. E.g., if the convention rule conflicts with the computation-length rule, you might decide in favour of the convention if the word will be used rarely, and in favour of the computation-length rule if the word will be used frequently (because with frequent use the cost of breaking the computation-length rule would be quite high, and frequent use makes it easier to remember an unconventional order).

3.15 Local Variables

You can define local variables (locals) in a colon definition:

: swap { a b -- b a }
  b a ;
1 2 swap .s 2drop

(If your Forth system does not support this syntax, include compat/anslocal.fs first).

In this example { a b -- b a } is the locals definition; it takes two cells from the stack, puts the top of stack in b and the next stack element in a. -- starts a comment ending with }. After the locals definition, using the name of the local will push its value on the stack. You can omit the comment part (-- b a):

: swap ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
  { a b } b a ;

In Gforth you can have several locals definitions, anywhere in a colon definition; in contrast, in a standard program you can have only one locals definition per colon definition, and that locals definition must be outside any control structure.

With locals you can write slightly longer definitions without running into stack trouble. However, I recommend trying to write colon definitions without locals for exercise purposes to help you gain the essential factoring skills.

Assignment: Rewrite your definitions until now with locals

Reference: Locals.

3.16 Conditional execution

In Forth you can use control structures only inside colon definitions. An if-structure looks like this:

: abs ( n1 -- +n2 )
    dup 0 < if
    endif ;
5 abs .
-5 abs .

if takes a flag from the stack. If the flag is non-zero (true), the following code is performed, otherwise execution continues after the endif (or else). < compares the top two stack elements and produces a flag:

1 2 < .
2 1 < .
1 1 < .

Actually the standard name for endif is then. This tutorial presents the examples using endif, because this is often less confusing for people familiar with other programming languages where then has a different meaning. If your system does not have endif, define it with

: endif postpone then ; immediate

You can optionally use an else-part:

: min ( n1 n2 -- n )
  2dup < if
  endif ;
2 3 min .
3 2 min .

Assignment: Write min without else-part (hint: what’s the definition of nip?).

Reference: Selection.

3.17 Flags and Comparisons

In a false-flag all bits are clear (0 when interpreted as integer). In a canonical true-flag all bits are set (-1 as a twos-complement signed integer); in many contexts (e.g., if) any non-zero value is treated as true flag.

false .
true .
true hex u. decimal

Comparison words produce canonical flags:

1 1 = .
1 0= .
0 1 < .
0 0 < .
-1 1 u< . \ type error, u< interprets -1 as large unsigned number
-1 1 < .

Gforth supports all combinations of the prefixes 0 u d d0 du f f0 (or none) and the comparisons = <> < > <= >=. Only a part of these combinations are standard (for details see the standard, Numeric comparison, Floating Point or Word Index).

You can use and or xor invert as operations on canonical flags. Actually they are bitwise operations:

1 2 and .
1 2 or .
1 3 xor .
1 invert .

You can convert a zero/non-zero flag into a canonical flag with 0<> (and complement it on the way with 0=; indeed, it is more common to use 0= instead of invert for canonical flags).

1 0= .
1 0<> .

While you can use if without 0<> to test for zero/non-zero, you sometimes need to use 0<> when combining zero/non-zero values with and or xor because of their bitwise nature. The simplest, least error-prone, and probably clearest way is to use 0<> in all these cases, but in some cases you can use fewer 0<>s. Here are some stack effects, where fc represents a canonical flag, and fz represents zero/non-zero (every fc also works as fz):

or  ( fz1 fz2 -- fz3 )
and ( fz1 fc  -- fz2 )
and ( fc  fz1 -- fz2 )

So, if you see code like this:

( n1 n2 ) 0<> and if

This tests whether n1 and n2 are non-zero and if yes, performs the code after if; it treats n1 as zero/non-zero and uses 0<> to convert n2 into a canonical flag; the and then produces an fz, which is consumed by the if.

You can use the all-bits-set feature of canonical flags and the bitwise operation of the Boolean operations to avoid ifs:

: foo ( n1 -- n2 )
  0= if
  endif ;
0 foo .
1 foo .

: foo ( n1 -- n2 )
  0= 14 and ;
0 foo .
1 foo .

Assignment: Write min without if.

For reference, see Boolean Flags, Numeric comparison, and Bitwise operations.

3.18 General Loops

The endless loop is the most simple one:

: endless ( -- )
  0 begin
    dup . 1+
  again ;

Terminate this loop by pressing Ctrl-C (in Gforth). begin does nothing at run-time, again jumps back to begin.

A loop with one exit at any place looks like this:

: log2 ( +n1 -- n2 )
\ logarithmus dualis of n1>0, rounded down to the next integer
  assert( dup 0> )
  2/ 0 begin
    over 0> while
      1+ swap 2/ swap
  nip ;
7 log2 .
8 log2 .

At run-time while consumes a flag; if it is 0, execution continues behind the repeat; if the flag is non-zero, execution continues behind the while. Repeat jumps back to begin, just like again.

In Forth there are a number of combinations/abbreviations, like 1+. However, 2/ is not one of them; it shifts its argument right by one bit (arithmetic shift right), and viewed as division that always rounds towards negative infinity (floored division), like Gforth’s / (since Gforth 0.7), but unlike / in many other Forth systems.

-5 2 / . \ -2 or -3
-5 2/ .  \ -3

assert( is no standard word, but you can get it on systems other than Gforth by including compat/assert.fs. You can see what it does by trying

0 log2 .

Here’s a loop with an exit at the end:

: log2 ( +n1 -- n2 )
\ logarithmus dualis of n1>0, rounded down to the next integer
  assert( dup 0 > )
  -1 begin
    1+ swap 2/ swap
    over 0 <=
  nip ;

Until consumes a flag; if it is zero, execution continues at the begin, otherwise after the until.

Assignment: Write a definition for computing the greatest common divisor.

Reference: Simple Loops.

3.19 Counted loops

: ^ ( n1 u -- n )
\ n = the uth power of n1
  1 swap 0 u+do
    over *
  nip ;
3 2 ^ .
4 3 ^ .

U+do (from compat/loops.fs, if your Forth system doesn’t have it) takes two numbers of the stack ( u3 u4 -- ), and then performs the code between u+do and loop for u3-u4 times (or not at all, if u3-u4<0).

You can see the stack effect design rules at work in the stack effect of the loop start words: Since the start value of the loop is more frequently constant than the end value, the start value is passed on the top-of-stack.

You can access the counter of a counted loop with i:

: fac ( u -- u! )
  1 swap 1+ 1 u+do
    i *
  loop ;
5 fac .
7 fac .

There is also +do, which expects signed numbers (important for deciding whether to enter the loop).

Assignment: Write a definition for computing the nth Fibonacci number.

You can also use increments other than 1:

: up2 ( n1 n2 -- )
    i .
  2 +loop ;
10 0 up2

: down2 ( n1 n2 -- )
    i .
  2 -loop ;
0 10 down2

Reference: Counted Loops.

3.20 Recursion

Usually the name of a definition is not visible in the definition; but earlier definitions are usually visible:

1 0 / . \ "Floating-point unidentified fault" in Gforth on some platforms
: / ( n1 n2 -- n )
  dup 0= if
    -10 throw \ report division by zero
  /           \ old version
1 0 /

For recursive definitions you can use recursive (non-standard) or recurse:

: fac1 ( n -- n! ) recursive
 dup 0> if
   dup 1- fac1 *
   drop 1
 endif ;
7 fac1 .

: fac2 ( n -- n! )
 dup 0> if
   dup 1- recurse *
   drop 1
 endif ;
8 fac2 .

Assignment: Write a recursive definition for computing the nth Fibonacci number.

Reference (including indirect recursion): See Calls and returns.

3.21 Leaving definitions or loops

EXIT exits the current definition right away. For every counted loop that is left in this way, an UNLOOP has to be performed before the EXIT:

: ...
 ... u+do
   ... if
     ... unloop exit
 ... ;

LEAVE leaves the innermost counted loop right away:

: ...
 ... u+do
   ... if
     ... leave
 ... ;

Reference: Calls and returns, Counted Loops.

3.22 Return Stack

In addition to the data stack Forth also has a second stack, the return stack; most Forth systems store the return addresses of procedure calls there (thus its name). Programmers can also use this stack:

: foo ( n1 n2 -- )
 >r .s
 r@ .
 >r .s
 r@ .
 r> .
 r@ .
 r> . ;
1 2 foo

>r takes an element from the data stack and pushes it onto the return stack; conversely, r> moves an element from the return to the data stack; r@ pushes a copy of the top of the return stack on the data stack.

Forth programmers usually use the return stack for storing data temporarily, if using the data stack alone would be too complex, and factoring and locals are not an option:

: 2swap ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 )
 rot >r rot r> ;

The return address of the definition and the loop control parameters of counted loops usually reside on the return stack, so you have to take all items, that you have pushed on the return stack in a colon definition or counted loop, from the return stack before the definition or loop ends. You cannot access items that you pushed on the return stack outside some definition or loop within the definition of loop.

If you miscount the return stack items, this usually ends in a crash:

: crash ( n -- )
  >r ;
5 crash

You cannot mix using locals and using the return stack (according to the standard; Gforth has no problem). However, they solve the same problems, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

Assignment: Can you rewrite any of the definitions you wrote until now in a better way using the return stack?

Reference: Return stack.

3.23 Memory

You can create a global variable v with

variable v ( -- addr )

v pushes the address of a cell in memory on the stack. This cell was reserved by variable. You can use ! (store) to store values from the stack into this cell and @ (fetch) to load the value from memory onto the stack:

v .
5 v ! .s
v @ .

You can see a raw dump of memory with dump:

v 1 cells .s dump

Cells ( n1 -- n2 ) gives you the number of bytes (or, more generally, address units (aus)) that n1 cells occupy. You can also reserve more memory:

create v2 20 cells allot
v2 20 cells dump

creates a variable-like word v2 and reserves 20 uninitialized cells; the address pushed by v2 points to the start of these 20 cells (see CREATE). You can use address arithmetic to access these cells:

3 v2 5 cells + !
v2 20 cells dump

You can reserve and initialize memory with ,:

create v3
  5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,
v3 @ .
v3 cell+ @ .
v3 2 cells + @ .
v3 5 cells dump

Assignment: Write a definition vsum ( addr u -- n ) that computes the sum of u cells, with the first of these cells at addr, the next one at addr cell+ etc.

The difference between variable and create is that variable allots a cell, and that you cannot allot additional memory to a variable in standard Forth.

You can also reserve memory without creating a new word:

here 10 cells allot .
here .

The first here pushes the start address of the memory area, the second here the address after the dictionary area. You should store the start address somewhere, or you will have a hard time finding the memory area again.

Allot manages dictionary memory. The dictionary memory contains the system’s data structures for words etc. on Gforth and most other Forth systems. It is managed like a stack: You can free the memory that you have just alloted with

-10 cells allot
here .

Note that you cannot do this if you have created a new word in the meantime (because then your alloted memory is no longer on the top of the dictionary “stack”).

Alternatively, you can use allocate and free which allow freeing memory in any order:

10 cells allocate throw .s
20 cells allocate throw .s
free throw
free throw

The throws deal with errors (e.g., out of memory).

And there is also a garbage collector, which eliminates the need to free memory explicitly.

Reference: Memory.

3.24 Characters and Strings

On the stack characters take up a cell, like numbers. In memory they have their own size (one 8-bit byte on most systems), and therefore require their own words for memory access:

create v4 
  104 c, 97 c, 108 c, 108 c, 111 c,
v4 4 chars + c@ .
v4 5 chars dump

The preferred representation of strings on the stack is addr u-count, where addr is the address of the first character and u-count is the number of characters in the string.

v4 5 type

You get a string constant with

s" hello, world" .s

Make sure you have a space between s" and the string; s" is a normal Forth word and must be delimited with white space (try what happens when you remove the space).

However, this interpretive use of s" is quite restricted: the string exists only until the next call of s" (some Forth systems keep more than one of these strings, but usually they still have a limited lifetime).

s" hello," s" world" .s

You can also use s" in a definition, and the resulting strings then live forever (well, for as long as the definition):

: foo s" hello," s" world" ;
foo .s

Assignment: Emit ( c -- ) types c as character (not a number). Implement type ( addr u -- ).

Reference: Memory Blocks.

3.25 Alignment

On many processors cells have to be aligned in memory, if you want to access them with @ and ! (and even if the processor does not require alignment, access to aligned cells is faster).

Create aligns here (i.e., the place where the next allocation will occur, and that the created word points to). Likewise, the memory produced by allocate starts at an aligned address. Adding a number of cells to an aligned address produces another aligned address.

However, address arithmetic involving char+ and chars can create an address that is not cell-aligned. Aligned ( addr -- a-addr ) produces the next aligned address:

v3 char+ aligned .s @ .
v3 char+ .s @ .

Similarly, align advances here to the next aligned address:

create v5 97 c,
here .
align here .
1000 ,

Note that you should use aligned addresses even if your processor does not require them, if you want your program to be portable.

Reference: Address arithmetic.

3.26 Floating Point

Floating-point (FP) numbers and arithmetic in Forth works mostly as one might expect, but there are a few things worth noting:

The first point is not specific to Forth, but so important and yet not universally known that I mention it here: FP numbers are not reals. Many properties (e.g., arithmetic laws) that reals have and that one expects of all kinds of numbers do not hold for FP numbers. If you want to use FP computations, you should learn about their problems and how to avoid them; a good starting point is David Goldberg, What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, ACM Computing Surveys 23(1):5−48, March 1991.

In Forth source code literal FP numbers need an exponent, e.g., 1e0; this can also be written shorter as 1e, longer as +1.0e+0, and many variations in between. The reason for this is that, for historical reasons, Forth interprets a decimal point alone (e.g., 1.) as indicating a double-cell integer. Examples:

2e 2e f+ f.

Another requirement for literal FP numbers is that the current base is decimal; with a hex base 1e is interpreted as an integer.

Forth has a separate stack for FP numbers in conformance with Forth-2012. One advantage of this model is that cells are not in the way when accessing FP values, and vice versa. Forth has a set of words for manipulating the FP stack: fdup fswap fdrop fover frot and (non-standard) fnip ftuck fpick.

FP arithmetic words are prefixed with F. There is the usual set f+ f- f* f/ f** fnegate as well as a number of words for other functions, e.g., fsqrt fsin fln fmin. One word that you might expect is f=; but f= is non-standard, because FP computation results are usually inaccurate, so exact comparison is usually a mistake, and one should use approximate comparison. Unfortunately, f~, the standard word for that purpose, is not well designed, so Gforth provides f~abs and f~rel as well.

And of course there are words for accessing FP numbers in memory (f@ f!), and for address arithmetic (floats float+ faligned). There are also variants of these words with an sf and df prefix for accessing IEEE format single-precision and double-precision numbers in memory; their main purpose is for accessing external FP data (e.g., that has been read from or will be written to a file).

Here is an example of a dot-product word and its use:

: v* ( f_addr1 nstride1 f_addr2 nstride2 ucount -- r )
  >r swap 2swap swap 0e r> 0 ?DO
    dup f@ over + 2swap dup f@ f* f+ over + 2swap
  2drop 2drop ;

create v 1.23e f, 4.56e f, 7.89e f,

v 1 floats  v 1 floats  3  v* f.

Assignment: Write a program to solve a quadratic equation. Then read Henry G. Baker, You Could Learn a Lot from a Quadratic, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 33(1):30−39, January 1998, and see if you can improve your program. Finally, find a test case where the original and the improved version produce different results.

Reference: Floating Point; Floating point stack; Number Conversion; Memory Access; Address arithmetic.

3.27 Files

This section gives a short introduction into how to use files inside Forth. It’s broken up into five easy steps:

  1. Open an ASCII text file for input
  2. Open a file for output
  3. Read input file until string matches (or some other condition is met)
  4. Write some lines from input (modified or not) to output
  5. Close the files.

Reference: General files.

3.27.1 Open file for input

s""  r/o open-file throw Value fd-in

3.27.2 Create file for output

s" foo.out" w/o create-file throw Value fd-out

The available file modes are r/o for read-only access, r/w for read-write access, and w/o for write-only access. You could open both files with r/w, too, if you like. All file words return error codes; for most applications, it’s best to pass there error codes with throw to the outer error handler.

If you want words for opening and assigning, define them as follows:

0 Value fd-in
0 Value fd-out
: open-input ( addr u -- )  r/o open-file throw to fd-in ;
: open-output ( addr u -- )  w/o create-file throw to fd-out ;

Usage example:

s"" open-input
s" foo.out" open-output

3.27.3 Scan file for a particular line

256 Constant max-line
Create line-buffer  max-line 2 + allot

: scan-file ( addr u -- )
      line-buffer max-line fd-in read-line throw
         >r 2dup line-buffer r> compare 0=
  2drop ;

read-line ( addr u1 fd -- u2 flag ior ) reads up to u1 bytes into the buffer at addr, and returns the number of bytes read, a flag that is false when the end of file is reached, and an error code.

compare ( addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- n ) compares two strings and returns zero if both strings are equal. It returns a positive number if the first string is lexically greater, a negative if the second string is lexically greater.

We haven’t seen this loop here; it has two exits. Since the while exits with the number of bytes read on the stack, we have to clean up that separately; that’s after the else.

Usage example:

s" The text I search is here" scan-file

3.27.4 Copy input to output

: copy-file ( -- )
      line-buffer max-line fd-in read-line throw
      line-buffer swap fd-out write-line throw
  drop ;

3.27.5 Close files

fd-in close-file throw
fd-out close-file throw

Likewise, you can put that into definitions, too:

: close-input ( -- )  fd-in close-file throw ;
: close-output ( -- )  fd-out close-file throw ;

Assignment: How could you modify copy-file so that it copies until a second line is matched? Can you write a program that extracts a section of a text file, given the line that starts and the line that terminates that section?

3.28 Interpretation and Compilation Semantics and Immediacy

When a word is compiled, it behaves differently from being interpreted. E.g., consider +:

1 2 + .
: foo + ;

These two behaviours are known as compilation and interpretation semantics. For normal words (e.g., +), the compilation semantics is to append the interpretation semantics to the currently defined word (foo in the example above). I.e., when foo is executed later, the interpretation semantics of + (i.e., adding two numbers) will be performed.

However, there are words with non-default compilation semantics, e.g., the control-flow words like if. You can use immediate to change the compilation semantics of the last defined word to be equal to the interpretation semantics:

: [FOO] ( -- )
 5 . ; immediate

: bar ( -- )
  [FOO] ;
see bar

Two conventions to mark words with non-default compilation semantics are names with brackets (more frequently used) and to write them all in upper case (less frequently used).

For some words, such as if, using their interpretation semantics is usually a mistake, so we mark them as compile-only, and you get a warning when you interpret them.

: flip ( -- )
 6 . ; compile-only \ but not immediate

: flop ( -- )
 flip ;

In this example, first the interpretation semantics of flip is used (and you get a warning); the second use of flip uses the compilation semantics (and you get no warning). You can also see in this example that compile-only is a property that is evaluated at text interpretation time, not at run-time.

The text interpreter has two states: in interpret state, it performs the interpretation semantics of words it encounters; in compile state, it performs the compilation semantics of these words.

Among other things, : switches into compile state, and ; switches back to interpret state. They contain the factors ] (switch to compile state) and [ (switch to interpret state), that do nothing but switch the state.

: xxx ( -- )
  [ 5 . ]

see xxx

These brackets are also the source of the naming convention mentioned above.

Reference: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics.

3.29 Execution Tokens

' word gives you the execution token (XT) of a word. The XT is a cell representing the interpretation semantics of a word. You can execute this semantics with execute:

' + .s
1 2 rot execute .

The XT is similar to a function pointer in C. However, parameter passing through the stack makes it a little more flexible:

: map-array ( ... addr u xt -- ... )
\ executes xt ( ... x -- ... ) for every element of the array starting
\ at addr and containing u elements
  { xt }
  cells over + swap ?do
    i @ xt execute
  1 cells +loop ;

create a 3 , 4 , 2 , -1 , 4 ,
a 5 ' . map-array .s
0 a 5 ' + map-array .
s" max-n" environment? drop .s
a 5 ' min map-array .

You can use map-array with the XTs of words that consume one element more than they produce. In theory you can also use it with other XTs, but the stack effect then depends on the size of the array, which is hard to understand.

Since XTs are cell-sized, you can store them in memory and manipulate them on the stack like other cells. You can also compile the XT into a word with compile,:

: foo1 ( n1 n2 -- n )
   [ ' + compile, ] ;
see foo1

This is non-standard, because compile, has no compilation semantics in the standard, but it works in good Forth systems. For the broken ones, use

: [compile,] compile, ; immediate

: foo1 ( n1 n2 -- n )
   [ ' + ] [compile,] ;
see foo1

' is a word with default compilation semantics; it parses the next word when its interpretation semantics are executed, not during compilation:

: foo ( -- xt )
  ' ;
see foo
: bar ( ... "word" -- ... )
  ' execute ;
see bar
1 2 bar + .

You often want to parse a word during compilation and compile its XT so it will be pushed on the stack at run-time. ['] does this:

: xt-+ ( -- xt )
  ['] + ;
see xt-+
1 2 xt-+ execute .

Many programmers tend to see ' and the word it parses as one unit, and expect it to behave like ['] when compiled, and are confused by the actual behaviour. If you are, just remember that the Forth system just takes ' as one unit and has no idea that it is a parsing word (attempts to convenience programmers in this issue have usually resulted in even worse pitfalls, see State-smartness—Why it is evil and How to Exorcise it).

Note that the state of the interpreter does not come into play when creating and executing XTs. I.e., even when you execute ' in compile state, it still gives you the interpretation semantics. And whatever that state is, execute performs the semantics represented by the XT (i.e., for XTs produced with ' the interpretation semantics).

Reference: Tokens for Words.

3.30 Exceptions

throw ( n -- ) causes an exception unless n is zero.

100 throw .s
0 throw .s

catch ( ... xt -- ... n ) behaves similar to execute, but it catches exceptions and pushes the number of the exception on the stack (or 0, if the xt executed without exception). If there was an exception, the stacks have the same depth as when entering catch:

3 0 ' / catch .s
3 2 ' / catch .s

Assignment: Try the same with execute instead of catch.

Throw always jumps to the dynamically next enclosing catch, even if it has to leave several call levels to achieve this:

: foo 100 throw ;
: foo1 foo ." after foo" ;
: bar ['] foo1 catch ;
bar .

It is often important to restore a value upon leaving a definition, even if the definition is left through an exception. You can ensure this like this:

: ...
   ['] word-changing-x catch ( ... n )
   ( ... n ) throw ;

However, this is still not safe against, e.g., the user pressing Ctrl-C when execution is between the catch and restore-x.

Gforth provides an alternative exception handling syntax that is safe against such cases: try ... restore ... endtry. If the code between try and endtry has an exception, the stack depths are restored, the exception number is pushed on the stack, and the execution continues right after restore.

The safer equivalent to the restoration code above is

: ...
    word-changing-x 0
  throw ;

Reference: Exception Handling.

3.31 Defining Words

:, create, and variable are definition words: They define other words. Constant is another definition word:

5 constant foo
foo .

You can also use the prefixes 2 (double-cell) and f (floating point) with variable and constant.

You can also define your own defining words. E.g.:

: variable ( "name" -- )
  create 0 , ;

You can also define defining words that create words that do something other than just producing their address:

: constant ( n "name" -- )
  create ,
does> ( -- n )
  ( addr ) @ ;

5 constant foo
foo .

The definition of constant above ends at the does>; i.e., does> replaces ;, but it also does something else: It changes the last defined word such that it pushes the address of the body of the word and then performs the code after the does> whenever it is called.

In the example above, constant uses , to store 5 into the body of foo. When foo executes, it pushes the address of the body onto the stack, then (in the code after the does>) fetches the 5 from there.

The stack comment near the does> reflects the stack effect of the defined word, not the stack effect of the code after the does> (the difference is that the code expects the address of the body that the stack comment does not show).

You can use these definition words to do factoring in cases that involve (other) definition words. E.g., a field offset is always added to an address. Instead of defining

2 cells constant offset-field1

and using this like

( addr ) offset-field1 +

you can define a definition word

: simple-field ( n "name" -- )
  create ,
does> ( n1 -- n1+n )
  ( addr ) @ + ;

Definition and use of field offsets now look like this:

2 cells simple-field field1
create mystruct 4 cells allot
mystruct .s field1 .s drop

If you want to do something with the word without performing the code after the does>, you can access the body of a created word with >body ( xt -- addr ):

: value ( n "name" -- )
  create ,
does> ( -- n1 )
  @ ;
: to ( n "name" -- )
  ' >body ! ;

5 value foo
foo .
7 to foo
foo .

Assignment: Define defer ( "name" -- ), which creates a word that stores an XT (at the start the XT of abort), and upon execution executes the XT. Define is ( xt "name" -- ) that stores xt into name, a word defined with defer. Indirect recursion is one application of defer.

Reference: User-defined Defining Words.

3.32 Arrays and Records

Forth has no standard words for defining arrays, but you can build them yourself based on address arithmetic. You can also define words for defining arrays and records (see Defining Words).

One of the first projects a Forth newcomer sets out upon when learning about defining words is an array defining word (possibly for n-dimensional arrays). Go ahead and do it, I did it, too; you will learn something from it. However, don’t be disappointed when you later learn that you have little use for these words (inappropriate use would be even worse). I have not found a set of useful array words yet; the needs are just too diverse, and named, global arrays (the result of naive use of defining words) are often not flexible enough (e.g., consider how to pass them as parameters). Another such project is a set of words to help dealing with strings.

On the other hand, there is a useful set of record words, and it has been defined in compat/struct.fs; these words are predefined in Gforth. They are explained in depth elsewhere in this manual (see see Structures). The simple-field example above is simplified variant of fields in this package.


You can compile the compilation semantics (instead of compiling the interpretation semantics) of a word with POSTPONE:

: MY-+ ( Compilation: -- ; Run-time of compiled code: n1 n2 -- n )
 POSTPONE + ; immediate
: foo ( n1 n2 -- n )
 MY-+ ;
1 2 foo .
see foo

During the definition of foo the text interpreter performs the compilation semantics of MY-+, which performs the compilation semantics of +, i.e., it compiles + into foo.

This example also displays separate stack comments for the compilation semantics and for the stack effect of the compiled code. For words with default compilation semantics these stack effects are usually not displayed; the stack effect of the compilation semantics is always ( -- ) for these words, the stack effect for the compiled code is the stack effect of the interpretation semantics.

Note that the state of the interpreter does not come into play when performing the compilation semantics in this way. You can also perform it interpretively, e.g.:

: foo2 ( n1 n2 -- n )
 [ MY-+ ] ;
1 2 foo .
see foo

However, there are some broken Forth systems where this does not always work, and therefore this practice was been declared non-standard in 1999.

Here is another example for using POSTPONE:

: MY-- ( Compilation: -- ; Run-time of compiled code: n1 n2 -- n )
 POSTPONE negate POSTPONE + ; immediate compile-only
: bar ( n1 n2 -- n )
  MY-- ;
2 1 bar .
see bar

You can define ENDIF in this way:

: ENDIF ( Compilation: orig -- )
  POSTPONE then ; immediate

Assignment: Write MY-2DUP that has compilation semantics equivalent to 2dup, but compiles over over.

3.34 Literal

You cannot POSTPONE numbers:

: [FOO] POSTPONE 500 ; immediate

Instead, you can use LITERAL (compilation: n --; run-time: -- n ):

: [FOO] ( compilation: --; run-time: -- n )
  500 POSTPONE literal ; immediate

: flip [FOO] ;
flip .
see flip

LITERAL consumes a number at compile-time (when it’s compilation semantics are executed) and pushes it at run-time (when the code it compiled is executed). A frequent use of LITERAL is to compile a number computed at compile time into the current word:

: bar ( -- n )
  [ 2 2 + ] literal ;
see bar

Assignment: Write ]L which allows writing the example above as : bar ( -- n ) [ 2 2 + ]L ;

3.35 Advanced macros

Reconsider map-array from Execution Tokens. It frequently performs execute, a relatively expensive operation in some Forth implementations. You can use compile, and POSTPONE to eliminate these executes and produce a word that contains the word to be performed directly:

: compile-map-array ( compilation: xt -- ; run-time: ... addr u -- ... )
\ at run-time, execute xt ( ... x -- ... ) for each element of the
\ array beginning at addr and containing u elements
  { xt }
    POSTPONE i POSTPONE @ xt compile,
  1 cells POSTPONE literal POSTPONE +loop ;

: sum-array ( addr u -- n )
 0 rot rot [ ' + compile-map-array ] ;
see sum-array
a 5 sum-array .

You can use the full power of Forth for generating the code; here’s an example where the code is generated in a loop:

: compile-vmul-step ( compilation: n --; run-time: n1 addr1 -- n2 addr2 )
\ n2=n1+(addr1)*n, addr2=addr1+cell
  POSTPONE swap POSTPONE cell+ ;

: compile-vmul ( compilation: addr1 u -- ; run-time: addr2 -- n )
\ n=v1*v2 (inner product), where the v_i are represented as addr_i u
  0 postpone literal postpone swap
  [ ' compile-vmul-step compile-map-array ]
  postpone drop ;
see compile-vmul

: a-vmul ( addr -- n )
\ n=a*v, where v is a vector that's as long as a and starts at addr
 [ a 5 compile-vmul ] ;
see a-vmul
a a-vmul .

This example uses compile-map-array to show off, but you could also use map-array instead (try it now!).

You can use this technique for efficient multiplication of large matrices. In matrix multiplication, you multiply every row of one matrix with every column of the other matrix. You can generate the code for one row once, and use it for every column. The only downside of this technique is that it is cumbersome to recover the memory consumed by the generated code when you are done (and in more complicated cases it is not possible portably).

3.36 Compilation Tokens

This section is Gforth-specific. You can skip it.

' word compile, compiles the interpretation semantics. For words with default compilation semantics this is the same as performing the compilation semantics. To represent the compilation semantics of other words (e.g., words like if that have no interpretation semantics), Gforth has the concept of a compilation token (CT, consisting of two cells), and words comp' and [comp']. You can perform the compilation semantics represented by a CT with execute:

: foo2 ( n1 n2 -- n )
   [ comp' + execute ] ;
see foo

You can compile the compilation semantics represented by a CT with postpone,:

: foo3 ( -- )
  [ comp' + postpone, ] ;
see foo3

[ comp' word postpone, ] is equivalent to POSTPONE word. comp' is particularly useful for words that have no interpretation semantics:

' if
comp' if .s 2drop

Reference: Tokens for Words.

3.37 Wordlists and Search Order

The dictionary is not just a memory area that allows you to allocate memory with allot, it also contains the Forth words, arranged in several wordlists. When searching for a word in a wordlist, conceptually you start searching at the youngest and proceed towards older words (in reality most systems nowadays use hash-tables); i.e., if you define a word with the same name as an older word, the new word shadows the older word.

Which wordlists are searched in which order is determined by the search order. You can display the search order with order. It displays first the search order, starting with the wordlist searched first, then it displays the wordlist that will contain newly defined words.

You can create a new, empty wordlist with wordlist ( -- wid ):

wordlist constant mywords

Set-current ( wid -- ) sets the wordlist that will contain newly defined words (the current wordlist):

mywords set-current

Gforth does not display a name for the wordlist in mywords because this wordlist was created anonymously with wordlist.

You can get the current wordlist with get-current ( -- wid). If you want to put something into a specific wordlist without overall effect on the current wordlist, this typically looks like this:

get-current mywords set-current ( wid )
create someword
( wid ) set-current

You can write the search order with set-order ( wid1 .. widn n -- ) and read it with get-order ( -- wid1 .. widn n ). The first searched wordlist is topmost.

get-order mywords swap 1+ set-order

Yes, the order of wordlists in the output of order is reversed from stack comments and the output of .s and thus unintuitive.

Assignment: Define >order ( wid -- ) which adds wid as first searched wordlist to the search order. Define previous ( -- ), which removes the first searched wordlist from the search order. Experiment with boundary conditions (you will see some crashes or situations that are hard or impossible to leave).

The search order is a powerful foundation for providing features similar to Modula-2 modules and C++ namespaces. However, trying to modularize programs in this way has disadvantages for debugging and reuse/factoring that overcome the advantages in my experience (I don’t do huge projects, though). These disadvantages are not so clear in other languages/programming environments, because these languages are not so strong in debugging and reuse.

Reference: Word Lists.

4 An Introduction to Standard Forth

The difference of this chapter from the Tutorial (see Forth Tutorial) is that it is slower-paced in its examples, but uses them to dive deep into explaining Forth internals (not covered by the Tutorial). Apart from that, this chapter covers far less material. It is suitable for reading without using a computer.

The primary purpose of this manual is to document Gforth. However, since Forth is not a widely-known language and there is a lack of up-to-date teaching material, it seems worthwhile to provide some introductory material. For other sources of Forth-related information, see Other Forth-related information.

The examples in this section should work on any Standard Forth; the output shown was produced using Gforth. Each example attempts to reproduce the exact output that Gforth produces. If you try out the examples (and you should), what you should type is shown like this and Gforth’s response is shown like this. The single exception is that, where the example shows RET it means that you should press the “carriage return” key. Unfortunately, some output formats for this manual cannot show the difference between this and this which will make trying out the examples harder (but not impossible).

Forth is an unusual language. It provides an interactive development environment which includes both an interpreter and compiler. Forth programming style encourages you to break a problem down into many small fragments (factoring), and then to develop and test each fragment interactively. Forth advocates assert that breaking the edit-compile-test cycle used by conventional programming languages can lead to great productivity improvements.

4.1 Introducing the Text Interpreter

When you invoke the Forth image, you will see a startup banner printed and nothing else (if you have Gforth installed on your system, try invoking it now, by typing gforthRET). Forth is now running its command line interpreter, which is called the Text Interpreter (also known as the Outer Interpreter). (You will learn a lot about the text interpreter as you read through this chapter, for more detail see The Text Interpreter).

Although it’s not obvious, Forth is actually waiting for your input. Type a number and press the RET key:

45RET  ok

Rather than give you a prompt to invite you to input something, the text interpreter prints a status message after it has processed a line of input. The status message in this case (“ ok” followed by carriage-return) indicates that the text interpreter was able to process all of your input successfully. Now type something illegal:

*the terminal*:2: Undefined word
$2A95B42A20 throw 
$2A95B57FB8 no.extensions 

The exact text, other than the “Undefined word” may differ slightly on your system, but the effect is the same; when the text interpreter detects an error, it discards any remaining text on a line, resets certain internal state and prints an error message. For a detailed description of error messages see Error messages.

The text interpreter waits for you to press carriage-return, and then processes your input line. Starting at the beginning of the line, it breaks the line into groups of characters separated by spaces. For each group of characters in turn, it makes two attempts to do something:

  • It tries to treat it as a command. It does this by searching a name dictionary. If the group of characters matches an entry in the name dictionary, the name dictionary provides the text interpreter with information that allows the text interpreter to perform some actions. In Forth jargon, we say that the group of characters names a word, that the dictionary search returns an execution token (xt) corresponding to the definition of the word, and that the text interpreter executes the xt. Often, the terms word and definition are used interchangeably.
  • If the text interpreter fails to find a match in the name dictionary, it tries to treat the group of characters as a number in the current number base (when you start up Forth, the current number base is base 10). If the group of characters legitimately represents a number, the text interpreter pushes the number onto a stack (we’ll learn more about that in the next section).

If the text interpreter is unable to do either of these things with any group of characters, it discards the group of characters and the rest of the line, then prints an error message. If the text interpreter reaches the end of the line without error, it prints the status message “ ok” followed by carriage-return.

This is the simplest command we can give to the text interpreter:

RET  ok

The text interpreter did everything we asked it to do (nothing) without an error, so it said that everything is “ ok”. Try a slightly longer command:

12 dup fred dupRET
*the terminal*:3: Undefined word
12 dup >>>fred<<< dup
$2A95B42A20 throw 
$2A95B57FB8 no.extensions 

When you press the carriage-return key, the text interpreter starts to work its way along the line:

  • When it gets to the space after the 2, it takes the group of characters 12 and looks them up in the name dictionary5. There is no match for this group of characters in the name dictionary, so it tries to treat them as a number. It is able to do this successfully, so it puts the number, 12, “on the stack” (whatever that means).
  • The text interpreter resumes scanning the line and gets the next group of characters, dup. It looks it up in the name dictionary and (you’ll have to take my word for this) finds it, and executes the word dup (whatever that means).
  • Once again, the text interpreter resumes scanning the line and gets the group of characters fred. It looks them up in the name dictionary, but can’t find them. It tries to treat them as a number, but they don’t represent any legal number.

At this point, the text interpreter gives up and prints an error message. The error message shows exactly how far the text interpreter got in processing the line. In particular, it shows that the text interpreter made no attempt to do anything with the final character group, dup, even though we have good reason to believe that the text interpreter would have no problem looking that word up and executing it a second time.

4.2 Stacks, postfix notation and parameter passing

In procedural programming languages (like C and Pascal), the building-block of programs is the function or procedure. These functions or procedures are called with explicit parameters. For example, in C we might write:

total = total + new_volume(length,height,depth);

where new_volume is a function-call to another piece of code, and total, length, height and depth are all variables. length, height and depth are parameters to the function-call.

In Forth, the equivalent of the function or procedure is the definition and parameters are implicitly passed between definitions using a shared stack that is visible to the programmer. Although Forth does support variables, the existence of the stack means that they are used far less often than in most other programming languages. When the text interpreter encounters a number, it will place (push) it on the stack. There are several stacks (the actual number is implementation-dependent ...) and the particular stack used for any operation is implied unambiguously by the operation being performed. The stack used for all integer operations is called the data stack and, since this is the stack used most commonly, references to “the data stack” are often abbreviated to “the stack”.

The stacks have a last-in, first-out (LIFO) organisation. If you type:

1 2 3RET  ok

Then this instructs the text interpreter to placed three numbers on the (data) stack. An analogy for the behaviour of the stack is to take a pack of playing cards and deal out the ace (1), 2 and 3 into a pile on the table. The 3 was the last card onto the pile (“last-in”) and if you take a card off the pile then, unless you’re prepared to fiddle a bit, the card that you take off will be the 3 (“first-out”). The number that will be first-out of the stack is called the top of stack, which is often abbreviated to TOS.

To understand how parameters are passed in Forth, consider the behaviour of the definition + (pronounced “plus”). You will not be surprised to learn that this definition performs addition. More precisely, it adds two numbers together and produces a result. Where does it get the two numbers from? It takes the top two numbers off the stack. Where does it place the result? On the stack. You can act out the behaviour of + with your playing cards like this:

  • Pick up two cards from the stack on the table
  • Stare at them intently and ask yourself “what is the sum of these two numbers”
  • Decide that the answer is 5
  • Shuffle the two cards back into the pack and find a 5
  • Put a 5 on the remaining ace that’s on the table.

If you don’t have a pack of cards handy but you do have Forth running, you can use the definition .s to show the current state of the stack, without affecting the stack. Type:

clearstacks 1 2 3RET ok
.sRET <3> 1 2 3  ok

The text interpreter looks up the word clearstacks and executes it; it tidies up the stacks (data and floating point stack) and removes any entries that may have been left on them by earlier examples. The text interpreter pushes each of the three numbers in turn onto the stack. Finally, the text interpreter looks up the word .s and executes it. The effect of executing .s is to print the “<3>” (the total number of items on the stack) followed by a list of all the items on the stack; the item on the far right-hand side is the TOS.

You can now type:

+ .sRET <2> 1 5  ok

which is correct; there are now 2 items on the stack and the result of the addition is 5.

If you’re playing with cards, try doing a second addition: pick up the two cards, work out that their sum is 6, shuffle them into the pack, look for a 6 and place that on the table. You now have just one item on the stack. What happens if you try to do a third addition? Pick up the first card, pick up the second card – ah! There is no second card. This is called a stack underflow and consitutes an error. If you try to do the same thing with Forth it often reports an error (probably a Stack Underflow or an Invalid Memory Address error).

The opposite situation to a stack underflow is a stack overflow, which simply accepts that there is a finite amount of storage space reserved for the stack. To stretch the playing card analogy, if you had enough packs of cards and you piled the cards up on the table, you would eventually be unable to add another card; you’d hit the ceiling. Gforth allows you to set the maximum size of the stacks. In general, the only time that you will get a stack overflow is because a definition has a bug in it and is generating data on the stack uncontrollably.

There’s one final use for the playing card analogy. If you model your stack using a pack of playing cards, the maximum number of items on your stack will be 52 (I assume you didn’t use the Joker). The maximum value of any item on the stack is 13 (the King). In fact, the only possible numbers are positive integer numbers 1 through 13; you can’t have (for example) 0 or 27 or 3.52 or -2. If you change the way you think about some of the cards, you can accommodate different numbers. For example, you could think of the Jack as representing 0, the Queen as representing -1 and the King as representing -2. Your range remains unchanged (you can still only represent a total of 13 numbers) but the numbers that you can represent are -2 through 10.

In that analogy, the limit was the amount of information that a single stack entry could hold, and Forth has a similar limit. In Forth, the size of a stack entry is called a cell. The actual size of a cell is implementation dependent and affects the maximum value that a stack entry can hold. A Standard Forth provides a cell size of at least 16-bits, and most desktop systems use a cell size of 32-bits.

Forth does not do any type checking for you, so you are free to manipulate and combine stack items in any way you wish. A convenient way of treating stack items is as 2’s complement signed integers, and that is what Standard words like + do. Therefore you can type:

-5 12 + .sRET <1> 7  ok

If you use numbers and definitions like + in order to turn Forth into a great big pocket calculator, you will realise that it’s rather different from a normal calculator. Rather than typing 2 + 3 = you had to type 2 3 + (ignore the fact that you had to use .s to see the result). The terminology used to describe this difference is to say that your calculator uses Infix Notation (parameters and operators are mixed) whilst Forth uses Postfix Notation (parameters and operators are separate), also called Reverse Polish Notation.

Whilst postfix notation might look confusing to begin with, it has several important advantages:

  • it is unambiguous
  • it is more concise
  • it fits naturally with a stack-based system

To examine these claims in more detail, consider these sums:

6 + 5 * 4 =
4 * 5 + 6 =

If you’re just learning maths or your maths is very rusty, you will probably come up with the answer 44 for the first and 26 for the second. If you are a bit of a whizz at maths you will remember the convention that multiplication takes precendence over addition, and you’d come up with the answer 26 both times. To explain the answer 26 to someone who got the answer 44, you’d probably rewrite the first sum like this:

6 + (5 * 4) =

If what you really wanted was to perform the addition before the multiplication, you would have to use parentheses to force it.

If you did the first two sums on a pocket calculator you would probably get the right answers, unless you were very cautious and entered them using these keystroke sequences:

6 + 5 = * 4 = 4 * 5 = + 6 =

Postfix notation is unambiguous because the order that the operators are applied is always explicit; that also means that parentheses are never required. The operators are active (the act of quoting the operator makes the operation occur) which removes the need for “=”.

The sum 6 + 5 * 4 can be written (in postfix notation) in two equivalent ways:

6 5 4 * +      or:
5 4 * 6 +

An important thing that you should notice about this notation is that the order of the numbers does not change; if you want to subtract 2 from 10 you type 10 2 -.

The reason that Forth uses postfix notation is very simple to explain: it makes the implementation extremely simple, and it follows naturally from using the stack as a mechanism for passing parameters. Another way of thinking about this is to realise that all Forth definitions are active; they execute as they are encountered by the text interpreter. The result of this is that the syntax of Forth is trivially simple.

4.3 Your first Forth definition

Until now, the examples we’ve seen have been trivial; we’ve just been using Forth as a bigger-than-pocket calculator. Also, each calculation we’ve shown has been a “one-off” – to repeat it we’d need to type it in again6 In this section we’ll see how to add new words to Forth’s vocabulary.

The easiest way to create a new word is to use a colon definition. We’ll define a few and try them out before worrying too much about how they work. Try typing in these examples; be careful to copy the spaces accurately:

: add-two 2 + . ;
: greet ." Hello and welcome" ;
: demo 5 add-two ;

Now try them out:

greetRET Hello and welcome  ok
greet greetRET Hello and welcomeHello and welcome  ok
4 add-twoRET 6  ok
demoRET 7  ok
9 greet demo add-twoRET Hello and welcome7 11  ok

The first new thing that we’ve introduced here is the pair of words : and ;. These are used to start and terminate a new definition, respectively. The first word after the : is the name for the new definition.

As you can see from the examples, a definition is built up of words that have already been defined; Forth makes no distinction between definitions that existed when you started the system up, and those that you define yourself.

The examples also introduce the words . (dot), ." (dot-quote) and dup (dewp). Dot takes the value from the top of the stack and displays it. It’s like .s except that it only displays the top item of the stack and it is destructive; after it has executed, the number is no longer on the stack. There is always one space printed after the number, and no spaces before it. Dot-quote defines a string (a sequence of characters) that will be printed when the word is executed. The string can contain any printable characters except ". A " has a special function; it is not a Forth word but it acts as a delimiter (the way that delimiters work is described in the next section). Finally, dup duplicates the value at the top of the stack. Try typing 5 dup .s to see what it does.

We already know that the text interpreter searches through the dictionary to locate names. If you’ve followed the examples earlier, you will already have a definition called add-two. Lets try modifying it by typing in a new definition:

: add-two dup . ." + 2 = " 2 + . ;RET redefined add-two  ok

Forth recognised that we were defining a word that already exists, and printed a message to warn us of that fact. Let’s try out the new definition:

9 add-twoRET 9 + 2 = 11  ok

All that we’ve actually done here, though, is to create a new definition, with a particular name. The fact that there was already a definition with the same name did not make any difference to the way that the new definition was created (except that Forth printed a warning message). The old definition of add-two still exists (try demo again to see that this is true). Any new definition will use the new definition of add-two, but old definitions continue to use the version that already existed at the time that they were compiled.

Before you go on to the next section, try defining and redefining some words of your own.

4.4 How does that work?

Now we’re going to take another look at the definition of add-two from the previous section. From our knowledge of the way that the text interpreter works, we would have expected this result when we tried to define add-two:

: add-two 2 + . ;RET
*the terminal*:4: Undefined word
: >>>add-two<<< 2 + . ;

The reason that this didn’t happen is bound up in the way that : works. The word : does two special things. The first special thing that it does is to prevent the text interpreter from ever seeing the characters add-two. The text interpreter uses a variable called >IN (pronounced “to-in”) to keep track of where it is in the input line. When it encounters the word : it behaves in exactly the same way as it does for any other word; it looks it up in the name dictionary, finds its xt and executes it. When : executes, it looks at the input buffer, finds the word add-two and advances the value of >IN to point past it. It then does some other stuff associated with creating the new definition (including creating an entry for add-two in the name dictionary). When the execution of : completes, control returns to the text interpreter, which is oblivious to the fact that it has been tricked into ignoring part of the input line.

Words like : – words that advance the value of >IN and so prevent the text interpreter from acting on the whole of the input line – are called parsing words.

The second special thing that : does is change the value of a variable called state, which affects the way that the text interpreter behaves. When Gforth starts up, state has the value 0, and the text interpreter is said to be interpreting. During a colon definition (started with :), state is set to -1 and the text interpreter is said to be compiling.

In this example, the text interpreter is compiling when it processes the string “2 + . ;”. It still breaks the string down into character sequences in the same way. However, instead of pushing the number 2 onto the stack, it lays down (compiles) some magic into the definition of add-two that will make the number 2 get pushed onto the stack when add-two is executed. Similarly, the behaviours of + and . are also compiled into the definition.

Certain kinds of words do not get compiled. These so-called immediate words get executed (performed now) regardless of whether the text interpreter is interpreting or compiling. The word ; is an immediate word. Rather than being compiled into the definition, it executes. Its effect is to terminate the current definition, which includes changing the value of state back to 0.

When you execute add-two, it has a run-time effect that is exactly the same as if you had typed 2 + . RET outside of a definition.

In Forth, every word or number can be described in terms of two properties:

  • Its interpretation semantics describe how it will behave when the text interpreter encounters it in interpret state. The interpretation semantics of a word are represented by an execution token.
  • Its compilation semantics describe how it will behave when the text interpreter encounters it in compile state. The compilation semantics of a word are represented in an implementation-dependent way; Gforth uses a compilation token.

Numbers are always treated in a fixed way:

  • When the number is interpreted, its behaviour is to push the number onto the stack.
  • When the number is compiled, a piece of code is appended to the current definition that pushes the number when it runs. (In other words, the compilation semantics of a number are to postpone its interpretation semantics until the run-time of the definition that it is being compiled into.)

Words don’t always behave in such a regular way, but most have default semantics which means that they behave like this:

  • The interpretation semantics of the word are to do something useful.
  • The compilation semantics of the word are to append its interpretation semantics to the current definition (so that its run-time behaviour is to do something useful).

The actual behaviour of any particular word can be controlled by using the words immediate and compile-only when the word is defined. These words set flags in the name dictionary entry of the most recently defined word, and these flags are retrieved by the text interpreter when it finds the word in the name dictionary.

A word that is marked as immediate has compilation semantics that are identical to its interpretation semantics. In other words, it behaves like this:

  • The interpretation semantics of the word are to do something useful.
  • The compilation semantics of the word are to do something useful (and actually the same thing); i.e., it is executed during compilation.

Marking a word as compile-only means that the text interpreter produces a warning when encountering this word in interpretation state; ticking the word (with ' or ['] also produces a warning.

It is never necessary to use compile-only (and it is not even part of Standard Forth, though it is provided by many implementations) but it is good etiquette to apply it to a word that will not behave correctly (and might have unexpected side-effects) in interpret state. For example, it is only legal to use the conditional word IF within a definition. If you forget this and try to use it elsewhere, the fact that (in Gforth) it is marked as compile-only allows the text interpreter to generate a helpful warning.

This example shows the difference between an immediate and a non-immediate word:

: show-state state @ . ;
: show-state-now show-state ; immediate
: word1 show-state ;
: word2 show-state-now ;

The word immediate after the definition of show-state-now makes that word an immediate word. These definitions introduce a new word: @ (pronounced “fetch”). This word fetches the value of a variable, and leaves it on the stack. Therefore, the behaviour of show-state is to print a number that represents the current value of state.

When you execute word1, it prints the number 0, indicating that the system is interpreting. When the text interpreter compiled the definition of word1, it encountered show-state whose compilation semantics are to append its interpretation semantics to the current definition. When you execute word1, it performs the interpretation semantics of show-state. At the time that word1 (and therefore show-state) is executed, the system is interpreting.

When you pressed RET after entering the definition of word2, you should have seen the number -1 printed, followed by “ ok”. When the text interpreter compiled the definition of word2, it encountered show-state-now, an immediate word, whose compilation semantics are therefore to perform its interpretation semantics. It is executed straight away (even before the text interpreter has moved on to process another group of characters; the ; in this example). The effect of executing it is to display the value of state at the time that the definition of word2 is being defined. Printing -1 demonstrates that the system is compiling at this time. If you execute word2 it does nothing at all.

Before leaving the subject of immediate words, consider the behaviour of ." in the definition of greet, in the previous section. This word is both a parsing word and an immediate word. Notice that there is a space between ." and the start of the text Hello and welcome, but that there is no space between the last letter of welcome and the " character. The reason for this is that ." is a Forth word; it must have a space after it so that the text interpreter can identify it. The " is not a Forth word; it is a delimiter. The examples earlier show that, when the string is displayed, there is neither a space before the H nor after the e. Since ." is an immediate word, it executes at the time that greet is defined. When it executes, its behaviour is to search forward in the input line looking for the delimiter. When it finds the delimiter, it updates >IN to point past the delimiter. It also compiles some magic code into the definition of greet; the xt of a run-time routine that prints a text string. It compiles the string Hello and welcome into memory so that it is available to be printed later. When the text interpreter gains control, the next word it finds in the input stream is ; and so it terminates the definition of greet.

4.5 Forth is written in Forth

When you start up a Forth compiler, a large number of definitions already exist. In Forth, you develop a new application using bottom-up programming techniques to create new definitions that are defined in terms of existing definitions. As you create each definition you can test and debug it interactively.

If you have tried out the examples in this section, you will probably have typed them in by hand; when you leave Gforth, your definitions will be lost. You can avoid this by using a text editor to enter Forth source code into a file, and then loading code from the file using include (see Forth source files). A Forth source file is processed by the text interpreter, just as though you had typed it in by hand7.

Gforth also supports the traditional Forth alternative to using text files for program entry (see Blocks).

In common with many, if not most, Forth compilers, most of Gforth is actually written in Forth. All of the .fs files in the installation directory8 are Forth source files, which you can study to see examples of Forth programming.

Gforth maintains a history file that records every line that you type to the text interpreter. This file is preserved between sessions, and is used to provide a command-line recall facility. If you enter long definitions by hand, you can use a text editor to paste them out of the history file into a Forth source file for reuse at a later time (for more information see Command-line editing).

4.6 Review - elements of a Forth system

To summarise this chapter:

  • Forth programs use factoring to break a problem down into small fragments called words or definitions.
  • Forth program development is an interactive process.
  • The main command loop that accepts input, and controls both interpretation and compilation, is called the text interpreter (also known as the outer interpreter).
  • Forth has a very simple syntax, consisting of words and numbers separated by spaces or carriage-return characters. Any additional syntax is imposed by parsing words.
  • Forth uses a stack to pass parameters between words. As a result, it uses postfix notation.
  • To use a word that has previously been defined, the text interpreter searches for the word in the name dictionary.
  • Words have interpretation semantics and compilation semantics.
  • The text interpreter uses the value of state to select between the use of the interpretation semantics and the compilation semantics of a word that it encounters.
  • The relationship between the interpretation semantics and compilation semantics for a word depends upon the way in which the word was defined (for example, whether it is an immediate word).
  • Forth definitions can be implemented in Forth (called high-level definitions) or in some other way (usually a lower-level language and as a result often called low-level definitions, code definitions or primitives).
  • Many Forth systems are implemented mainly in Forth.

4.7 Where To Go Next

Amazing as it may seem, if you have read (and understood) this far, you know almost all the fundamentals about the inner workings of a Forth system. You certainly know enough to be able to read and understand the rest of this manual and the Standard Forth document, to learn more about the facilities that Forth in general and Gforth in particular provide. Even scarier, you know almost enough to implement your own Forth system. However, that’s not a good idea just yet... better to try writing some programs in Gforth.

Forth has such a rich vocabulary that it can be hard to know where to start in learning it. This section suggests a few sets of words that are enough to write small but useful programs. Use the word index in this document to learn more about each word, then try it out and try to write small definitions using it. Start by experimenting with these words:

  • Arithmetic: + - * / /MOD */ ABS INVERT
  • Comparison: MIN MAX =
  • Logic: AND OR XOR NOT
  • Stack manipulation: DUP DROP SWAP OVER
  • Loops and decisions: IF ELSE ENDIF ?DO I LOOP
  • Input/Output: . ." EMIT CR KEY
  • Defining words: : ; CREATE
  • Memory allocation words: ALLOT ,

When you have mastered those, go on to:

  • Memory access: @ !

When you have mastered these, there’s nothing for it but to read through the whole of this manual and find out what you’ve missed.

4.8 Exercises

TODO: provide a set of programming excercises linked into the stuff done already and into other sections of the manual. Provide solutions to all the exercises in a .fs file in the distribution.

5 Forth Words

5.1 Notation

The Forth words are described in this section in the glossary notation that has become a de-facto standard for Forth texts:

word     Stack effect   wordset   pronunciation



The name of the word.

Stack effect

The stack effect is written in the notation before -- after, where before and after describe the top of stack entries before and after the execution of the word. The rest of the stack is not touched by the word. The top of stack is rightmost, i.e., a stack sequence is written as it is typed in. Note that Gforth uses a separate floating point stack, but a unified stack notation. Also, return stack effects are not shown in stack effect, but in Description. The name of a stack item describes the type and/or the function of the item. See below for a discussion of the types.

All words have two stack effects: A compile-time stack effect and a run-time stack effect. The compile-time stack-effect of most words is . If the compile-time stack-effect of a word deviates from this standard behaviour, or the word does other unusual things at compile time, both stack effects are shown; otherwise only the run-time stack effect is shown.

Also note that in code templates or examples there can be comments in parentheses that display the stack picture at this point; there is no -- in these places, because there is no before-after situation.


How the word is pronounced.


The wordset specifies whether a word has been standardized, it is an environmental query string, or if it is a Gforth-specific word. In the latter case the wordset contains the string gforth, other wordset names are either environment of refer to standard word sets.

The Forth standard is divided into several word sets. In theory, a standard system need not support all of them, but in practice, serious systems on non-tiny machines support almost all standardized words (some systems require explicit loading of some word sets, however), so it does not increase portability in practice to be parsimonious in using word sets.

For the Gforth-specific words, we have the following categories:


We intend to permanently support this word in Gforth and it has been available since Gforth <version> (possibly not as supported word at that time).


This word is available in the present version and may turn into a permanent word or may be removed in a future release of Gforth. Feedback welcome.


This word is an internal factor, not a supported word, and it may be removed in a future release of Gforth.


This word will be removed in a future release of Gforth.


A description of the behaviour of the word.

The type of a stack item is specified by the character(s) the name starts with:


Boolean flags, i.e. false or true.




Cell, can contain an integer or an address


signed integer


unsigned integer


double sized signed integer


double sized unsigned integer


Float (on the FP stack)


Cell-aligned address


Char-aligned address (note that a Char may have two bytes in Windows NT)


Float-aligned address


Address aligned for IEEE double precision float


Address aligned for IEEE single precision float


Execution token, same size as Cell


Word list ID, same size as Cell

ior, wior

I/O result code, cell-sized. In Gforth, you can throw iors.


Pointer to a name structure


string in the input stream (not on the stack). The terminating character is a blank by default. If it is not a blank, it is shown in <> quotes.

5.2 Case insensitivity

Gforth is case-insensitive; you can enter definitions and invoke Standard words using upper, lower or mixed case (however, see Implementation-defined options).

Standard Forth only requires implementations to recognise Standard words when they are typed entirely in upper case. Therefore, a Standard program must use upper case for all Standard words. You can use whatever case you like for words that you define, but in a Standard program you have to use the words in the same case that you defined them.

Gforth supports case sensitivity through cs-wordlists (case-sensitive wordlists, see Word Lists).

Two people have asked how to convert Gforth to be case-sensitive; while we think this is a bad idea, you can change all wordlists into tables like this:

' table-find forth-wordlist wordlist-map  !

Note that you now have to type the predefined words in the same case that we defined them, which are varying. You may want to convert them to your favourite case before doing this operation (I won’t explain how, because if you are even contemplating doing this, you’d better have enough knowledge of Forth systems to know this already).


Forth supports two styles of comment; the traditional in-line comment, ( and its modern cousin, the comment to end of line; \.

( ( ( compilation ’ccc<close-paren>’ – ; run-time –  ) core,file “paren”

Comment, usually till the next ): parse and discard all subsequent characters in the parse area until ")" is encountered. During interactive input, an end-of-line also acts as a comment terminator. For file input, it does not; if the end-of-file is encountered whilst parsing for the ")" delimiter, Gforth will generate a warning.

\ ( compilation ’ccc<newline>’ – ; run-time –  ) core-ext,block-ext “backslash”

Comment till the end of the line if BLK contains 0 (i.e., while not loading a block), parse and discard the remainder of the parse area. Otherwise, parse and discard all subsequent characters in the parse area corresponding to the current line.

\G ( compilation ’ccc<newline>’ – ; run-time –  ) gforth-0.4 “backslash-gee”

Equivalent to \ but used as a tag to annotate definition comments into documentation.

5.4 Boolean Flags

A Boolean flag is cell-sized. A cell with all bits clear represents the flag false and a flag with all bits set represents the flag true. Words that check a flag (for example, IF) will treat a cell that has any bit set as true.

true ( – f  ) core-ext “true”

Constantf is a cell with all bits set.

false ( – f  ) core-ext “false”

Constantf is a cell with all bits clear.

on ( a-addr –  ) gforth-0.4 “on”

Set the (value of the) variable at a-addr to true.

off ( a-addr –  ) gforth-0.4 “off”

Set the (value of the) variable at a-addr to false.

select ( u1 u2 f – u ) gforth-1.0 “select”

If f is false, u is u2, otherwise u1.

5.5 Arithmetic

Forth arithmetic is not checked, i.e., you will not hear about integer overflow on addition or multiplication, you may hear about division by zero if you are lucky. The operator is written after the operands, but the operands are still in the original order. I.e., the infix 2-1 corresponds to 2 1 -. Forth offers a variety of division operators. If you perform division with potentially negative operands, you do not want to use / or /mod with its implementation-defined behaviour, but, e.g., /f, /modf or fm/mod (see Integer division).

5.5.1 Single precision

By default, numbers in Forth are single-precision integers that are one cell in size. They can be signed or unsigned, depending upon how you treat them. For the rules used by the text interpreter for recognising single-precision integers see Number Conversion.

These words are all defined for signed operands, but some of them also work for unsigned numbers: +, 1+, -, 1-, *.

+ ( n1 n2 – n ) core “plus”
1+ ( n1 – n2 ) core “one-plus”
under+ ( n1 n2 n3 – n n2 ) gforth-0.4 “under-plus”

add n3 to n1 (giving n)

- ( n1 n2 – n ) core “minus”
1- ( n1 – n2 ) core “one-minus”
* ( n1 n2 – n ) core “star”
negate ( n1 – n2 ) core “negate”
abs ( n – u ) core “abs”
min ( n1 n2 – n ) core “min”
max ( n1 n2 – n ) core “max”
umin ( u1 u2 – u ) gforth-0.5 “umin”
umax ( u1 u2 – u ) gforth-1.0 “umax”

5.5.2 Double precision

For the rules used by the text interpreter for recognising double-precision integers, see Number Conversion.

A double precision number is represented by a cell pair, with the most significant cell at the TOS. It is trivial to convert an unsigned single to a double: simply push a 0 onto the TOS. Since numbers are represented by Gforth using 2’s complement arithmetic, converting a signed single to a (signed) double requires sign-extension across the most significant cell. This can be achieved using s>d. The moral of the story is that you cannot convert a number without knowing whether it represents an unsigned or a signed number.

These words are all defined for signed operands, but some of them also work for unsigned numbers: d+, d-.

s>d ( n – d  ) core “s-to-d”
d>s ( d – n  ) double “d-to-s”
d+ ( ud1 ud2 – ud ) double “d-plus”
d- ( d1 d2 – d ) double “d-minus”
dnegate ( d1 – d2 ) double “d-negate”
dabs ( d – ud  ) double “d-abs”
dmin ( d1 d2 – d  ) double “d-min”
dmax ( d1 d2 – d  ) double “d-max”

5.5.3 Mixed precision

m+ ( d1 n – d2 ) double “m-plus”
m* ( n1 n2 – d ) core “m-star”
um* ( u1 u2 – ud ) core “u-m-star”

5.5.4 Integer division

Below you find a considerable number of words for dealing with divisions. A major difference between them is in dealing with signed division: Do the words support signed division (those with the U prefix do not)?

If they do, do they round towards negative infinity (floored division, suffix F), or towards 0 (symmetric division, suffix S). The standard leaves the issue implementation-defined for most standard words (/ mod /mod */ */mod m*/), and different systems have made different choices. Gforth implements these words as floored (since Gforth 0.7). There is only a difference between floored and symmetric division if the dividend and the divisor have different signs, and the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor. The following table illustrates the results:

                      floored          symmetric
dividend divisor remainder quotient remainder quotient
    10      7           3   1              3   1
   -10      7           4  -2             -3  -1
    10     -7          -4  -2              3  -1
   -10     -7          -3   1             -3   1

The common case where floored vs. symmetric makes a difference is when dividends n1 with varying sign are divided by the same positive divisor n2; in that case you usually want floored division, because then the remainder is always positive and does not change sign depending on the dividend; also, with floored division, the quotient always increases by 1 when n1 increases by n2, while with symmetric division there is no increase in the quotient for -n2<n1<n2 (the quotient is 0 in this range).

In any case, if you divide numbers where floored vs. symmetric makes a difference, you should think about which variant is the right one for you, and then use either the appropriately suffixed Gforth words, or the standard words fm/mod or sm/rem.

Single-by-single-cell division:

/ ( n1 n2 – n  ) core “slash”


/s ( n1 n2 – n ) gforth-1.0 “slash-s”
/f ( n1 n2 – n ) gforth-1.0 “slash-f”
u/ ( u1 u2 – u ) gforth-1.0 “u-slash”
mod ( n1 n2 – n  ) core “mod”

n is the modulus of n1/n2

mods ( n1 n2 – n ) gforth-1.0 “mod-s”
modf ( n1 n2 – n ) gforth-1.0 “modf”
umod ( u1 u2 – u ) gforth-1.0 “umod”
/mod ( n1 n2 – n3 n4  ) core “slash-mod”

n1=n2*n4+n3; n3 is the modulus, n4 the quotient.

/mods ( n1 n2 – n3 n4 ) gforth-1.0 “slash-mod-s”

n3 is the remainder, n4 the quotient

/modf ( n1 n2 – n3 n4 ) gforth-1.0 “slash-mod-f”

n3 is the modulus, n4 the quotient

u/mod ( u1 u2 – u3 u4 ) gforth-1.0 “u-slash-mod”

u3 is the modulus, u4 the quotient

Double-by-single-cell division with single-cell results; these words are roughly as fast as the words above on some architectures (e.g., AMD64), but much slower on others (e.g., an order of magnitude on various Aarch64 CPUs).

fm/mod ( d1 n1 – n2 n3 ) core “f-m-slash-mod”

Floored division: d1 = n3*n1+n2, n1>n2>=0 or 0>=n2>n1.

sm/rem ( d1 n1 – n2 n3 ) core “s-m-slash-rem”

Symmetric division: d1 = n3*n1+n2, sign(n2)=sign(d1) or 0.

um/mod ( ud u1 – u2 u3 ) core “u-m-slash-mod”

ud=u3*u1+u2, 0<=u2<u1

du/mod ( d u – n u1 ) gforth-1.0 “du-slash-mod”

d=n*u+u1, 0<=u1<u; PolyForth style mixed division

*/ ( ( n1 n2 n3 – n4  ) core “star-slash”

n4=(n1*n2)/n3, with the intermediate result being double

*/s ( n1 n2 n3 – n4 ) gforth-1.0 “star-slash-s”

n4=(n1*n2)/n3, with the intermediate result being double

*/f ( n1 n2 n3 – n4 ) gforth-1.0 “star-slash-f”

n4=(n1*n2)/n3, with the intermediate result being double

u*/ ( u1 u2 u3 – u4 ) gforth-1.0 “u-star-slash”

u4=(u1*u2)/u3, with the intermediate result being double.

*/mod ( n1 n2 n3 – n4 n5  ) core “star-slash-mod”

n1*n2=n3*n5+n4, with the intermediate result (n1*n2) being double; n4 is the modulus, n5 the quotient.

*/mods ( n1 n2 n3 – n4 n5 ) gforth-1.0 “star-slash-mod-s”

n1*n2=n3*n5+n4, with the intermediate result (n1*n2) being double; n4 is the remainder, n5 the quotient

*/modf ( n1 n2 n3 – n4 n5 ) gforth-1.0 “star-slash-mod-f”

n1*n2=n3*n5+n4, with the intermediate result (n1*n2) being double; n4 is the modulus, n5 the quotient

u*/mod ( u1 u2 u3 – u4 u5 ) gforth-1.0 “u-star-slash-mod”

u1*u2=u3*u5+u4, with the intermediate result (u1*u2) being double.

Division with double-cell results; these words are much slower than the words above.

ud/mod ( ud1 u2 – urem udquot  ) gforth-0.4 “ud/mod”

divide unsigned double ud1 by u2, resulting in a unsigned double quotient udquot and a single remainder urem.

m*/ ( d1 n2 u3 – dquot  ) double “m-star-slash”

dquot=(d1*n2)/u3, with the intermediate result being triple-precision. In ANS Forth u3 can only be a positive signed number.

You can use the following environmental query to learn whether / mod /mod */ */mod m*/ use floored or symmetric division.

FLOORED ( – f  ) environment “FLOORED”

True if / etc. perform floored division

One other aspect of the integer division words is that most of them can overflow, and division by zero is mathematically undefined. What happens if you hit one of these conditions depends on the engine, the hardware, and the operating system: The engine gforth tries hard to throw the appropriate error -10 (Division by zero) or -11 (Result out of range), but on some platforms throws -55 (Floating-point unidentified fault). The engine gforth-fast may produce an inappropriate throw code (and error message), or may produce no error, just produce a bogus value. I.e., you should not bet on such conditions being thrown, but for quicker debugging gforth catches more and produces more accurate errors than gforth-fast.

5.5.5 Two-stage integer division

On most hardware, multiplication is significantly faster than division. So if you have to divide many numbers by the same divisor, it is usually faster to determine the reciprocal of the divisor once and multiply the numbers with the reciprocal. For integers, this is tricky, so Gforth packages this work into the words described in this section.

Let’s start with an example: You want to divide all elements of an array of cells by the same number n. A straightforward way to implement this is:

: array/ ( addr u n -- )
  -rot cells bounds u+do
    i @ over / i !
  1 cells +loop
  drop ;

A more efficient version looks like this:

: array/ ( addr u n -- )
  {: | reci[ staged/-size ] :}
  reci[ /f-stage1m
  cells bounds u+do
    i @ reci[ /f-stage2m i !
  1 cells +loop ;

This example first creates a local buffer reci[ with size staged/-size for storing the reciprocal data. Then /f-stage1m computes the reciprocal of n and stores it in reci[. Finally, inside the loop /f-stage2m uses the data in reci[ to compute the quotient.

There are some limitations: Only positive divisors are supported for /f-stage1m; for u/-stage1m you can use a divisor of 2 or higher. You get an error if you try to use an unsupported divisor. You must initalize the reciprocal buffer for the floored second-stage words with /f-stage1m and for the unsigned second-stage words with u/-stage1m. You must not modify the reciprocal buffer between the first stage and the second stage; basically, don’t treat it as a memory buffer, but as something that is only mutable by the first stage; the point of this rule is that future versions of Gforth will not consider aliasing of this buffer.

The words are:

staged/-size ( – u  ) gforth-1.0 “staged-slash-size”

Size of buffer for u/-stage1m or /f-stage1m.

/f-stage1m ( n addr-reci –  ) gforth-1.0 “slash-f-stage1m”

Compute the reciprocal of n and store it in the buffer addr-reci of size staged/-size. Throws an error if n<1.

/f-stage2m ( n1 a-reci – nquotient ) gforth-1.0 “slash-f-stage2m”

Nquotient is the result of dividing n1 by the divisor represented by a-reci, which was computed by /f-stage1m.

modf-stage2m ( n1 a-reci – umodulus ) gforth-1.0 “mod-f-stage2m”

Umodulus is the remainder of dividing n1 by the divisor represented by a-reci, which was computed by /f-stage1m.

/modf-stage2m ( n1 a-reci – umodulus nquotient ) gforth-1.0 “slash-mod-f-stage2m”

Nquotient is the quotient and umodulus is the remainder of dividing n1 by the divisor represented by a-reci, which was computed by /f-stage1m.

u/-stage1m ( u addr-reci –  ) gforth-1.0 “u-slash-stage1m”

Compute the reciprocal of u and store it in the buffer addr-reci of size staged/-size. Throws an error if u<2.

u/-stage2m ( u1 a-reci – uquotient ) gforth-1.0 “u-slash-stage2m”

Uquotient is the result of dividing u1 by the divisor represented by a-reci, which was computed by u/-stage1m.

umod-stage2m ( u1 a-reci – umodulus ) gforth-1.0 “u-mod-stage2m”

Umodulus is the remainder of dividing u1 by the divisor represented by a-reci, which was computed by u/-stage1m.

u/mod-stage2m ( u1 a-reci – umodulus uquotient ) gforth-1.0 “u-slash-mod-stage2m”

Uquotient is the quotient and umodulus is the remainder of dividing u1 by the divisor represented by a-reci, which was computed by u/-stage1m.

Gforth currently does not support staged symmetrical division.

You can recover the divisor from (the address of) a reciprocal with staged/-divisor @:

staged/-divisor ( addr1 – addr2  ) gforth-1.0 “staged-slash-divisor”

Addr1 is the address of a reciprocal, addr2 is the address containing the divisor from which the reciprocal was computed.

This can be useful when looking at the decompiler output of Gforth: a division by a constant is often compiled to a literal containing the address of a reciprocal followed by a second-stage word.

The performance impact of using these words strongly depends on the architecture (does it have hardware division?) and the specific implementation (how fast is hardware division?), but just to give you an idea about the relative performance of these words, here are the cycles per iteration of a microbenchmark (which performs the mentioned word once per iteration) on two AMD64 implementations; the norm column shows the normal division word (e.g., u/), while the stg2 column shows the corresponding stage2 word (e.g., u/-stage2m):

 Skylake              Zen2
norm stg2           norm stg2
41.3 15.8 u/	    35.2 21.4 u/	   
39.8 19.7 umod	    36.9 25.8 umod	   
44.0 25.3 u/mod	    43.0 33.9 u/mod	   
48.7 16.9 /f	    36.2 22.5 /f	   
47.9 20.5 modf	    37.9 27.1 modf	   
53.0 24.6 /modf	    45.8 35.4 /modf	   
    227.2 u/stage1      101.9 u/stage1
    159.8 /fstage1       97.7 /fstage1

5.5.6 Bitwise operations

and ( w1 w2 – w ) core “and”
or ( w1 w2 – w ) core “or”
xor ( w1 w2 – w ) core “x-or”
invert ( w1 – w2 ) core “invert”
mux ( u1 u2 u3 – u ) gforth-1.0 “mux”

Multiplex: For every bit in u3: for a 1 bit, select the corresponding bit from u1, otherwise the corresponding bit from u2. E.g., %0011 %1100 %1010 mux gives %0110

lshift ( u1 u – u2 ) core “l-shift”

Shift u1 left by u bits.

rshift ( u1 u – u2 ) core “r-shift”

Shift u1 (cell) right by u bits, filling the shifted-in bits with zero (logical/unsigned shift).

arshift ( n1 u – n2 ) gforth-1.0 “ar-shift”

Shift n1 (cell) right by u bits, filling the shifted-in bits from the sign bit of n1 (arithmetic shift).

dlshift ( ud1 u – ud2 ) gforth-1.0 “dlshift”

Shift ud1 (double-cell) left by u bits.

drshift ( ud1 u – ud2 ) gforth-1.0 “drshift”

Shift ud1 (double-cell) right by u bits, filling the shifted-in bits with zero (logical/unsigned shift).

darshift ( d1 u – d2 ) gforth-1.0 “darshift”

Shift d1 (double-cell) right by u bits, filling the shifted-in bits from the sign bit of d1 (arithmetic shift).

2* ( n1 – n2 ) core “two-star”

Shift left by 1; also works on unsigned numbers

2/ ( n1 – n2 ) core “two-slash”

Arithmetic shift right by 1. For signed numbers this is a floored division by 2 (note that / not necessarily floors).

d2* ( d1 – d2 ) double “d-two-star”

Shift double-cell left by 1; also works on unsigned numbers

d2/ ( d1 – d2 ) double “d-two-slash”

Arithmetic shift right by 1. For signed numbers this is a floored division by 2.

Unlike most other operations, rotation of narrower units cannot easily be synthesized from rotation of wider units, so using cell-wide and double-wide rotation operations means that the results depend on the cell width. For published algorithms or cell-width-independent results, you usually need to use a fixed-width rotation operation.

wrol ( u1 u – u2 ) gforth-1.0 “wrol”

Rotate the least significant 16 bits of u1 left by u bits, set the other bits to 0.

wror ( u1 u – u2 ) gforth-1.0 “wror”

Rotate the least significant 16 bits of u1 right by u bits, set the other bits to 0.

lrol ( u1 u – u2 ) gforth-1.0 “lrol”

Rotate the least significant 32 bits of u1 left by u bits, set the other bits to 0.

lror ( u1 u – u2 ) gforth-1.0 “lror”

Rotate the least significant 32 bits of u1 right by u bits, set the other bits to 0.

rol ( u1 u – u2 ) gforth-1.0 “rol”

Rotate all bits of u1 left by u bits.

ror ( u1 u – u2 ) gforth-1.0 “ror”

Rotate all bits of u1 right by u bits.

drol ( ud1 u – ud2 ) gforth-1.0 “drol”

Rotate all bits of ud1 (double-cell) left by u bits.

dror ( ud1 u – ud2 ) gforth-1.0 “dror”

Rotate all bits of ud1 (double-cell) right by u bits.

5.5.7 Numeric comparison

Note that the words that compare for equality (= <> 0= 0<> d= d<> d0= d0<>) work for for both signed and unsigned numbers.

< ( n1 n2 – f ) core “less-than”
<= ( n1 n2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “less-or-equal”
<> ( n1 n2 – f ) core-ext “not-equals”
= ( n1 n2 – f ) core “equals”
> ( n1 n2 – f ) core “greater-than”
>= ( n1 n2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “greater-or-equal”
0< ( n – f ) core “zero-less-than”
0<= ( n – f ) gforth-0.4 “zero-less-or-equal”
0<> ( n – f ) core-ext “zero-not-equals”
0= ( n – f ) core “zero-equals”
0> ( n – f ) core-ext “zero-greater-than”
0>= ( n – f ) gforth-0.4 “zero-greater-or-equal”
u< ( u1 u2 – f ) core “u-less-than”
u<= ( u1 u2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “u-less-or-equal”
u> ( u1 u2 – f ) core-ext “u-greater-than”
u>= ( u1 u2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “u-greater-or-equal”
within ( u1 u2 u3 – f ) core-ext “within”

u2<u3 and u1 in [u2,u3) or: u2>=u3 and u1 not in [u3,u2). This works for unsigned and signed numbers (but not a mixture). Another way to think about this word is to consider the numbers as a circle (wrapping around from max-u to 0 for unsigned, and from max-n to min-n for signed numbers); now consider the range from u2 towards increasing numbers up to and excluding u3 (giving an empty range if u2=u3); if u1 is in this range, within returns true.

d< ( d1 d2 – f ) double “d-less-than”
d<= ( d1 d2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-less-or-equal”
d<> ( d1 d2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-not-equals”
d= ( d1 d2 – f ) double “d-equals”
d> ( d1 d2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-greater-than”
d>= ( d1 d2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-greater-or-equal”
d0< ( d – f ) double “d-zero-less-than”
d0<= ( d – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-zero-less-or-equal”
d0<> ( d – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-zero-not-equals”
d0= ( d – f ) double “d-zero-equals”
d0> ( d – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-zero-greater-than”
d0>= ( d – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-zero-greater-or-equal”
du< ( ud1 ud2 – f ) double-ext “d-u-less-than”
du<= ( ud1 ud2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-u-less-or-equal”
du> ( ud1 ud2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-u-greater-than”
du>= ( ud1 ud2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “d-u-greater-or-equal”

5.5.8 Floating Point

For the rules used by the text interpreter for recognising floating-point numbers see Number Conversion.

Gforth has a separate floating point stack, but the documentation uses the unified notation.9

Floating point numbers have a number of unpleasant surprises for the unwary (e.g., floating point addition is not associative) and even a few for the wary. You should not use them unless you know what you are doing or you don’t care that the results you get are totally bogus. If you want to learn about the problems of floating point numbers (and how to avoid them), you might start with David Goldberg, What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, ACM Computing Surveys 23(1):5−48, March 1991.

Conversion between integers and floating-point:

s>f ( n – r ) float “s-to-f”
d>f ( d – r ) float “d-to-f”
f>s ( r – n ) float “f-to-s”
f>d ( r – d ) float “f-to-d”


f+ ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float “f-plus”
f- ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float “f-minus”
f* ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float “f-star”
f/ ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float “f-slash”
fnegate ( r1 – r2 ) float “f-negate”
fabs ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-abs”
fmax ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float “f-max”
fmin ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float “f-min”
floor ( r1 – r2 ) float “floor”

Round towards the next smaller integral value, i.e., round toward negative infinity.

fround ( r1 – r2 ) float “f-round”

Round to the nearest integral value.

f** ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float-ext “f-star-star”

r3 is r1 raised to the r2th power.

fsqrt ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-square-root”
fexp ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-e-x-p”
fexpm1 ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-e-x-p-m-one”


fln ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-l-n”
flnp1 ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-l-n-p-one”


flog ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-log”

The decimal logarithm.

falog ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-log”


f2* ( r1 – r2  ) gforth-0.4 “f2*”

Multiply r1 by 2.0e0

f2/ ( r1 – r2  ) gforth-0.4 “f2/”

Multiply r1 by 0.5e0

1/f ( r1 – r2  ) gforth-0.4 “1/f”

Divide 1.0e0 by r1.

Angles in floating point operations are given in radians (a full circle has 2 pi radians).

fsin ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-sine”
fcos ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-cos”
fsincos ( r1 – r2 r3 ) float-ext “f-sine-cos”

r2=sin(r1), r3=cos(r1)

ftan ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-tan”
fasin ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-sine”
facos ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-cos”
fatan ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-tan”
fatan2 ( r1 r2 – r3 ) float-ext “f-a-tan-two”

r1/r2=tan(r3). ANS Forth does not require, but probably intends this to be the inverse of fsincos. In gforth it is.

fsinh ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-cinch”
fcosh ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-cosh”
ftanh ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-tan-h”
fasinh ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-cinch”
facosh ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-cosh”
fatanh ( r1 – r2 ) float-ext “f-a-tan-h”
pi ( – r  ) gforth-0.4 “pi”

Fconstantr is the value pi; the ratio of a circle’s area to its diameter.

One particular problem with floating-point arithmetic is that comparison for equality often fails when you would expect it to succeed. For this reason approximate equality is often preferred (but you still have to know what you are doing). Also note that IEEE NaNs may compare differently from what you might expect. The comparison words are:

f~rel ( r1 r2 r3 – flag  ) gforth-0.5 “f~rel”

Approximate equality with relative error: |r1-r2|<r3*|r1+r2|.

f~abs ( r1 r2 r3 – flag  ) gforth-0.5 “f~abs”

Approximate equality with absolute error: |r1-r2|<r3.

f~ ( r1 r2 r3 – flag  ) float-ext “f-proximate”

ANS Forth medley for comparing r1 and r2 for equality: r3>0: f~abs; r3=0: bitwise comparison; r3<0: fnegate f~rel.

f= ( r1 r2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-equals”
f<> ( r1 r2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-not-equals”
f< ( r1 r2 – f ) float “f-less-than”
f<= ( r1 r2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-less-or-equal”
f> ( r1 r2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-greater-than”
f>= ( r1 r2 – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-greater-or-equal”
f0< ( r – f ) float “f-zero-less-than”
f0<= ( r – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-zero-less-or-equal”
f0<> ( r – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-zero-not-equals”
f0= ( r – f ) float “f-zero-equals”
f0> ( r – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-zero-greater-than”
f0>= ( r – f ) gforth-0.4 “f-zero-greater-or-equal”

5.6 Stack Manipulation

Gforth maintains a number of separate stacks:

  • A data stack (also known as the parameter stack) – for characters, cells, addresses, and double cells.
  • A floating point stack – for holding floating point (FP) numbers.
  • A return stack – for holding the return addresses of colon definitions and other (non-FP) data.
  • A locals stack – for holding local variables.

5.6.1 Data stack

drop ( w – ) core “drop”
nip ( w1 w2 – w2 ) core-ext “nip”
dup ( w – w w ) core “dupe”
over ( w1 w2 – w1 w2 w1 ) core “over”
third ( w1 w2 w3 – w1 w2 w3 w1 ) gforth-1.0 “third”
fourth ( w1 w2 w3 w4 – w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 ) gforth-1.0 “fourth”
tuck ( w1 w2 – w2 w1 w2 ) core-ext “tuck”
swap ( w1 w2 – w2 w1 ) core “swap”
pick ( S:... u – S:... w ) core-ext “pick”

Actually the stack effect is x0 ... xu u -- x0 ... xu x0 .

rot ( w1 w2 w3 – w2 w3 w1 ) core “rote”
-rot ( w1 w2 w3 – w3 w1 w2 ) gforth-0.4 “not-rote”
?dup ( w – S:... w ) core “question-dupe”

Actually the stack effect is: ( w -- 0 | w w ). It performs a dup if w is nonzero.

roll ( x0 x1 .. xn n – x1 .. xn x0  ) core-ext “roll”
2drop ( w1 w2 – ) core “two-drop”
2nip ( w1 w2 w3 w4 – w3 w4 ) gforth-0.4 “two-nip”
2dup ( w1 w2 – w1 w2 w1 w2 ) core “two-dupe”
2over ( w1 w2 w3 w4 – w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 ) core “two-over”
2tuck ( w1 w2 w3 w4 – w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 ) gforth-0.4 “two-tuck”
2swap ( w1 w2 w3 w4 – w3 w4 w1 w2 ) core “two-swap”
2rot ( w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 – w3 w4 w5 w6 w1 w2 ) double-ext “two-rote”

5.6.2 Floating point stack

floating-stack ( – n  ) environment “floating-stack”

n is non-zero, showing that Gforth maintains a separate floating-point stack of depth n.

fdrop ( r – ) float “f-drop”
fnip ( r1 r2 – r2 ) gforth-0.4 “f-nip”
fdup ( r – r r ) float “f-dupe”
fover ( r1 r2 – r1 r2 r1 ) float “f-over”
fthird ( r1 r2 r3 – r1 r2 r3 r1 ) gforth-1.0 “fthird”
ffourth ( r1 r2 r3 r4 – r1 r2 r3 r4 r1 ) gforth-1.0 “ffourth”
ftuck ( r1 r2 – r2 r1 r2 ) gforth-0.4 “f-tuck”
fswap ( r1 r2 – r2 r1 ) float “f-swap”
fpick ( f:... u – f:... r ) gforth-0.4 “fpick”

Actually the stack effect is r0 ... ru u -- r0 ... ru r0 .

frot ( r1 r2 r3 – r2 r3 r1 ) float “f-rote”

5.6.3 Return stack

A Forth system is allowed to keep local variables on the return stack. This is reasonable, as local variables usually eliminate the need to use the return stack explicitly. So, if you want to produce a standard compliant program and you are using local variables in a word, forget about return stack manipulations in that word (refer to the standard document for the exact rules).

>r ( w – R:w ) core “to-r”
r> ( R:w – w ) core “r-from”
r@ ( – w ; R: w – w  ) core “r-fetch”
rdrop ( R:w – ) gforth-0.4 “rdrop”
2>r ( w1 w2 – R:w1 R:w2 ) core-ext “two-to-r”
2r> ( R:w1 R:w2 – w1 w2 ) core-ext “two-r-from”
2r@ ( R:w1 R:w2 – R:w1 R:w2 w1 w2 ) core-ext “two-r-fetch”
2rdrop ( R:w1 R:w2 – ) gforth-0.4 “two-r-drop”

5.6.4 Locals stack

Gforth uses an extra locals stack. It is described, along with the reasons for its existence, in Locals implementation.

5.6.5 Stack pointer manipulation

sp0 ( – a-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “sp0”

User variable – initial value of the data stack pointer.

sp@ ( S:... – a-addr ) gforth-0.4 “sp-fetch”
sp! ( a-addr – S:... ) gforth-0.4 “sp-store”
fp0 ( – a-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “fp0”

User variable – initial value of the floating-point stack pointer.

fp@ ( f:... – f-addr ) gforth-0.4 “fp-fetch”
fp! ( f-addr – f:... ) gforth-0.4 “fp-store”
rp0 ( – a-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “rp0”

User variable – initial value of the return stack pointer.

rp@ ( – a-addr ) gforth-0.4 “rp-fetch”
rp! ( a-addr – ) gforth-0.4 “rp-store”
lp0 ( – a-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “lp0”

User variable – initial value of the locals stack pointer.

lp@ ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “lp-fetch”
lp! ( c-addr – ) gforth-0.4 “lp-store”

5.7 Memory

In addition to the standard Forth memory allocation words, there is also a garbage collector.

5.7.1 Memory model

Standard Forth considers a Forth system as consisting of several address spaces, of which only data space is managed and accessible with the memory words. Memory not necessarily in data space includes the stacks, the code (called code space) and the headers (called name space). In Gforth everything is in data space, but the code for the primitives is usually read-only.

Data space is divided into a number of areas: The (data space portion of the) dictionary10, the heap, and a number of system-allocated buffers.

Gforth provides one big address space, and address arithmetic can be performed between any addresses. However, in the dictionary headers or code are interleaved with data, so almost the only contiguous data space regions there are those described by Standard Forth as contiguous; but you can be sure that the dictionary is allocated towards increasing addresses even between contiguous regions. The memory order of allocations in the heap is platform-dependent (and possibly different from one run to the next).

5.7.2 Dictionary allocation

Dictionary allocation is a stack-oriented allocation scheme, i.e., if you want to deallocate X, you also deallocate everything allocated after X.

The allocations using the words below are contiguous and grow the region towards increasing addresses. Other words that allocate dictionary memory of any kind (i.e., defining words including :noname) end the contiguous region and start a new one.

In Standard Forth only created words are guaranteed to produce an address that is the start of the following contiguous region. In particular, the cell allocated by variable is not guaranteed to be contiguous with following alloted memory.

You can deallocate memory by using allot with a negative argument (with some restrictions, see allot). For larger deallocations use marker.

here ( – addr  ) core “here”

Return the address of the next free location in data space.

unused ( – u  ) core-ext “unused”

Return the amount of free space remaining (in address units) in the region addressed by here.

allot ( n –  ) core “allot”

Reserve n address units of data space without initialization. n is a signed number, passing a negative n releases memory. In ANS Forth you can only deallocate memory from the current contiguous region in this way. In Gforth you can deallocate anything in this way but named words. The system does not check this restriction.

c, ( c –  ) core “c-comma”

Reserve data space for one char and store c in the space.

f, ( f –  ) gforth-0.4 “f,”

Reserve data space for one floating-point number and store f in the space.

, ( w –  ) core “comma”

Reserve data space for one cell and store w in the space.

2, ( w1 w2 –  ) gforth-0.4 “2,”

Reserve data space for two cells and store the double w1 w2 there, w2 first (lower address).

Memory accesses have to be aligned (see Address arithmetic). So of course you should allocate memory in an aligned way, too. I.e., before allocating allocating a cell, here must be cell-aligned, etc. The words below align here if it is not already. Basically it is only already aligned for a type, if the last allocation was a multiple of the size of this type and if here was aligned for this type before.

After freshly createing a word, here is aligned in Standard Forth (maxaligned in Gforth).

align ( ) core “align”

If the data-space pointer is not aligned, reserve enough space to align it.

falign ( ) float “f-align”

If the data-space pointer is not float-aligned, reserve enough space to align it.

sfalign ( ) float-ext “s-f-align”

If the data-space pointer is not single-float-aligned, reserve enough space to align it.

dfalign ( ) float-ext “d-f-align”

If the data-space pointer is not double-float-aligned, reserve enough space to align it.

maxalign ( ) gforth-0.4 “maxalign”

Align data-space pointer for all alignment requirements.

cfalign ( ) gforth-0.4 “cfalign”

Align data-space pointer for code field requirements (i.e., such that the corresponding body is maxaligned).

5.7.3 Heap allocation

Heap allocation supports deallocation of allocated memory in any order. Dictionary allocation is not affected by it (i.e., it does not end a contiguous region). In Gforth, these words are implemented using the standard C library calls malloc(), free() and realloc().

The memory region produced by one invocation of allocate or resize is internally contiguous. There is no contiguity between such a region and any other region (including others allocated from the heap).

allocate ( u – a_addr wior  ) memory “allocate”

Allocate u address units of contiguous data space. The initial contents of the data space is undefined. If the allocation is successful, a-addr is the start address of the allocated region and wior is 0. If the allocation fails, a-addr is undefined and wior is a non-zero I/O result code.

free ( a_addr – wior  ) memory “free”

Return the region of data space starting at a-addr to the system. The region must originally have been obtained using allocate or resize. If the operational is successful, wior is 0. If the operation fails, wior is a non-zero I/O result code.

resize ( a_addr1 u – a_addr2 wior  ) memory “resize”

Change the size of the allocated area at a-addr1 to u address units, possibly moving the contents to a different area. a-addr2 is the address of the resulting area. If the operation is successful, wior is 0. If the operation fails, wior is a non-zero I/O result code. If a-addr1 is 0, Gforth’s (but not the Standard) resize allocates u address units.

5.7.4 Memory Access

@ ( a-addr – w ) core “fetch”

w is the cell stored at a_addr.

! ( w a-addr – ) core “store”

Store w into the cell at a-addr.

+! ( n a-addr – ) core “plus-store”

Add n to the cell at a-addr.

c@ ( c-addr – c ) core “c-fetch”

c is the char stored at c_addr.

c! ( c c-addr – ) core “c-store”

Store c into the char at c-addr.

2@ ( a-addr – w1 w2 ) core “two-fetch”

w2 is the content of the cell stored at a-addr, w1 is the content of the next cell.

2! ( w1 w2 a-addr – ) core “two-store”

Store w2 into the cell at c-addr and w1 into the next cell.

f@ ( f-addr – r ) float “f-fetch”

r is the float at address f-addr.

f! ( r f-addr – ) float “f-store”

Store r into the float at address f-addr.

sf@ ( sf-addr – r ) float-ext “s-f-fetch”

Fetch the single-precision IEEE floating-point value r from the address sf-addr.

sf! ( r sf-addr – ) float-ext “s-f-store”

Store r as single-precision IEEE floating-point value to the address sf-addr.

df@ ( df-addr – r ) float-ext “d-f-fetch”

Fetch the double-precision IEEE floating-point value r from the address df-addr.

df! ( r df-addr – ) float-ext “d-f-store”

Store r as double-precision IEEE floating-point value to the address df-addr.

sw@ ( c-addr – n ) gforth-0.7 “s-w-fetch”

n is the sign-extended 16-bit value stored at c_addr.

uw@ ( c-addr – u ) gforth-0.7 “u-w-fetch”

u is the zero-extended 16-bit value stored at c_addr.

w! ( w c-addr – ) gforth-0.7 “w-store”

Store the bottom 16 bits of w at c_addr.

sl@ ( c-addr – n ) gforth-0.7 “s-l-fetch”

n is the sign-extended 32-bit value stored at c_addr.

ul@ ( c-addr – u ) gforth-0.7 “u-l-fetch”

u is the zero-extended 32-bit value stored at c_addr.

l! ( w c-addr – ) gforth-0.7 “l-store”

Store the bottom 32 bits of w at c_addr.

5.7.5 Address arithmetic

Address arithmetic is the foundation on which you can build data structures like arrays, records (see Structures) and objects (see Object-oriented Forth).

Standard Forth does not specify the sizes of the data types. Instead, it offers a number of words for computing sizes and doing address arithmetic. Address arithmetic is performed in terms of address units (aus); on most systems the address unit is one byte. Note that a character may have more than one au, so chars is no noop (on platforms where it is a noop, it compiles to nothing).

The basic address arithmetic words are + and -. E.g., if you have the address of a cell, perform 1 cells +, and you will have the address of the next cell.

Standard Forth also defines words for aligning addresses for specific types. Many computers require that accesses to specific data types must only occur at specific addresses; e.g., that cells may only be accessed at addresses divisible by 4. Even if a machine allows unaligned accesses, it can usually perform aligned accesses faster.

For the performance-conscious: alignment operations are usually only necessary during the definition of a data structure, not during the (more frequent) accesses to it.

Standard Forth defines no words for character-aligning addresses; in Forth-2012 all addresses are character-aligned.

Standard Forth guarantees that addresses returned by CREATEd words are cell-aligned; in addition, Gforth guarantees that these addresses are aligned for all purposes.

Note that the Standard Forth word char has nothing to do with address arithmetic.

chars ( n1 – n2  ) core “chars”

n2 is the number of address units of n1 chars.""

char+ ( c-addr1 – c-addr2 ) core “char-plus”

1 chars +.

cells ( n1 – n2 ) core “cells”

n2 is the number of address units of n1 cells.

cell+ ( a-addr1 – a-addr2 ) core “cell-plus”

1 cells +

cell- ( a-addr1 – a-addr2 ) core “cell-minus”

1 cells -

cell/ ( n1 – n2 ) gforth-1.0 “cell-divide”

n2 is the number of cells that fit into n1

cell ( – u  ) gforth-0.4 “cell”

Constant1 cells

aligned ( c-addr – a-addr ) core “aligned”

a-addr is the first aligned address greater than or equal to c-addr.

floats ( n1 – n2 ) float “floats”

n2 is the number of address units of n1 floats.

float+ ( f-addr1 – f-addr2 ) float “float-plus”

1 floats +.

float ( – u  ) gforth-0.4 “float”

Constant – the number of address units corresponding to a floating-point number.

faligned ( c-addr – f-addr ) float “f-aligned”

f-addr is the first float-aligned address greater than or equal to c-addr.

sfloats ( n1 – n2 ) float-ext “s-floats”

n2 is the number of address units of n1 single-precision IEEE floating-point numbers.

sfloat+ ( sf-addr1 – sf-addr2  ) float-ext “s-float-plus”

1 sfloats +.

sfaligned ( c-addr – sf-addr ) float-ext “s-f-aligned”

sf-addr is the first single-float-aligned address greater than or equal to c-addr.

dfloats ( n1 – n2 ) float-ext “d-floats”

n2 is the number of address units of n1 double-precision IEEE floating-point numbers.

dfloat+ ( df-addr1 – df-addr2  ) float-ext “d-float-plus”

1 dfloats +.

dfaligned ( c-addr – df-addr ) float-ext “d-f-aligned”

df-addr is the first double-float-aligned address greater than or equal to c-addr.

maxaligned ( addr1 – addr2  ) gforth-0.4 “maxaligned”

addr2 is the first address after addr1 that satisfies all alignment restrictions. maxaligned"

cfaligned ( addr1 – addr2  ) gforth-0.4 “cfaligned”

addr2 is the first address after addr1 that is aligned for a code field (i.e., such that the corresponding body is maxaligned).


Size of one address unit, in bits.

/w ( – u  ) gforth-0.7 “slash-w”

address units for a 16-bit value

/l ( – u  ) gforth-0.7 “slash-l”

address units for a 32-bit value

5.7.6 Memory Blocks

Memory blocks often represent character strings; For ways of storing character strings in memory see String Formats. For other string-processing words see Displaying characters and strings.

A few of these words work on address unit blocks. In that case, you usually have to insert CHARS before the word when working on character strings. Most words work on character blocks, and expect a char-aligned address.

When copying characters between overlapping memory regions, use chars move or choose carefully between cmove and cmove>.

move ( c-from c-to ucount – ) core “move”

Copy the contents of ucount aus at c-from to c-to. move works correctly even if the two areas overlap.

erase ( addr u –  ) core-ext “erase”

Clear all bits in u aus starting at addr.

cmove ( c-from c-to u – ) string “c-move”

Copy the contents of ucount characters from data space at c-from to c-to. The copy proceeds char-by-char from low address to high address; i.e., for overlapping areas it is safe if c-to<=c-from.

cmove> ( c-from c-to u – ) string “c-move-up”

Copy the contents of ucount characters from data space at c-from to c-to. The copy proceeds char-by-char from high address to low address; i.e., for overlapping areas it is safe if c-to>=c-from.

fill ( c-addr u c – ) core “fill”

Store c in u chars starting at c-addr.

blank ( c-addr u –  ) string “blank”

Store the space character into u chars starting at c-addr.

compare ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – n ) string “compare”

Compare two strings lexicographically. If they are equal, n is 0; if the first string is smaller, n is -1; if the first string is larger, n is 1. Currently this is based on the machine’s character comparison. In the future, this may change to consider the current locale and its collation order.

str= ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – f  ) gforth-0.6 “str=”
str< ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – f  ) gforth-0.6 “str<”
string-prefix? ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – f  ) gforth-0.6 “string-prefix?”

Is c-addr2 u2 a prefix of c-addr1 u1?

search ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – c-addr3 u3 flag  ) string “search”

Search the string specified by c-addr1, u1 for the string specified by c-addr2, u2. If flag is true: match was found at c-addr3 with u3 characters remaining. If flag is false: no match was found; c-addr3, u3 are equal to c-addr1, u1.

-trailing ( c_addr u1 – c_addr u2  ) string “dash-trailing”

Adjust the string specified by c-addr, u1 to remove all trailing spaces. u2 is the length of the modified string.

/string ( c-addr1 u1 n – c-addr2 u2 ) string “slash-string”

Adjust the string specified by c-addr1, u1 to remove n characters from the start of the string.

bounds ( addr u – addr+u addr  ) gforth-0.4 “bounds”

Given a memory block represented by starting address addr and length u in aus, produce the end address addr+u and the start address in the right order for u+do or ?do.

pad ( – c-addr  ) core-ext “pad”

c-addr is the address of a transient region that can be used as temporary data storage. At least 84 characters of space is available.

5.8 Control Structures

Control structures in Forth cannot be used interpretively, only in a colon definition11. We do not like this limitation, but have not seen a satisfying way around it yet, although many schemes have been proposed.

5.8.1 Selection


If flag is non-zero (as far as IF etc. are concerned, a cell with any bit set represents truth) code is executed.


If flag is true, code1 is executed, otherwise code2 is executed.

You can use THEN instead of ENDIF. Indeed, THEN is standard, and ENDIF is not, although it is quite popular. We recommend using ENDIF, because it is less confusing for people who also know other languages (and is not prone to reinforcing negative prejudices against Forth in these people). Adding ENDIF to a system that only supplies THEN is simple:

: ENDIF   POSTPONE then ; immediate

[According to Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary, then (adv.) has the following meanings:

... 2b: following next after in order ... 3d: as a necessary consequence (if you were there, then you saw them).

Forth’s THEN has the meaning 2b, whereas THEN in Pascal and many other programming languages has the meaning 3d.]

Gforth also provides the words ?DUP-IF and ?DUP-0=-IF, so you can avoid using ?dup. Using these alternatives is also more efficient than using ?dup. Definitions in Standard Forth for ENDIF, ?DUP-IF and ?DUP-0=-IF are provided in compat/control.fs.

  x1 OF code1 ENDOF
  x2 OF code2 ENDOF
  ( x ) default-code ( x )

Executes the first codei, where the xi is equal to x. If no xi matches, the optional default-code is executed. The optional default case can be added by simply writing the code after the last ENDOF. It may use x, which is on top of the stack, but must not consume it. The value x is consumed by this construction (either by an OF that matches, or by the ENDCASE, if no OF matches). Example:

: num-name ( n -- c-addr u )
   0 of s" zero " endof
   1 of s" one "  endof
   2 of s" two "  endof
   \ default case:
   s" other number" 
   rot \ get n on top so ENDCASE can drop it
 endcase ;

You can also use (the non-standard) ?of to use case as a general selection structure for more than two alternatives. ?Of takes a flag. Example:

: sgn ( n1 -- n2 )
    \ sign function
	dup 0< ?of drop -1 endof
	dup 0> ?of drop 1 endof
	dup \ n1=0 -> n2=0; dup an item, to be consumed by ENDCASE
    endcase ;

Programming style note: To keep the code understandable, you should ensure that you change the stack in the same way (wrt. number and types of stack items consumed and pushed) on all paths through a selection structure.

5.8.2 Simple Loops


code1 is executed and flag is computed. If it is true, code2 is executed and the loop is restarted; If flag is false, execution continues after the REPEAT.


code is executed. The loop is restarted if flag is false.

Programming style note: To keep the code understandable, a complete iteration of the loop should not change the number and types of the items on the stacks.


This is an endless loop.

5.8.3 Counted Loops

The basic counted loop is:

limit start

This performs one iteration for every integer, starting from start and up to, but excluding limit. The counter, or index, can be accessed with i. For example, the loop:

10 0 ?DO
  i .

prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The index of the innermost loop can be accessed with i, the index of the next loop with j, and the index of the third loop with k.

i ( R:n – R:n n ) core “i”
j ( R:w R:w1 R:w2 – w R:w R:w1 R:w2 ) core “j”
k ( R:w R:w1 R:w2 R:w3 R:w4 – w R:w R:w1 R:w2 R:w3 R:w4 ) gforth-0.4 “k”

The loop control data are kept on the return stack, so there are some restrictions on mixing return stack accesses and counted loop words. In particuler, if you put values on the return stack outside the loop, you cannot read them inside the loop12. If you put values on the return stack within a loop, you have to remove them before the end of the loop and before accessing the index of the loop.

There are several variations on the counted loop:

  • LEAVE leaves the innermost counted loop immediately; execution continues after the associated LOOP or NEXT. For example:
    10 0 ?DO  i DUP . 3 = IF LEAVE THEN LOOP

    prints 0 1 2 3

  • UNLOOP prepares for an abnormal loop exit, e.g., via EXIT. UNLOOP removes the loop control parameters from the return stack so EXIT can get to its return address. For example:
    : demo 10 0 ?DO i DUP . 3 = IF UNLOOP EXIT THEN LOOP ." Done" ;

    prints 0 1 2 3

  • If start is greater than limit, a ?DO loop is entered (and LOOP iterates until they become equal by wrap-around arithmetic). This behaviour is usually not what you want. Therefore, Gforth offers +DO and U+DO (as replacements for ?DO), which do not enter the loop if start is greater than limit; +DO is for signed loop parameters, U+DO for unsigned loop parameters.
  • ?DO can be replaced by DO. DO always enters the loop, independent of the loop parameters. Do not use DO, even if you know that the loop is entered in any case. Such knowledge tends to become invalid during maintenance of a program, and then the DO will make trouble.
  • LOOP can be replaced with n +LOOP; this updates the index by n instead of by 1. The loop is terminated when the border between limit-1 and limit is crossed. E.g.:
    4 0 +DO  i .  2 +LOOP

    prints 0 2

    4 1 +DO  i .  2 +LOOP

    prints 1 3

  • The behaviour of n +LOOP is peculiar when n is negative:
    -1 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP

    prints 0 -1

    0 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP

    prints nothing.

    Therefore we recommend avoiding n +LOOP with negative n. One alternative is u -LOOP, which reduces the index by u each iteration. The loop is terminated when the border between limit+1 and limit is crossed. Gforth also provides -DO and U-DO for down-counting loops. E.g.:

    -2 0 -DO  i .  1 -LOOP

    prints 0 -1

    -1 0 -DO  i .  1 -LOOP

    prints 0

    0 0 -DO  i .  1 -LOOP

    prints nothing.

Unfortunately, +DO, U+DO, -DO, U-DO and -LOOP are not defined in Standard Forth. However, an implementation for these words that uses only standard words is provided in compat/loops.fs.

Another counted loop is:


This is the preferred loop of native code compiler writers who are too lazy to optimize ?DO loops properly. This loop structure is not defined in Standard Forth. In Gforth, this loop iterates n+1 times; i produces values starting with n and ending with 0. Other Forth systems may behave differently, even if they support FOR loops. To avoid problems, don’t use FOR loops.

5.8.4 Begin loops with multiple exits

For counted loops, you can use leave in several places. For begin loops, you have the following options:

Use exit (possibly several times) in the loop to leave not just the loop, but the whole colon definition. E.g.,:

: foo
    condition1 while
      condition2 if
        exit-code2 exit then
      condition3 if
        exit-code3 exit then
  exit-code1 ;

The disadvantage of this approach is that, if you want to have some common code afterwards, you either have to wrap foo in another word that contains the common code, or you have to call the common code several times, from each exit-code.

Another approach is to use several whiles in a begin loop. You have to append a then behind the loop for every additional while. E.g.,;

  condition1 while
    condition2 while
      condition3 while
again then then then

Here I used again at the end of the loop so that I would have a then for each while; repeat would result in one less then, but otherwise the same behaviour. For an explanation of why this works, See Arbitrary control structures.

We can have common code afterwards, but, as presented above, we cannot have different exit-codes for the different exits. You can have these different exit-codes, as follows:

  condition1 while
    condition2 while
      condition3 while
again then exit-code3
else exit-code2 then
else exit-code1 then

This is relatively hard to comprehend, because the exit-codes are relatively far from the exit conditions (it does not help that we are not used to such control structures, either).

5.8.5 General control structures with case

Gforth provides an extended case that solves the problems of the multi-exit loops discussed above, and offers additional options. You can find a portable implementation of this extended case in compat/caseext.fs.

There are three additional words in the extension. The first is ?of which allows general tests (rather than just testing for equality) in a case; e.g.,

: sgn ( n -- -1|0|1 )
  ( n ) case
    dup 0 < ?of drop -1 endof
    dup 0 > ?of drop 1  endof
    \ otherwise leave the 0 on the stack
  0 endcase ;

Note that endcase drops a value, which works fine much of the time with of, but usually not with ?of, so we leave a 0 on the stack for endcase to drop. The n that is passed into sgn is also 0 if neither ?of triggers, and that is then passed out.

The second additional word is next-case, which allows turning case into a loop. Our triple-exit loop becomes:

  condition1 ?of exit-code1 endof
  condition2 ?of exit-code2 endof
  condition3 ?of exit-code3 endof
common code afterwards

As you can see, this solves both problems of the variants discussed above (see Begin loops with multiple exits). Note that next-case does not drop a value, unlike endcase.13

The last additional word is contof, which is used instead of endof and starts the next iteration instead of leaving the loop. This can be used in ways similar to Dijkstra’s guarded command do, e.g.:

: gcd ( n1 n2 -- n )
        2dup > ?of tuck - contof
        2dup < ?of over - contof
    endcase ;

Here the two ?ofs have different ways of continuing the loop; when neither ?of triggers, the two numbers are equal and are the gcd. Endcase drops one of them, leaving the other as n.

You can also combine these words. Here’s an example that uses each of the case words once, except endcase:

: collatz ( u -- )
    \ print the 3n+1 sequence starting at u until we reach 1
        dup .
        1 of endof
        dup 1 and ?of 3 * 1+ contof
    next-case ;

This example keeps the current value of the sequence on the stack. If it is 1, the of triggers, drops the value, and leaves the case structure. For odd numbers, the ?of triggers, computes 3n+1, and starts the next iteration with contof. Otherwise, if the number is even, it is divided by 2, and the loop is restarted with next-case.

5.8.6 Arbitrary control structures

Standard Forth permits and supports using control structures in a non-nested way. Information about incomplete control structures is stored on the control-flow stack. This stack may be implemented on the Forth data stack, and this is what we have done in Gforth.

An orig entry represents an unresolved forward branch, a dest entry represents a backward branch target. A few words are the basis for building any control structure possible (except control structures that need storage, like calls, coroutines, and backtracking).

IF ( compilation – orig ; run-time f –  ) core “IF”

At run-time, if f=0, execution continues after the THEN (or ELSE) that consumes the orig, otherwise right after the IF (see Selection).

AHEAD ( compilation – orig ; run-time –  ) tools-ext “AHEAD”

At run-time, execution continues after the THEN that consumes the orig.

THEN ( compilation orig – ; run-time –  ) core “THEN”

The IF, AHEAD, ELSE or WHILE that pushed orig jumps right after the THEN (see Selection).

BEGIN ( compilation – dest ; run-time –  ) core “BEGIN”

The UNTIL, AGAIN or REPEAT that consumes the dest jumps right behind the BEGIN (see Simple Loops).

UNTIL ( compilation dest – ; run-time f –  ) core “UNTIL”

At run-time, if f=0, execution continues after the BEGIN that produced dest, otherwise right after the UNTIL (see Simple Loops).

AGAIN ( compilation dest – ; run-time –  ) core-ext “AGAIN”

At run-time, execution continues after the BEGIN that produced the dest (see Simple Loops).

CS-PICK ( orig0/dest0 orig1/dest1 ... origu/destu u – ... orig0/dest0  ) tools-ext “c-s-pick”
CS-ROLL ( destu/origu .. dest0/orig0 u – .. dest0/orig0 destu/origu  ) tools-ext “c-s-roll”
CS-DROP ( dest –  ) gforth-1.0 “CS-DROP”

The Standard words CS-PICK and CS-ROLL allow you to manipulate the control-flow stack in a portable way. Without them, you would need to know how many stack items are occupied by a control-flow entry (many systems use one cell. In Gforth they currently take three, but this may change in the future).

CS-PICK can only pick a dest and CS-DROP can only drop a dest, because an orig must be resolved exactly once.

Some standard control structure words are built from these words:

ELSE ( compilation orig1 – orig2 ; run-time –  ) core “ELSE”

At run-time, execution continues after the THEN that consumes the orig; the IF, AHEAD, ELSE or WHILE that pushed orig1 jumps right after the ELSE. (see Selection).

WHILE ( compilation dest – orig dest ; run-time f –  ) core “WHILE”

At run-time, if f=0, execution continues after the REPEAT (or THEN or ELSE) that consumes the orig, otherwise right after the WHILE (see Simple Loops).

REPEAT ( compilation orig dest – ; run-time –  ) core “REPEAT”

At run-time, execution continues after the BEGIN that produced the dest; the WHILE, IF, AHEAD or ELSE that pushed orig jumps right after the REPEAT. (see Simple Loops).

Gforth adds some more control-structure words:

ENDIF ( compilation orig – ; run-time –  ) gforth-0.4 “ENDIF”

Same as THEN.

?dup-IF ( compilation – orig ; run-time n – n|  ) gforth-0.4 “question-dupe-if”

This is the preferred alternative to the idiom "?DUP IF", since it can be better handled by tools like stack checkers. Besides, it’s faster.

?DUP-0=-IF ( compilation – orig ; run-time n – n|  ) gforth-0.4 “question-dupe-zero-equals-if”

Counted loop words constitute a separate group of words:

?DO ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time w1 w2 – | loop-sys  ) core-ext “question-do”

See Counted Loops.

+DO ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 – | loop-sys  ) gforth-0.4 “plus-do”

See Counted Loops.

U+DO ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 – | loop-sys  ) gforth-0.4 “u-plus-do”

See Counted Loops.

-DO ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 – | loop-sys  ) gforth-0.4 “minus-do”

See Counted Loops.

U-DO ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 – | loop-sys  ) gforth-0.4 “u-minus-do”

See Counted Loops.

DO ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time w1 w2 – loop-sys  ) core “DO”

See Counted Loops.

FOR ( compilation – do-sys ; run-time u – loop-sys  ) gforth-0.4 “FOR”

See Counted Loops.

LOOP ( compilation do-sys – ; run-time loop-sys1 – | loop-sys2  ) core “LOOP”

See Counted Loops.

+LOOP ( compilation do-sys – ; run-time loop-sys1 n – | loop-sys2  ) core “plus-loop”

See Counted Loops.

-LOOP ( compilation do-sys – ; run-time loop-sys1 u – | loop-sys2  ) gforth-0.4 “minus-loop”

See Counted Loops.

NEXT ( compilation do-sys – ; run-time loop-sys1 – | loop-sys2  ) gforth-0.4 “NEXT”

See Counted Loops.

LEAVE ( compilation – ; run-time loop-sys –  ) core “LEAVE”

See Counted Loops.

?LEAVE ( compilation – ; run-time f | f loop-sys –  ) gforth-0.4 “question-leave”

See Counted Loops.

unloop ( R:w1 R:w2 – ) core “unloop”
DONE ( compilation orig – ; run-time –  ) gforth-0.4 “DONE”

resolves all LEAVEs up to the compilaton orig (from a BEGIN)

The standard does not allow using CS-PICK and CS-ROLL on do-sys. Gforth allows it, but it’s your job to ensure that for every ?DO etc. there is exactly one UNLOOP on any path through the definition (LOOP etc. compile an UNLOOP on the fall-through path). Also, you have to ensure that all LEAVEs are resolved (by using one of the loop-ending words or DONE).

Another group of control structure words are:

case ( compilation  – case-sys ; run-time  –  ) core-ext “case”

Start a case structure.

endcase ( compilation case-sys – ; run-time x –  ) core-ext “end-case”

Finish the case structure; drop x, and continue behind the endcase. Dropping x is useful in the original case construct (with only ofs), but you may have to supply an x in other cases (especially when using ?of).

next-case ( compilation case-sys – ; run-time –  ) gforth-1.0 “next-case”

Restart the case loop by jumping to the matching case. Note that next-case does not drop a cell, unlike endcase.

of ( compilation  – of-sys ; run-time x1 x2 – |x1  ) core-ext “of”

If x1=x2, continue (dropping both); otherwise, leave x1 on the stack and jump behind endof or contof.

?of ( compilation  – of-sys ; run-time  f –  ) gforth-1.0 “question-of”

If f is true, continue; otherwise, jump behind endof or contof.

endof ( compilation case-sys1 of-sys – case-sys2 ; run-time  –  ) core-ext “end-of”

Exit the enclosing case structure by jumping behind endcase/next-case.

contof ( compilation case-sys1 of-sys – case-sys2 ; run-time  –  ) gforth-1.0 “cont-of”

Restart the case loop by jumping to the enclosing case.

Internally, of-sys is an orig; and case-sys is a cell and some stack-depth information, 0 or more origs, and a dest. Programming Style

In order to ensure readability we recommend that you do not create arbitrary control structures directly, but define new control structure words for the control structure you want and use these words in your program. For example, instead of writing:

IF [ 1 CS-ROLL ]

we recommend defining control structure words, e.g.,

 1 CS-ROLL ; immediate

: REPEAT ( orig dest -- )
 POSTPONE THEN ; immediate

and then using these to create the control structure:


That’s much easier to read, isn’t it? Of course, REPEAT and WHILE are predefined, so in this example it would not be necessary to define them.

5.8.7 Calls and returns

A definition can be called simply be writing the name of the definition to be called. Normally a definition is invisible during its own definition. If you want to write a directly recursive definition, you can use recursive to make the current definition visible, or recurse to call the current definition directly.

recursive ( compilation – ; run-time –  ) gforth-0.4 “recursive”

Make the current definition visible, enabling it to call itself recursively.

recurse ( ) unknown “recurse”

Alias to the current definition.

Programming style note: I prefer using recursive to recurse, because calling the definition by name is more descriptive (if the name is well-chosen) than the somewhat cryptic recurse. E.g., in a quicksort implementation, it is much better to read (and think) “now sort the partitions” than to read “now do a recursive call”.

For mutual recursion, use Deferred words, like this:

Defer foo

: bar ( ... -- ... )
 ... foo ... ;

:noname ( ... -- ... )
 ... bar ... ;
IS foo

Deferred words are discussed in more detail in Deferred Words.

The current definition returns control to the calling definition when the end of the definition is reached or EXIT is encountered.

EXIT ( compilation – ; run-time nest-sys –  ) core “EXIT”

Return to the calling definition; usually used as a way of forcing an early return from a definition. Before EXITing you must clean up the return stack and UNLOOP any outstanding ?DO...LOOPs. Use ;s for a tickable word that behaves like exit in the absence of locals.

;s ( R:w – ) gforth-0.4 “semis”

The primitive compiled by EXIT.

5.8.8 Exception Handling

If a word detects an error condition that it cannot handle, it can throw an exception. In the simplest case, this will terminate your program, and report an appropriate error.

throw ( y1 .. ym nerror – y1 .. ym / z1 .. zn error  ) exception “throw”

If nerror is 0, drop it and continue. Otherwise, transfer control to the next dynamically enclosing exception handler, reset the stacks accordingly, and push nerror.

Throw consumes a cell-sized error number on the stack. There are some predefined error numbers in Standard Forth (see errors.fs). In Gforth (and most other systems) you can use the iors produced by various words as error numbers (e.g., a typical use of allocate is allocate throw). Gforth also provides the word exception to define your own error numbers (with decent error reporting); a Standard Forth version of this word (but without the error messages) is available in compat/except.fs. And finally, you can use your own error numbers (anything outside the range -4095..0), but won’t get nice error messages, only numbers. For example, try:

-10 throw                    \ Standard defined
-267 throw                   \ system defined
s" my error" exception throw \ user defined
7 throw                      \ arbitrary number
exception ( addr u – n  ) gforth-0.4 “exception”

n is a previously unused throw value in the range (-4095...-256). Consecutive calls to exception return consecutive decreasing numbers. Gforth uses the string addr u as an error message.

A common idiom to THROW a specific error if a flag is true is this:

( flag ) 0<> errno and throw

Your program can provide exception handlers to catch exceptions. An exception handler can be used to correct the problem, or to clean up some data structures and just throw the exception to the next exception handler. Note that throw jumps to the dynamically innermost exception handler. The system’s exception handler is outermost, and just prints an error and restarts command-line interpretation (or, in batch mode (i.e., while processing the shell command line), leaves Gforth).

The Standard Forth way to catch exceptions is catch:

catch ( ... xt – ... n  ) exception “catch”
nothrow ( ) gforth-0.7 “nothrow”

Use this (or the standard sequence ['] false catch 2drop) after a catch or endtry that does not rethrow; this ensures that the next throw will record a backtrace.

The most common use of exception handlers is to clean up the state when an error happens. E.g.,

base @ >r hex \ actually the HEX should be inside foo to protect
              \ against exceptions between HEX and CATCH
['] foo catch ( nerror|0 )
r> base !
( nerror|0 ) throw \ pass it on

A use of catch for handling the error myerror might look like this:

['] foo catch
  myerror OF ... ( do something about it ) nothrow ENDOF
  dup throw \ default: pass other errors on, do nothing on non-errors

Having to wrap the code into a separate word is often cumbersome, therefore Gforth provides an alternative syntax:


This performs code1. If code1 completes normally, execution continues with code3. If there is an exception in code1 or before endtry, the stacks are reset to the depth during try, the throw value is pushed on the data stack, and execution continues at code2, and finally falls through to code3.

try ( compilation  – orig ; run-time  – R:sys1  ) gforth-0.5 “try”

Start an exception-catching region.

endtry ( compilation  – ; run-time  R:sys1 –  ) gforth-0.5 “endtry”

End an exception-catching region.

iferror ( compilation  orig1 – orig2 ; run-time  –  ) gforth-0.7 “iferror”

Starts the exception handling code (executed if there is an exception between try and endtry). This part has to be finished with then.

If you don’t need code2, you can write restore instead of iferror then:


The cleanup example from above in this syntax:

base @ { oldbase }
  hex foo \ now the hex is placed correctly
  0       \ value for throw
  oldbase base !

An additional advantage of this variant is that an exception between restore and endtry (e.g., from the user pressing Ctrl-C) restarts the execution of the code after restore, so the base will be restored under all circumstances.

However, you have to ensure that this code does not cause an exception itself, otherwise the iferror/restore code will loop. Moreover, you should also make sure that the stack contents needed by the iferror/restore code exist everywhere between try and endtry; in our example this is achived by putting the data in a local before the try (you cannot use the return stack because the exception frame (sys1) is in the way there).

This kind of usage corresponds to Lisp’s unwind-protect.

If you do not want this exception-restarting behaviour, you achieve this as follows:


If there is an exception in code1, then code2 is executed, otherwise execution continues behind the then (or in a possible else branch). This corresponds to the construct


in Gforth before version 0.7. So you can directly replace recover-using code; however, we recommend that you check if it would not be better to use one of the other try variants while you are at it.

To ease the transition, Gforth provides two compatibility files: endtry-iferror.fs provides the try ... endtry-iferror ... then syntax (but not iferror or restore) for old systems; recover-endtry.fs provides the try ... recover ... endtry syntax on new systems, so you can use that file as a stopgap to run old programs. Both files work on any system (they just do nothing if the system already has the syntax it implements), so you can unconditionally require one of these files, even if you use a mix old and new systems.

restore ( compilation  orig1 – ; run-time  –  ) gforth-0.7 “restore”

Starts restoring code, that is executed if there is an exception, and if there is no exception.

endtry-iferror ( compilation  orig1 – orig2 ; run-time  R:sys1 –  ) gforth-0.7 “endtry-iferror”

End an exception-catching region while starting exception-handling code outside that region (executed if there is an exception between try and endtry-iferror). This part has to be finished with then (or else...then).

Here’s the error handling example:

    myerror OF ... ( do something about it ) nothrow ENDOF
    throw \ pass other errors on

Programming style note: As usual, you should ensure that the stack depth is statically known at the end: either after the throw for passing on errors, or after the ENDTRY (or, if you use catch, after the end of the selection construct for handling the error).

There are two alternatives to throw: Abort" is conditional and you can provide an error message. Abort just produces an “Aborted” error.

The problem with these words is that exception handlers cannot differentiate between different abort"s; they just look like -2 throw to them (the error message cannot be accessed by standard programs). Similar abort looks like -1 throw to exception handlers.

ABORT" ( compilation ’ccc"’ – ; run-time f –  ) core,exception-ext “abort-quote”

If any bit of f is non-zero, perform the function of -2 throw, displaying the string ccc if there is no exception frame on the exception stack.

abort ( ?? – ??  ) core,exception-ext “abort”

-1 throw.

For problems that are not that awful that you need to abort execution, you can just display a warning. The variable warnings allows to tune how many warnings you see.

WARNING" ( compilation ’ccc"’ – ; run-time f –  ) gforth-1.0 “WARNING"”

if f is non-zero, display the string ccc as warning message.

warnings ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “warnings”

set warnings level to


turns warnings off


turns normal warnings on


turns beginner warnngs on


pedantic warnings on


turns warnings into errors (including beginner warnings)

5.9 Defining Words

Defining words are used to extend Forth by creating new entries in the dictionary.

5.9.1 CREATE

Defining words are used to create new entries in the dictionary. The simplest defining word is CREATE. CREATE is used like this:

CREATE new-word1

CREATE is a parsing word, i.e., it takes an argument from the input stream (new-word1 in our example). It generates a dictionary entry for new-word1. When new-word1 is executed, all that it does is leave an address on the stack. The address represents the value of the data space pointer (HERE) at the time that new-word1 was defined. Therefore, CREATE is a way of associating a name with the address of a region of memory.

Create ( "name" –  ) core “Create”

Note that Standard Forth guarantees only for create that its body is in dictionary data space (i.e., where here, allot etc. work, see Dictionary allocation). Also, in Standard Forth only created words can be modified with does> (see User-defined Defining Words). And in Standard Forth >body can only be applied to created words.

By extending this example to reserve some memory in data space, we end up with something like a variable. Here are two different ways to do it:

CREATE new-word2 1 cells allot  \ reserve 1 cell - initial value undefined
CREATE new-word3 4 ,            \ reserve 1 cell and initialise it (to 4)

The variable can be examined and modified using @ (“fetch”) and ! (“store”) like this:

new-word2 @ .      \ get address, fetch from it and display
1234 new-word2 !   \ new value, get address, store to it

A similar mechanism can be used to create arrays. For example, an 80-character text input buffer:

CREATE text-buf 80 chars allot

text-buf 0 chars + c@ \ the 1st character (offset 0)
text-buf 3 chars + c@ \ the 4th character (offset 3)

You can build arbitrarily complex data structures by allocating appropriate areas of memory. For further discussions of this, and to learn about some Gforth tools that make it easier, See Structures.

5.9.2 Variables

The previous section showed how a sequence of commands could be used to generate a variable. As a final refinement, the whole code sequence can be wrapped up in a defining word (pre-empting the subject of the next section), making it easier to create new variables:

: myvariableX ( "name" -- a-addr ) CREATE 1 cells allot ;
: myvariable0 ( "name" -- a-addr ) CREATE 0 , ;

myvariableX foo \ variable foo starts off with an unknown value
myvariable0 joe \ whilst joe is initialised to 0

45 3 * foo !   \ set foo to 135
1234 joe !     \ set joe to 1234
3 joe +!       \ increment joe by 3.. to 1237

Not surprisingly, there is no need to define myvariable, since Forth already has a definition Variable. Standard Forth does not guarantee that a Variable is initialised when it is created (i.e., it may behave like myvariableX). In contrast, Gforth’s Variable initialises the variable to 0 (i.e., it behaves exactly like myvariable0). Forth also provides 2Variable and fvariable for double and floating-point variables, respectively – they are initialised to 0. and 0e in Gforth. If you use a Variable to store a boolean, you can use on and off to toggle its state.

Variable ( "name" –  ) core “Variable”
2Variable ( "name" –  ) double “two-variable”
fvariable ( "name" –  ) float “f-variable”

The defining word User behaves in the same way as Variable. The difference is that it reserves space in user (data) space rather than normal data space. In a Forth system that has a multi-tasker, each task has its own set of user variables.

User ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “User”

5.9.3 Constants

Constant allows you to declare a fixed value and refer to it by name. For example:

3E+08 fconstant SPEED-O-LIGHT

A Variable can be both read and written, so its run-time behaviour is to supply an address through which its current value can be manipulated. In contrast, the value of a Constant cannot be changed once it has been declared14 so it’s not necessary to supply the address – it is more efficient to return the value of the constant directly. That’s exactly what happens; the run-time effect of a constant is to put its value on the top of the stack (You can find one way of implementing Constant in User-defined Defining Words).

Forth also provides 2Constant and fconstant for defining double and floating-point constants, respectively.

Constant ( w "name" –  ) core “Constant”

Define a constant name with value w.

name execution: – w

2Constant ( w1 w2 "name" –  ) double “two-constant”
fconstant ( r "name" –  ) float “f-constant”

Constants in Forth behave differently from their equivalents in other programming languages. In other languages, a constant (such as an EQU in assembler or a #define in C) only exists at compile-time; in the executable program the constant has been translated into an absolute number and, unless you are using a symbolic debugger, it’s impossible to know what abstract thing that number represents. In Forth a constant has an entry in the header space and remains there after the code that uses it has been defined. In fact, it must remain in the dictionary since it has run-time duties to perform. For example:


When FEET-TO-INCHES is executed, it will in turn execute the xt associated with the constant INCHES-PER-FOOT. If you use see to decompile the definition of FEET-TO-INCHES, you can see that it makes a call to INCHES-PER-FOOT. Some Forth compilers attempt to optimise constants by in-lining them where they are used. You can force Gforth to in-line a constant like this:


If you use see to decompile this version of FEET-TO-INCHES, you can see that INCHES-PER-FOOT is no longer present. To understand how this works, read Interpret/Compile states, and Literals.

In-lining constants in this way might improve execution time fractionally, and can ensure that a constant is now only referenced at compile-time. However, the definition of the constant still remains in the dictionary. Some Forth compilers provide a mechanism for controlling a second dictionary for holding transient words such that this second dictionary can be deleted later in order to recover memory space. However, there is no standard way of doing this.

5.9.4 Values

A Value behaves like a Constant, but it can be changed. TO is a parsing word that changes a Values. In Gforth (not in Standard Forth) you can access (and change) a value also with >body.

Here are some examples:

12 Value APPLES     \ Define APPLES with an initial value of 12
34 TO APPLES        \ Change the value of APPLES. TO is a parsing word
1 ' APPLES >body +! \ Increment APPLES.  Non-standard usage.
APPLES              \ puts 35 on the top of the stack.
Value ( w "name" –  ) core-ext “Value”
TO ( value "name" –  ) core-ext “TO”

changes the value of name to value

+TO ( value "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “+TO”

increments the value of name by value

addr ( "name" – addr  ) gforth-1.0 “addr”

provides the address addr of the value stored in name

5.9.5 Colon Definitions

: name ( ... -- ... )
    word1 word2 word3 ;

Creates a word called name that, upon execution, executes word1 word2 word3. name is a (colon) definition.

The explanation above is somewhat superficial. For simple examples of colon definitions see Your first Forth definition. For an in-depth discussion of some of the issues involved, See Interpretation and Compilation Semantics.

: ( "name" – colon-sys  ) core “colon”
; ( compilation colon-sys – ; run-time nest-sys  ) core “semicolon”

5.9.6 Anonymous Definitions

Sometimes you want to define an anonymous word; a word without a name. You can do this with:

:noname ( – xt colon-sys  ) core-ext “colon-no-name”

This leaves the execution token for the word on the stack after the closing ;. Here’s an example in which a deferred word is initialised with an xt from an anonymous colon definition:

Defer deferred
:noname ( ... -- ... )
  ... ;
IS deferred

Gforth provides an alternative way of doing this, using two separate words:

noname ( ) gforth-0.4 “noname”

The next defined word will be anonymous. The defining word will leave the input stream alone. The xt of the defined word will be given by latestxt.

latestxt ( – xt  ) gforth-0.6 “latestxt”

xt is the execution token of the last word defined.

The previous example can be rewritten using noname and latestxt:

Defer deferred
noname : ( ... -- ... )
  ... ;
latestxt IS deferred

noname works with any defining word, not just :.

latestxt also works when the last word was not defined as noname. It does not work for combined words, though. It also has the useful property that is is valid as soon as the header for a definition has been built. Thus:

latestxt . : foo [ latestxt . ] ; ' foo .

prints 3 numbers; the last two are the same.

5.9.7 Quotations

A quotation is an anonymous colon definition inside another colon definition. Quotations are useful when dealing with words that consume an execution token, like catch or outfile-execute. E.g. consider the following example of using outfile-execute (see Redirection):

: some-warning ( n -- )
    cr ." warning# " . ;

: print-some-warning ( n -- )
    ['] some-warning stderr outfile-execute ;

Here we defined some-warning as a helper word whose xt we could pass to outfile-execute. Instead, we can use a quotation to define such a word anonymously inside print-some-warning:

: print-some-warning ( n -- )
  [: cr ." warning# " . ;] stderr outfile-execute ;

The quotation is bouded by [: and ;]. It produces an execution token at run-time.

[: ( compile-time: – quotation-sys flag colon-sys  ) gforth-1.0 “bracket-colon”

Starts a quotation

;] ( compile-time: quotation-sys – ; run-time: – xt  ) gforth-1.0 “semi-bracket”

ends a quotation

5.9.8 Supplying the name of a defined word

By default, a defining word takes the name for the defined word from the input stream. Sometimes you want to supply the name from a string. You can do this with:

nextname ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-0.4 “nextname”

The next defined word will have the name c-addr u; the defining word will leave the input stream alone.

For example:

s" foo" nextname create

is equivalent to:

create foo

nextname works with any defining word.

5.9.9 User-defined Defining Words

You can create a new defining word by wrapping defining-time code around an existing defining word and putting the sequence in a colon definition.

For example, suppose that you have a word stats that gathers statistics about colon definitions given the xt of the definition, and you want every colon definition in your application to make a call to stats. You can define and use a new version of : like this:

: stats ( xt -- ) DUP ." (Gathering statistics for " . ." )"
  ... ;  \ other code

: my: : latestxt postpone literal ['] stats compile, ;

my: foo + - ;

When foo is defined using my: these steps occur:

  • my: is executed.
  • The : within the definition (the one between my: and latestxt) is executed, and does just what it always does; it parses the input stream for a name, builds a dictionary header for the name foo and switches state from interpret to compile.
  • The word latestxt is executed. It puts the xt for the word that is being defined – foo – onto the stack.
  • The code that was produced by postpone literal is executed; this causes the value on the stack to be compiled as a literal in the code area of foo.
  • The code ['] stats compiles a literal into the definition of my:. When compile, is executed, that literal – the execution token for stats – is layed down in the code area of foo , following the literal15.
  • At this point, the execution of my: is complete, and control returns to the text interpreter. The text interpreter is in compile state, so subsequent text + - is compiled into the definition of foo and the ; terminates the definition as always.

You can use see to decompile a word that was defined using my: and see how it is different from a normal : definition. For example:

: bar + - ;  \ like foo but using : rather than my:
see bar
: bar
  + - ;
see foo
: foo
  107645672 stats + - ;

\ use ' foo . to show that 107645672 is the xt for foo

You can use techniques like this to make new defining words in terms of any existing defining word.

If you want the words defined with your defining words to behave differently from words defined with standard defining words, you can write your defining word like this:

: def-word ( "name" -- )
    CREATE code1
DOES> ( ... -- ... )
    code2 ;

def-word name

This fragment defines a defining word def-word and then executes it. When def-word executes, it CREATEs a new word, name, and executes the code code1. The code code2 is not executed at this time. The word name is sometimes called a child of def-word.

When you execute name, the address of the body of name is put on the data stack and code2 is executed (the address of the body of name is the address HERE returns immediately after the CREATE, i.e., the address a created word returns by default).

You can use def-word to define a set of child words that behave similarly; they all have a common run-time behaviour determined by code2. Typically, the code1 sequence builds a data area in the body of the child word. The structure of the data is common to all children of def-word, but the data values are specific – and private – to each child word. When a child word is executed, the address of its private data area is passed as a parameter on TOS to be used and manipulated16 by code2.

The two fragments of code that make up the defining words act (are executed) at two completely separate times:

  • At define time, the defining word executes code1 to generate a child word
  • At child execution time, when a child word is invoked, code2 is executed, using parameters (data) that are private and specific to the child word.

Another way of understanding the behaviour of def-word and name is to say that, if you make the following definitions:

: def-word1 ( "name" -- )
    CREATE code1 ;

: action1 ( ... -- ... )
    code2 ;

def-word1 name1

Then using name1 action1 is equivalent to using name.

The classic example is that you can define CONSTANT in this way:

: CONSTANT ( w "name" -- )
    CREATE ,
DOES> ( -- w )
    @ ;

When you create a constant with 5 CONSTANT five, a set of define-time actions take place; first a new word five is created, then the value 5 is laid down in the body of five with ,. When five is executed, the address of the body is put on the stack, and @ retrieves the value 5. The word five has no code of its own; it simply contains a data field and a pointer to the code that follows DOES> in its defining word. That makes words created in this way very compact.

The final example in this section is intended to remind you that space reserved in CREATEd words is data space and therefore can be both read and written by a Standard program17:

: foo ( "name" -- )
    CREATE -1 ,
DOES> ( -- )
    @ . ;

foo first-word
foo second-word

123 ' first-word >BODY !

If first-word had been a CREATEd word, we could simply have executed it to get the address of its data field. However, since it was defined to have DOES> actions, its execution semantics are to perform those DOES> actions. To get the address of its data field it’s necessary to use ' to get its xt, then >BODY to translate the xt into the address of the data field. When you execute first-word, it will display 123. When you execute second-word it will display -1.

In the examples above the stack comment after the DOES> specifies the stack effect of the defined words, not the stack effect of the following code (the following code expects the address of the body on the top of stack, which is not reflected in the stack comment). This is the convention that I use and recommend (it clashes a bit with using locals declarations for stack effect specification, though). Applications of CREATE..DOES>

You may wonder how to use this feature. Here are some usage patterns:

When you see a sequence of code occurring several times, and you can identify a meaning, you will factor it out as a colon definition. When you see similar colon definitions, you can factor them using CREATE..DOES>. E.g., an assembler usually defines several words that look very similar:

: ori, ( reg-target reg-source n -- )
    0 asm-reg-reg-imm ;
: andi, ( reg-target reg-source n -- )
    1 asm-reg-reg-imm ;

This could be factored with:

: reg-reg-imm ( op-code -- )
    CREATE ,
DOES> ( reg-target reg-source n -- )
    @ asm-reg-reg-imm ;

0 reg-reg-imm ori,
1 reg-reg-imm andi,

Another view of CREATE..DOES> is to consider it as a crude way to supply a part of the parameters for a word (known as currying in the functional language community). E.g., + needs two parameters. Creating versions of + with one parameter fixed can be done like this:

: curry+ ( n1 "name" -- )
    CREATE ,
DOES> ( n2 -- n1+n2 )
    @ + ;

 3 curry+ 3+
-2 curry+ 2- The gory details of CREATE..DOES>

DOES> ( compilation colon-sys1 – colon-sys2  ) unknown “DOES>”

This means that you need not use CREATE and DOES> in the same definition; you can put the DOES>-part in a separate definition. This allows us to, e.g., select among different DOES>-parts:

: does1 
DOES> ( ... -- ... )
    ... ;

: does2
DOES> ( ... -- ... )
    ... ;

: def-word ( ... -- ... )
    create ...
    ENDIF ;

In this example, the selection of whether to use does1 or does2 is made at definition-time; at the time that the child word is CREATEd.

In a standard program you can apply a DOES>-part only if the last word was defined with CREATE. In Gforth, the DOES>-part will override the behaviour of the last word defined in any case. In a standard program, you can use DOES> only in a colon definition. In Gforth, you can also use it in interpretation state, in a kind of one-shot mode; for example:

CREATE name ( ... -- ... )
  code ;

is equivalent to the standard:

    code ;
CREATE name EXECUTE ( ... -- ... )
>body ( xt – a_addr  ) core “to-body”

Get the address of the body of the word represented by xt (the address of the word’s data field). Advanced does> usage example

The MIPS disassembler (arch/mips/disasm.fs) contains many words for disassembling instructions, that follow a very repetetive scheme:

:noname disasm-operands s" inst-name" type ;
entry-num cells table + !

Of course, this inspires the idea to factor out the commonalities to allow a definition like

disasm-operands entry-num table define-inst inst-name

The parameters disasm-operands and table are usually correlated. Moreover, before I wrote the disassembler, there already existed code that defines instructions like this:

entry-num inst-format inst-name

This code comes from the assembler and resides in arch/mips/insts.fs.

So I had to define the inst-format words that performed the scheme above when executed. At first I chose to use run-time code-generation:

: inst-format ( entry-num "name" -- ; compiled code: addr w -- )
  :noname Postpone disasm-operands
  name Postpone sliteral Postpone type Postpone ;
  swap cells table + ! ;

Note that this supplies the other two parameters of the scheme above.

An alternative would have been to write this using create/does>:

: inst-format ( entry-num "name" -- )
  here name string, ( entry-num c-addr ) \ parse and save "name"
  noname create , ( entry-num )
  latestxt swap cells table + !
does> ( addr w -- )
  \ disassemble instruction w at addr
  @ >r 
  r> count type ;

Somehow the first solution is simpler, mainly because it’s simpler to shift a string from definition-time to use-time with sliteral than with string, and friends.

I wrote a lot of words following this scheme and soon thought about factoring out the commonalities among them. Note that this uses a two-level defining word, i.e., a word that defines ordinary defining words.

This time a solution involving postpone and friends seemed more difficult (try it as an exercise), so I decided to use a create/does> word; since I was already at it, I also used create/does> for the lower level (try using postpone etc. as an exercise), resulting in the following definition:

: define-format ( disasm-xt table-xt -- )
    \ define an instruction format that uses disasm-xt for
    \ disassembling and enters the defined instructions into table
    \ table-xt
    create 2,
does> ( u "inst" -- )
    \ defines an anonymous word for disassembling instruction inst,
    \ and enters it as u-th entry into table-xt
    2@ swap here name string, ( u table-xt disasm-xt c-addr ) \ remember string
    noname create 2,      \ define anonymous word
    execute latestxt swap ! \ enter xt of defined word into table-xt
does> ( addr w -- )
    \ disassemble instruction w at addr
    2@ >r ( addr w disasm-xt R: c-addr )
    execute ( R: c-addr ) \ disassemble operands
    r> count type ; \ print name 

Note that the tables here (in contrast to above) do the cells + by themselves (that’s why you have to pass an xt). This word is used in the following way:

' disasm-operands ' table define-format inst-format

As shown above, the defined instruction format is then used like this:

entry-num inst-format inst-name

In terms of currying, this kind of two-level defining word provides the parameters in three stages: first disasm-operands and table, then entry-num and inst-name, finally addr w, i.e., the instruction to be disassembled.

Of course this did not quite fit all the instruction format names used in insts.fs, so I had to define a few wrappers that conditioned the parameters into the right form.

If you have trouble following this section, don’t worry. First, this is involved and takes time (and probably some playing around) to understand; second, this is the first two-level create/does> word I have written in seventeen years of Forth; and if I did not have insts.fs to start with, I may well have elected to use just a one-level defining word (with some repeating of parameters when using the defining word). So it is not necessary to understand this, but it may improve your understanding of Forth. Const-does>

A frequent use of create...does> is for transferring some values from definition-time to run-time. Gforth supports this use with

const-does> ( run-time: w*uw r*ur uw ur "name" –  ) gforth-0.6 “const-does>”

Defines name and returns.

name execution: pushes w*uw r*ur, then performs the code following the const-does>.

A typical use of this word is:

: curry+ ( n1 "name" -- )
1 0 CONST-DOES> ( n2 -- n1+n2 )
    + ;

3 curry+ 3+

Here the 1 0 means that 1 cell and 0 floats are transferred from definition to run-time.

The advantages of using const-does> are:

  • You don’t have to deal with storing and retrieving the values, i.e., your program becomes more writable and readable.
  • When using does>, you have to introduce a @ that cannot be optimized away (because you could change the data using >body...!); const-does> avoids this problem.

A Standard Forth implementation of const-does> is available in compat/const-does.fs.

5.9.10 Deferred Words

The defining word Defer allows you to define a word by name without defining its behaviour; the definition of its behaviour is deferred. Here are two situation where this can be useful:

  • Where you want to allow the behaviour of a word to be altered later, and for all precompiled references to the word to change when its behaviour is changed.
  • For mutual recursion; See Calls and returns.

In the following example, foo always invokes the version of greet that prints “Good morning” whilst bar always invokes the version that prints “Hello”. There is no way of getting foo to use the later version without re-ordering the source code and recompiling it.

: greet ." Good morning" ;
: foo ... greet ... ;
: greet ." Hello" ;
: bar ... greet ... ;

This problem can be solved by defining greet as a Deferred word. The behaviour of a Deferred word can be defined and redefined at any time by using IS to associate the xt of a previously-defined word with it. The previous example becomes:

Defer greet ( -- )
: foo ... greet ... ;
: bar ... greet ... ;
: greet1 ( -- ) ." Good morning" ;
: greet2 ( -- ) ." Hello" ;
' greet2 IS greet  \ make greet behave like greet2

Programming style note: You should write a stack comment for every deferred word, and put only XTs into deferred words that conform to this stack effect. Otherwise it’s too difficult to use the deferred word.

A deferred word can be used to improve the statistics-gathering example from User-defined Defining Words; rather than edit the application’s source code to change every : to a my:, do this:

: real: : ;     \ retain access to the original
defer :         \ redefine as a deferred word
' my: IS :      \ use special version of :
\ load application here
' real: IS :    \ go back to the original

One thing to note is that IS has special compilation semantics, such that it parses the name at compile time (like TO):

: set-greet ( xt -- )
  IS greet ;

' greet1 set-greet

In situations where IS does not fit, use defer! instead.

A deferred word can only inherit execution semantics from the xt (because that is all that an xt can represent – for more discussion of this see Tokens for Words); by default it will have default interpretation and compilation semantics deriving from this execution semantics. However, you can change the interpretation and compilation semantics of the deferred word in the usual ways:

: bar .... ; immediate
Defer fred immediate
Defer jim

' bar IS jim  \ jim has default semantics
' bar IS fred \ fred is immediate
Defer ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “Defer”

Define a deferred word name; its execution semantics can be set with defer! or is (and they have to, before first executing name.

defer! ( xt xt-deferred –  ) gforth-0.7 “defer-store”
IS ( value "name" –  ) core-ext “IS”

changes the deferred word name to execute value

defer@ ( xt-deferred – xt  ) gforth-0.7 “defer-fetch”

xt represents the word currently associated with the deferred word xt-deferred.

action-of ( interpretation "name" – xt; compilation "name" – ; run-time – xt  ) core-ext “action-of”

Xt is the XT that is currently assigned to name.

defers ( compilation "name" – ; run-time ... – ...  ) gforth-0.4 “defers”

Compiles the present contents of the deferred word name into the current definition. I.e., this produces static binding as if name was not deferred.

Definitions of these words (except defers) in Standard Forth are provided in compat/defer.fs.

5.9.11 Forward

The defining word Forward in forward.fs allows you to create forward references, which are resolved automatically, and do not incur additional costs like the indirection of Defer. However, these forward definitions only work for colon definitions.

forward ( "name" –  ) unknown “forward”

Defines a forward reference to a colon definition. Defining a colon definition with the same name in the same wordlist resolves the forward references. Use .unresolved to check whether any forwards are unresolved.

.unresolved ( ) unknown “.unresolved”

print all unresolved forward references

5.9.12 Aliases

The defining word Alias allows you to define a word by name that has the same behaviour as some other word. Here are two situation where this can be useful:

  • When you want access to a word’s definition from a different word list (for an example of this, see the definition of the Root word list in the Gforth source).
  • When you want to create a synonym; a definition that can be known by either of two names (for example, THEN and ENDIF are aliases).

Like deferred words, an alias has default compilation and interpretation semantics at the beginning (not the modifications of the other word), but you can change them in the usual ways (immediate, compile-only). For example:

: foo ... ; immediate

' foo Alias bar \ bar is not an immediate word
' foo Alias fooby immediate \ fooby is an immediate word

Words that are aliases have the same xt, different headers in the dictionary, and consequently different name tokens (see Tokens for Words) and possibly different immediate flags. An alias can only have default or immediate compilation semantics; you can define aliases for combined words with interpret/compile: – see Combined Words.

Alias ( xt "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “Alias”

5.10 Interpretation and Compilation Semantics

The interpretation semantics of a (named) word are what the text interpreter does when it encounters the word in interpret state. It also appears in some other contexts, e.g., the execution token returned by ' word identifies the interpretation semantics of word (in other words, ' word execute is equivalent to interpret-state text interpretation of word).

The compilation semantics of a (named) word are what the text interpreter does when it encounters the word in compile state. It also appears in other contexts, e.g, POSTPONE word compiles18 the compilation semantics of word.

The standard also talks about execution semantics. They are used only for defining the interpretation and compilation semantics of many words. By default, the interpretation semantics of a word are to execute its execution semantics, and the compilation semantics of a word are to compile, its execution semantics.19

Unnamed words (see Anonymous Definitions) cannot be encountered by the text interpreter, ticked, or postponed, so they have no interpretation or compilation semantics. Their behaviour is represented by their XT (see Tokens for Words), and we call it execution semantics, too.

You can change the semantics of the most-recently defined word:

immediate ( ) core “immediate”

Make the compilation semantics of a word be to execute the execution semantics.

compile-only ( ) gforth-0.4 “compile-only”

Mark the last definition as compile-only; as a result, the text interpreter and ' will warn when they encounter such a word.

restrict ( ) gforth-0.4 “restrict”

A synonym for compile-only

By convention, words with non-default compilation semantics (e.g., immediate words) often have names surrounded with brackets (e.g., ['], see Execution token).

Note that ticking (') a compile-only word gives a warning (“<word> is compile-only”).

5.10.1 Combined Words

Gforth allows you to define combined words – words that have an arbitrary combination of interpretation and compilation semantics.

interpret/compile: ( interp-xt comp-xt "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “interpret/compile:”

This feature was introduced for implementing TO and S". I recommend that you do not define such words, as cute as they may be: they make it hard to get at both parts of the word in some contexts. E.g., assume you want to get an execution token for the compilation part. Instead, define two words, one that embodies the interpretation part, and one that embodies the compilation part. Once you have done that, you can define a combined word with interpret/compile: for the convenience of your users.

You might try to use this feature to provide an optimizing implementation of the default compilation semantics of a word. For example, by defining:

   foo bar ;
interpret/compile: opti-foobar

as an optimizing version of:

: foobar
    foo bar ;

Unfortunately, this does not work correctly with [compile], because [compile] assumes that the compilation semantics of all interpret/compile: words are non-default. I.e., [compile] opti-foobar would compile compilation semantics, whereas [compile] foobar would compile interpretation semantics.

Some people try to use state-smart words to emulate the feature provided by interpret/compile: (words are state-smart if they check STATE during execution). E.g., they would try to code foobar like this:

: foobar
  IF ( compilation state )
    foo bar
  ENDIF ; immediate

Although this works if foobar is only processed by the text interpreter, it does not work in other contexts (like ' or POSTPONE). E.g., ' foobar will produce an execution token for a state-smart word, not for the interpretation semantics of the original foobar; when you execute this execution token (directly with EXECUTE or indirectly through COMPILE,) in compile state, the result will not be what you expected (i.e., it will not perform foo bar). State-smart words are a bad idea. Simply don’t write them20!

It is also possible to write defining words that define words with arbitrary combinations of interpretation and compilation semantics. In general, they look like this:

: def-word
<compilation ;

For a word defined with def-word, the interpretation semantics are to push the address of the body of word and perform code2, and the compilation semantics are to push the address of the body of word and perform code3. E.g., constant can also be defined like this (except that the defined constants don’t behave correctly when [compile]d):

: constant ( n "name" -- )
interpretation> ( -- n )
compilation> ( compilation. -- ; run-time. -- n )
    @ postpone literal
<compilation ;

doc-create-interpret/compile doc-interpretation> doc-<interpretation doc-compilation> doc-<compilation

Words defined with interpret/compile: and create-interpret/compile have an extended header structure that differs from other words; however, unless you try to access them with plain address arithmetic, you should not notice this. Words for accessing the header structure usually know how to deal with this; e.g., ' word >body also gives you the body of a word created with create-interpret/compile.

5.11 Tokens for Words

This section describes the creation and use of tokens that represent words.

5.11.1 Execution token

An execution token (XT) represents some behaviour of a word. You can use execute to invoke this behaviour.

You can use ' to get an execution token that represents the interpretation semantics of a named word:

5 ' .   ( n xt ) 
execute ( )      \ execute the xt (i.e., ".")
' ( "name" – xt  ) core “tick”

xt represents name’s interpretation semantics. Perform -14 throw if the word has no interpretation semantics.

' parses at run-time; there is also a word ['] that parses when it is compiled, and compiles the resulting XT:

: foo ['] . execute ;
5 foo
: bar ' execute ; \ by contrast,
5 bar .           \ ' parses "." when bar executes
['] ( compilation. "name" – ; run-time. – xt  ) core “bracket-tick”

xt represents name’s interpretation semantics. Perform -14 throw if the word has no interpretation semantics.

If you want the execution token of word, write ['] word in compiled code and ' word in interpreted code. Gforth’s ' and ['] warns when you use them on compile-only words, because such usage may be non-portable between different Forth systems.

You can avoid that warning as well as the portability problems by defining an immediate variant of the word, e.g.:

: if postpone if ; immediate
: test [ ' if execute ] ." test" then ;

The resulting execution token performs the compilation semantics of if when executed.

Another way to get an XT is :noname or latestxt (see Anonymous Definitions). For anonymous words this gives an xt for the only behaviour the word has (the execution semantics). For named words, latestxt produces an XT for the same behaviour it would produce if the word was defined anonymously.

:noname ." hello" ;

An XT occupies one cell and can be manipulated like any other cell.

In Standard Forth the XT is just an abstract data type (i.e., defined by the operations that produce or consume it). For old hands: In Gforth, the XT is implemented as a code field address (CFA).

execute ( xt – ) core “execute”

Perform the semantics represented by the execution token, xt.

perform ( a-addr – ) gforth-0.4 “perform”

@ execute.

5.11.2 Compilation token

Gforth represents the compilation semantics of a named word by a compilation token consisting of two cells: w xt. The top cell xt is an execution token. The compilation semantics represented by the compilation token can be performed with execute, which consumes the whole compilation token, with an additional stack effect determined by the represented compilation semantics.

At present, the w part of a compilation token is an execution token, and the xt part represents either execute or compile,21. However, don’t rely on that knowledge, unless necessary; future versions of Gforth may introduce unusual compilation tokens (e.g., a compilation token that represents the compilation semantics of a literal).

You can perform the compilation semantics represented by the compilation token with execute. You can compile the compilation semantics with postpone,. I.e., COMP' word postpone, is equivalent to postpone word.

[COMP'] ( compilation "name" – ; run-time – w xt  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-comp-tick”

Compilation token w xt represents name’s compilation semantics.

COMP' ( "name" – w xt  ) gforth-0.4 “comp-tick”

Compilation token w xt represents name’s compilation semantics.

postpone, ( w xt –  ) gforth-0.4 “postpone-comma”

Compile the compilation semantics represented by the compilation token w xt.

5.11.3 Name token

Gforth represents named words by the name token, (nt). Name token is an abstract data type that occurs as argument or result of the words below.

The closest thing to the nt in older Forth systems is the name field address (NFA), but there are significant differences: in older Forth systems each word had a unique NFA, LFA, CFA and PFA (in this order, or LFA, NFA, CFA, PFA) and there were words for getting from one to the next. In contrast, in Gforth 0…n nts correspond to one xt; there is a link field in the structure identified by the name token, but searching usually uses a hash table external to these structures; the name in Gforth has a cell-wide count-and-flags field, and the nt is not implemented as the address of that count field.

find-name ( c-addr u – nt | 0  ) gforth-0.4 “find-name”

Find the name c-addr u in the current search order. Return its nt, if found, otherwise 0.

find-name-in ( c-addr u wid – nt | 0  ) unknown “find-name-in”

search the word list identified by wid for the definition named by the string at c-addr u. Return its nt, if found, otherwise 0.

latest ( – nt  ) gforth-0.6 “latest”

nt is the name token of the last word defined; it is 0 if the last word has no name.

>name ( xt – nt|0  ) gforth-0.4 “to-name”

The primary name token nt of the word represented by xt. Returns 0 if xt is not an xt (using a heuristic check that has a small chance of misidentifying a non-xt as xt), or if the primary nt is of an unnamed word. As of Gforth 1.0, every xt has a primary nt, but other named words may have the same interpretation sematics xt.

name>interpret ( nt – xt|0  ) unknown “name>interpret”

xt represents the interpretation semantics nt; returns 0 if nt has no interpretation semantics

name>compile ( nt – w xt  ) unknown “name>compile”

w xt is the compilation token for the word nt.

name>int ( nt – xt  ) gforth-0.4 “name-to-int”

xt represents the interpretation semantics of the word nt.

name?int ( nt – xt  ) gforth-obsolete “name-question-int”

Like name>int, but warns when encountering a word marked compile-only

name>comp ( nt – w xt  ) gforth-0.4 “name-to-comp”

w xt is the compilation token for the word nt.

name>string ( nt – addr u  ) gforth-0.4 “name-to-string”

addr count is the name of the word represented by nt.

id. ( nt –  ) gforth-0.6 “i-d-dot”

Print the name of the word represented by nt.

.name ( nt –  ) gforth-obsolete “dot-name”

Gforth <=0.5.0 name for id..

.id ( nt –  ) F83 “dot-i-d”

F83 name for id..

5.12 Compiling words

In contrast to most other languages, Forth has no strict boundary between compilation and run-time. E.g., you can run arbitrary code between defining words (or for computing data used by defining words like constant). Moreover, Immediate (see Interpretation and Compilation Semantics and [...] (see below) allow running arbitrary code while compiling a colon definition (exception: you must not allot dictionary space).

5.12.1 Literals

The simplest and most frequent example is to compute a literal during compilation. E.g., the following definition prints an array of strings, one string per line:

: .strings ( addr u -- ) \ gforth
    2* cells bounds U+DO
	cr i 2@ type
    2 cells +LOOP ;  

With a simple-minded compiler like Gforth’s, this computes 2 cells on every loop iteration. You can compute this value once and for all at compile time and compile it into the definition like this:

: .strings ( addr u -- ) \ gforth
    2* cells bounds U+DO
	cr i 2@ type
    [ 2 cells ] literal +LOOP ;  

[ switches the text interpreter to interpret state (you will get an ok prompt if you type this example interactively and insert a newline between [ and ]), so it performs the interpretation semantics of 2 cells; this computes a number. ] switches the text interpreter back into compile state. It then performs Literal’s compilation semantics, which are to compile this number into the current word. You can decompile the word with see .strings to see the effect on the compiled code.

You can also optimize the 2* cells into [ 2 cells ] literal * in this way.

[ ( ) core “left-bracket”

Enter interpretation state. Immediate word.

] ( ) core “right-bracket”

Enter compilation state.

Literal ( compilation n – ; run-time – n  ) core “Literal”

Compilation semantics: compile the run-time semantics.
Run-time Semantics: push n.
Interpretation semantics: undefined.

]L ( compilation: n – ; run-time: – n  ) gforth-0.5 “]L”

equivalent to ] literal

There are also words for compiling other data types than single cells as literals:

2Literal ( compilation w1 w2 – ; run-time  – w1 w2  ) double “two-literal”

Compile appropriate code such that, at run-time, w1 w2 are placed on the stack. Interpretation semantics are undefined.

FLiteral ( compilation r – ; run-time – r  ) float “f-literal”

Compile appropriate code such that, at run-time, r is placed on the (floating-point) stack. Interpretation semantics are undefined.

SLiteral ( Compilation c-addr1 u ; run-time – c-addr2 u  ) string “SLiteral”

Compilation: compile the string specified by c-addr1, u into the current definition. Run-time: return c-addr2 u describing the address and length of the string.

You might be tempted to pass data from outside a colon definition to the inside on the data stack. This does not work, because : puhes a colon-sys, making stuff below unaccessible. E.g., this does not work:

5 : foo literal ; \ error: "unstructured"

Instead, you have to pass the value in some other way, e.g., through a variable:

variable temp
5 temp !
: foo [ temp @ ] literal ;

5.12.2 Macros

Literal and friends compile data values into the current definition. You can also write words that compile other words into the current definition. E.g.,

: compile-+ ( -- ) \ compiled code: ( n1 n2 -- n )

: foo ( n1 n2 -- n )
  [ compile-+ ] ;
1 2 foo .

This is equivalent to : foo + ; (see foo to check this). What happens in this example? Postpone compiles the compilation semantics of + into compile-+; later the text interpreter executes compile-+ and thus the compilation semantics of +, which compile (the execution semantics of) + into foo.22

postpone ( "name" –  ) core “postpone”

Compiles the compilation semantics of name.

Compiling words like compile-+ are usually immediate (or similar) so you do not have to switch to interpret state to execute them; modifying the last example accordingly produces:

: [compile-+] ( compilation: --; interpretation: -- )
  \ compiled code: ( n1 n2 -- n )
  POSTPONE + ; immediate

: foo ( n1 n2 -- n )
  [compile-+] ;
1 2 foo .

You will occassionally find the need to POSTPONE several words; putting POSTPONE before each such word is cumbersome, so Gforth provides a more convenient syntax: ]] ... [[. This allows us to write [compile-+] as:

: [compile-+] ( compilation: --; interpretation: -- )
  ]] + [[ ; immediate
]] ( ) gforth-0.6 “right-bracket-bracket”

switch into postpone state


The unusual direction of the brackets indicates their function: ]] switches from compilation to postponing (i.e., compilation of compilation), just like ] switches from immediate execution (interpretation) to compilation. Conversely, [[ switches from postponing to compilation, ananlogous to [ which switches from compilation to immediate execution.

The real advantage of ]] ... [[ becomes apparent when there are many words to POSTPONE. E.g., the word compile-map-array (see Advanced macros) can be written much shorter as follows:

: compile-map-array ( compilation: xt -- ; run-time: ... addr u -- ... )
\ at run-time, execute xt ( ... x -- ... ) for each element of the
\ array beginning at addr and containing u elements
  { xt }
  ]] cells over + swap ?do
    i @ [[ xt compile, 
  1 cells ]]L +loop [[ ;

This example also uses ]]L as a shortcut for ]] literal. There are also other shortcuts

doc-]]L doc-]]2L doc-]]FL doc-]]SL

Note that parsing words don’t parse at postpone time; if you want to provide the parsed string right away, you have to switch back to compilation:

]] ... [[ s" some string" ]]2L ... [[
]] ... [[ ['] + ]]L ... [[

Definitions of ]] and friends in Standard Forth are provided in compat/macros.fs.

Immediate compiling words are similar to macros in other languages (in particular, Lisp). The important differences to macros in, e.g., C are:

  • You use the same language for defining and processing macros, not a separate preprocessing language and processor.
  • Consequently, the full power of Forth is available in macro definitions. E.g., you can perform arbitrarily complex computations, or generate different code conditionally or in a loop (e.g., see Advanced macros). This power is very useful when writing a parser generators or other code-generating software.
  • Macros defined using postpone etc. deal with the language at a higher level than strings; name binding happens at macro definition time, so you can avoid the pitfalls of name collisions that can happen in C macros. Of course, Forth is a liberal language and also allows to shoot yourself in the foot with text-interpreted macros like
    : [compile-+] s" +" evaluate ; immediate

    Apart from binding the name at macro use time, using evaluate also makes your definition state-smart (see state-smartness).

You may want the macro to compile a number into a word. The word to do it is literal, but you have to postpone it, so its compilation semantics take effect when the macro is executed, not when it is compiled:

: [compile-5] ( -- ) \ compiled code: ( -- n )
  5 POSTPONE literal ; immediate

: foo [compile-5] ;
foo .

You may want to pass parameters to a macro, that the macro should compile into the current definition. If the parameter is a number, then you can use postpone literal (similar for other values).

If you want to pass a word that is to be compiled, the usual way is to pass an execution token and compile, it:

: twice1 ( xt -- ) \ compiled code: ... -- ...
  dup compile, compile, ;

: 2+ ( n1 -- n2 )
  [ ' 1+ twice1 ] ;
compile, ( xt –  ) unknown “compile,”

Append the semantics represented by xt to the current definition. When the resulting code fragment is run, it behaves the same as if xt is executed.

An alternative available in Gforth, that allows you to pass the compilation semantics as parameters is to use the compilation token (see Compilation token). The same example in this technique:

: twice ( ... ct -- ... ) \ compiled code: ... -- ...
  2dup 2>r execute 2r> execute ;

: 2+ ( n1 -- n2 )
  [ comp' 1+ twice ] ;

In the example above 2>r and 2r> ensure that twice works even if the executed compilation semantics has an effect on the data stack.

You can also define complete definitions with these words; this provides an alternative to using does> (see User-defined Defining Words). E.g., instead of

: curry+ ( n1 "name" -- )
    CREATE ,
DOES> ( n2 -- n1+n2 )
    @ + ;

you could define

: curry+ ( n1 "name" -- )
  \ name execution: ( n2 -- n1+n2 )
  >r : r> POSTPONE literal POSTPONE + POSTPONE ; ;

-3 curry+ 3-
see 3-

The sequence >r : r> is necessary, because : puts a colon-sys on the data stack that makes everything below it unaccessible.

This way of writing defining words is sometimes more, sometimes less convenient than using does> (see Advanced does> usage example). One advantage of this method is that it can be optimized better, because the compiler knows that the value compiled with literal is fixed, whereas the data associated with a created word can be changed.

5.13 The Text Interpreter

The text interpreter23 is an endless loop that processes input from the current input device. It is also called the outer interpreter, in contrast to the inner interpreter (see Engine) which executes the compiled Forth code on interpretive implementations.

The text interpreter operates in one of two states: interpret state and compile state. The current state is defined by the aptly-named variable state.

This section starts by describing how the text interpreter behaves when it is in interpret state, processing input from the user input device – the keyboard. This is the mode that a Forth system is in after it starts up.

The text interpreter works from an area of memory called the input buffer24, which stores your keyboard input when you press the RET key. Starting at the beginning of the input buffer, it skips leading spaces (called delimiters) then parses a string (a sequence of non-space characters) until it reaches either a space character or the end of the buffer. Having parsed a string, it makes two attempts to process it:

  • It looks for the string in a dictionary of definitions. If the string is found, the string names a definition (also known as a word) and the dictionary search returns information that allows the text interpreter to perform the word’s interpretation semantics. In most cases, this simply means that the word will be executed.
  • If the string is not found in the dictionary, the text interpreter attempts to treat it as a number, using the rules described in Number Conversion. If the string represents a legal number in the current radix, the number is pushed onto a parameter stack (the data stack for integers, the floating-point stack for floating-point numbers).

If both attempts fail, the text interpreter discards the remainder of the input buffer, issues an error message and waits for more input. If one of the attempts succeeds, the text interpreter repeats the parsing process until the whole of the input buffer has been processed, at which point it prints the status message “ ok” and waits for more input.

The text interpreter keeps track of its position in the input buffer by updating a variable called >IN (pronounced “to-in”). The value of >IN starts out as 0, indicating an offset of 0 from the start of the input buffer. The region from offset >IN @ to the end of the input buffer is called the parse area25. This example shows how >IN changes as the text interpreter parses the input buffer:

: remaining source >in @ /string
  cr ." ->" type ." <-" ; immediate 

1 2 3 remaining + remaining . 

: foo 1 2 3 remaining swap remaining ;

The result is:

->+ remaining .<-
->.<-5  ok

->SWAP remaining ;-<
->;<-  ok

The value of >IN can also be modified by a word in the input buffer that is executed by the text interpreter. This means that a word can “trick” the text interpreter into either skipping a section of the input buffer26 or into parsing a section twice. For example:

: lat ." <<foo>>" ;
: flat ." <<bar>>" >IN DUP @ 3 - SWAP ! ;

When flat is executed, this output is produced27:


This technique can be used to work around some of the interoperability problems of parsing words. Of course, it’s better to avoid parsing words where possible.

Two important notes about the behaviour of the text interpreter:

  • It processes each input string to completion before parsing additional characters from the input buffer.
  • It treats the input buffer as a read-only region (and so must your code).

When the text interpreter is in compile state, its behaviour changes in these ways:

  • If a parsed string is found in the dictionary, the text interpreter will perform the word’s compilation semantics. In most cases, this simply means that the execution semantics of the word will be appended to the current definition.
  • When a number is encountered, it is compiled into the current definition (as a literal) rather than being pushed onto a parameter stack.
  • If an error occurs, state is modified to put the text interpreter back into interpret state.
  • Each time a line is entered from the keyboard, Gforth prints “ compiled” rather than “ ok”.

When the text interpreter is using an input device other than the keyboard, its behaviour changes in these ways:

  • When the parse area is empty, the text interpreter attempts to refill the input buffer from the input source. When the input source is exhausted, the input source is set back to the previous input source.
  • It doesn’t print out “ ok” or “ compiled” messages each time the parse area is emptied.
  • If an error occurs, the input source is set back to the user input device.

You can read about this in more detail in Input Sources.

>in ( – addr  ) core “to-in”

uvar variable – a-addr is the address of a cell containing the char offset from the start of the input buffer to the start of the parse area.

source ( – addr u  ) core “source”

Return address addr and length u of the current input buffer

tib ( – addr  ) core-ext-obsolescent “t-i-b”
#tib ( – addr  ) core-ext-obsolescent “number-t-i-b”

uvar variable – a-addr is the address of a cell containing the number of characters in the terminal input buffer. OBSOLESCENT: source superceeds the function of this word.

5.13.1 Input Sources

By default, the text interpreter processes input from the user input device (the keyboard) when Forth starts up. The text interpreter can process input from any of these sources:

  • The user input device – the keyboard.
  • A file, using the words described in Forth source files.
  • A block, using the words described in Blocks.
  • A text string, using evaluate.

A program can identify the current input device from the values of source-id and blk.

source-id ( – 0 | -1 | fileid  ) core-ext,file “source-i-d”

Return 0 (the input source is the user input device), -1 (the input source is a string being processed by evaluate) or a fileid (the input source is the file specified by fileid).

blk ( – addr  ) block “b-l-k”

uvar variable – This cell contains the current block number (or 0 if the current input source is not a block).

save-input ( – x1 .. xn n  ) core-ext “save-input”

The n entries xn - x1 describe the current state of the input source specification, in some platform-dependent way that can be used by restore-input.

restore-input ( x1 .. xn n – flag  ) core-ext “restore-input”

Attempt to restore the input source specification to the state described by the n entries xn - x1. flag is true if the restore fails. In Gforth with the new input code, it fails only with a flag that can be used to throw again; it is also possible to save and restore between different active input streams. Note that closing the input streams must happen in the reverse order as they have been opened, but in between everything is allowed.

evaluate ( ... addr u – ...  ) core,block “evaluate”

Save the current input source specification. Store -1 in source-id and 0 in blk. Set >IN to 0 and make the string c-addr u the input source and input buffer. Interpret. When the parse area is empty, restore the input source specification.

query ( ) core-ext-obsolescent “query”

Make the user input device the input source. Receive input into the Terminal Input Buffer. Set >IN to zero. OBSOLESCENT: superceeded by accept.

5.13.2 Number Conversion

This section describes the rules that the text interpreter uses when it tries to convert a string into a number.

Let <digit> represent any character that is a legal digit in the current number base28.

Let <decimal digit> represent any character in the range 0-9.

Let {a b} represent the optional presence of any of the characters in the braces (a or b or neither).

Let * represent any number of instances of the previous character (including none).

Let any other character represent itself.

Now, the conversion rules are:

  • A string of the form <digit><digit>* is treated as a single-precision (cell-sized) positive integer. Examples are 0 123 6784532 32343212343456 42
  • A string of the form -<digit><digit>* is treated as a single-precision (cell-sized) negative integer, and is represented using 2’s-complement arithmetic. Examples are -45 -5681 -0
  • A string of the form <digit><digit>*.<digit>* is treated as a double-precision (double-cell-sized) positive integer. Examples are 3465. 3.465 34.65 (all three of these represent the same number).
  • A string of the form -<digit><digit>*.<digit>* is treated as a double-precision (double-cell-sized) negative integer, and is represented using 2’s-complement arithmetic. Examples are -3465. -3.465 -34.65 (all three of these represent the same number).
  • A string of the form {+ -}<decimal digit>{.}<decimal digit>*{e E}{+ -}<decimal digit><decimal digit>* is treated as a floating-point number. Examples are 1e 1e0 1.e 1.e0 +1e+0 (which all represent the same number) +12.E-4

By default, the number base used for integer number conversion is given by the contents of the variable base. Note that a lot of confusion can result from unexpected values of base. If you change base anywhere, make sure to save the old value and restore it afterwards; better yet, use base-execute, which does this for you. In general I recommend keeping base decimal, and using the prefixes described below for the popular non-decimal bases.

dpl ( – a-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “dpl”

User variable – a-addr is the address of a cell that stores the position of the decimal point in the most recent numeric conversion. Initialised to -1. After the conversion of a number containing no decimal point, dpl is -1. After the conversion of 2. it holds 0. After the conversion of 234123.9 it contains 1, and so forth.

base-execute ( i*x xt u – j*x  ) gforth-0.7 “base-execute”

execute xt with the content of BASE being u, and restoring the original BASE afterwards.

base ( – a-addr  ) core “base”

User variable – a-addr is the address of a cell that stores the number base used by default for number conversion during input and output. Don’t store to base, use base-execute instead.

hex ( ) core-ext “hex”

Set base to &16 (hexadecimal). Don’t use hex, use base-execute instead.

decimal ( ) core “decimal”

Set base to &10 (decimal). Don’t use decimal, use base-execute instead.

Gforth allows you to override the value of base by using a prefix29 before the first digit of an (integer) number. The following prefixes are supported:

  • & – decimal
  • # – decimal
  • % – binary
  • $ – hexadecimal
  • 0x – hexadecimal, if base<33.
  • ' – numeric value (e.g., ASCII code) of next character; an optional ' may be present after the character.

Here are some examples, with the equivalent decimal number shown after in braces:

-$41 (-65), %1001101 (205), %1001.0001 (145 - a double-precision number), ’A (65), -’a’ (-97), &905 (905), $abc (2478), $ABC (2478).

Number conversion has a number of traps for the unwary:

  • You cannot determine the current number base using the code sequence base @ . – the number base is always 10 in the current number base. Instead, use something like base @ dec.
  • If the number base is set to a value greater than 14 (for example, hexadecimal), the number 123E4 is ambiguous; the conversion rules allow it to be intepreted as either a single-precision integer or a floating-point number (Gforth treats it as an integer). The ambiguity can be resolved by explicitly stating the sign of the mantissa and/or exponent: 123E+4 or +123E4 – if the number base is decimal, no ambiguity arises; either representation will be treated as a floating-point number.
  • There is a word bin but it does not set the number base! It is used to specify file types.
  • Standard Forth requires the . of a double-precision number to be the final character in the string. Gforth allows the . to be anywhere after the first digit.
  • The number conversion process does not check for overflow.
  • In a Standard Forth program base is required to be decimal when converting floating-point numbers. In Gforth, number conversion to floating-point numbers always uses base &10, irrespective of the value of base.

You can read numbers into your programs with the words described in Line input and conversion.

5.13.3 Interpret/Compile states

A standard program is not permitted to change state explicitly. However, it can change state implicitly, using the words [ and ]. When [ is executed it switches state to interpret state, and therefore the text interpreter starts interpreting. When ] is executed it switches state to compile state and therefore the text interpreter starts compiling. The most common usage for these words is for switching into interpret state and back from within a colon definition; this technique can be used to compile a literal (for an example, see Literals) or for conditional compilation (for an example, see Interpreter Directives).

5.13.4 Interpreter Directives

These words are usually used in interpret state; typically to control which parts of a source file are processed by the text interpreter. There are only a few Standard Forth Standard words, but Gforth supplements these with a rich set of immediate control structure words to compensate for the fact that the non-immediate versions can only be used in compile state (see Control Structures). Typical usages:

  ... \ general-purpose SEE code
  ... \ assembler-specific SEE code
  [ [ENDIF] ]
[IF] ( flag –  ) tools-ext “bracket-if”

If flag is TRUE do nothing (and therefore execute subsequent words as normal). If flag is FALSE, parse and discard words from the parse area (refilling it if necessary using REFILL) including nested instances of [IF].. [ELSE].. [THEN] and [IF].. [THEN] until the balancing [ELSE] or [THEN] has been parsed and discarded. Immediate word.

[ELSE] ( ) tools-ext “bracket-else”

Parse and discard words from the parse area (refilling it if necessary using REFILL) including nested instances of [IF].. [ELSE].. [THEN] and [IF].. [THEN] until the balancing [THEN] has been parsed and discarded. [ELSE] only gets executed if the balancing [IF] was TRUE; if it was FALSE, [IF] would have parsed and discarded the [ELSE], leaving the subsequent words to be executed as normal. Immediate word.

[THEN] ( ) tools-ext “bracket-then”

Do nothing; used as a marker for other words to parse and discard up to. Immediate word.

[ENDIF] ( ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-end-if”

Do nothing; synonym for [THEN]

[IFDEF] ( "<spaces>name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-if-def”

If name is found in the current search-order, behave like [IF] with a TRUE flag, otherwise behave like [IF] with a FALSE flag. Immediate word.

[IFUNDEF] ( "<spaces>name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-if-un-def”

If name is not found in the current search-order, behave like [IF] with a TRUE flag, otherwise behave like [IF] with a FALSE flag. Immediate word.

[?DO] ( n-limit n-index –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-question-do”
[DO] ( n-limit n-index –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-do”
[FOR] ( n –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-for”
[LOOP] ( ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-loop”
[+LOOP] ( n –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-question-plus-loop”
[NEXT] ( n –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-next”
[BEGIN] ( ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-begin”
[UNTIL] ( flag –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-until”
[AGAIN] ( ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-again”
[WHILE] ( flag –  ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-while”
[REPEAT] ( ) gforth-0.4 “bracket-repeat”

5.13.5 Recognizers

The standard Forth text interpreter recognizes the following types of tokens: words in the dictionary, integer numbers, and floating point numbers. Defining new types of tokens isn’t yet standardized. Gforth provides recognizers to make the text interpreter extensible as well.

Recognizers take a string and return some data and a “table” for interpreting that data. Gforth implements that table as xt (which means any xt is a valid result of a recognizer), but other Forth systems can implement it as actual table, with three xts inside. The first xt is the interpretation/run-time xt, it performs the interpretation semantics on the data (usually, this means it just leaves the data on the stack). The second xt performs the compilation semantics, it gets the data and the run-time semantics xt. The third xt perfoms the postpone semantics, it also gets the data and the run-time semantics xt. You can use post, to postpone the run-time xt.

Recognizers are organized as stack, so you can arrange the sequence of recognizers in the same way as the vocabulary stack.

notfound ( ) unknown “notfound”

If a recognizer fails, it returns notfound

rec-nt ( addr u – nt recognized-nt | notfound  ) unknown “rec-nt”

recognize a name token

rec-num ( addr u – n/d table | notfound  ) unknown “rec-num”

converts a number to a single/double integer

rec-float ( addr u – r recognized-float | notfound  ) unknown “rec-float”

recognize floating point numbers

rec-string ( addr u – addr u’ r:string | rectype-null  ) unknown “rec-string”

Convert strings enclosed in double quotes into string literals, escapes are treated as in S\".

rec-to ( addr u – xt r:to | rectype-null  ) unknown “rec-to”

words prefixed with -> are treated as if preceeded by TO or IS, with +> as +TO and with '> as ADDR.

rec-tick ( addr u – xt rectype-num | rectype-null  ) unknown “rec-tick”

words prefixed with ` return their xt. Example: `dup gives the xt of dup

rec-dtick ( addr u – nt rectype-num | rectype-null  ) unknown “rec-dtick”

words prefixed with `` return their nt. Example: ``S" gives the nt of S"

rec-body ( addr u – xt recognized-tick | recognized-null  ) unknown “rec-body”

words bracketed with '<' '>' return their body. Example: <dup> gives the body of dup

get-recognizers ( – xt1 .. xtn n  ) unknown “get-recognizers”

push the content on the recognizer stack

set-recognizers ( xt1 .. xtn n  ) unknown “set-recognizers”

set the recognizer stack from content on the stack

recognize ( addr u rec-addr – ... rectype  ) unknown “recognize”

apply a recognizer stack to a string, delivering a token

rec-sequence: ( x1 .. xn n "name" –  ) unknown “rec-sequence:”
forth-recognize ( ) unknown “forth-recognize”

5.14 The Input Stream

The text interpreter reads from the input stream, which can come from several sources (see Input Sources). Some words, in particular defining words, but also words like ', read parameters from the input stream instead of from the stack.

Such words are called parsing words, because they parse the input stream. Parsing words are hard to use in other words, because it is hard to pass program-generated parameters through the input stream. They also usually have an unintuitive combination of interpretation and compilation semantics when implemented naively, leading to various approaches that try to produce a more intuitive behaviour (see Combined Words).

It should be obvious by now that parsing words are a bad idea. If you want to implement a parsing word for convenience, also provide a factor of the word that does not parse, but takes the parameters on the stack. To implement the parsing word on top if it, you can use the following words:

parse ( xchar "ccc<xchar>" – c-addr u  ) core-ext,xchar “parse”

Parse ccc, delimited by xchar, in the parse area. c-addr u specifies the parsed string within the parse area. If the parse area was empty, u is 0.

parse-name ( "name" – c-addr u  ) gforth-0.7 “parse-name”

Get the next word from the input buffer

parse-word ( – c-addr u  ) gforth-obsolete “parse-word”

old name for parse-name; this word has a conflicting behaviour in some other systems.

name ( – c-addr u  ) gforth-obsolete “name”

old name for parse-name

word ( char "<chars>ccc<char>– c-addr  ) core “word”

Skip leading delimiters. Parse ccc, delimited by char, in the parse area. c-addr is the address of a transient region containing the parsed string in counted-string format. If the parse area was empty or contained no characters other than delimiters, the resulting string has zero length. A program may replace characters within the counted string. OBSOLESCENT: the counted string has a trailing space that is not included in its length.

refill ( – flag  ) core-ext,block-ext,file-ext “refill”

Attempt to fill the input buffer from the input source. When the input source is the user input device, attempt to receive input into the terminal input device. If successful, make the result the input buffer, set >IN to 0 and return true; otherwise return false. When the input source is a block, add 1 to the value of BLK to make the next block the input source and current input buffer, and set >IN to 0; return true if the new value of BLK is a valid block number, false otherwise. When the input source is a text file, attempt to read the next line from the file. If successful, make the result the current input buffer, set >IN to 0 and return true; otherwise, return false. A successful result includes receipt of a line containing 0 characters.

If you have to deal with a parsing word that does not have a non-parsing factor, you can use execute-parsing to pass a string to it:

execute-parsing ( ... addr u xt – ...  ) gforth-0.6 “execute-parsing”

Make addr u the current input source, execute xt ( ... -- ... ), then restore the previous input source.


5 s" foo" ' constant execute-parsing
\ equivalent to
5 constant foo

A definition of this word in Standard Forth is provided in compat/execute-parsing.fs.

If you want to run a parsing word on a file, the following word should help:

execute-parsing-file ( i*x fileid xt – j*x  ) gforth-0.6 “execute-parsing-file”

Make fileid the current input source, execute xt ( i*x -- j*x ), then restore the previous input source.

5.15 Word Lists

A wordlist is a list of named words; you can add new words and look up words by name (and you can remove words in a restricted way with markers). Every named (and revealed) word is in one wordlist.

The text interpreter searches the wordlists present in the search order (a stack of wordlists), from the top to the bottom. Within each wordlist, the search starts conceptually at the newest word; i.e., if two words in a wordlist have the same name, the newer word is found.

New words are added to the compilation wordlist (aka current wordlist).

A word list is identified by a cell-sized word list identifier (wid) in much the same way as a file is identified by a file handle. The numerical value of the wid has no (portable) meaning, and might change from session to session.

The Standard Forth “Search order” word set is intended to provide a set of low-level tools that allow various different schemes to be implemented. Gforth also provides vocabulary, a traditional Forth word. compat/vocabulary.fs provides an implementation in Standard Forth.

forth-wordlist ( – wid  ) search “forth-wordlist”

Constantwid identifies the word list that includes all of the standard words provided by Gforth. When Gforth is invoked, this word list is the compilation word list and is at the top of the search order.

definitions ( ) search “definitions”

Set the compilation word list to be the same as the word list that is currently at the top of the search order.

get-current ( – wid  ) search “get-current”

wid is the identifier of the current compilation word list.

set-current ( wid –  ) search “set-current”

Set the compilation word list to the word list identified by wid.

get-order ( – widn .. wid1 n  ) search “get-order”

Copy the search order to the data stack. The current search order has n entries, of which wid1 represents the wordlist that is searched first (the word list at the top of the search order) and widn represents the wordlist that is searched last.

set-order ( widn .. wid1 n –  ) search “set-order”

If n=0, empty the search order. If n=-1, set the search order to the implementation-defined minimum search order (for Gforth, this is the word list Root). Otherwise, replace the existing search order with the n wid entries such that wid1 represents the word list that will be searched first and widn represents the word list that will be searched last.

wordlist ( – wid  ) search “wordlist”

Create a new, empty word list represented by wid.

table ( – wid  ) gforth-0.4 “table”

Create a lookup table (case-sensitive, no warnings).

cs-wordlist ( – wid  ) gforth-1.0 “cs-wordlist”

Create a case-sensitive wordlist.

cs-vocabulary ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “cs-vocabulary”

Create a case-sensitive vocabulary

>order ( wid –  ) gforth-0.5 “to-order”

Push wid on the search order.

previous ( ) search-ext “previous”

Drop the wordlist at the top of the search order.

also ( ) search-ext “also”

Like DUP for the search order. Usually used before a vocabulary (e.g., also Forth); the combined effect is to push the wordlist represented by the vocabulary on the search order.

Forth ( ) search-ext “Forth”

Replace the wid at the top of the search order with the wid associated with the word list forth-wordlist.

Only ( ) search-ext “Only”

Set the search order to the implementation-defined minimum search order (for Gforth, this is the word list Root).

order ( ) search-ext “order”

Print the search order and the compilation word list. The word lists are printed in the order in which they are searched (which is reversed with respect to the conventional way of displaying stacks). The compilation word list is displayed last.

find ( c-addr – xt +-1 | c-addr 0  ) core,search “find”

Search all word lists in the current search order for the definition named by the counted string at c-addr. If the definition is not found, return 0. If the definition is found return 1 (if the definition has non-default compilation semantics) or -1 (if the definition has default compilation semantics). The xt returned in interpret state represents the interpretation semantics. The xt returned in compile state represented either the compilation semantics (for non-default compilation semantics) or the run-time semantics that the compilation semantics would compile, (for default compilation semantics). The ANS Forth standard does not specify clearly what the returned xt represents (and also talks about immediacy instead of non-default compilation semantics), so this word is questionable in portable programs. If non-portability is ok, find-name and friends are better (see Name token).

search-wordlist ( c-addr count wid – 0 | xt +-1  ) search “search-wordlist”

Search the word list identified by wid for the definition named by the string at c-addr count. If the definition is not found, return 0. If the definition is found return 1 (if the definition is immediate) or -1 (if the definition is not immediate) together with the xt. In Gforth, the xt returned represents the interpretation semantics. ANS Forth does not specify clearly what xt represents.

words ( ) tools “words”

Display a list of all of the definitions in the word list at the top of the search order.

vlist ( ) gforth-0.4 “vlist”

Old (pre-Forth-83) name for WORDS.

Root ( ) gforth-0.4 “Root”

Add the root wordlist to the search order stack. This vocabulary makes up the minimum search order and contains only a search-order words.

Vocabulary ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “Vocabulary”

Create a definition "name" and associate a new word list with it. The run-time effect of "name" is to replace the wid at the top of the search order with the wid associated with the new word list.

seal ( ) gforth-0.4 “seal”

Remove all word lists from the search order stack other than the word list that is currently on the top of the search order stack.

vocs ( ) gforth-0.4 “vocs”

List vocabularies and wordlists defined in the system.

current ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “current”

Variable – holds the wid of the compilation word list.

context ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “context”

context @ is the wid of the word list at the top of the search order.

5.15.1 Vocabularies

Here is an example of creating and using a new wordlist using Standard Forth words:

wordlist constant my-new-words-wordlist
: my-new-words get-order nip my-new-words-wordlist swap set-order ;

\ add it to the search order
also my-new-words

\ alternatively, add it to the search order and make it
\ the compilation word list
also my-new-words definitions
\ type "order" to see the problem

The problem with this example is that order has no way to associate the name my-new-words with the wid of the word list (in Gforth, order and vocs will display ??? for a wid that has no associated name). There is no Standard way of associating a name with a wid.

In Gforth, this example can be re-coded using vocabulary, which associates a name with a wid:

vocabulary my-new-words

\ add it to the search order
also my-new-words

\ alternatively, add it to the search order and make it
\ the compilation word list
my-new-words definitions
\ type "order" to see that the problem is solved

5.15.2 Why use word lists?

Here are some reasons why people use wordlists:

  • To prevent a set of words from being used outside the context in which they are valid. Two classic examples of this are an integrated editor (all of the edit commands are defined in a separate word list; the search order is set to the editor word list when the editor is invoked; the old search order is restored when the editor is terminated) and an integrated assembler (the op-codes for the machine are defined in a separate word list which is used when a CODE word is defined).
  • To organize the words of an application or library into a user-visible set (in forth-wordlist or some other common wordlist) and a set of helper words used just for the implementation (hidden in a separate wordlist). This keeps words’ output smaller, separates implementation and interface, and reduces the chance of name conflicts within the common wordlist.
  • To prevent a name-space clash between multiple definitions with the same name. For example, when building a cross-compiler you might have a word IF that generates conditional code for your target system. By placing this definition in a different word list you can control whether the host system’s IF or the target system’s IF get used in any particular context by controlling the order of the word lists on the search order stack.

The downsides of using wordlists are:

  • Debugging becomes more cumbersome.
  • Name conflicts worked around with wordlists are still there, and you have to arrange the search order carefully to get the desired results; if you forget to do that, you get hard-to-find errors (as in any case where you read the code differently from the compiler; see can help seeing which of several possible words the name resolves to in such cases). See displays just the name of the words, not what wordlist they belong to, so it might be misleading. Using unique names is a better approach to avoid name conflicts.
  • You have to explicitly undo any changes to the search order. In many cases it would be more convenient if this happened implicitly. Gforth currently does not provide such a feature, but it may do so in the future.

5.15.3 Word list example

The following example is from the garbage collector and uses wordlists to separate public words from helper words:

get-current ( wid )
vocabulary garbage-collector also garbage-collector definitions
... \ define helper words
( wid ) set-current \ restore original (i.e., public) compilation wordlist
... \ define the public (i.e., API) words
    \ they can refer to the helper words
previous \ restore original search order (helper words become invisible)

5.16 Environmental Queries

Forth-94 introduced the idea of “environmental queries” as a way for a program running on a system to determine certain characteristics of the system. The Standard specifies a number of strings that might be recognised by a system.

The Standard requires that the header space used for environmental queries be distinct from the header space used for definitions.

Typically, environmental queries are supported by creating a set of definitions in a word list that is only used during environmental queries; that is what Gforth does. There is no Standard way of adding definitions to the set of recognised environmental queries, but any implementation that supports the loading of optional word sets must have some mechanism for doing this (after loading the word set, the associated environmental query string must return true). In Gforth, the word list used to honour environmental queries can be manipulated just like any other word list.

environment? ( c-addr u – false / ... true  ) core “environment-query”

c-addr, u specify a counted string. If the string is not recognised, return a false flag. Otherwise return a true flag and some (string-specific) information about the queried string.

environment-wordlist ( – wid  ) gforth-0.4 “environment-wordlist”

wid identifies the word list that is searched by environmental queries.

gforth ( – c-addr u  ) gforth-environment “gforth”

Counted string representing a version string for this version of Gforth (for versions>0.3.0). The version strings of the various versions are guaranteed to be ordered lexicographically.

os-class ( – c-addr u  ) gforth-environment “os-class”

Counted string representing a description of the host operating system.

Note that, whilst the documentation for (e.g.) gforth shows it returning two items on the stack, querying it using environment? will return an additional item; the true flag that shows that the string was recognised.

Here are some examples of using environmental queries:

s" address-unit-bits" environment? 0=
     cr .( environmental attribute address-units-bits unknown... ) cr
     drop \ ensure balanced stack effect

\ this might occur in the prelude of a standard program that uses THROW
s" exception" environment? [IF]
   0= [IF]
      : throw abort" exception thrown" ;
[ELSE] \ we don't know, so make sure
   : throw abort" exception thrown" ;

s" gforth" environment? [IF] .( Gforth version ) TYPE
                        [ELSE] .( Not Gforth..) [THEN]

\ a program using v*
s" gforth" environment? [IF]
  s" 0.5.0" compare 0< [IF] \ v* is a primitive since 0.5.0
   : v* ( f_addr1 nstride1 f_addr2 nstride2 ucount -- r )
     >r swap 2swap swap 0e r> 0 ?DO
       dup f@ over + 2swap dup f@ f* f+ over + 2swap
     2drop 2drop ; 
[ELSE] \ 
  : v* ( f_addr1 nstride1 f_addr2 nstride2 ucount -- r )

Here is an example of adding a definition to the environment word list:

get-current environment-wordlist set-current
true constant block
true constant block-ext

You can see what definitions are in the environment word list like this:

environment-wordlist >order words previous

5.17 Files

Gforth provides facilities for accessing files that are stored in the host operating system’s file-system. Files that are processed by Gforth can be divided into two categories:

  • Files that are processed by the Text Interpreter (Forth source files).
  • Files that are processed by some other program (general files).

5.17.1 Forth source files

The simplest way to interpret the contents of a file is to use one of these two formats:

include mysource.fs
s" mysource.fs" included

You usually want to include a file only if it is not included already (by, say, another source file). In that case, you can use one of these three formats:

require mysource.fs
needs mysource.fs
s" mysource.fs" required

It is good practice to write your source files such that interpreting them does not change the stack. Source files designed in this way can be used with required and friends without complications. For example:

1024 require foo.fs drop

Here you want to pass the argument 1024 (e.g., a buffer size) to foo.fs. Interpreting foo.fs has the stack effect ( n – n ), which allows its use with require. Of course with such parameters to required files, you have to ensure that the first require fits for all uses (i.e., require it early in the master load file).

include-file ( i*x wfileid – j*x  ) file “include-file”

Interpret (process using the text interpreter) the contents of the file wfileid.

included ( i*x c-addr u – j*x  ) file “included”

include-file the file whose name is given by the string c-addr u.

included? ( c-addr u – f  ) gforth-0.4 “included?”

True only if the file c-addr u is in the list of earlier included files. If the file has been loaded, it may have been specified as, say, foo.fs and found somewhere on the Forth search path. To return true from included?, you must specify the exact path to the file, even if that is ./foo.fs

include ( ... "file" – ...  ) gforth-0.4 “include”

include-file the file file.

required ( i*x addr u – i*x  ) gforth-0.4 “required”

include-file the file with the name given by addr u, if it is not included (or required) already. Currently this works by comparing the name of the file (with path) against the names of earlier included files.

require ( ... "file" – ...  ) gforth-0.4 “require”

include-file file only if it is not included already.

needs ( ... "name" – ...  ) gforth-0.4 “needs”

An alias for require; exists on other systems (e.g., Win32Forth).

sourcefilename ( – c-addr u  ) gforth-0.4 “sourcefilename”

The name of the source file which is currently the input source. The result is valid only while the file is being loaded. If the current input source is no (stream) file, the result is undefined. In Gforth, the result is valid during the whole session (but not across savesystem etc.).

sourceline# ( – u  ) gforth-0.4 “sourceline-number”

The line number of the line that is currently being interpreted from a (stream) file. The first line has the number 1. If the current input source is not a (stream) file, the result is undefined.

A definition in Standard Forth for required is provided in compat/required.fs.

5.17.2 General files

Files are opened/created by name and type. The following file access methods (FAMs) are recognised:

r/o ( – fam  ) file “r-o”
r/w ( – fam  ) file “r-w”
w/o ( – fam  ) file “w-o”
bin ( fam1 – fam2  ) file “bin”
+fmode ( fam1 rwxrwxrwx – fam2  ) unknown “+fmode”

add file access mode to fam - for create-file only

When a file is opened/created, it returns a file identifier, wfileid that is used for all other file commands. All file commands also return a status value, wior, that is 0 for a successful operation and an implementation-defined non-zero value in the case of an error.

open-file ( c-addr u wfam – wfileid wior ) file “open-file”
create-file ( c-addr u wfam – wfileid wior ) file “create-file”
close-file ( wfileid – wior ) file “close-file”
delete-file ( c-addr u – wior ) file “delete-file”
rename-file ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – wior ) file-ext “rename-file”

Rename file c_addr1 u1 to new name c_addr2 u2

read-file ( c-addr u1 wfileid – u2 wior ) file “read-file”

Read u1 characters from file wfileid into the buffer at c_addr. A non-zero wior indicates an error. U2 indicates the length of the read data. End-of-file is not an error and is indicated by u2$<$u1 and wior=0.

read-line ( c_addr u1 wfileid – u2 flag wior  ) file “read-line”

Reads a line from wfileid into the buffer at c_addr u1. Gforth supports all three common line terminators: LF, CR and CRLF. A non-zero wior indicates an error. A false flag indicates that read-line has been invoked at the end of the file. u2 indicates the line length (without terminator): u2$<$u1 indicates that the line is u2 chars long; u2=u1 indicates that the line is at least u1 chars long, the u1 chars of the buffer have been filled with chars from the line, and the next slice of the line with be read with the next read-line. If the line is u1 chars long, the first read-line returns u2=u1 and the next read-line returns u2=0.

key-file ( fd – key  ) unknown “key-file”

Read one character n from wfileid. This word disables buffering for wfileid. If you want to read characters from a terminal in non-canonical (raw) mode, you have to put the terminal in non-canonical mode yourself (using the C interface); the exception is stdin: Gforth automatically puts it into non-canonical mode.

key?-file ( wfileid – f ) gforth-0.4 “key-q-file”

f is true if at least one character can be read from wfileid without blocking. If you also want to use read-file or read-line on the file, you have to call key?-file or key-file first (these two words disable buffering).

write-file ( c-addr u1 wfileid – wior ) file “write-file”
write-line ( c-addr u wfileid – ior  ) file “write-line”
emit-file ( c wfileid – wior ) gforth-0.4 “emit-file”
flush-file ( wfileid – wior ) file-ext “flush-file”
file-status ( c-addr u – wfam wior ) file-ext “file-status”
file-position ( wfileid – ud wior ) file “file-position”
reposition-file ( ud wfileid – wior ) file “reposition-file”
file-size ( wfileid – ud wior ) file “file-size”
resize-file ( ud wfileid – wior ) file “resize-file”
slurp-file ( c-addr1 u1 – c-addr2 u2  ) gforth-0.6 “slurp-file”

c-addr1 u1 is the filename, c-addr2 u2 is the file’s contents

slurp-fid ( fid – addr u  ) gforth-0.6 “slurp-fid”

addr u is the content of the file fid

stdin ( – wfileid ) gforth-0.4 “stdin”

The standard input file of the Gforth process.

stdout ( – wfileid ) gforth-0.4 “stdout”

The standard output file of the Gforth process.

stderr ( – wfileid ) gforth-0.4 “stderr”

The standard error output file of the Gforth process.

5.17.3 Redirection

You can redirect the output of type and emit and all the words that use them (all output words that don’t have an explicit target file) to an arbitrary file with the outfile-execute, used like this:

: some-warning ( n -- )
    cr ." warning# " . ;

: print-some-warning ( n -- )
    ['] some-warning stderr outfile-execute ;

After some-warning is executed, the original output direction is restored; this construct is safe against exceptions. Similarly, there is infile-execute for redirecting the input of key and its users (any input word that does not take a file explicitly).

outfile-execute ( ... xt file-id – ...  ) gforth-0.7 “outfile-execute”

execute xt with the output of type etc. redirected to file-id.

infile-execute ( ... xt file-id – ...  ) gforth-0.7 “infile-execute”

execute xt with the input of key etc. redirected to file-id.

If you do not want to redirect the input or output to a file, you can also make use of the fact that key, emit and type are deferred words (see Deferred Words). However, in that case you have to worry about the restoration and the protection against exceptions yourself; also, note that for redirecting the output in this way, you have to redirect both emit and type.

5.17.4 Directories

You can open and read directories similar to files. Reading gives you one directory entry at a time; you can match that to a filename (with wildcards).

open-dir ( c-addr u – wdirid wior ) gforth-0.5 “open-dir”

Open the directory specified by c-addr, u and return dir-id for futher access to it.

read-dir ( c-addr u1 wdirid – u2 flag wior ) gforth-0.5 “read-dir”

Attempt to read the next entry from the directory specified by dir-id to the buffer of length u1 at address c-addr. If the attempt fails because there is no more entries, ior=0, flag=0, u2=0, and the buffer is unmodified. If the attempt to read the next entry fails because of any other reason, return ior<>0. If the attempt succeeds, store file name to the buffer at c-addr and return ior=0, flag=true and u2 equal to the size of the file name. If the length of the file name is greater than u1, store first u1 characters from file name into the buffer and indicate "name too long" with ior, flag=true, and u2=u1.

close-dir ( wdirid – wior ) gforth-0.5 “close-dir”

Close the directory specified by dir-id.

filename-match ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 – flag ) gforth-0.5 “match-file”

match the file name c_addr1 u1 with the pattern c_addr2 u2. Patterns match char by char except for the special characters ’*’ and ’?’, which are wildcards for several (’*’) or one (’?’) character.

get-dir ( c-addr1 u1 – c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.7 “get-dir”

Store the current directory in the buffer specified by c-addr1, u1. If the buffer size is not sufficient, return 0 0

set-dir ( c-addr u – wior ) gforth-0.7 “set-dir”

Change the current directory to c-addr, u. Return an error if this is not possible

=mkdir ( c-addr u wmode – wior ) gforth-0.7 “equals-mkdir”

Create directory c-addr u with mode wmode.

mkdir-parents ( c-addr u mode – ior  ) unknown “mkdir-parents”

create the directory c-addr u and all its parents with mode mode (modified by umask)

5.17.5 Search Paths

If you specify an absolute filename (i.e., a filename starting with / or ~, or with : in the second position (as in ‘C:...’)) for included and friends, that file is included just as you would expect.

If the filename starts with ./, this refers to the directory that the present file was included from. This allows files to include other files relative to their own position (irrespective of the current working directory or the absolute position). This feature is essential for libraries consisting of several files, where a file may include other files from the library. It corresponds to #include "..." in C. If the current input source is not a file, . refers to the directory of the innermost file being included, or, if there is no file being included, to the current working directory.

For relative filenames (not starting with ./), Gforth uses a search path similar to Forth’s search order (see Word Lists). It tries to find the given filename in the directories present in the path, and includes the first one it finds. There are separate search paths for Forth source files and general files. If the search path contains the directory ., this refers to the directory of the current file, or the working directory, as if the file had been specified with ./.

Use ~+ to refer to the current working directory (as in the bash). Source Search Paths

The search path is initialized when you start Gforth (see Invoking Gforth). You can display it and change it using fpath in combination with the general path handling words.

fpath ( – path-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “fpath”

Here is an example of using fpath and require:

fpath path= /usr/lib/forth/|./
require timer.fs General Search Paths

Your application may need to search files in several directories, like included does. To facilitate this, Gforth allows you to define and use your own search paths, by providing generic equivalents of the Forth search path words:

open-path-file ( addr1 u1 path-addr – wfileid addr2 u2 0 | ior  ) gforth-0.4 “open-path-file”

Look in path path-addr for the file specified by addr1 u1. If found, the resulting path and and (read-only) open file descriptor are returned. If the file is not found, ior is what came back from the last attempt at opening the file (in the current implementation).


clear-path ( path-addr –  ) gforth-0.5 “clear-path”

Set the path path-addr to empty.

also-path ( c-addr len path-addr –  ) gforth-0.4 “also-path”

add the directory c-addr len to path-addr.

.path ( path-addr –  ) gforth-0.4 “.path”

Display the contents of the search path path-addr.

path+ ( path-addr  "dir" –  ) gforth-0.4 “path+”

Add the directory dir to the search path path-addr.

path= ( path-addr "dir1|dir2|dir3"  ) gforth-0.4 “path=”

Make a complete new search path; the path separator is |.

Here’s an example of creating an empty search path:

create mypath 500 path-allot \ maximum length 500 chars (is checked)

5.18 Blocks

When you run Gforth on a modern desk-top computer, it runs under the control of an operating system which provides certain services. One of these services is file services, which allows Forth source code and data to be stored in files and read into Gforth (see Files).

Traditionally, Forth has been an important programming language on systems where it has interfaced directly to the underlying hardware with no intervening operating system. Forth provides a mechanism, called blocks, for accessing mass storage on such systems.

A block is a 1024-byte data area, which can be used to hold data or Forth source code. No structure is imposed on the contents of the block. A block is identified by its number; blocks are numbered contiguously from 1 to an implementation-defined maximum.

A typical system that used blocks but no operating system might use a single floppy-disk drive for mass storage, with the disks formatted to provide 256-byte sectors. Blocks would be implemented by assigning the first four sectors of the disk to block 1, the second four sectors to block 2 and so on, up to the limit of the capacity of the disk. The disk would not contain any file system information, just the set of blocks.

On systems that do provide file services, blocks are typically implemented by storing a sequence of blocks within a single blocks file. The size of the blocks file will be an exact multiple of 1024 bytes, corresponding to the number of blocks it contains. This is the mechanism that Gforth uses.

Only one blocks file can be open at a time. If you use block words without having specified a blocks file, Gforth defaults to the blocks file blocks.fb. Gforth uses the Forth search path when attempting to locate a blocks file (see Source Search Paths).

When you read and write blocks under program control, Gforth uses a number of block buffers as intermediate storage. These buffers are not used when you use load to interpret the contents of a block.

The behaviour of the block buffers is analagous to that of a cache. Each block buffer has three states:

  • Unassigned
  • Assigned-clean
  • Assigned-dirty

Initially, all block buffers are unassigned. In order to access a block, the block (specified by its block number) must be assigned to a block buffer.

The assignment of a block to a block buffer is performed by block or buffer. Use block when you wish to modify the existing contents of a block. Use buffer when you don’t care about the existing contents of the block30.

Once a block has been assigned to a block buffer using block or buffer, that block buffer becomes the current block buffer. Data may only be manipulated (read or written) within the current block buffer.

When the contents of the current block buffer has been modified it is necessary, before calling block or buffer again, to either abandon the changes (by doing nothing) or mark the block as changed (assigned-dirty), using update. Using update does not change the blocks file; it simply changes a block buffer’s state to assigned-dirty. The block will be written implicitly when it’s buffer is needed for another block, or explicitly by flush or save-buffers.

word Flush writes all assigned-dirty blocks back to the blocks file on disk. Leaving Gforth with bye also performs a flush.

In Gforth, block and buffer use a direct-mapped algorithm to assign a block buffer to a block. That means that any particular block can only be assigned to one specific block buffer, called (for the particular operation) the victim buffer. If the victim buffer is unassigned or assigned-clean it is allocated to the new block immediately. If it is assigned-dirty its current contents are written back to the blocks file on disk before it is allocated to the new block.

Although no structure is imposed on the contents of a block, it is traditional to display the contents as 16 lines each of 64 characters. A block provides a single, continuous stream of input (for example, it acts as a single parse area) – there are no end-of-line characters within a block, and no end-of-file character at the end of a block. There are two consequences of this:

  • The last character of one line wraps straight into the first character of the following line
  • The word \ – comment to end of line – requires special treatment; in the context of a block it causes all characters until the end of the current 64-character “line” to be ignored.

In Gforth, when you use block with a non-existent block number, the current blocks file will be extended to the appropriate size and the block buffer will be initialised with spaces.

Gforth includes a simple block editor (type use blocked.fb 0 list for details) but doesn’t encourage the use of blocks; the mechanism is only provided for backward compatibility.

Common techniques that are used when working with blocks include:

  • A screen editor that allows you to edit blocks without leaving the Forth environment.
  • Shadow screens; where every code block has an associated block containing comments (for example: code in odd block numbers, comments in even block numbers). Typically, the block editor provides a convenient mechanism to toggle between code and comments.
  • Load blocks; a single block (typically block 1) contains a number of thru commands which load the whole of the application.

See Frank Sergeant’s Pygmy Forth to see just how well blocks can be integrated into a Forth programming environment.

open-blocks ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-0.4 “open-blocks”

Use the file, whose name is given by c-addr u, as the blocks file.

use ( "file" –  ) gforth-0.4 “use”

Use file as the blocks file.

block-offset ( – addr  ) gforth-0.5 “block-offset”

User variable containing the number of the first block (default since 0.5.0: 0). Block files created with Gforth versions before 0.5.0 have the offset 1. If you use these files you can: 1 offset !; or add 1 to every block number used; or prepend 1024 characters to the file.

get-block-fid ( – wfileid  ) gforth-0.4 “get-block-fid”

Return the file-id of the current blocks file. If no blocks file has been opened, use blocks.fb as the default blocks file.

block-position ( u –  ) block “block-position”

Position the block file to the start of block u.

list ( u –  ) block-ext “list”

Display block u. In Gforth, the block is displayed as 16 numbered lines, each of 64 characters.

scr ( – a-addr  ) block-ext “s-c-r”

User variable containing the block number of the block most recently processed by list.

block ( u – a-addr  ) block “block”

If a block buffer is assigned for block u, return its start address, a-addr. Otherwise, assign a block buffer for block u (if the assigned block buffer has been updated, transfer the contents to mass storage), read the block into the block buffer and return its start address, a-addr.

buffer ( u – a-addr  ) block “buffer”

If a block buffer is assigned for block u, return its start address, a-addr. Otherwise, assign a block buffer for block u (if the assigned block buffer has been updated, transfer the contents to mass storage) and return its start address, a-addr. The subtle difference between buffer and block mean that you should only use buffer if you don’t care about the previous contents of block u. In Gforth, this simply calls block.

empty-buffers ( ) block-ext “empty-buffers”

Mark all block buffers as unassigned; if any had been marked as assigned-dirty (by update), the changes to those blocks will be lost.

empty-buffer ( buffer –  ) gforth-0.4 “empty-buffer”
update ( ) block “update”

Mark the state of the current block buffer as assigned-dirty.

updated? ( n – f  ) gforth-0.4 “updated?”

Return true if updated has been used to mark block n as assigned-dirty.

save-buffers ( ) block “save-buffers”

Transfer the contents of each updated block buffer to mass storage, then mark all block buffers as assigned-clean.

save-buffer ( buffer –  ) gforth-0.4 “save-buffer”
flush ( ) block “flush”

Perform the functions of save-buffers then empty-buffers.

load ( i*x u – j*x  ) block “load”

Text-interpret block u. Block 0 cannot be loaded.

thru ( i*x n1 n2 – j*x  ) block-ext “thru”

load the blocks n1 through n2 in sequence.

+load ( i*x n – j*x  ) gforth-0.4 “+load”

Used within a block to load the block specified as the current block + n.

+thru ( i*x n1 n2 – j*x  ) gforth-0.4 “+thru”

Used within a block to load the range of blocks specified as the current block + n1 thru the current block + n2.

--> ( ) gforth-0.4 “chain”

If this symbol is encountered whilst loading block n, discard the remainder of the block and load block n+1. Used for chaining multiple blocks together as a single loadable unit. Not recommended, because it destroys the independence of loading. Use thru (which is standard) or +thru instead.

block-included ( a-addr u –  ) gforth-0.4 “block-included”

Use within a block that is to be processed by load. Save the current blocks file specification, open the blocks file specified by a-addr u and load block 1 from that file (which may in turn chain or load other blocks). Finally, close the blocks file and restore the original blocks file.

5.19 Other I/O

5.19.1 Simple numeric output

The simplest output functions are those that display numbers from the data or floating-point stacks. Floating-point output is always displayed using base 10. Numbers displayed from the data stack use the value stored in base.

. ( n –  ) core “dot”

Display (the signed single number) n in free-format, followed by a space.

dec. ( n –  ) gforth-0.4 “dec.”

Display n as a signed decimal number, followed by a space.

hex. ( u –  ) gforth-0.4 “hex.”

Display u as an unsigned hex number, prefixed with a "$" and followed by a space.

u. ( u –  ) core “u-dot”

Display (the unsigned single number) u in free-format, followed by a space.

.r ( n1 n2 –  ) core-ext “dot-r”

Display n1 right-aligned in a field n2 characters wide. If more than n2 characters are needed to display the number, all digits are displayed. If appropriate, n2 must include a character for a leading “-”.

u.r ( u n –  ) core-ext “u-dot-r”

Display u right-aligned in a field n characters wide. If more than n characters are needed to display the number, all digits are displayed.

d. ( d –  ) double “d-dot”

Display (the signed double number) d in free-format. followed by a space.

ud. ( ud –  ) gforth-0.4 “u-d-dot”

Display (the signed double number) ud in free-format, followed by a space.

d.r ( d n –  ) double “d-dot-r”

Display d right-aligned in a field n characters wide. If more than n characters are needed to display the number, all digits are displayed. If appropriate, n must include a character for a leading “-”.

ud.r ( ud n –  ) gforth-0.4 “u-d-dot-r”

Display ud right-aligned in a field n characters wide. If more than n characters are needed to display the number, all digits are displayed.

f. ( r –  ) float-ext “f-dot”

Display (the floating-point number) r without exponent, followed by a space.

fe. ( r –  ) float-ext “f-e-dot”

Display r using engineering notation (with exponent dividable by 3), followed by a space.

fs. ( r –  ) gforth-0.4 “f-s-dot”

Display r using scientific notation (with exponent), followed by a space.

fp. ( r –  ) float-ext “f-e-dot”

Display r using SI prefix notation (with exponent dividable by 3, converted into SI prefixes if available), followed by a space.

Examples of printing the number 1234.5678E23 in the different floating-point output formats are shown below.

f. 123456780000000000000000000.
fe. 123.456780000000E24
fs. 1.23456780000000E26
fp. 123.456780000000Y
precision ( – u  ) float-ext “precision”

u is the number of significant digits currently used by F. FE. and FS.

set-precision ( u –  ) float-ext “set-precision”

Set the number of significant digits currently used by F. FE. and FS. to u.

f.rdp ( rf +nr +nd +np –  ) gforth-0.6 “f.rdp”

Print float rf formatted. The total width of the output is nr. For fixed-point notation, the number of digits after the decimal point is +nd and the minimum number of significant digits is np. Set-precision has no effect on f.rdp. Fixed-point notation is used if the number of siginicant digits would be at least np and if the number of digits before the decimal point would fit. If fixed-point notation is not used, exponential notation is used, and if that does not fit, asterisks are printed. We recommend using nr>=7 to avoid the risk of numbers not fitting at all. We recommend nr>=np+5 to avoid cases where f.rdp switches to exponential notation because fixed-point notation would have too few significant digits, yet exponential notation offers fewer significant digits. We recommend nr>=nd+2, if you want to have fixed-point notation for some numbers; the smaller the value of np, the more cases are shown in fixed-point notation (cases where few or no significant digits remain in fixed-point notation). We recommend np>nr, if you want to have exponential notation for all numbers.

For f.rdp the output depends on the parameters. To give you a better intuition of how they influence the output, here are some examples of parameter combinations; in each line the same number is printed, in each column the same parameter combination is used for printing:

    12 13 0    7 3 4   7 3 0   7 3 1   7 5 1   7 7 1   7 0 2  4 2 1
|-1.234568E-6|-1.2E-6| -0.000|-1.2E-6|-1.2E-6|-1.2E-6|-1.2E-6|****|
|-1.234568E-5|-1.2E-5| -0.000|-1.2E-5|-.00001|-1.2E-5|-1.2E-5|****|
|-1.234568E-4|-1.2E-4| -0.000|-1.2E-4|-.00012|-1.2E-4|-1.2E-4|****|
|-1.234568E-3|-1.2E-3| -0.001| -0.001|-.00123|-1.2E-3|-1.2E-3|****|
|-1.234568E-2|-1.2E-2| -0.012| -0.012|-.01235|-1.2E-2|-1.2E-2|-.01|
|-1.234568E-1|-1.2E-1| -0.123| -0.123|-.12346|-1.2E-1|-1.2E-1|-.12|
|-1.2345679E0| -1.235| -1.235| -1.235|-1.23E0|-1.23E0|-1.23E0|-1E0|
|-1.2345679E1|-12.346|-12.346|-12.346|-1.23E1|-1.23E1|   -12.|-1E1|
|-1.2345679E2|-1.23E2|-1.23E2|-1.23E2|-1.23E2|-1.23E2|  -123.|-1E2|
|-1.2345679E3|-1.23E3|-1.23E3|-1.23E3|-1.23E3|-1.23E3| -1235.|-1E3|

5.19.2 Formatted numeric output

Forth traditionally uses a technique called pictured numeric output for formatted printing of integers. In this technique, digits are extracted from the number (using the current output radix defined by base), converted to ASCII codes and appended to a string that is built in a scratch-pad area of memory (see Implementation-defined options). Arbitrary characters can be appended to the string during the extraction process. The completed string is specified by an address and length and can be manipulated (TYPEed, copied, modified) under program control.

All of the integer output words described in the previous section (see Simple numeric output) are implemented in Gforth using pictured numeric output.

Three important things to remember about pictured numeric output:

  • It always operates on double-precision numbers; to display a single-precision number, convert it first (for ways of doing this see Double precision).
  • It always treats the double-precision number as though it were unsigned. The examples below show ways of printing signed numbers.
  • The string is built up from right to left; least significant digit first.
<# ( ) core “less-number-sign”

Initialise/clear the pictured numeric output string.

<<# ( ) gforth-0.5 “less-less-number-sign”

Start a hold area that ends with #>>. Can be nested in each other and in <#. Note: if you do not match up the <<#s with #>>s, you will eventually run out of hold area; you can reset the hold area to empty with <#.

# ( ud1 – ud2  ) core “number-sign”

Used within <# and #>. Add the next least-significant digit to the pictured numeric output string. This is achieved by dividing ud1 by the number in base to leave quotient ud2 and remainder n; n is converted to the appropriate display code (eg ASCII code) and appended to the string. If the number has been fully converted, ud1 will be 0 and # will append a “0” to the string.

#s ( ud – 0 0  ) core “number-sign-s”

Used within <# and #>. Convert all remaining digits using the same algorithm as for #. #s will convert at least one digit. Therefore, if ud is 0, #s will append a “0” to the pictured numeric output string.

hold ( char –  ) core “hold”

Used within <# and #>. Append the character char to the pictured numeric output string.

sign ( n –  ) core “sign”

Used within <# and #>. If n (a single number) is negative, append the display code for a minus sign to the pictured numeric output string. Since the string is built up “backwards” this is usually used immediately prior to #>, as shown in the examples below.

#> ( xd – addr u  ) core “number-sign-greater”

Complete the pictured numeric output string by discarding xd and returning addr u; the address and length of the formatted string. A Standard program may modify characters within the string.

#>> ( ) gforth-0.5 “number-sign-greater-greater”

Release the hold area started with <<#.

represent ( r c-addr u – n f1 f2 ) float “represent”
f>str-rdp ( rf +nr +nd +np – c-addr nr  ) gforth-0.6 “f>str-rdp”

Convert rf into a string at c-addr nr. The conversion rules and the meanings of nr +nd np are the same as for f.rdp. The result in in the pictured numeric output buffer and will be destroyed by anything destroying that buffer.

f>buf-rdp ( rf c-addr +nr +nd +np –  ) gforth-0.6 “f>buf-rdp”

Convert rf into a string at c-addr nr. The conversion rules and the meanings of nr nd np are the same as for f.rdp.

Here are some examples of using pictured numeric output:

: my-u. ( u -- )
  \ Simplest use of pns.. behaves like Standard u. 
  0              \ convert to unsigned double
  <<#            \ start conversion
  #s             \ convert all digits
  #>             \ complete conversion
  TYPE SPACE     \ display, with trailing space
  #>> ;          \ release hold area

: cents-only ( u -- )
  0              \ convert to unsigned double
  <<#            \ start conversion
  # #            \ convert two least-significant digits
  #>             \ complete conversion, discard other digits
  TYPE SPACE     \ display, with trailing space
  #>> ;          \ release hold area

: dollars-and-cents ( u -- )
  0              \ convert to unsigned double
  <<#            \ start conversion
  # #            \ convert two least-significant digits
  [char] . hold  \ insert decimal point
  #s             \ convert remaining digits
  [char] $ hold  \ append currency symbol
  #>             \ complete conversion
  TYPE SPACE     \ display, with trailing space
  #>> ;          \ release hold area

: my-. ( n -- )
  \ handling negatives.. behaves like Standard .
  s>d            \ convert to signed double
  swap over dabs \ leave sign byte followed by unsigned double
  <<#            \ start conversion
  #s             \ convert all digits
  rot sign       \ get at sign byte, append "-" if needed
  #>             \ complete conversion
  TYPE SPACE     \ display, with trailing space
  #>> ;          \ release hold area

: account. ( n -- )
  \ accountants don't like minus signs, they use parentheses
  \ for negative numbers
  s>d            \ convert to signed double
  swap over dabs \ leave sign byte followed by unsigned double
  <<#            \ start conversion
  2 pick         \ get copy of sign byte
  0< IF [char] ) hold THEN \ right-most character of output
  #s             \ convert all digits
  rot            \ get at sign byte
  0< IF [char] ( hold THEN
  #>             \ complete conversion
  TYPE SPACE     \ display, with trailing space
  #>> ;          \ release hold area

Here are some examples of using these words:

1 my-u. 1
hex -1 my-u. decimal FFFFFFFF
1 cents-only 01
1234 cents-only 34
2 dollars-and-cents $0.02
1234 dollars-and-cents $12.34
123 my-. 123
-123 my. -123
123 account. 123
-456 account. (456)

5.19.3 String Formats

Forth commonly uses two different methods for representing character strings:

  • As a counted string, represented by a c-addr. The char addressed by c-addr contains a character-count, n, of the string and the string occupies the subsequent n char addresses in memory.
  • As cell pair on the stack; c-addr u, where u is the length of the string in characters, and c-addr is the address of the first byte of the string.

Standard Forth encourages the use of the cell pair format when representing strings.

count ( c-addr1 – c-addr2 u ) core “count”

c-addr2 is the first character and u the length of the counted string at c-addr1.

For words that move, copy and search for strings see Memory Blocks. For words that display characters and strings see Displaying characters and strings.

5.19.4 Displaying characters and strings

This section starts with a glossary of Forth words and ends with a set of examples.

bl ( – c-char  ) core “b-l”

c-char is the character value for a space.

space ( ) core “space”

Display one space.

spaces ( u –  ) core “spaces”

Display n spaces.

emit ( c –  ) core “emit”

Display the character associated with character value c.

toupper ( c1 – c2 ) gforth-0.4 “toupper”

If c1 is a lower-case character (in the current locale), c2 is the equivalent upper-case character. All other characters are unchanged.

." ( compilation ’ccc"’ – ; run-time –  ) core “dot-quote”

Compilation: Parse a string ccc delimited by a " (double quote). At run-time, display the string. Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined in ANS Forth. Gforth’s interpretation semantics are to display the string. This is the simplest way to display a string from within a definition; see examples below.

.( ( compilation&interpretation "ccc<paren>" –  ) core-ext “dot-paren”

Compilation and interpretation semantics: Parse a string ccc delimited by a ) (right parenthesis). Display the string. This is often used to display progress information during compilation; see examples below.

.\" ( compilation ’ccc"’ – ; run-time –  ) gforth-0.6 “dot-backslash-quote”

Like .", but translates C-like \-escape-sequences (see S\").

type ( c-addr u –  ) core “type”

If u>0, display u characters from a string starting with the character stored at c-addr.

typewhite ( addr n –  ) gforth-0.4 “typewhite”

Like type, but white space is printed instead of the characters.

cr ( ) core “c-r”

Output a newline (of the favourite kind of the host OS). Note that due to the way the Forth command line interpreter inserts newlines, the preferred way to use cr is at the start of a piece of text; e.g., cr ." hello, world".

S" ( compilation ’ccc"’ – ; run-time – c-addr u  ) core,file “s-quote”

Compilation: Parse a string ccc delimited by a " (double quote). At run-time, return the length, u, and the start address, c-addr of the string. Interpretation: parse the string as before, and return c-addr, u. Gforth allocates the string. The resulting memory leak is usually not a problem; the exception is if you create strings containing S" and evaluate them; then the leak is not bounded by the size of the interpreted files and you may want to free the strings. Forth-2012 only guarantees two buffers of 80 characters each, so in standard programs you should assume that the string lives only until the next-but-one s".

s\" ( compilation ’ccc"’ – ; run-time – c-addr u  ) gforth-0.6 “s-backslash-quote”

Like S", but translates C-like \-escape-sequences, as follows: \a BEL (alert), \b BS, \e ESC (not in C99), \f FF, \n newline, \r CR, \t HT, \v VT, \" ", \\ \, \[0-7]{1,3} octal numerical character value (non-standard), \x[0-9a-f]{0,2} hex numerical character value (standard only with two digits), \u[0-9a-f]{4} for unicode codepoints (auto-merges surrogate pairs), \U[0-9a-f]{8} for extended unicode code points; a \ before any other character is reserved.
Note that \xXX produces raw bytes, while \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX produce code points for the current encoding. E.g., if we use UTF-8 encoding and want to encode ä (code point U+00E4), you can write the letter ä itself, or write \xc3\xa4 (the UTF-8 bytes for this code point), \u00e4, or \U000000e4.

C" ( compilation "ccc<quote>" – ; run-time  – c-addr  ) core-ext “c-quote”

Compilation: parse a string ccc delimited by a " (double quote). At run-time, return c-addr which specifies the counted string ccc. Interpretation semantics are undefined.

char ( ’<spaces>ccc’ – c  ) core “char”

Skip leading spaces. Parse the string ccc and return c, the display code representing the first character of ccc.

[char] ( compilation ’<spaces>ccc’ – ; run-time – c  ) core “bracket-char”

Compilation: skip leading spaces. Parse the string ccc. Run-time: return c, the display code representing the first character of ccc. Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.

As an example, consider the following text, stored in a file test.fs:

.( text-1)
: my-word
  ." text-2" cr
  .( text-3)

." text-4"

: my-char
  [char] ALPHABET emit
  char emit

When you load this code into Gforth, the following output is generated:

include test.fs RET text-1text-3text-4 ok
  • Messages text-1 and text-3 are displayed because .( is an immediate word; it behaves in the same way whether it is used inside or outside a colon definition.
  • Message text-4 is displayed because of Gforth’s added interpretation semantics for .".
  • Message text-2 is not displayed, because the text interpreter performs the compilation semantics for ." within the definition of my-word.

Here are some examples of executing my-word and my-char:

my-word RET text-2
my-char fred RET Af ok
my-char jim RET Aj ok
  • Message text-2 is displayed because of the run-time behaviour of .".
  • [char] compiles the “A” from “ALPHABET” and puts its display code on the stack at run-time. emit always displays the character when my-char is executed.
  • char parses a string at run-time and the second emit displays the first character of the string.
  • If you type see my-char you can see that [char] discarded the text “LPHABET” and only compiled the display code for “A” into the definition of my-char.

5.19.5 String words

The following string library stores strings in ordinary variables, which then contain a pointer to a cell-counted string allocated from the heap. The string library originates from bigFORTH.

delete ( buffer size u –  ) gforth-string “delete”

deletes the first u bytes from a buffer and fills the rest at the end with blanks.

insert ( string length buffer size –  ) gforth-string “insert”

inserts a string at the front of a buffer. The remaining bytes are moved on.

$! ( addr1 u $addr –  ) gforth-string “string-store”

stores a newly allocated string buffer at an address, frees the previous buffer if necessary.

$@ ( $addr – addr2 u  ) gforth-string “string-fetch”

returns the stored string.

$@len ( $addr – u  ) gforth-string “string-fetch-len”

returns the length of the stored string.

$!len ( u $addr –  ) gforth-string “string-store-len”

changes the length of the stored string. Therefore we must change the memory area and adjust address and count cell as well.

$+!len ( u $addr – addr  ) unknown “$+!len”

make room for u bytes at the end of the memory area referenced by $addr; addr is the address of the first of these bytes.

$del ( addr off u –  ) gforth-string “string-del”

deletes u bytes from a string with offset off.

$ins ( addr1 u $addr off –  ) gforth-string “string-ins”

inserts a string at offset off.

$+! ( addr1 u $addr –  ) gforth-string “string-plus-store”

appends a string to another.

c$+! ( char $addr –  ) gforth-string “c-string-plus-store”

append a character to a string.

$free ( $addr –  ) gforth-string “string-free”

free the string pointed to by addr, and set addr to 0

$init ( $addr –  ) unknown “$init”

store an empty string there, regardless of what was in before

$split ( addr u char – addr1 u1 addr2 u2  ) gforth-string “string-split”

divides a string into two, with one char as separator (e.g. ’?’ for arguments in an HTML query)

$iter ( .. $addr char xt – ..  ) gforth-string “string-iter”

takes a string apart piece for piece, also with a character as separator. For each part a passed token will be called. With this you can take apart arguments – separated with ’&’ – at ease.

$over ( addr u $addr off –  ) unknown “$over”

overwrite string at offset off with addr u

$exec ( xt addr –  ) unknown “$exec”

execute xt while the standard output (TYPE, EMIT, and everything that uses them) is appended to the string variable addr.

$tmp ( xt – addr u  ) unknown “$tmp”

generate a temporary string from the output of a word

$. ( addr –  ) unknown “$.”

print a string, shortcut

$slurp ( fid addr –  ) unknown “$slurp”

slurp a file fid into a string addr2

$slurp-file ( addr1 u1 addr2 –  ) unknown “$slurp-file”

slurp a named file addr1 u1 into a string addr2

$[] ( u $[]addr – addr’  ) unknown “$[]”

index into the string array and return the address at index u The array will be resized as needed

$[]! ( addr u n $[]addr –  ) gforth-1.0 “string-array-store”

store a string into an array at index n

$[]+! ( addr u n $[]addr –  ) gforth-1.0 “string-array-plus-store”

add a string to the string at index n

$[]@ ( n $[]addr – addr u  ) gforth-1.0 “string-array-fetch”

fetch a string from array index n — return the zero string if empty, and don’t accidentally grow the array.

$[]# ( addr – len  ) gforth-1.0 “string-array-num”

return the number of elements in an array

$[]map ( addr xt –  ) unknown “$[]map”

execute xt for all elements of the string array addr. xt is ( addr u – ), getting one string at a time

$[]slurp ( fid addr –  ) unknown “$[]slurp”

slurp a file fid line by line into a string array addr

$[]slurp-file ( addr u $addr –  ) unknown “$[]slurp-file”

slurp a named file addr u line by line into a string array $addr

$[]. ( addr –  ) unknown “$[].”

print all array entries

$[]free ( addr –  ) unknown “$[]free”

addr contains the address of a cell-counted string that contains the addresses of a number of cell-counted strings; $[]free frees these strings, frees the array, and sets addr to 0

$save ( $addr –  ) unknown “$save”

push string to dictionary for savesys

$[]save ( addr –  ) unknown “$[]save”

push string array to dictionary for savesys

$boot ( $addr –  ) unknown “$boot”

take string from dictionary to allocated memory. clean dictionary afterwards.

$[]boot ( addr –  ) unknown “$[]boot”

take string array from dictionary to allocated memory

$saved ( addr –  ) unknown “$saved”
$[]saved ( addr –  ) unknown “$[]saved”
$Variable ( ) unknown “$Variable”

A string variable which is preserved across savesystem

$[]Variable ( ) unknown “$[]Variable”

A string variable which is preserved across savesystem

5.19.6 Terminal output

If you are outputting to a terminal, you may want to control the positioning of the cursor:

at-xy ( x y –  ) unknown “at-xy”

In order to know where to position the cursor, it is often helpful to know the size of the screen:

form ( ) unknown “form”

And sometimes you want to use:

page ( ) unknown “page”

Note that on non-terminals you should use 12 emit, not page, to get a form feed. Color output

The following words are used to create (semantic) colorful output:

default-color ( ) gforth-1.0 “default-color”

use system-default color

error-color ( ) gforth-1.0 “error-color”

error color: red

warning-color ( ) gforth-1.0 “warning-color”

color for warnings: blue/yellow on black terminals

info-color ( ) gforth-1.0 “info-color”

color for info: green/cyan on black terminals

success-color ( ) gforth-1.0 “success-color”

color for success: green

attr! ( attr –  ) gforth-1.0 “attr!”

apply attribute to terminal (i.e. set color)

doc-color-execute Color themes

Depending on wether you prefer bright or dark background the foreground colors-theme can be changed by:

doc-white-colors doc-black-colors

5.19.7 Single-key input

If you want to get a single printable character, you can use key; to check whether a character is available for key, you can use key?.

key ( – char  ) unknown “key”

Receive (but do not display) one character, char.

key? ( – flag  ) facility “key-question”

Determine whether a character is available. If a character is available, flag is true; the next call to key will yield the character. Once key? returns true, subsequent calls to key? before calling key or ekey will also return true.

If you want to process a mix of printable and non-printable characters, you can do that with ekey and friends. Ekey produces a keyboard event that you have to convert into a character with ekey>char or into a key identifier with ekey>fkey.

Typical code for using EKEY looks like this:

ekey ekey>char if ( c )
  ... \ do something with the character
else ekey>fkey if ( key-id )
    k-up                                  of ... endof
    k-f1                                  of ... endof
    k-left k-shift-mask or k-ctrl-mask or of ... endof
else ( keyboard-event )
  drop \ just ignore an unknown keyboard event type
then then
ekey ( – u  ) facility-ext “e-key”

Receive a keyboard event u (encoding implementation-defined).

ekey>char ( u – u false | c true  ) facility-ext “e-key-to-char”

Convert keyboard event u into character c if possible.

ekey>fkey ( u1 – u2 f  ) X:ekeys “ekey>fkey”

If u1 is a keyboard event in the special key set, convert keyboard event u1 into key id u2 and return true; otherwise return u1 and false.

ekey? ( – flag  ) facility-ext “e-key-question”

True if a keyboard event is available.

The key identifiers for cursor keys are:

k-left ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-left”
k-right ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-right”
k-up ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-up”
k-down ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-down”
k-home ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-home”

aka Pos1

k-end ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-end”
k-prior ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-prior”

aka PgUp

k-next ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-next”

aka PgDn

k-insert ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-insert”
k-delete ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-delete”

The key identifiers for function keys (aka keypad keys) are:

k-f1 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f1”
k-f2 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f2”
k-f3 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f3”
k-f4 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f4”
k-f5 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f5”
k-f6 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f6”
k-f7 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f7”
k-f8 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f8”
k-f9 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f9”
k-f10 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f10”
k-f11 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f11”
k-f12 ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-f12”

Note that k-f11 and k-f12 are not as widely available.

You can combine these key identifiers with masks for various shift keys:

k-shift-mask ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-shift-mask”
k-ctrl-mask ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-ctrl-mask”
k-alt-mask ( – u  ) X:ekeys “k-alt-mask”

Note that, even if a Forth system has ekey>fkey and the key identifier words, the keys are not necessarily available or it may not necessarily be able to report all the keys and all the possible combinations with shift masks. Therefore, write your programs in such a way that they are still useful even if the keys and key combinations cannot be pressed or are not recognized.

Examples: Older keyboards often do not have an F11 and F12 key. If you run Gforth in an xterm, the xterm catches a number of combinations (e.g., Shift-Up), and never passes it to Gforth. Finally, Gforth currently does not recognize and report combinations with multiple shift keys (so the shift-ctrl-left case in the example above would never be entered).

Gforth recognizes various keys available on ANSI terminals (in MS-DOS you need the ANSI.SYS driver to get that behaviour); it works by recognizing the escape sequences that ANSI terminals send when such a key is pressed. If you have a terminal that sends other escape sequences, you will not get useful results on Gforth. Other Forth systems may work in a different way.

Gforth also provides a few words for outputting names of function keys:

fkey. ( u –  ) gforth-1.0 “fkey-dot”

Print a string representation for the function key u. U must be a function key (possibly with modifier masks), otherwise there may be an exception.

simple-fkey-string ( u1 – c-addr u  ) gforth-1.0 “simple-fkey-string”

c-addr u is the string name of the function key u1. Only works for simple function keys without modifier masks. Any u1 that does not correspond to a simple function key currently produces an exception.

5.19.8 Line input and conversion

For ways of storing character strings in memory see String Formats.

Words for inputting one line from the keyboard:

accept ( c-addr +n1 – +n2  ) core “accept”

Get a string of up to n1 characters from the user input device and store it at c-addr. n2 is the length of the received string. The user indicates the end by pressing RET. Gforth supports all the editing functions available on the Forth command line (including history and word completion) in accept.

edit-line ( c-addr n1 n2 – n3  ) gforth-0.6 “edit-line”

edit the string with length n2 in the buffer c-addr n1, like accept.

Conversion words:

s>number? ( addr u – d f  ) gforth-0.5 “s>number?”

converts string addr u into d, flag indicates success

s>unumber? ( c-addr u – ud flag  ) gforth-0.5 “s>unumber?”

converts string c-addr u into ud, flag indicates success

>number ( ud1 c-addr1 u1 – ud2 c-addr2 u2  ) core “to-number”

Attempt to convert the character string c-addr1 u1 to an unsigned number in the current number base. The double ud1 accumulates the result of the conversion to form ud2. Conversion continues, left-to-right, until the whole string is converted or a character that is not convertable in the current number base is encountered (including + or -). For each convertable character, ud1 is first multiplied by the value in BASE and then incremented by the value represented by the character. c-addr2 is the location of the first unconverted character (past the end of the string if the whole string was converted). u2 is the number of unconverted characters in the string. Overflow is not detected.

>float ( c-addr u – f:... flag ) float “to-float”

Actual stack effect: ( c_addr u – r t | f ). Attempt to convert the character string c-addr u to internal floating-point representation. If the string represents a valid floating-point number, r is placed on the floating-point stack and flag is true. Otherwise, flag is false. A string of blanks is a special case and represents the floating-point number 0.

>float1 ( c-addr u c – f:... flag ) gforth-1.0 “to-float1”

Actual stack effect: ( c_addr u c – r t | f ). Attempt to convert the character string c-addr u to internal floating-point representation, with c being the decimal separator. If the string represents a valid floating-point number, r is placed on the floating-point stack and flag is true. Otherwise, flag is false. A string of blanks is a special case and represents the floating-point number 0.

Obsolescent input and conversion words:

convert ( ud1 c-addr1 – ud2 c-addr2  ) core-ext-obsolescent “convert”

Obsolescent: superseded by >number.

expect ( c-addr +n –  ) core-ext-obsolescent “expect”

Receive a string of at most +n characters, and store it in memory starting at c-addr. The string is displayed. Input terminates when the <return> key is pressed or +n characters have been received. The normal Gforth line editing capabilites are available. The length of the string is stored in span; it does not include the <return> character. OBSOLESCENT: superceeded by accept.

span ( – c-addr  ) core-ext-obsolescent “span”

Variablec-addr is the address of a cell that stores the length of the last string received by expect. OBSOLESCENT.

5.19.9 Pipes

In addition to using Gforth in pipes created by other processes (see Gforth in pipes), you can create your own pipe with open-pipe, and read from or write to it.

open-pipe ( c-addr u wfam – wfileid wior ) gforth-0.4 “open-pipe”
close-pipe ( wfileid – wretval wior ) gforth-0.4 “close-pipe”

If you write to a pipe, Gforth can throw a broken-pipe-error; if you don’t catch this exception, Gforth will catch it and exit, usually silently (see Gforth in pipes). Since you probably do not want this, you should wrap a catch or try block around the code from open-pipe to close-pipe, so you can deal with the problem yourself, and then return to regular processing.

broken-pipe-error ( – n  ) gforth-0.6 “broken-pipe-error”

the error number for a broken pipe

5.19.10 Xchars and Unicode

ASCII is only appropriate for the English language. Most western languages however fit somewhat into the Forth frame, since a byte is sufficient to encode the few special characters in each (though not always the same encoding can be used; latin-1 is most widely used, though). For other languages, different char-sets have to be used, several of them variable-width. To deal with this problem, characters are often represented as Unicode codepoints on the stack, and as UTF-8 byte strings in memory. An Unicode codepoint often represents one application-level character, but Unicode also supports decomposed characters that consist of several code points, e.g., a base letter and a combining diacritical mark.

An Unicode codepoint can consume more than one byte in memory, so we adjust our terminology: A char is a raw byte in memory or a value in the range 0-255 on the stack. An xchar (for extended char) stands for one codepoint; it is represented by one or more bytes in memory and may have larger values on the stack. ASCII characters are the same as chars and as xchars: values in the range 0-127, and a single byte with that value in memory.

When using UTF-8 encoding, all other codepoints take more than one byte/char. In most cases, you can just treat such characters as strings in memory and don’t need to use the following words, but if you want to deal with individual codepoints, the following words are useful. We currently have no words for dealing with decomposed characters.

The xchar words add a few data types:

  • xc is an extended char (xchar) on the stack. It occupies one cell, and is a subset of unsigned cell. On 16 bit systems, only the BMP subset of the Unicode character set (i.e., codepoints <65536) can be represented on the stack. If you represent your application characters as strings at all times, you can avoid this limitation.
  • xc-addr is the address of an xchar in memory. Alignment requirements are the same as c-addr. The memory representation of an xchar differs from the stack representation, and depends on the encoding used. An xchar may use a variable number of chars in memory.
  • xc-addr u is a buffer of xchars in memory, starting at xc-addr, u chars (i.e., bytes, not xchars) long.
xc-size ( xc – u  ) xchar-ext “xc-size”

Computes the memory size of the xchar xc in chars.

x-size ( xc-addr u1 – u2  ) xchar “x-size”

Computes the memory size of the first xchar stored at xc-addr in chars.

xc@+ ( xc-addr1 – xc-addr2 xc  ) xchar-ext “xc-fetch-plus”

Fetchs the xchar xc at xc-addr1. xc-addr2 points to the first memory location after xc.

xc!+? ( xc xc-addr1 u1 – xc-addr2 u2 f  ) xchar-ext “xc-store-plus-query”

Stores the xchar xc into the buffer starting at address xc-addr1, u1 chars large. xc-addr2 points to the first memory location after xc, u2 is the remaining size of the buffer. If the xchar xc did fit into the buffer, f is true, otherwise f is false, and xc-addr2 u2 equal xc-addr1 u1. XC!+? is safe for buffer overflows, and therefore preferred over XC!+.

xchar+ ( xc-addr1 – xc-addr2  ) xchar-ext “xchar+”

Adds the size of the xchar stored at xc-addr1 to this address, giving xc-addr2.

xchar- ( xc-addr1 – xc-addr2  ) xchar-ext “xchar-”

Goes backward from xc_addr1 until it finds an xchar so that the size of this xchar added to xc_addr2 gives xc_addr1.

+x/string ( xc-addr1 u1 – xc-addr2 u2  ) xchar “plus-x-slash-string”

Step forward by one xchar in the buffer defined by address xc-addr1, size u1 chars. xc-addr2 is the address and u2 the size in chars of the remaining buffer after stepping over the first xchar in the buffer.

x\string- ( xc-addr u1 – xc-addr u2  ) xchar “x-back-string-minus”

Step backward by one xchar in the buffer defined by address xc-addr and size u1 in chars, starting at the end of the buffer. xc-addr is the address and u2 the size in chars of the remaining buffer after stepping backward over the last xchar in the buffer.

-trailing-garbage ( xc-addr u1 – xc-addr u2  ) xchar-ext “-trailing-garbage”

Examine the last XCHAR in the buffer xc-addr u1—if the encoding is correct and it repesents a full char, u2 equals u1, otherwise, u2 represents the string without the last (garbled) xchar.

x-width ( xc-addr u – n  ) xchar-ext “x-width”

n is the number of monospace ASCII chars that take the same space to display as the the xchar string starting at xc-addr, using u chars; assuming a monospaced display font, i.e. char width is always an integer multiple of the width of an ASCII char.

xkey ( – xc  ) xchar-ext “xkey”

Reads an xchar from the terminal. This will discard all input events up to the completion of the xchar.

xemit ( xc –  ) xchar-ext “xemit”

Prints an xchar on the terminal.

There’s a new environment query

xchar-encoding ( – addr u  ) xchar-ext “xchar-encoding”

Returns a printable ASCII string that reperesents the encoding, and use the preferred MIME name (if any) or the name in like “ISO-LATIN-1” or “UTF-8”, with the exception of “ASCII”, where we prefer the alias “ASCII”.

5.20 OS command line arguments

The usual way to pass arguments to Gforth programs on the command line is via the -e option, e.g.

gforth -e "123 456" foo.fs -e bye

However, you may want to interpret the command-line arguments directly. In that case, you can access the (image-specific) command-line arguments through next-arg:

next-arg ( – addr u  ) gforth-0.7 “next-arg”

get the next argument from the OS command line, consuming it; if there is no argument left, return 0 0.

Here’s an example program echo.fs for next-arg:

: echo ( -- )
	next-arg 2dup 0 0 d<> while
	    type space
    2drop ;

echo cr bye

This can be invoked with

gforth echo.fs hello world

and it will print

hello world

The next lower level of dealing with the OS command line are the following words:

arg ( u – addr count  ) gforth-0.4 “arg”

Return the string for the uth command-line argument; returns 0 0 if the access is beyond the last argument. 0 arg is the program name with which you started Gforth. The next unprocessed argument is always 1 arg, the one after that is 2 arg etc. All arguments already processed by the system are deleted. After you have processed an argument, you can delete it with shift-args.

shift-args ( ) gforth-0.7 “shift-args”

1 arg is deleted, shifting all following OS command line parameters to the left by 1, and reducing argc @. This word can change argv @.

Finally, at the lowest level Gforth provides the following words:

argc ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “argc”

Variable – the number of command-line arguments (including the command name). Changed by next-arg and shift-args.

argv ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “argv”

Variable – a pointer to a vector of pointers to the command-line arguments (including the command-name). Each argument is represented as a C-style zero-terminated string. Changed by next-arg and shift-args.

5.21 Locals

Local variables can make Forth programming more enjoyable and Forth programs easier to read. Unfortunately, the locals of Standard Forth are laden with restrictions. Therefore, we provide not only the Standard Forth locals wordset, but also our own, more powerful locals wordset (we implemented the Standard Forth locals wordset through our locals wordset).

The ideas in this section have also been published in M. Anton Ertl, Automatic Scoping of Local Variables, EuroForth ’94.

5.21.1 Gforth locals

Locals can be defined with

{ local1 local2 ... -- comment }


{ local1 local2 ... }


: max { n1 n2 -- n3 }
 n1 n2 > if
 endif ;

The similarity of locals definitions with stack comments is intended. A locals definition often replaces the stack comment of a word. The order of the locals corresponds to the order in a stack comment and everything after the -- is really a comment.

This similarity has one disadvantage: It is too easy to confuse locals declarations with stack comments, causing bugs and making them hard to find. However, this problem can be avoided by appropriate coding conventions: Do not use both notations in the same program. If you do, they should be distinguished using additional means, e.g. by position.

The name of the local may be preceded by a type specifier, e.g., F: for a floating point value:

: CX* { F: Ar F: Ai F: Br F: Bi -- Cr Ci }
\ complex multiplication
 Ar Br f* Ai Bi f* f-
 Ar Bi f* Ai Br f* f+ ;

Gforth currently supports cells (W:, W^), doubles (D:, D^), floats (F:, F^) and characters (C:, C^) in two flavours: a value-flavoured local (defined with W:, D: etc.) produces its value and can be changed with TO. A variable-flavoured local (defined with W^ etc.) produces its address (which becomes invalid when the variable’s scope is left). E.g., the standard word emit can be defined in terms of type like this:

: emit { C^ char* -- }
    char* 1 type ;

A local without type specifier is a W: local. Both flavours of locals are initialized with values from the data or FP stack.

Gforth supports the square bracket notation of local data structures. These locals are similar to variable-flavored locals, the size is specified as a constant expression. A declaration looks name[ size ]. The Forth expression size is evaluated during declaration, it must have the stack effect ( -- +n ), giving the size in bytes. The square bracket [ is part of the defined name.

Local data structures are initialized by copying size bytes from an address passed on the stack; uninitialized local data structures (after | in the declaration) are not erased, they just contain whatever data there was on the locals stack before.


begin-structure test-struct
  field: a1
  field: a2

: test-local {: foo[ test-struct ] :}
    foo[ a1 !  foo[ a2 !
    foo[ test-struct dump ;

Gforth allows defining locals everywhere in a colon definition. This poses the following questions: Where are locals visible by name?

Basically, the answer is that locals are visible where you would expect it in block-structured languages, and sometimes a little longer. If you want to restrict the scope of a local, enclose its definition in SCOPE...ENDSCOPE.

scope ( compilation  – scope ; run-time  –  ) gforth-0.4 “scope”
endscope ( compilation scope – ; run-time  –  ) gforth-0.4 “endscope”

These words behave like control structure words, so you can use them with CS-PICK and CS-ROLL to restrict the scope in arbitrary ways.

If you want a more exact answer to the visibility question, here’s the basic principle: A local is visible in all places that can only be reached through the definition of the local31. In other words, it is not visible in places that can be reached without going through the definition of the local. E.g., locals defined in IF...ENDIF are visible until the ENDIF, locals defined in BEGIN...UNTIL are visible after the UNTIL (until, e.g., a subsequent ENDSCOPE).

The reasoning behind this solution is: We want to have the locals visible as long as it is meaningful. The user can always make the visibility shorter by using explicit scoping. In a place that can only be reached through the definition of a local, the meaning of a local name is clear. In other places it is not: How is the local initialized at the control flow path that does not contain the definition? Which local is meant, if the same name is defined twice in two independent control flow paths?

This should be enough detail for nearly all users, so you can skip the rest of this section. If you really must know all the gory details and options, read on.

In order to implement this rule, the compiler has to know which places are unreachable. It knows this automatically after AHEAD, AGAIN, EXIT and LEAVE; in other cases (e.g., after most THROWs), you can use the word UNREACHABLE to tell the compiler that the control flow never reaches that place. If UNREACHABLE is not used where it could, the only consequence is that the visibility of some locals is more limited than the rule above says. If UNREACHABLE is used where it should not (i.e., if you lie to the compiler), buggy code will be produced.


Another problem with this rule is that at BEGIN, the compiler does not know which locals will be visible on the incoming back-edge. All problems discussed in the following are due to this ignorance of the compiler (we discuss the problems using BEGIN loops as examples; the discussion also applies to ?DO and other loops). Perhaps the most insidious example is:

  { x }

This should be legal according to the visibility rule. The use of x can only be reached through the definition; but that appears textually below the use.

From this example it is clear that the visibility rules cannot be fully implemented without major headaches. Our implementation treats common cases as advertised and the exceptions are treated in a safe way: The compiler makes a reasonable guess about the locals visible after a BEGIN; if it is too pessimistic, the user will get a spurious error about the local not being defined; if the compiler is too optimistic, it will notice this later and issue a warning. In the case above the compiler would complain about x being undefined at its use. You can see from the obscure examples in this section that it takes quite unusual control structures to get the compiler into trouble, and even then it will often do fine.

If the BEGIN is reachable from above, the most optimistic guess is that all locals visible before the BEGIN will also be visible after the BEGIN. This guess is valid for all loops that are entered only through the BEGIN, in particular, for normal BEGIN...WHILE...REPEAT and BEGIN...UNTIL loops and it is implemented in our compiler. When the branch to the BEGIN is finally generated by AGAIN or UNTIL, the compiler checks the guess and warns the user if it was too optimistic:

  { x }
  \ x ? 
[ 1 cs-roll ] THEN

Here, x lives only until the BEGIN, but the compiler optimistically assumes that it lives until the THEN. It notices this difference when it compiles the UNTIL and issues a warning. The user can avoid the warning, and make sure that x is not used in the wrong area by using explicit scoping:

  { x }
[ 1 cs-roll ] THEN

Since the guess is optimistic, there will be no spurious error messages about undefined locals.

If the BEGIN is not reachable from above (e.g., after AHEAD or EXIT), the compiler cannot even make an optimistic guess, as the locals visible after the BEGIN may be defined later. Therefore, the compiler assumes that no locals are visible after the BEGIN. However, the user can use ASSUME-LIVE to make the compiler assume that the same locals are visible at the BEGIN as at the point where the top control-flow stack item was created.

ASSUME-LIVE ( orig – orig  ) gforth-0.4 “ASSUME-LIVE”


{ x }

Other cases where the locals are defined before the BEGIN can be handled by inserting an appropriate CS-ROLL before the ASSUME-LIVE (and changing the control-flow stack manipulation behind the ASSUME-LIVE).

Cases where locals are defined after the BEGIN (but should be visible immediately after the BEGIN) can only be handled by rearranging the loop. E.g., the “most insidious” example above can be arranged into:

  { x }
  ... 0=
REPEAT How long do locals live?

The right answer for the lifetime question would be: A local lives at least as long as it can be accessed. For a value-flavoured local this means: until the end of its visibility. However, a variable-flavoured local could be accessed through its address far beyond its visibility scope. Ultimately, this would mean that such locals would have to be garbage collected. Since this entails un-Forth-like implementation complexities, I adopted the same cowardly solution as some other languages (e.g., C): The local lives only as long as it is visible; afterwards its address is invalid (and programs that access it afterwards are erroneous). Locals programming style

The freedom to define locals anywhere has the potential to change programming styles dramatically. In particular, the need to use the return stack for intermediate storage vanishes. Moreover, all stack manipulations (except PICKs and ROLLs with run-time determined arguments) can be eliminated: If the stack items are in the wrong order, just write a locals definition for all of them; then write the items in the order you want.

This seems a little far-fetched and eliminating stack manipulations is unlikely to become a conscious programming objective. Still, the number of stack manipulations will be reduced dramatically if local variables are used liberally (e.g., compare max (see Gforth locals) with a traditional implementation of max).

This shows one potential benefit of locals: making Forth programs more readable. Of course, this benefit will only be realized if the programmers continue to honour the principle of factoring instead of using the added latitude to make the words longer.

Using TO can and should be avoided. Without TO, every value-flavoured local has only a single assignment and many advantages of functional languages apply to Forth. I.e., programs are easier to analyse, to optimize and to read: It is clear from the definition what the local stands for, it does not turn into something different later.

E.g., a definition using TO might look like this:

: strcmp { addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- n }
 u1 u2 min 0
   addr1 c@ addr2 c@ -
     unloop exit
   addr1 char+ TO addr1
   addr2 char+ TO addr2
 u1 u2 - ;

Here, TO is used to update addr1 and addr2 at every loop iteration. strcmp is a typical example of the readability problems of using TO. When you start reading strcmp, you think that addr1 refers to the start of the string. Only near the end of the loop you realize that it is something else.

This can be avoided by defining two locals at the start of the loop that are initialized with the right value for the current iteration.

: strcmp { addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- n }
 addr1 addr2
 u1 u2 min 0 
 ?do { s1 s2 }
   s1 c@ s2 c@ -
     unloop exit
   s1 char+ s2 char+
 u1 u2 - ;

Here it is clear from the start that s1 has a different value in every loop iteration. Locals implementation

Gforth uses an extra locals stack. The most compelling reason for this is that the return stack is not float-aligned; using an extra stack also eliminates the problems and restrictions of using the return stack as locals stack. Like the other stacks, the locals stack grows toward lower addresses. A few primitives allow an efficient implementation:

@local# ( #noffset – w ) gforth-0.4 “fetch-local-number”
f@local# ( #noffset – r ) gforth-0.4 “f-fetch-local-number”
laddr# ( #noffset – c-addr ) gforth-0.4 “laddr-number”
lp+!# ( #noffset – ) gforth-0.4 “lp-plus-store-number”

used with negative immediate values it allocates memory on the local stack, a positive immediate argument drops memory from the local stack

lp! ( c-addr – ) gforth-0.4 “lp-store”
>l ( w – ) gforth-0.4 “to-l”
f>l ( r – ) gforth-0.4 “f-to-l”

In addition to these primitives, some specializations of these primitives for commonly occurring inline arguments are provided for efficiency reasons, e.g., @local0 as specialization of @local# for the inline argument 0. The following compiling words compile the right specialized version, or the general version, as appropriate:

compile-lp+! ( n –  ) gforth-0.4 “compile-l-p-plus-store”

Combinations of conditional branches and lp+!# like ?branch-lp+!# (the locals pointer is only changed if the branch is taken) are provided for efficiency and correctness in loops.

A special area in the dictionary space is reserved for keeping the local variable names. { switches the dictionary pointer to this area and } switches it back and generates the locals initializing code. W: etc. are normal defining words. This special area is cleared at the start of every colon definition.

A special feature of Gforth’s dictionary is used to implement the definition of locals without type specifiers: every word list (aka vocabulary) has its own methods for searching etc. (see Word Lists). For the present purpose we defined a word list with a special search method: When it is searched for a word, it actually creates that word using W:. { changes the search order to first search the word list containing }, W: etc., and then the word list for defining locals without type specifiers.

The lifetime rules support a stack discipline within a colon definition: The lifetime of a local is either nested with other locals lifetimes or it does not overlap them.

At BEGIN, IF, and AHEAD no code for locals stack pointer manipulation is generated. Between control structure words locals definitions can push locals onto the locals stack. AGAIN is the simplest of the other three control flow words. It has to restore the locals stack depth of the corresponding BEGIN before branching. The code looks like this:

lp+!# current-locals-size − dest-locals-size
branch <begin>

UNTIL is a little more complicated: If it branches back, it must adjust the stack just like AGAIN. But if it falls through, the locals stack must not be changed. The compiler generates the following code:

?branch-lp+!# <begin> current-locals-size − dest-locals-size

The locals stack pointer is only adjusted if the branch is taken.

THEN can produce somewhat inefficient code:

lp+!# current-locals-size − orig-locals-size
<orig target>:
lp+!# orig-locals-size − new-locals-size

The second lp+!# adjusts the locals stack pointer from the level at the orig point to the level after the THEN. The first lp+!# adjusts the locals stack pointer from the current level to the level at the orig point, so the complete effect is an adjustment from the current level to the right level after the THEN.

In a conventional Forth implementation a dest control-flow stack entry is just the target address and an orig entry is just the address to be patched. Our locals implementation adds a word list to every orig or dest item. It is the list of locals visible (or assumed visible) at the point described by the entry. Our implementation also adds a tag to identify the kind of entry, in particular to differentiate between live and dead (reachable and unreachable) orig entries.

A few unusual operations have to be performed on locals word lists:

common-list ( list1 list2 – list3  ) unknown “common-list”
sub-list? ( list1 list2 – f  ) unknown “sub-list?”
list-size ( list – u  ) gforth-internal “list-size”

Several features of our locals word list implementation make these operations easy to implement: The locals word lists are organised as linked lists; the tails of these lists are shared, if the lists contain some of the same locals; and the address of a name is greater than the address of the names behind it in the list.

Another important implementation detail is the variable dead-code. It is used by BEGIN and THEN to determine if they can be reached directly or only through the branch that they resolve. dead-code is set by UNREACHABLE, AHEAD, EXIT etc., and cleared at the start of a colon definition, by BEGIN and usually by THEN.

Counted loops are similar to other loops in most respects, but LEAVE requires special attention: It performs basically the same service as AHEAD, but it does not create a control-flow stack entry. Therefore the information has to be stored elsewhere; traditionally, the information was stored in the target fields of the branches created by the LEAVEs, by organizing these fields into a linked list. Unfortunately, this clever trick does not provide enough space for storing our extended control flow information. Therefore, we introduce another stack, the leave stack. It contains the control-flow stack entries for all unresolved LEAVEs.

Local names are kept until the end of the colon definition, even if they are no longer visible in any control-flow path. In a few cases this may lead to increased space needs for the locals name area, but usually less than reclaiming this space would cost in code size. Closures

Gforth also provides basic closures. A closure is a combination of a quotation (see Quotations) and locals. Gforth’s closures have locals which are filled with values at the closure’s run-time, producing a trampoline xt. When executing that trampoline xt, the closure’s code is executed, with access to the closure’s locals on the locals stack. Modifications of the closure’s locals aren’t persistent, i.e. when the closure EXITs, the modified values are lost.

[{: ( – hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0  ) gforth-experimental “start-closure”

starts a closure. Closures first declare the locals frame they are going to use, and then the code that is executed with those locals. Closures end like quotations with a ;]. The locals declaration ends depending where the closure’s locals are created. At run-time, the closure is created as trampolin xt, and fills the values of its local frame from the stack. At execution time of the xt, the local frame is copied to the locals stack, and used inside the closure’s code. After return, those values are removed from the locals stack, and not updated in the closure itself.

:}l ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... –  ) gforth-1.0 “close-brace-locals”

end a closure’s locals declaration. The closure will be allocated on the local’s stack.

:}d ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... –  ) gforth-1.0 “close-brace-dictionary”

end a closure’s locals declaration. The closure will be allocated in the dictionary.

:}h ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... –  ) gforth-1.0 “close-brace-heap”

end a closure’s locals declaration. The closure will be allocated on the heap.

>addr ( xt – addr  ) gforth-experimental “to-addr”

convert the xt of a closure on the heap to the addr with can be passed to free to get rid of the closure

: foo [{: a f: b d: c xt: d :}d a . b f. c d. d ;] ;
5 3.3e #1234. ' cr foo execute

foo creates a closure in the dictionary with a single cell, a floating point, a double, and an xt, and prints the first three values before executing the xt on invocation.

This allows to implement Donald Knuth’s “Man or boy test” proposed in 1964 to test Algol compilers.

: A {: w^ k x1 x2 x3 xt: x4 xt: x5 | w^ B :} recursive
    k  0<= IF  x4 x5 f+  ELSE
        B k x1 x2 x3 action-of x4 [{: B k x1 x2 x3 x4 :}L
            -1 k +!
            k  B  x1 x2 x3 x4 A ;] dup B !
        execute  THEN ;
: man-or-boy? ( n -- ) [: 1e ;] [: -1e ;] 2dup swap [: 0e ;] A f. ;

Sometimes, closures need a permanent storage to be modified; it is even possible that more than one closure shares that permanent storage. In the example above, local variables of the outer procedure are used for this, but in some cases, the closure lives longer than the outer procedure; especially closures allocated in the dictionary or on the heap are designed to outlive their parent procedure.

For those, we have home locations, which are allocated like closures, but their code is directly executed at run-time and should provide us with the addresses of the home locations.

: bar ( a b c -- aaddr baddr caddr hl-addr )
    <{: w^ a w^ b w^ c :}h a b c ;> ;

This example creates a home location with three cells on the heap, and returns the addresses of the three locations and the address of the home location. This address can be used to free the home location when it is no longer needed.

<{: ( – hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0  ) gforth-experimental “start-homelocation”

starts a home location

;> ( ) gforth-experimental “end-homelocation”

end using a home location

5.21.2 Standard Forth locals

The Forth-2012 standard defines a syntax for locals, that is similar to a subset of Gforth locals. Instead of using { and }, the standard decided to use {: and :}, as shown in the following examples:

{: local1 local2 ... -- comment :}


{: local1 local2 ... | local3 local4 ... -- comment :}

where local3 and local4 are uninitialized or

{: local1 local2 ... :}

The order of the locals corresponds to the order in a stack comment. The restrictions are:

  • Locals can only be cell-sized values (no type specifiers are allowed).
  • Locals can be defined only outside control structures.
  • Locals can interfere with explicit usage of the return stack. For the exact (and long) rules, see the standard. If you don’t use return stack accessing words in a definition using locals, you will be all right. The purpose of this rule is to make locals implementation on the return stack easier.
  • The whole definition must be in one line.

Locals defined in Standard Forth behave like VALUEs (see Values). I.e., they are initialized from the stack. Using their name produces their value. Their value can be changed using TO.

Since the syntax above is supported by Gforth directly, you need not do anything to use it. If you want to port a program using this syntax to another ANS Forth system, use compat/anslocal.fs to implement the syntax on the other system.

Note that a syntax shown in the standard, section A.13 looks similar, but is quite different in having the order of locals reversed. Beware!

The Standard Forth locals wordset itself consists of two words:

(local) ( addr u –  ) local “paren-local-paren”
{: ( – hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0  ) forth-2012 “open-brace-colon”

Start standard locals declaration. All Gforth locals extensions are supported by Gforth, though the standard only supports the subset of cells.

The ANS Forth locals extension wordset defines a syntax using locals|, but it is so awful that we strongly recommend not to use it. We have implemented this syntax to make porting to Gforth easy, but do not document it here. The problem with this syntax is that the locals are defined in an order reversed with respect to the standard stack comment notation, making programs harder to read, and easier to misread and miswrite. The only merit of this syntax is that it is easy to implement using the ANS Forth locals wordset.

5.22 Structures

This section presents the structure package that comes with Gforth. A version of the package implemented in Standard Forth is available in compat/struct.fs. This package was inspired by a posting on comp.lang.forth in 1989 (unfortunately I don’t remember, by whom; possibly John Hayes). A version of this section has been published in M. Anton Ertl, Yet Another Forth Structures Package, Forth Dimensions 19(3), pages 13–16. Marcel Hendrix provided helpful comments.

5.22.1 Why explicit structure support?

If we want to use a structure containing several fields, we could simply reserve memory for it, and access the fields using address arithmetic (see Address arithmetic). As an example, consider a structure with the following fields


is a float


is a cell


is a float

Given the (float-aligned) base address of the structure we get the address of the field


without doing anything further.


with float+


with float+ cell+ faligned

It is easy to see that this can become quite tiring.

Moreover, it is not very readable, because seeing a cell+ tells us neither which kind of structure is accessed nor what field is accessed; we have to somehow infer the kind of structure, and then look up in the documentation, which field of that structure corresponds to that offset.

Finally, this kind of address arithmetic also causes maintenance troubles: If you add or delete a field somewhere in the middle of the structure, you have to find and change all computations for the fields afterwards.

So, instead of using cell+ and friends directly, how about storing the offsets in constants:

0 constant a-offset
0 float+ constant b-offset
0 float+ cell+ faligned c-offset

Now we can get the address of field x with x-offset +. This is much better in all respects. Of course, you still have to change all later offset definitions if you add a field. You can fix this by declaring the offsets in the following way:

0 constant a-offset
a-offset float+ constant b-offset
b-offset cell+ faligned constant c-offset

Since we always use the offsets with +, we could use a defining word cfield that includes the + in the action of the defined word:

: cfield ( n "name" -- )
    create ,
does> ( name execution: addr1 -- addr2 )
    @ + ;

0 cfield a
0 a float+ cfield b
0 b cell+ faligned cfield c

Instead of x-offset +, we now simply write x.

The structure field words now can be used quite nicely. However, their definition is still a bit cumbersome: We have to repeat the name, the information about size and alignment is distributed before and after the field definitions etc. The structure package presented here addresses these problems.

5.22.2 Structure Usage

You can define a structure for a (data-less) linked list with:

    cell% field list-next
end-struct list%

With the address of the list node on the stack, you can compute the address of the field that contains the address of the next node with list-next. E.g., you can determine the length of a list with:

: list-length ( list -- n )
\ "list" is a pointer to the first element of a linked list
\ "n" is the length of the list
    0 BEGIN ( list1 n1 )
    WHILE ( list1 n1 )
        1+ swap list-next @ swap
    nip ;

You can reserve memory for a list node in the dictionary with list% %allot, which leaves the address of the list node on the stack. For the equivalent allocation on the heap you can use list% %alloc (or, for an allocate-like stack effect (i.e., with ior), use list% %allocate). You can get the the size of a list node with list% %size and its alignment with list% %alignment.

Note that in Standard Forth the body of a created word is aligned but not necessarily faligned; therefore, if you do a:

create name foo% %allot drop

then the memory alloted for foo% is guaranteed to start at the body of name only if foo% contains only character, cell and double fields. Therefore, if your structure contains floats, better use

foo% %allot constant name

You can include a structure foo% as a field of another structure, like this:

    foo% field ...
end-struct ...

Instead of starting with an empty structure, you can extend an existing structure. E.g., a plain linked list without data, as defined above, is hardly useful; You can extend it to a linked list of integers, like this:32

    cell% field intlist-int
end-struct intlist%

intlist% is a structure with two fields: list-next and intlist-int.

You can specify an array type containing n elements of type foo% like this:

foo% n *

You can use this array type in any place where you can use a normal type, e.g., when defining a field, or with %allot.

The first field is at the base address of a structure and the word for this field (e.g., list-next) actually does not change the address on the stack. You may be tempted to leave it away in the interest of run-time and space efficiency. This is not necessary, because the structure package optimizes this case: If you compile a first-field words, no code is generated. So, in the interest of readability and maintainability you should include the word for the field when accessing the field.

5.22.3 Structure Naming Convention

The field names that come to (my) mind are often quite generic, and, if used, would cause frequent name clashes. E.g., many structures probably contain a counter field. The structure names that come to (my) mind are often also the logical choice for the names of words that create such a structure.

Therefore, I have adopted the following naming conventions:

  • The names of fields are of the form struct-field, where struct is the basic name of the structure, and field is the basic name of the field. You can think of field words as converting the (address of the) structure into the (address of the) field.
  • The names of structures are of the form struct%, where struct is the basic name of the structure.

This naming convention does not work that well for fields of extended structures; e.g., the integer list structure has a field intlist-int, but has list-next, not intlist-next.

5.22.4 Structure Implementation

The central idea in the implementation is to pass the data about the structure being built on the stack, not in some global variable. Everything else falls into place naturally once this design decision is made.

The type description on the stack is of the form align size. Keeping the size on the top-of-stack makes dealing with arrays very simple.

field is a defining word that uses Create and DOES>. The body of the field contains the offset of the field, and the normal DOES> action is simply:

@ +

i.e., add the offset to the address, giving the stack effect addr1 – addr2 for a field.

This simple structure is slightly complicated by the optimization for fields with offset 0, which requires a different DOES>-part (because we cannot rely on there being something on the stack if such a field is invoked during compilation). Therefore, we put the different DOES>-parts in separate words, and decide which one to invoke based on the offset. For a zero offset, the field is basically a noop; it is immediate, and therefore no code is generated when it is compiled.

5.22.5 Structure Glossary

%align ( align size –  ) gforth-0.4 “%align”

Align the data space pointer to the alignment align.

%alignment ( align size – align  ) gforth-0.4 “%alignment”

The alignment of the structure.

%alloc ( align size – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “%alloc”

Allocate size address units with alignment align, giving a data block at addr; throw an ior code if not successful.

%allocate ( align size – addr ior  ) gforth-0.4 “%allocate”

Allocate size address units with alignment align, similar to allocate.

%allot ( align size – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “%allot”

Allot size address units of data space with alignment align; the resulting block of data is found at addr.

cell% ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “cell%”
char% ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “char%”
dfloat% ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “dfloat%”
double% ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “double%”
end-struct ( align size "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “end-struct”

Define a structure/type descriptor name with alignment align and size size1 (size rounded up to be a multiple of align).
name execution: – align size1

field ( align1 offset1 align size "name" –  align2 offset2  ) gforth-0.4 “field”

Create a field name with offset offset1, and the type given by align size. offset2 is the offset of the next field, and align2 is the alignment of all fields.
name execution: addr1addr2.

float% ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “float%”
naligned ( addr1 n – addr2  ) gforth-0.5 “naligned”

addr2 is the aligned version of addr1 with respect to the alignment n.

sfloat% ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “sfloat%”
%size ( align size – size  ) gforth-0.4 “%size”

The size of the structure.

struct ( – align size  ) gforth-0.4 “struct”

An empty structure, used to start a structure definition.

5.22.6 Forth200x Structures

The Forth 2012 standard defines a slightly less convenient form of structures. In general (when using field+, you have to perform the alignment yourself, but there are a number of convenience words (e.g., field: that perform the alignment for you.

A typical usage example is:

  field:                   s-a
  faligned 2 floats +field s-b
constant s-struct

An alternative way of writing this structure is:

begin-structure s-struct
  field:                   s-a
  faligned 2 floats +field s-b
begin-structure ( "name" – struct-sys 0  ) X:structures “begin-structure”
end-structure ( struct-sys +n –  ) X:structures “end-structure”
+field ( unknown  ) unknown “+field”
cfield: ( u1 "name" – u2  ) X:structures “cfield:”
field: ( u1 "name" – u2  ) X:structures “field:”
2field: ( u1 "name" – u2  ) gforth-0.7 “2field:”
ffield: ( u1 "name" – u2  ) X:structures “ffield:”
sffield: ( u1 "name" – u2  ) X:structures “sffield:”
dffield: ( u1 "name" – u2  ) X:structures “dffield:”

5.23 Object-oriented Forth

Gforth comes with three packages for object-oriented programming: objects.fs, oof.fs, and mini-oof.fs; none of them is preloaded, so you have to include them before use. The most important differences between these packages (and others) are discussed in Comparison with other object models. All packages are written in Standard Forth and can be used with any other Standard Forth.

5.23.1 Why object-oriented programming?

Often we have to deal with several data structures (objects), that have to be treated similarly in some respects, but differently in others. Graphical objects are the textbook example: circles, triangles, dinosaurs, icons, and others, and we may want to add more during program development. We want to apply some operations to any graphical object, e.g., draw for displaying it on the screen. However, draw has to do something different for every kind of object.

We could implement draw as a big CASE control structure that executes the appropriate code depending on the kind of object to be drawn. This would be not be very elegant, and, moreover, we would have to change draw every time we add a new kind of graphical object (say, a spaceship).

What we would rather do is: When defining spaceships, we would tell the system: “Here’s how you draw a spaceship; you figure out the rest”.

This is the problem that all systems solve that (rightfully) call themselves object-oriented; the object-oriented packages presented here solve this problem (and not much else).

5.23.2 Object-Oriented Terminology

This section is mainly for reference, so you don’t have to understand all of it right away. The terminology is mainly Smalltalk-inspired. In short:


a data structure definition with some extras.


an instance of the data structure described by the class definition.

instance variables

fields of the data structure.


(or method selector) a word (e.g., draw) that performs an operation on a variety of data structures (classes). A selector describes what operation to perform. In C++ terminology: a (pure) virtual function.


the concrete definition that performs the operation described by the selector for a specific class. A method specifies how the operation is performed for a specific class.

selector invocation

a call of a selector. One argument of the call (the TOS (top-of-stack)) is used for determining which method is used. In Smalltalk terminology: a message (consisting of the selector and the other arguments) is sent to the object.

receiving object

the object used for determining the method executed by a selector invocation. In the objects.fs model, it is the object that is on the TOS when the selector is invoked. (Receiving comes from the Smalltalk message terminology.)

child class

a class that has (inherits) all properties (instance variables, selectors, methods) from a parent class. In Smalltalk terminology: The subclass inherits from the superclass. In C++ terminology: The derived class inherits from the base class.

5.23.3 The objects.fs model

This section describes the objects.fs package. This material also has been published in M. Anton Ertl, Yet Another Forth Objects Package, Forth Dimensions 19(2), pages 37–43.

This section assumes that you have read Structures.

The techniques on which this model is based have been used to implement the parser generator, Gray, and have also been used in Gforth for implementing the various flavours of word lists (hashed or not, case-sensitive or not, special-purpose word lists for locals etc.).

Marcel Hendrix provided helpful comments on this section. Properties of the objects.fs model

  • It is straightforward to pass objects on the stack. Passing selectors on the stack is a little less convenient, but possible.
  • Objects are just data structures in memory, and are referenced by their address. You can create words for objects with normal defining words like constant. Likewise, there is no difference between instance variables that contain objects and those that contain other data.
  • Late binding is efficient and easy to use.
  • It avoids parsing, and thus avoids problems with state-smartness and reduced extensibility; for convenience there are a few parsing words, but they have non-parsing counterparts. There are also a few defining words that parse. This is hard to avoid, because all standard defining words parse (except :noname); however, such words are not as bad as many other parsing words, because they are not state-smart.
  • It does not try to incorporate everything. It does a few things and does them well (IMO). In particular, this model was not designed to support information hiding (although it has features that may help); you can use a separate package for achieving this.
  • It is layered; you don’t have to learn and use all features to use this model. Only a few features are necessary (see Basic objects.fs Usage, see The object.fs base class, see Creating objects.), the others are optional and independent of each other.
  • An implementation in Standard Forth is available. Basic objects.fs Usage

You can define a class for graphical objects like this:

object class \ "object" is the parent class
  selector draw ( x y graphical -- )
end-class graphical

This code defines a class graphical with an operation draw. We can perform the operation draw on any graphical object, e.g.:

100 100 t-rex draw

where t-rex is a word (say, a constant) that produces a graphical object.

How do we create a graphical object? With the present definitions, we cannot create a useful graphical object. The class graphical describes graphical objects in general, but not any concrete graphical object type (C++ users would call it an abstract class); e.g., there is no method for the selector draw in the class graphical.

For concrete graphical objects, we define child classes of the class graphical, e.g.:

graphical class \ "graphical" is the parent class
  cell% field circle-radius

:noname ( x y circle -- )
  circle-radius @ draw-circle ;
overrides draw

:noname ( n-radius circle -- )
  circle-radius ! ;
overrides construct

end-class circle

Here we define a class circle as a child of graphical, with field circle-radius (which behaves just like a field (see Structures); it defines (using overrides) new methods for the selectors draw and construct (construct is defined in object, the parent class of graphical).

Now we can create a circle on the heap (i.e., allocated memory) with:

50 circle heap-new constant my-circle

heap-new invokes construct, thus initializing the field circle-radius with 50. We can draw this new circle at (100,100) with:

100 100 my-circle draw

Note: You can only invoke a selector if the object on the TOS (the receiving object) belongs to the class where the selector was defined or one of its descendents; e.g., you can invoke draw only for objects belonging to graphical or its descendents (e.g., circle). Immediately before end-class, the search order has to be the same as immediately after class. The object.fs base class

When you define a class, you have to specify a parent class. So how do you start defining classes? There is one class available from the start: object. It is ancestor for all classes and so is the only class that has no parent. It has two selectors: construct and print. Creating objects

You can create and initialize an object of a class on the heap with heap-new ( ... class – object ) and in the dictionary (allocation with allot) with dict-new ( ... class – object ). Both words invoke construct, which consumes the stack items indicated by "..." above.

If you want to allocate memory for an object yourself, you can get its alignment and size with class-inst-size 2@ ( class – align size ). Once you have memory for an object, you can initialize it with init-object ( ... class object – ); construct does only a part of the necessary work. Object-Oriented Programming Style

This section is not exhaustive.

In general, it is a good idea to ensure that all methods for the same selector have the same stack effect: when you invoke a selector, you often have no idea which method will be invoked, so, unless all methods have the same stack effect, you will not know the stack effect of the selector invocation.

One exception to this rule is methods for the selector construct. We know which method is invoked, because we specify the class to be constructed at the same place. Actually, I defined construct as a selector only to give the users a convenient way to specify initialization. The way it is used, a mechanism different from selector invocation would be more natural (but probably would take more code and more space to explain). Class Binding

Normal selector invocations determine the method at run-time depending on the class of the receiving object. This run-time selection is called late binding.

Sometimes it’s preferable to invoke a different method. For example, you might want to use the simple method for printing objects instead of the possibly long-winded print method of the receiver class. You can achieve this by replacing the invocation of print with:

[bind] object print

in compiled code or:

bind object print

in interpreted code. Alternatively, you can define the method with a name (e.g., print-object), and then invoke it through the name. Class binding is just a (often more convenient) way to achieve the same effect; it avoids name clutter and allows you to invoke methods directly without naming them first.

A frequent use of class binding is this: When we define a method for a selector, we often want the method to do what the selector does in the parent class, and a little more. There is a special word for this purpose: [parent]; [parent] selector is equivalent to [bind] parent selector, where parent is the parent class of the current class. E.g., a method definition might look like:

  dup [parent] foo \ do parent's foo on the receiving object
  ... \ do some more
; overrides foo

In Object-oriented programming in ANS Forth (Forth Dimensions, March 1997), Andrew McKewan presents class binding as an optimization technique. I recommend not using it for this purpose unless you are in an emergency. Late binding is pretty fast with this model anyway, so the benefit of using class binding is small; the cost of using class binding where it is not appropriate is reduced maintainability.

While we are at programming style questions: You should bind selectors only to ancestor classes of the receiving object. E.g., say, you know that the receiving object is of class foo or its descendents; then you should bind only to foo and its ancestors. Method conveniences

In a method you usually access the receiving object pretty often. If you define the method as a plain colon definition (e.g., with :noname), you may have to do a lot of stack gymnastics. To avoid this, you can define the method with m: ... ;m. E.g., you could define the method for drawing a circle with

m: ( x y circle -- )
  ( x y ) this circle-radius @ draw-circle ;m

When this method is executed, the receiver object is removed from the stack; you can access it with this (admittedly, in this example the use of m: ... ;m offers no advantage). Note that I specify the stack effect for the whole method (i.e. including the receiver object), not just for the code between m: and ;m. You cannot use exit in m:...;m; instead, use exitm.33

You will frequently use sequences of the form this field (in the example above: this circle-radius). If you use the field only in this way, you can define it with inst-var and eliminate the this before the field name. E.g., the circle class above could also be defined with:

graphical class
  cell% inst-var radius

m: ( x y circle -- )
  radius @ draw-circle ;m
overrides draw

m: ( n-radius circle -- )
  radius ! ;m
overrides construct

end-class circle

radius can only be used in circle and its descendent classes and inside m:...;m.

You can also define fields with inst-value, which is to inst-var what value is to variable. You can change the value of such a field with [to-inst]. E.g., we could also define the class circle like this:

graphical class
  inst-value radius

m: ( x y circle -- )
  radius draw-circle ;m
overrides draw

m: ( n-radius circle -- )
  [to-inst] radius ;m
overrides construct

end-class circle Classes and Scoping

Inheritance is frequent, unlike structure extension. This exacerbates the problem with the field name convention (see Structure Naming Convention): One always has to remember in which class the field was originally defined; changing a part of the class structure would require changes for renaming in otherwise unaffected code.

To solve this problem, I added a scoping mechanism (which was not in my original charter): A field defined with inst-var (or inst-value) is visible only in the class where it is defined and in the descendent classes of this class. Using such fields only makes sense in m:-defined methods in these classes anyway.

This scoping mechanism allows us to use the unadorned field name, because name clashes with unrelated words become much less likely.

Once we have this mechanism, we can also use it for controlling the visibility of other words: All words defined after protected are visible only in the current class and its descendents. public restores the compilation (i.e. current) word list that was in effect before. If you have several protecteds without an intervening public or set-current, public will restore the compilation word list in effect before the first of these protecteds. Dividing classes

You may want to do the definition of methods separate from the definition of the class, its selectors, fields, and instance variables, i.e., separate the implementation from the definition. You can do this in the following way:

graphical class
  inst-value radius
end-class circle

... \ do some other stuff

circle methods \ now we are ready

m: ( x y circle -- )
  radius draw-circle ;m
overrides draw

m: ( n-radius circle -- )
  [to-inst] radius ;m
overrides construct


You can use several methods...end-methods sections. The only things you can do to the class in these sections are: defining methods, and overriding the class’s selectors. You must not define new selectors or fields.

Note that you often have to override a selector before using it. In particular, you usually have to override construct with a new method before you can invoke heap-new and friends. E.g., you must not create a circle before the overrides construct sequence in the example above. Object Interfaces

In this model you can only call selectors defined in the class of the receiving objects or in one of its ancestors. If you call a selector with a receiving object that is not in one of these classes, the result is undefined; if you are lucky, the program crashes immediately.

Now consider the case when you want to have a selector (or several) available in two classes: You would have to add the selector to a common ancestor class, in the worst case to object. You may not want to do this, e.g., because someone else is responsible for this ancestor class.

The solution for this problem is interfaces. An interface is a collection of selectors. If a class implements an interface, the selectors become available to the class and its descendents. A class can implement an unlimited number of interfaces. For the problem discussed above, we would define an interface for the selector(s), and both classes would implement the interface.

As an example, consider an interface storage for writing objects to disk and getting them back, and a class foo that implements it. The code would look like this:

  selector write ( file object -- )
  selector read1 ( file object -- )
end-interface storage

bar class
  storage implementation

... overrides write
... overrides read1
end-class foo

(I would add a word read ( file – object ) that uses read1 internally, but that’s beyond the point illustrated here.)

Note that you cannot use protected in an interface; and of course you cannot define fields.

In the Neon model, all selectors are available for all classes; therefore it does not need interfaces. The price you pay in this model is slower late binding, and therefore, added complexity to avoid late binding. objects.fs Implementation

An object is a piece of memory, like one of the data structures described with struct...end-struct. It has a field object-map that points to the method map for the object’s class.

The method map34 is an array that contains the execution tokens (xts) of the methods for the object’s class. Each selector contains an offset into a method map.

selector is a defining word that uses CREATE and DOES>. The body of the selector contains the offset; the DOES> action for a class selector is, basically:

( object addr ) @ over object-map @ + @ execute

Since object-map is the first field of the object, it does not generate any code. As you can see, calling a selector has a small, constant cost.

A class is basically a struct combined with a method map. During the class definition the alignment and size of the class are passed on the stack, just as with structs, so field can also be used for defining class fields. However, passing more items on the stack would be inconvenient, so class builds a data structure in memory, which is accessed through the variable current-interface. After its definition is complete, the class is represented on the stack by a pointer (e.g., as parameter for a child class definition).

A new class starts off with the alignment and size of its parent, and a copy of the parent’s method map. Defining new fields extends the size and alignment; likewise, defining new selectors extends the method map. overrides just stores a new xt in the method map at the offset given by the selector.

Class binding just gets the xt at the offset given by the selector from the class’s method map and compile,s (in the case of [bind]) it.

I implemented this as a value. At the start of an m:...;m method the old this is stored to the return stack and restored at the end; and the object on the TOS is stored TO this. This technique has one disadvantage: If the user does not leave the method via ;m, but via throw or exit, this is not restored (and exit may crash). To deal with the throw problem, I have redefined catch to save and restore this; the same should be done with any word that can catch an exception. As for exit, I simply forbid it (as a replacement, there is exitm).

inst-var is just the same as field, with a different DOES> action:

@ this +

Similar for inst-value.

Each class also has a word list that contains the words defined with inst-var and inst-value, and its protected words. It also has a pointer to its parent. class pushes the word lists of the class and all its ancestors onto the search order stack, and end-class drops them.

An interface is like a class without fields, parent and protected words; i.e., it just has a method map. If a class implements an interface, its method map contains a pointer to the method map of the interface. The positive offsets in the map are reserved for class methods, therefore interface map pointers have negative offsets. Interfaces have offsets that are unique throughout the system, unlike class selectors, whose offsets are only unique for the classes where the selector is available (invokable).

This structure means that interface selectors have to perform one indirection more than class selectors to find their method. Their body contains the interface map pointer offset in the class method map, and the method offset in the interface method map. The does> action for an interface selector is, basically:

( object selector-body )
2dup selector-interface @ ( object selector-body object interface-offset )
swap object-map @ + @ ( object selector-body map )
swap selector-offset @ + @ execute

where object-map and selector-offset are first fields and generate no code.

As a concrete example, consider the following code:

  selector if1sel1
  selector if1sel2
end-interface if1

object class
  if1 implementation
  selector cl1sel1
  cell% inst-var cl1iv1

' m1 overrides construct
' m2 overrides if1sel1
' m3 overrides if1sel2
' m4 overrides cl1sel2
end-class cl1

create obj1 object dict-new drop
create obj2 cl1    dict-new drop

The data structure created by this code (including the data structure for object) is shown in the figure, assuming a cell size of 4. objects.fs Glossary

bind ( ... "class" "selector" – ...  ) objects “bind”

Execute the method for selector in class.

<bind> ( class selector-xt – xt  ) objects “<bind>”

xt is the method for the selector selector-xt in class.

bind' ( "class" "selector" – xt  ) objects “bind”’

xt is the method for selector in class.

[bind] ( compile-time: "class" "selector" – ; run-time: ... object – ...  ) objects “[bind]”

Compile the method for selector in class.

class ( parent-class – align offset  ) objects “class”

Start a new class definition as a child of parent-class. align offset are for use by field etc.

class->map ( class – map  ) objects “class->map”

map is the pointer to class’s method map; it points to the place in the map to which the selector offsets refer (i.e., where object-maps point to).

class-inst-size ( class – addr  ) objects “class-inst-size”

Give the size specification for an instance (i.e. an object) of class; used as class-inst-size 2 ( class -- align size ).

class-override! ( xt sel-xt class-map –  ) objects “class-override!”

xt is the new method for the selector sel-xt in class-map.

class-previous ( class –  ) objects “class-previous”

Drop class’s wordlists from the search order. No checking is made whether class’s wordlists are actually on the search order.

class>order ( class –  ) objects “class>order”

Add class’s wordlists to the head of the search-order.

construct ( ... object –  ) objects “construct”

Initialize the data fields of object. The method for the class object just does nothing: ( object -- ).

current' ( "selector" – xt  ) objects “current”’

xt is the method for selector in the current class.

[current] ( compile-time: "selector" – ; run-time: ... object – ...  ) objects “[current]”

Compile the method for selector in the current class.

current-interface ( – addr  ) objects “current-interface”

Variable: contains the class or interface currently being defined.

dict-new ( ... class – object  ) objects “dict-new”

allot and initialize an object of class class in the dictionary.

end-class ( align offset "name" –  ) objects “end-class”

name execution: -- class
End a class definition. The resulting class is class.

end-class-noname ( align offset – class  ) objects “end-class-noname”

End a class definition. The resulting class is class.

end-interface ( "name" –  ) objects “end-interface”

name execution: -- interface
End an interface definition. The resulting interface is interface.

end-interface-noname ( – interface  ) objects “end-interface-noname”

End an interface definition. The resulting interface is interface.

end-methods ( ) objects “end-methods”

Switch back from defining methods of a class to normal mode (currently this just restores the old search order).

exitm ( ) objects “exitm”

exit from a method; restore old this.

heap-new ( ... class – object  ) objects “heap-new”

allocate and initialize an object of class class.

implementation ( interface –  ) objects “implementation”

The current class implements interface. I.e., you can use all selectors of the interface in the current class and its descendents.

init-object ( ... class object –  ) objects “init-object”

Initialize a chunk of memory (object) to an object of class class; then performs construct.

inst-value ( align1 offset1 "name" – align2 offset2  ) objects “inst-value”

name execution: -- w
w is the value of the field name in this object.

inst-var ( align1 offset1 align size "name" – align2 offset2  ) objects “inst-var”

name execution: -- addr
addr is the address of the field name in this object.

interface ( ) objects “interface”

Start an interface definition.

m: ( – xt colon-sys; run-time: object –  ) objects “m:”

Start a method definition; object becomes new this.

:m ( "name" – xt; run-time: object –  ) objects “:m”

Start a named method definition; object becomes new this. Has to be ended with ;m.

;m ( colon-sys –; run-time: –  ) objects “;m”

End a method definition; restore old this.

method ( xt "name" –  ) objects “method”

name execution: ... object -- ...
Create selector name and makes xt its method in the current class.

methods ( class –  ) objects “methods”

Makes class the current class. This is intended to be used for defining methods to override selectors; you cannot define new fields or selectors.

object ( – class  ) objects “object”

the ancestor of all classes.

overrides ( xt "selector" –  ) objects “overrides”

replace default method for selector in the current class with xt. overrides must not be used during an interface definition.

[parent] ( compile-time: "selector" – ; run-time: ... object – ...  ) objects “[parent]”

Compile the method for selector in the parent of the current class.

print ( object –  ) objects “print”

Print the object. The method for the class object prints the address of the object and the address of its class.

protected ( ) objects “protected”

Set the compilation wordlist to the current class’s wordlist

public ( ) objects “public”

Restore the compilation wordlist that was in effect before the last protected that actually changed the compilation wordlist.

selector ( "name" –  ) objects “selector”

name execution: ... object -- ...
Create selector name for the current class and its descendents; you can set a method for the selector in the current class with overrides.

this ( – object  ) objects “this”

the receiving object of the current method (aka active object).

<to-inst> ( w xt –  ) objects “<to-inst>”

store w into the field xt in this object.

[to-inst] ( compile-time: "name" – ; run-time: w –  ) objects “[to-inst]”

store w into field name in this object.

to-this ( object –  ) objects “to-this”

Set this (used internally, but useful when debugging).

xt-new ( ... class xt – object  ) objects “xt-new”

Make a new object, using xt ( align size -- addr ) to get memory.

5.23.4 The oof.fs model

This section describes the oof.fs package.

The package described in this section has been used in bigFORTH since 1991, and used for two large applications: a chromatographic system used to create new medicaments, and a graphic user interface library (MINOS).

You can find a description (in German) of oof.fs in Object oriented bigFORTH by Bernd Paysan, published in Vierte Dimension 10(2), 1994. Properties of the oof.fs model

  • This model combines object oriented programming with information hiding. It helps you writing large application, where scoping is necessary, because it provides class-oriented scoping.
  • Named objects, object pointers, and object arrays can be created, selector invocation uses the “object selector” syntax. Selector invocation to objects and/or selectors on the stack is a bit less convenient, but possible.
  • Selector invocation and instance variable usage of the active object is straightforward, since both make use of the active object.
  • Late binding is efficient and easy to use.
  • State-smart objects parse selectors. However, extensibility is provided using a (parsing) selector postpone and a selector '.
  • An implementation in Standard Forth is available. Basic oof.fs Usage

This section uses the same example as for objects (see Basic objects.fs Usage).

You can define a class for graphical objects like this:

object class graphical \ "object" is the parent class
  method draw ( x y -- )

This code defines a class graphical with an operation draw. We can perform the operation draw on any graphical object, e.g.:

100 100 t-rex draw

where t-rex is an object or object pointer, created with e.g. graphical : t-rex.

How do we create a graphical object? With the present definitions, we cannot create a useful graphical object. The class graphical describes graphical objects in general, but not any concrete graphical object type (C++ users would call it an abstract class); e.g., there is no method for the selector draw in the class graphical.

For concrete graphical objects, we define child classes of the class graphical, e.g.:

graphical class circle \ "graphical" is the parent class
  cell var circle-radius
  : draw ( x y -- )
    circle-radius @ draw-circle ;

  : init ( n-radius -- )
    circle-radius ! ;

Here we define a class circle as a child of graphical, with a field circle-radius; it defines new methods for the selectors draw and init (init is defined in object, the parent class of graphical).

Now we can create a circle in the dictionary with:

50 circle : my-circle

: invokes init, thus initializing the field circle-radius with 50. We can draw this new circle at (100,100) with:

100 100 my-circle draw

Note: You can only invoke a selector if the receiving object belongs to the class where the selector was defined or one of its descendents; e.g., you can invoke draw only for objects belonging to graphical or its descendents (e.g., circle). The scoping mechanism will check if you try to invoke a selector that is not defined in this class hierarchy, so you’ll get an error at compilation time. The oof.fs base class

When you define a class, you have to specify a parent class. So how do you start defining classes? There is one class available from the start: object. You have to use it as ancestor for all classes. It is the only class that has no parent. Classes are also objects, except that they don’t have instance variables; class manipulation such as inheritance or changing definitions of a class is handled through selectors of the class object.

object provides a number of selectors:

  • class for subclassing, definitions to add definitions later on, and class? to get type informations (is the class a subclass of the class passed on the stack?).
    class ( "name" –  ) oof “class”
    definitions ( ) oof “definitions”
    class? ( o – flag  ) oof “class-query”
  • init and dispose as constructor and destructor of the object. init is invocated after the object’s memory is allocated, while dispose also handles deallocation. Thus if you redefine dispose, you have to call the parent’s dispose with super dispose, too.
    init ( ... –  ) oof “init”
    dispose ( ) oof “dispose”
  • new, new[], :, ptr, asptr, and [] to create named and unnamed objects and object arrays or object pointers.
    new ( – o  ) oof “new”
    new[] ( n – o  ) oof “new-array”
    : ( "name" –  ) oof “define”
    ptr ( "name" –  ) oof “ptr”
    asptr ( o "name" –  ) oof “asptr”
    [] ( n "name" –  ) oof “array”
  • :: and super for explicit scoping. You should use explicit scoping only for super classes or classes with the same set of instance variables. Explicitly-scoped selectors use early binding.
    :: ( "name" –  ) oof “scope”
    super ( "name" –  ) oof “super”
  • self to get the address of the object
    self ( – o  ) oof “self”
  • bind, bound, link, and is to assign object pointers and instance defers.
    bind ( o "name" –  ) oof “bind”
    bound ( class addr "name" –  ) oof “bound”
    link ( "name" – class addr  ) oof “link”
    is ( xt "name" –  ) oof “is”
  • ' to obtain selector tokens, send to invocate selectors form the stack, and postpone to generate selector invocation code.
    ' ( "name" – xt  ) oof “tick”
    postpone ( "name" –  ) oof “postpone”
  • with and endwith to select the active object from the stack, and enable its scope. Using with and endwith also allows you to create code using selector postpone without being trapped by the state-smart objects.
    with ( o –  ) oof “with”
    endwith ( ) oof “endwith” Class Declaration

  • Instance variables
    var ( size –  ) oof “var”

    Create an instance variable

  • Object pointers
    ptr ( ) oof “ptr”

    Create an instance pointer

    asptr ( class –  ) oof “asptr”

    Create an alias to an instance pointer, cast to another class.

  • Instance defers
    defer ( ) oof “defer”

    Create an instance defer

  • Method selectors
    early ( ) oof “early”

    Create a method selector for early binding.

    method ( ) oof “method”

    Create a method selector.

  • Class-wide variables
    static ( ) oof “static”

    Create a class-wide cell-sized variable.

  • End declaration
    how: ( ) oof “how-to”

    End declaration, start implementation

    class; ( ) oof “end-class”

    End class declaration or implementation Class Implementation

5.23.5 The mini-oof.fs model

Gforth’s third object oriented Forth package is a 12-liner. It uses a mixture of the objects.fs and the oof.fs syntax, and reduces to the bare minimum of features. This is based on a posting of Bernd Paysan in comp.lang.forth. Basic mini-oof.fs Usage

There is a base class (class, which allocates one cell for the object pointer) plus seven other words: to define a method, a variable, a class; to end a class, to resolve binding, to allocate an object and to compile a class method.

object ( – a-addr  ) mini-oof “object”

object is the base class of all objects.

method ( m v "name" – m’ v  ) mini-oof “method”

Define a selector.

var ( m v size "name" – m v’  ) mini-oof “var”

Define a variable with size bytes.

class ( class – class selectors vars  ) mini-oof “class”

Start the definition of a class.

end-class ( class selectors vars "name" –  ) mini-oof “end-class”

End the definition of a class.

defines ( xt class "name" –  ) mini-oof “defines”

Bind xt to the selector name in class class.

new ( class – o  ) mini-oof “new”

Create a new incarnation of the class class.

:: ( class "name" –  ) mini-oof “colon-colon”

Compile the method for the selector name of the class class (not immediate!). Mini-OOF Example

A short example shows how to use this package. This example, in slightly extended form, is supplied as moof-exm.fs

object class
  method init
  method draw
end-class graphical

This code defines a class graphical with an operation draw. We can perform the operation draw on any graphical object, e.g.:

100 100 t-rex draw

where t-rex is an object or object pointer, created with e.g. graphical new Constant t-rex.

For concrete graphical objects, we define child classes of the class graphical, e.g.:

graphical class
  cell var circle-radius
end-class circle \ "graphical" is the parent class

:noname ( x y -- )
  circle-radius @ draw-circle ; circle defines draw
:noname ( r -- )
  circle-radius ! ; circle defines init

There is no implicit init method, so we have to define one. The creation code of the object now has to call init explicitely.

circle new Constant my-circle
50 my-circle init

It is also possible to add a function to create named objects with automatic call of init, given that all objects have init on the same place:

: new: ( .. o "name" -- )
    new dup Constant init ;
80 circle new: large-circle

We can draw this new circle at (100,100) with:

100 100 my-circle draw mini-oof.fs Implementation

Object-oriented systems with late binding typically use a “vtable”-approach: the first variable in each object is a pointer to a table, which contains the methods as function pointers. The vtable may also contain other information.

So first, let’s declare selectors:

: method ( m v "name" -- m' v ) Create  over , swap cell+ swap
  DOES> ( ... o -- ... ) @ over @ + @ execute ;

During selector declaration, the number of selectors and instance variables is on the stack (in address units). method creates one selector and increments the selector number. To execute a selector, it takes the object, fetches the vtable pointer, adds the offset, and executes the method xt stored there. Each selector takes the object it is invoked with as top of stack parameter; it passes the parameters (including the object) unchanged to the appropriate method which should consume that object.

Now, we also have to declare instance variables

: var ( m v size "name" -- m v' ) Create  over , +
  DOES> ( o -- addr ) @ + ;

As before, a word is created with the current offset. Instance variables can have different sizes (cells, floats, doubles, chars), so all we do is take the size and add it to the offset. If your machine has alignment restrictions, put the proper aligned or faligned before the variable, to adjust the variable offset. That’s why it is on the top of stack.

We need a starting point (the base object) and some syntactic sugar:

Create object  1 cells , 2 cells ,
: class ( class -- class selectors vars ) dup 2@ ;

For inheritance, the vtable of the parent object has to be copied when a new, derived class is declared. This gives all the methods of the parent class, which can be overridden, though.

: end-class  ( class selectors vars "name" -- )
  Create  here >r , dup , 2 cells ?DO ['] noop , 1 cells +LOOP
  cell+ dup cell+ r> rot @ 2 cells /string move ;

The first line creates the vtable, initialized with noops. The second line is the inheritance mechanism, it copies the xts from the parent vtable.

We still have no way to define new methods, let’s do that now:

: defines ( xt class "name" -- ) ' >body @ + ! ;

To allocate a new object, we need a word, too:

: new ( class -- o )  here over @ allot swap over ! ;

Sometimes derived classes want to access the method of the parent object. There are two ways to achieve this with Mini-OOF: first, you could use named words, and second, you could look up the vtable of the parent object.

: :: ( class "name" -- ) ' >body @ + @ compile, ;

Nothing can be more confusing than a good example, so here is one. First let’s declare a text object (called button), that stores text and position:

object class
  cell var text
  cell var len
  cell var x
  cell var y
  method init
  method draw
end-class button

Now, implement the two methods, draw and init:

:noname ( o -- )
 >r r@ x @ r@ y @ at-xy  r@ text @ r> len @ type ;
 button defines draw
:noname ( addr u o -- )
 >r 0 r@ x ! 0 r@ y ! r@ len ! r> text ! ;
 button defines init

To demonstrate inheritance, we define a class bold-button, with no new data and no new selectors:

button class
end-class bold-button

: bold   27 emit ." [1m" ;
: normal 27 emit ." [0m" ;

The class bold-button has a different draw method to button, but the new method is defined in terms of the draw method for button:

:noname bold [ button :: draw ] normal ; bold-button defines draw

Finally, create two objects and apply selectors:

button new Constant foo
s" thin foo" foo init
foo draw
bold-button new Constant bar
s" fat bar" bar init
1 bar y !
bar draw

5.23.6 Comparison with other object models

Many object-oriented Forth extensions have been proposed (A survey of object-oriented Forths (SIGPLAN Notices, April 1996) by Bradford J. Rodriguez and W. F. S. Poehlman lists 17). This section discusses the relation of the object models described here to two well-known and two closely-related (by the use of method maps) models. Andras Zsoter helped us with this section.

The most popular model currently seems to be the Neon model (see Object-oriented programming in ANS Forth (Forth Dimensions, March 1997) by Andrew McKewan) but this model has a number of limitations 35:

  • It uses a selector object syntax, which makes it unnatural to pass objects on the stack.
  • It requires that the selector parses the input stream (at compile time); this leads to reduced extensibility and to bugs that are hard to find.
  • It allows using every selector on every object; this eliminates the need for interfaces, but makes it harder to create efficient implementations.

Another well-known publication is Object-Oriented Forth (Academic Press, London, 1987) by Dick Pountain. However, it is not really about object-oriented programming, because it hardly deals with late binding. Instead, it focuses on features like information hiding and overloading that are characteristic of modular languages like Ada (83).

In Does late binding have to be slow? (Forth Dimensions 18(1) 1996, pages 31-35) Andras Zsoter describes a model that makes heavy use of an active object (like this in objects.fs): The active object is not only used for accessing all fields, but also specifies the receiving object of every selector invocation; you have to change the active object explicitly with { ... }, whereas in objects.fs it changes more or less implicitly at m: ... ;m. Such a change at the method entry point is unnecessary with Zsoter’s model, because the receiving object is the active object already. On the other hand, the explicit change is absolutely necessary in that model, because otherwise no one could ever change the active object. An Standard Forth implementation of this model is available through

The oof.fs model combines information hiding and overloading resolution (by keeping names in various word lists) with object-oriented programming. It sets the active object implicitly on method entry, but also allows explicit changing (with >o...o> or with with...endwith). It uses parsing and state-smart objects and classes for resolving overloading and for early binding: the object or class parses the selector and determines the method from this. If the selector is not parsed by an object or class, it performs a call to the selector for the active object (late binding), like Zsoter’s model. Fields are always accessed through the active object. The big disadvantage of this model is the parsing and the state-smartness, which reduces extensibility and increases the opportunities for subtle bugs; essentially, you are only safe if you never tick or postpone an object or class (Bernd disagrees, but I (Anton) am not convinced).

The mini-oof.fs model is quite similar to a very stripped-down version of the objects.fs model, but syntactically it is a mixture of the objects.fs and oof.fs models.

5.24 Programming Tools

5.24.1 Locating source code definitions

Many programming systems are organized as an integrated development environment (IDE) where the editor is the hub of the system, and allows building and running programs. If you want that, Gforth has it, too (see Emacs and Gforth).

However, several Forth systems have a different kind of IDE: The Forth command line is the hub of the environment; you can view the source from there in various ways, and call an editor if needed.

Gforth also implements such an IDE. It mostly follows the conventions of SwiftForth where they exist, but implements features beyond them.

An advantage of this approach is that it allows you to use your favourite editor: set the environment variable EDITOR to your favourite editor, and the editing commands will call that editor; Gforth invokes some GUI editors in the background (so you do not need to finish editing to continue with your Forth session), terminal editors in the foreground (default for editors not known to Gforth is foreground). If you have not set EDITOR, the default editor is vi.

locate ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “locate”

Show the source code of the word name and set the current location there.

The current location is set by a number of other words in addition to locate. Also, when an error happens while loading a file, the location of the error becomes the current location.

A number of words work with the current location:

l ( ) unknown “l”

Display source code lines at the current location.

n ( ) gforth-1.0 “n”

Display lines behind the current location, or behind the last n or b output (whichever was later).

b ( ) gforth-1.0 “b”

Display lines before the current location, or before the last n or b output (whichever was later).

g ( ) gforth-0.7 “g”

Enter the editor at the current location, or at the start of the last n or b output (whichever was later).

You can control how many lines l, n and b show by changing the values:

before-locate ( – u  ) gforth-1.0 “before-locate”

number of lines shown before current location (default 3).

after-locate ( – u  ) gforth-1.0 “after-locate”

number of lines shown after current location (default 12).

Finally, you can directly go to the source code of a word in the editor with

edit ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “edit”

Enter the editor at the location of "name"

5.24.2 Locating documentation

help ( "rest-of-line" –  ) gforth-1.0 “help”

If no name is given, show basic help. If a documentation node name is given followed by "::", show the start of the node. If the name of a word is given, show the documentation of the word if it exists, or its source code if not. Use g to enter the editor at the point shown by help.

Help sets the current location, so you can use n and b to show more of the text, or g to visit the documentation in an editor (see Locating source code definitions).

5.24.3 Locating uses of a word

where ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “where”

Show all places where name is used (text-interpreted). You can then use ww, nw or bw to inspect specific occurences more closely.

ww ( u –  ) gforth-1.0 “ww”

The next l or g shows the where result with index u

nw ( ) gforth-1.0 “nw”

The next l or g shows the next where result; if the current one is the last one, after nw there is no current one. If there is no current one, after nw the first one is the current one.

bw ( ) gforth-1.0 “bw”

The next l or g shows the previous where result; if the current one is the first one, after bw there is no current one. If there is no current one, after bw the last one is the current one.

gg ( ) gforth-1.0 “gg”

The next ww, nw, bw, bb, nb, lb (but not locate, edit, l or g) puts it result in the editor (like g). Use gg gg to make this permanent rather than one-shot.

ll ( ) gforth-1.0 “ll”

The next ww, nw, bw, bb, nb, lb (but not locate, edit, l or g) displays in the Forth system (like l). Use ll ll to make this permanent rather than one-shot.

whereg ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “whereg”

Like where, but puts the output in the editor. In Emacs, you can then use the compilation-mode commands (see Compilation Mode in GNU Emacs Manual) to inspect specific occurences more closely.

5.24.4 Locating exception source

tt ( u –  ) gforth-1.0 “tt”
nt ( ) gforth-1.0 “nt”
bt ( ) gforth-1.0 “bt”

5.24.5 Examining compiled code

And finally, see and friends show compiled code. Some of the things in the native code are not present in the compiled code (e.g., formatting and comments), but this is useful to see what threaded code or native code is produced by macros and Gforth’s optimization features.

see ( "<spaces>name" –  ) tools “see”

Locate name using the current search order. Display the definition of name. Since this is achieved by decompiling the definition, the formatting is mechanised and some source information (comments, interpreted sequences within definitions etc.) is lost.

xt-see ( xt –  ) gforth-0.4 “xt-see”

Decompile the definition represented by xt.

simple-see ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.6 “simple-see”

a simple decompiler that’s closer to dump than see.

simple-see-range ( addr1 addr2 –  ) gforth-0.6 “simple-see-range”
see-code ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.7 “see-code”

like simple-see, but also shows the dynamic native code for the inlined primitives (except for the last).

see-code-range ( addr1 addr2 –  ) gforth-0.7 “see-code-range”

5.24.6 Examining data and code

The following words inspect the stack non-destructively:

... ( unknown  ) varargs “(programmable)”
.s ( ) tools “dot-s”

Display the number of items on the data stack, followed by a list of the items (but not more than specified by maxdepth-.s; TOS is the right-most item.

f.s ( ) gforth-0.4 “f-dot-s”

Display the number of items on the floating-point stack, followed by a list of the items (but not more than specified by maxdepth-.s; TOS is the right-most item.

maxdepth-.s ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “maxdepth-dot-s”

A variable containing 9 by default. .s and f.s display at most that many stack items.

There is a word .r but it does not display the return stack! It is used for formatted numeric output (see Simple numeric output).

depth ( – +n  ) core “depth”

+n is the number of values that were on the data stack before +n itself was placed on the stack.

fdepth ( – +n  ) float “f-depth”

+n is the current number of (floating-point) values on the floating-point stack.

clearstack ( ... –  ) gforth-0.4 “clear-stack”

remove and discard all/any items from the data stack.

clearstacks ( ... –  ) gforth-0.7 “clear-stacks”

empty data and FP stack

The following words inspect memory.

? ( a-addr –  ) tools “question”

Display the contents of address a-addr in the current number base.

dump ( addr u –  ) unknown “dump”

5.24.7 Forgetting words

Forth allows you to forget words (and everything that was alloted in the dictonary after them) in a LIFO manner.

marker ( "<spaces> name" –  ) core-ext “marker”

Create a definition, name (called a mark) whose execution semantics are to remove itself and everything defined after it.

The most common use of this feature is during progam development: when you change a source file, forget all the words it defined and load it again (since you also forget everything defined after the source file was loaded, you have to reload that, too). Note that effects like storing to variables and destroyed system words are not undone when you forget words. With a system like Gforth, that is fast enough at starting up and compiling, I find it more convenient to exit and restart Gforth, as this gives me a clean slate.

Here’s an example of using marker at the start of a source file that you are debugging; it ensures that you only ever have one copy of the file’s definitions compiled at any time:

[IFDEF] my-code

marker my-code

\ .. definitions start here
\ .
\ .
\ end

5.24.8 Debugging

Languages with a slow edit/compile/link/test development loop tend to require sophisticated tracing/stepping debuggers to facilate debugging.

A much better (faster) way in fast-compiling languages is to add printing code at well-selected places, let the program run, look at the output, see where things went wrong, add more printing code, etc., until the bug is found.

The simple debugging aids provided in debugs.fs are meant to support this style of debugging.

The word ~~ prints debugging information (by default the source location and the stack contents). It is easy to insert. If you use Emacs it is also easy to remove (C-x ~ in the Emacs Forth mode to query-replace them with nothing). The deferred words printdebugdata and .debugline control the output of ~~. The default source location output format works well with Emacs’ compilation mode, so you can step through the program at the source level using C-x ` (the advantage over a stepping debugger is that you can step in any direction and you know where the crash has happened or where the strange data has occurred).

~~ ( ) gforth-0.4 “tilde-tilde”

Prints the source code location of the ~~ and the stack contents with .debugline.

printdebugdata ( ) gforth-0.4 “print-debug-data”
.debugline ( nfile nline –  ) gforth-0.6 “print-debug-line”

Print the source code location indicated by nfile nline, and additional debugging information; the default .debugline prints the additional information with printdebugdata.

debug-fid ( – file-id  ) gforth-1.0 “debug-fid”

~~ (and assertions) will usually print the wrong file name if a marker is executed in the same file after their occurance. They will print ‘*somewhere*’ as file name if a marker is executed in the same file before their occurance.

once ( ) unknown “once”

do the following up to THEN only once

~~bt ( ) unknown “~~bt”

print stackdump and backtrace

~~1bt ( ) unknown “~~1bt”

print stackdump and backtrace once

??? ( ) unknown “???”

Open a debuging shell

WTF?? ( ) unknown “WTF??”

Open a debugging shell with backtrace and stack dump

!!FIXME!! ( ) unknown “!!FIXME!!”

word that should never be reached

replace-word ( xt1 xt2 –  ) gforth-1.0 “replace-word”

make xt2 do xt1, both need to be colon definitions

~~Variable ( "name" –  ) unknown “~~Variable”

Variable that will be watched on every access

~~Value ( n "name" –  ) unknown “~~Value”

Value that will be watched on every access

+ltrace ( ) unknown “+ltrace”

turn on line tracing

-ltrace ( unknown  ) unknown “-ltrace”

turn off line tracing

view ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “view”
locate ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “locate”

Show the source code of the word name and set the current location there.

edit ( "name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “edit”

Enter the editor at the location of "name"

#loc ( nline nchar "file" –  ) unknown “#loc”

set next word’s location to nline nchar in "file"

5.24.9 Assertions

It is a good idea to make your programs self-checking, especially if you make an assumption that may become invalid during maintenance (for example, that a certain field of a data structure is never zero). Gforth supports assertions for this purpose. They are used like this:

assert( flag )

The code between assert( and ) should compute a flag, that should be true if everything is alright and false otherwise. It should not change anything else on the stack. The overall stack effect of the assertion is ( -- ). E.g.

assert( 1 1 + 2 = ) \ what we learn in school
assert( dup 0<> ) \ assert that the top of stack is not zero
assert( false ) \ this code should not be reached

The need for assertions is different at different times. During debugging, we want more checking, in production we sometimes care more for speed. Therefore, assertions can be turned off, i.e., the assertion becomes a comment. Depending on the importance of an assertion and the time it takes to check it, you may want to turn off some assertions and keep others turned on. Gforth provides several levels of assertions for this purpose:

assert0( ( ) gforth-0.4 “assert-zero”

Important assertions that should always be turned on.

assert1( ( ) gforth-0.4 “assert-one”

Normal assertions; turned on by default.

assert2( ( ) gforth-0.4 “assert-two”

Debugging assertions.

assert3( ( ) gforth-0.4 “assert-three”

Slow assertions that you may not want to turn on in normal debugging; you would turn them on mainly for thorough checking.

assert( ( ) gforth-0.4 “assert(”

Equivalent to assert1(

) ( ) gforth-0.4 “close-paren”

End an assertion. Generic end, can be used for other similar purposes

The variable assert-level specifies the highest assertions that are turned on. I.e., at the default assert-level of one, assert0( and assert1( assertions perform checking, while assert2( and assert3( assertions are treated as comments.

The value of assert-level is evaluated at compile-time, not at run-time. Therefore you cannot turn assertions on or off at run-time; you have to set the assert-level appropriately before compiling a piece of code. You can compile different pieces of code at different assert-levels (e.g., a trusted library at level 1 and newly-written code at level 3).

assert-level ( – a-addr  ) gforth-0.4 “assert-level”

All assertions above this level are turned off.

If an assertion fails, a message compatible with Emacs’ compilation mode is produced and the execution is aborted (currently with ABORT". If there is interest, we will introduce a special throw code. But if you intend to catch a specific condition, using throw is probably more appropriate than an assertion).

Assertions (and ~~) will usually print the wrong file name if a marker is executed in the same file after their occurance. They will print ‘*somewhere*’ as file name if a marker is executed in the same file before their occurance.

Definitions in Standard Forth for these assertion words are provided in compat/assert.fs.

5.24.10 Singlestep Debugger

The singlestep debugger works only with the engine gforth-itc.

When you create a new word there’s often the need to check whether it behaves correctly or not. You can do this by typing dbg badword. A debug session might look like this:

: badword 0 DO i . LOOP ;  ok
2 dbg badword 
: badword  
Scanning code...

Nesting debugger ready!

400D4738  8049BC4 0              -> [ 2 ] 00002 00000 
400D4740  8049F68 DO             -> [ 0 ] 
400D4744  804A0C8 i              -> [ 1 ] 00000 
400D4748 400C5E60 .              -> 0 [ 0 ] 
400D474C  8049D0C LOOP           -> [ 0 ] 
400D4744  804A0C8 i              -> [ 1 ] 00001 
400D4748 400C5E60 .              -> 1 [ 0 ] 
400D474C  8049D0C LOOP           -> [ 0 ] 
400D4758  804B384 ;              ->  ok

Each line displayed is one step. You always have to hit return to execute the next word that is displayed. If you don’t want to execute the next word in a whole, you have to type n for nest. Here is an overview what keys are available:


Next; Execute the next word.


Nest; Single step through next word.


Unnest; Stop debugging and execute rest of word. If we got to this word with nest, continue debugging with the calling word.


Done; Stop debugging and execute rest.


Stop; Abort immediately.

Debugging large application with this mechanism is very difficult, because you have to nest very deeply into the program before the interesting part begins. This takes a lot of time.

To do it more directly put a BREAK: command into your source code. When program execution reaches BREAK: the single step debugger is invoked and you have all the features described above.

If you have more than one part to debug it is useful to know where the program has stopped at the moment. You can do this by the BREAK" string" command. This behaves like BREAK: except that string is typed out when the “breakpoint” is reached.

dbg ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “dbg”
break: ( ) gforth-0.4 “break:”
break" ( ’ccc"’ –  ) gforth-0.4 “break"”

5.24.11 Code Coverage and Execution Frequency

If you run extensive tests on your code, you often want to figure out if the tests exercise all parts of the code. This is called (test) coverage. The file coverage.fs contains tools for measuring the coverage as well as execution frequency.

Code coverage inserts counting code in every basic block (straight-line code sequence) loaded after coverage.fs. Each time that code is run, it increments the counter for that basic block. Later you can show the source file with the counts inserted in these basic blocks.

.coverage ( ) gforth-exp “.coverage”

Show code with execution frequencies.

annotate-cov ( ) gforth-exp “annotate-cov”

For every file with coverage information, produce a .cov file that has the execution frequencies inserted. We recommend to use bw-cover first (with the default color-cover you get escape sequences in the files).

cov% ( ) gforth-exp “cov%”

Print the percentage of basic blocks loaded after coverage.fs that are executed at least once.

.cover-raw ( ) gforth-exp “.cover-raw”

Print raw execution counts.

By default, the counts are shown in colour (using ANSI escape sequences), but you can use bw-cover to show them in parenthesized form without escape sequences.

bw-cover ( ) unknown “bw-cover”

Print execution counts in parentheses (source-code compatible).

color-cover ( ) unknown “color-cover”

Print execution counts in colours (default).

You can save and reload the coverage counters in binary format, to aggregate coverage counters across several test runs.

save-cov ( ) gforth-exp “save-cov”

Save coverage counters.

load-cov ( ) gforth-exp “load-cov”

Load coverage counters.

cov+ ( ) gforth-exp “cov+”

Add a coverage tag here.

5.25 Multitasker

Gforth offers two multitaskers: a traditional, cooperative round-robin multitasker, and a pthread-based multitasker which allows to run several threads concurrently on multi-core machines. The pthread-based is now marked as experimental feature, as standardization of Forth multitaskers will likely change the names of words without changing their semantics.

5.25.1 Ptheads

Tasks can be created with newtask or newtask4 with a given amount of stack space (either all the same or each stack’s size specified); these tasks neet to be activated or send an xt through initiate. Tasks can stop themselves when they are done or wait for new instructions.

newtask ( stacksize – task  ) gforth-experimental “newtask”

creates a task, uses stacksize for stack, rstack, fpstack, locals

task ( stacksize "name" –  ) gforth-experimental “task”

create a named task with stacksize stacksize

execute-task ( xt – task  ) gforth-experimental “execute-task”

create a new task task and initiate it with xt

stacksize ( – n  ) gforth-experimental “stacksize”

stacksize for data stack

newtask4 ( dsize rsize fsize lsize – task  ) gforth-experimental “newtask4”

creates a task, each stack individually sized

stacksize4 ( – dsize fsize rsize lsize  ) gforth-experimental “stacksize4”

This gives you the system stack sizes

activate ( task –  ) gforth-experimental “activate”

activates a task. The remaining part of the word calling activate will be executed in the context of the task.

pass ( x1 .. xn n task –  ) gforth-experimental “pass”

activates task, and passes n parameters from the data stack

initiate ( xt task –  ) gforth-experimental “initiate”

pass an xt to a task (VFX compatible)

pause ( ) gforth-experimental “pause”

voluntarily switch to the next waiting task (pause is the traditional cooperative task switcher; in the pthread multitasker, you don’t need pause for cooperation, but you still can use it e.g. when you have to resort to polling for some reason). This also checks for events in the queue.

restart ( task –  ) gforth-experimental “restart”

Wake a task

halt ( task –  ) gforth-experimental “halt”

Stop a task

stop ( ) gforth-experimental “stop”

stops the current task, and waits for events (which may restart it)

stop-ns ( timeout –  ) gforth-experimental “stop-ns”

Stop with timeout (in nanoseconds), better replacement for ms

A cooperative multitasker can ensure that there is no other task interacting between two invocations of pause. Pthreads however are really concurrent tasks (at least on a multi-core CPU), and therefore, several techniques to avoid conflicts when accessing the same resources. Special User Variables

Aside from the user variables that are already defined in the kernel, tasks may want to have user values and user defers, optain the offset of a user variable, or the address of those related to another task to initialize that task’s user area.

UValue ( "name" –  ) unknown “UValue”
UDefer ( "name" –  ) gforth-experimental “UDefer”

Define a per-thread deferred word

user' ( ’user’ – n  ) gforth-experimental “user”’

USER’ computes the task offset of a user variable

's ( user task – user’  ) gforth-experimental “’s”

get the tasks’s address of our user variable Semaphores

Semaphores can only be aquired by one thread, all other threads have to wait until the semapohre is released.

semaphore ( "name" –  ) gforth-experimental “semaphore”

create a named semaphore "name" \\ "name"-execution: ( – semaphore )

lock ( semaphore –  ) gforth-experimental “lock”

lock the semaphore

unlock ( semaphore –  ) gforth-experimental “unlock”

unlock the semaphore

The other approach to prevent concurrent access is the critical section. Here, we implement a critical section with a semaphore, so you have to specify the semaphore which is used for the critical section. Only those critical sections which use the same semaphore are mutually exclusive.

critical-section ( xt semaphore –  ) gforth-experimental “critical-section”

implement a critical section that will unlock the semaphore even in case there’s an exception within. Atomic operations

Atomic operations can be used to synchronize tasks without using slow OS primitives.

!@ ( u1 a-addr – u2 ) gforth-experimental “store-fetch”

load u2 from a_addr, and store u1 there, as atomic operation

+!@ ( u1 a-addr – u2 ) gforth-experimental “add-store-fetch”

load u2 from a_addr, and increment this location by u1, as atomic operation

?!@ ( unew uold a-addr – uprev ) gforth-experimental “question-store-fetch”

load uprev from a_addr, compare it to uold, and if equal, store unew there, as atomic operation

barrier ( ) gforth-experimental “barrier”

Insert a full memory barrier Message Queues

Gforth implements executable message queues for event driven programs: you send instructions to other tasks, enclosed in <event and event>; the entire event sequence is executed atomically. You can pass integers, floats, and strings (only the addresses, so treat the string as read-only after you have send it to another task). The messages you send are defined with event: name, which, when invoked, will add the code for its execution to the message queue, and when recieved, will execute the code following. The message queue is queried when you stop a task, or when you check for events with ?events. You can define a maximum of 256 different events.

<event ( ) gforth-experimental “<event”

starts a sequence of events.

event> ( task –  ) gforth-experimental “event>”

ends a sequence and sends it to the mentioned task

event: ( "name" –  ) gforth-experimental “event:”

defines an event and the reaction to it as Forth code. If name is invoked, the event gets assembled to the event buffer. If the event name is received, the Forth definition that follows the event declaration is executed.

?events ( ) gforth-experimental “?events”

checks for events and executes them

event-loop ( ) gforth-experimental “event-loop”

Tasks that are controlled by sending events to them should go into an event-loop

elit, ( x –  ) gforth-experimental “elit,”

sends a literal

e$, ( addr u –  ) gforth-experimental “e$,”

sends a string (actually only the address and the count, because it’s shared memory

eflit, ( x –  ) gforth-experimental “eflit,”

sends a float

The naming conventions for events is :>name. Conditions

The pthreads library also provides conditional variables, which allow to wait for a condition. Using the message queue is generally preferred.

cond ( "name" –  ) gforth-experimental “cond”

create a named condition

pthread_cond_signal ( cond – r  ) gforth-experimental “pthread_cond_signal”
pthread_cond_broadcast ( cond – r  ) gforth-experimental “pthread_cond_broadcast”
pthread_cond_wait ( cond mutex – r  ) gforth-experimental “pthread_cond_wait”
pthread_cond_timedwait ( cond mutex abstime – r  ) gforth-experimental “pthread_cond_timedwait”

5.26 C Interface

Gforth’s C interface works by compiling a wrapper library that contains C functions which take parameters from the Forth stacks and calls the C functions. This wrapper library is compiled by the C compiler. Compilation results are cached, so that Gforth only needs to rerun the C compilation if the wrapper library has to change. This build process is automatic, and done at the end of a interface declaration. Gforth uses libtool and GCC for that process.

The C interface is now mostly complete, callbacks have been added, but for structs, we use Forth2012 structs, which don’t have independent scopes. The offsets of those structs are extracted from header files with a SWIG plugin.

5.26.1 Calling C functions

Once a C function is declared (see see Declaring C Functions), you can call it as follows: You push the arguments on the stack(s), and then call the word for the C function. The arguments have to be pushed in the same order as the arguments appear in the C documentation (i.e., the first argument is deepest on the stack). Integer and pointer arguments have to be pushed on the data stack, floating-point arguments on the FP stack; these arguments are consumed by the called C function.

On returning from the C function, the return value, if any, resides on the appropriate stack: an integer return value is pushed on the data stack, an FP return value on the FP stack, and a void return value results in not pushing anything. Note that most C functions have a return value, even if that is often not used in C; in Forth, you have to drop this return value explicitly if you do not use it.

The C interface automatically converts between the C type and the Forth type as necessary, on a best-effort basis (in some cases, there may be some loss).

As an example, consider the POSIX function lseek():

off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);

This function takes three integer arguments, and returns an integer argument, so a Forth call for setting the current file offset to the start of the file could look like this:

fd @ 0 SEEK_SET lseek -1 = if
  ... \ error handling

You might be worried that an off_t does not fit into a cell, so you could not pass larger offsets to lseek, and might get only a part of the return values. In that case, in your declaration of the function (see Declaring C Functions) you should declare it to use double-cells for the off_t argument and return value, and maybe give the resulting Forth word a different name, like dlseek; the result could be called like this:

fd @ 0. SEEK_SET dlseek -1. d= if
  ... \ error handling

Passing and returning structs or unions is currently not supported by our interface36.

Calling functions with a variable number of arguments (variadic functions, e.g., printf()) is only supported by having you declare one function-calling word for each argument pattern, and calling the appropriate word for the desired pattern.

5.26.2 Declaring C Functions

Before you can call lseek or dlseek, you have to declare it. The declaration consists of two parts:

The C part

is the C declaration of the function, or more typically and portably, a C-style #include of a file that contains the declaration of the C function.

The Forth part

declares the Forth types of the parameters and the Forth word name corresponding to the C function.

For the words lseek and dlseek mentioned earlier, the declarations are:

\c #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
\c #include <sys/types.h>
\c #include <unistd.h>
c-function lseek lseek n n n -- n
c-function dlseek lseek n d n -- d

The C part of the declarations is prefixed by \c, and the rest of the line is ordinary C code. You can use as many lines of C declarations as you like, and they are visible for all further function declarations.

The Forth part declares each interface word with c-function, followed by the Forth name of the word, the C name of the called function, and the stack effect of the word. The stack effect contains an arbitrary number of types of parameters, then --, and then exactly one type for the return value. The possible types are:


single-cell integer


address (single-cell)


double-cell integer


floating-point value


C function pointer


no value (used as return type for void functions)

To deal with variadic C functions, you can declare one Forth word for every pattern you want to use, e.g.:

\c #include <stdio.h>
c-function printf-nr printf a n r -- n
c-function printf-rn printf a r n -- n

Note that with C functions declared as variadic (or if you don’t provide a prototype), the C interface has no C type to convert to, so no automatic conversion happens, which may lead to portability problems in some cases. You can add the C type cast in curly braces after the Forth type. This also allows to pass e.g. structs to C functions, which in Forth cannot live on the stack.

c-function printfll printf a n{(long long)} -- n
c-function pass-struct pass_struct a{*(struct foo *)} -- n

This typecasting is not available to return values, as C does not allow typecasts for lvalues.

\c ( "rest-of-line" –  ) gforth-0.7 “backslash-c”

One line of C declarations for the C interface

c-function ( "forth-name" "c-name" "{type}" "—" "type" –  ) gforth-0.7 “c-function”

Define a Forth word forth-name. Forth-name has the specified stack effect and calls the C function c-name.

c-value ( "forth-name" "c-name" "—" "type" –  ) gforth-1.0 “c-value”

Define a Forth word forth-name. Forth-name has the specified stack effect and gives the C value of c-name.

c-variable ( "forth-name" "c-name" –  ) gforth-1.0 “c-variable”

Define a Forth word forth-name. Forth-name returns the address of c-name.

In order to work, this C interface invokes GCC at run-time and uses dynamic linking. If these features are not available, there are other, less convenient and less portable C interfaces in lib.fs and oldlib.fs. These interfaces are mostly undocumented and mostly incompatible with each other and with the documented C interface; you can find some examples for the lib.fs interface in lib.fs.

5.26.3 Calling C function pointers from Forth

If you come across a C function pointer (e.g., in some C-constructed structure) and want to call it from your Forth program, you could use the structures as described above by defining a macro. Or you use c-funptr.

c-funptr ( "forth-name" <{>"c-typecast"<}> "{type}" "—" "type" –  ) gforth-1.0 “c-funptr”

Define a Forth word forth-name. Forth-name has the specified stack effect plus the called pointer on top of stack, i.e. ( {type} ptr -- type ) and calls the C function pointer ptr using the typecast or struct access c-typecast.

Let us assume that there is a C function pointer type func1 defined in some header file func1.h, and you know that these functions take one integer argument and return an integer result; and you want to call functions through such pointers. Just define

\c #include <func1.h>
c-funptr call-func1 {((func1)ptr)} n -- n

and then you can call a function pointed to by, say func1a as follows:

-5 func1a call-func1 .

The Forth word call-func1 is similar to execute, except that it takes a C func1 pointer instead of a Forth execution token, and it is specific to func1 pointers. For each type of function pointer you want to call from Forth, you have to define a separate calling word.

5.26.4 Defining library interfaces

You can give a name to a bunch of C function declarations (a library interface), as follows:

c-library lseek-lib
\c #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

The effect of giving such a name to the interface is that the names of the generated files will contain that name, and when you use the interface a second time, it will use the existing files instead of generating and compiling them again, saving you time. The generated file contains a 128 bit hash (not cryptographically safe, but good enough for that purpose) of the source code, so changing the declarations will cause a new compilation. Normally these files are cached in $HOME/.gforth/architecture/libcc-named, so if you experience problems or have other reasons to force a recompilation, you can delete the files there.

Note that you should use c-library before everything else having anything to do with that library, as it resets some setup stuff. The idea is that the typical use is to put each c-library...end-c-library unit in its own file, and to be able to include these files in any order. All other words dealing with the C interface are hidden in the vocabulary c-lib, which is put on top o the search stack by c-library and removed by end-c-library.

Note that the library name is not allocated in the dictionary and therefore does not shadow dictionary names. It is used in the file system, so you have to use naming conventions appropriate for file systems. The name is also used as part of the C symbols, but characters outside the legal C symbol names are replaced with underscores. Also, you shall not call a function you declare after c-library before you perform end-c-library.

A major benefit of these named library interfaces is that, once they are generated, the tools used to generated them (in particular, the C compiler and libtool) are no longer needed, so the interface can be used even on machines that do not have the tools installed. The build system of Gforth can even cross-compile these libraries, so that the libraries are available for plattforms on which build tools aren’t installed.

c-library-name ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-0.7 “c-library-name”

Start a C library interface with name c-addr u.

c-library ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.7 “c-library”

Parsing version of c-library-name

end-c-library ( ) gforth-0.7 “end-c-library”

Finish and (if necessary) build the latest C library interface.

5.26.5 Declaring OS-level libraries

For calling some C functions, you need to link with a specific OS-level library that contains that function. E.g., the sin function requires linking a special library by using the command line switch -lm. In our C iterface you do the equivalent thing by calling add-lib as follows:

s" m" add-lib
\c #include <math.h>
c-function sin sin r -- r

First, you clear any libraries that may have been declared earlier (you don’t need them for sin); then you add the m library (actually or somesuch) to the currently declared libraries; you can add as many as you need. Finally you declare the function as shown above. Typically you will use the same set of library declarations for many function declarations; you need to write only one set for that, right at the beginning.

Note that you must not call clear-libs inside c-library...end-c-library; however, c-library performs the function of clear-libs, so clear-libs is not necessary, and you usually want to put add-lib calls inside c-library...end-c-library.

clear-libs ( ) gforth-0.7 “clear-libs”

Clear the list of libs

add-lib ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-0.7 “add-lib”

Add library libstring to the list of libraries, where string is represented by c-addr u.

add-libpath ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-0.7 “add-libpath”

Add path string to the list of library search pathes, where string is represented by c-addr u.

add-incdir ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-1.0 “add-incdir”

Add path c-addr u to the list of include search pathes

add-cflags ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-1.0 “add-cflags”

add any kind of cflags to compilation

add-ldflags ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-1.0 “add-ldflags”

add flag to linker

5.26.6 Callbacks

In some cases you have to pass a function pointer to a C function, i.e., the library wants to call back to your application (and the pointed-to function is called a callback function). You can pass the address of an existing C function (that you get with lib-sym, see Low-Level C Interface Words), but if there is no appropriate C function, you probably want to define the function as a Forth word. Then you need to generate a callback as described below:

You can generate C callbacks from Forth code with c-callback.

c-callback ( "forth-name" "{type}" "—" "type" –  ) gforth-1.0 “c-callback”

Define a callback instantiator with the given signature. The callback instantiator forth-name ( xt -- addr ) takes an xt, and returns the address of the C function handling that callback.

This precompiles a number of callback functions (up to the value callback#). The prototype of the C function is deduced from its Forth signature. If this is not sufficient, you can add types in curly braces after the Forth type.

c-callback vector4double: f f f f -- void
c-callback vector4single: f{float} f{float} f{float} f{float} -- void

5.26.7 How the C interface works

The documented C interface works by generating a C code out of the declarations.

In particular, for every Forth word declared with c-function, it generates a wrapper function in C that takes the Forth data from the Forth stacks, and calls the target C function with these data as arguments. The C compiler then performs an implicit conversion between the Forth type from the stack, and the C type for the parameter, which is given by the C function prototype. After the C function returns, the return value is likewise implicitly converted to a Forth type and written back on the stack.

The \c lines are literally included in the C code (but without the \c), and provide the necessary declarations so that the C compiler knows the C types and has enough information to perform the conversion.

These wrapper functions are eventually compiled and dynamically linked into Gforth, and then they can be called.

The libraries added with add-lib are used in the compile command line to specify dependent libraries with -llib, causing these libraries to be dynamically linked when the wrapper function is linked.

5.26.8 Low-Level C Interface Words

open-lib ( c-addr1 u1 – u2 ) gforth-0.4 “open-lib”
lib-sym ( c-addr1 u1 u2 – u3 ) gforth-0.4 “lib-sym”
lib-error ( – c-addr u ) gforth-0.7 “lib-error”

Error message for last failed open-lib or lib-sym.

call-c ( ... w – ... ) gforth-0.4 “call-c”

Call the C function pointed to by w. The C function has to access the stack itself. The stack pointers are exported into a ptrpair structure passed to the C function, and returned in that form.

5.26.9 Automated interface generation using SWIG

SWIG, the Simple Wrapper Interface Generator, is used to create C interfaces for a lot of programming languages. The SWIG version extended with a Forth module can be found on github. Basic operation

C-headers are parsed and converted to Forth-Sourcecode which uses the previously describe C interface functions. Detailed operation:

  1. Select a target, in this example we are using example.h
  2. Create an interface file for the header. This can be used to pass options, switches and define variables. In the simplest case it just instructs to translate all of example.h:
    %module example
        #include "example.h"
    %include "example.h"
  3. Use SWIG to create a .fsi-c file.
    swig -forth -stackcomments -use-structs -enumcomments -o example-fsi.c example.i.
    FSI stands “Forth Source Independent” meaning it can be transferred to any host having a C-compiler. SWIG is not required past this point.
  4. On the target machine compile the .fsi-c file to a .fsx (x stands for executable)
    gcc -o example.fsx example-fsi.c
    The compilation will resolve all constants to the values on the target.
  5. The last step is to run the executable and capture its output to a .fs “Forth Source” file.
    ./example.fsx -gforth > example.fs
    This code can now be used on the target platform. Examples

You can find some examples in SWIG’s Forth Example section.

A lot of interface files can be found in Forth Posix C-Interface and Forth C-Interface Modules.

Contribution to the Forth C-Interface Module repository is always welcome.

5.26.10 Migrating from Gforth 0.7

In this version, you can use \c, c-function and add-lib only inside c-library...end-c-library. add-lib now always starts from a clean slate inside a c-library, so you don’t need to use clear-libs in most cases.

If you have a program that uses these words outside c-library...end-c-library, just wrap them in c-library...end-c-library. You may have to add some instances of add-lib, however.

5.27 Assembler and Code Words

5.27.1 Definitions in assembly language

Gforth provides ways to implement words in assembly language (using abi-code...end-code), and also ways to define defining words with arbitrary run-time behaviour (like does>), where (unlike does>) the behaviour is not defined in Forth, but in assembly language (with ;code).

However, the machine-independent nature of Gforth poses a few problems: First of all, Gforth runs on several architectures, so it can provide no standard assembler. It does provide assemblers for several of the architectures it runs on, though. Moreover, you can use a system-independent assembler in Gforth, or compile machine code directly with , and c,.

Another problem is that the virtual machine registers of Gforth (the stack pointers and the virtual machine instruction pointer) depend on the installation and engine. Also, which registers are free to use also depend on the installation and engine. So any code written to run in the context of the Gforth virtual machine is essentially limited to the installation and engine it was developed for (it may run elsewhere, but you cannot rely on that).

Fortunately, you can define abi-code words in Gforth that are portable to any Gforth running on a platform with the same calling convention (ABI); typically this means portability to the same architecture/OS combination, sometimes crossing OS boundaries).

assembler ( ) tools-ext “assembler”

A vocubulary: Replaces the wordlist at the top of the search order with the assembler wordlist.

init-asm ( ) gforth-0.4 “init-asm”

Pushes the assembler wordlist on the search order.

abi-code ( "name" – colon-sys  ) gforth-1.0 “abi-code”

Start a native code definition that is called using the platform’s ABI conventions corresponding to the C-prototype:

Cell *function(Cell *sp, Float **fpp);

The FP stack pointer is passed in by providing a reference to a memory location containing the FP stack pointer and is passed out by storing the changed FP stack pointer there (if necessary).

end-code ( colon-sys –  ) gforth-0.4 “end-code”

End a code definition. Note that you have to assemble the return from the ABI call (for abi-code) or the dispatch to the next VM instruction (for code and ;code) yourself.

code ( "name" – colon-sys  ) tools-ext “code”

Start a native code definition that runs in the context of the Gforth virtual machine (engine). Such a definition is not portable between Gforth installations, so we recommend using abi-code instead of code. You have to end a code definition with a dispatch to the next virtual machine instruction.

;code ( compilation. colon-sys1 – colon-sys2  ) tools-ext “semicolon-code”

The code after ;code becomes the behaviour of the last defined word (which must be a created word). The same caveats apply as for code, so we recommend using ;abi-code instead.

flush-icache ( c-addr u – ) gforth-0.4 “flush-icache”

Make sure that the instruction cache of the processor (if there is one) does not contain stale data at c-addr and u bytes afterwards. END-CODE performs a flush-icache automatically. Caveat: flush-icache might not work on your installation; this is usually the case if direct threading is not supported on your machine (take a look at your machine.h) and your machine has a separate instruction cache. In such cases, flush-icache does nothing instead of flushing the instruction cache.

If flush-icache does not work correctly, abi-code words etc. will not work (reliably), either.

The typical usage of these words can be shown most easily by analogy to the equivalent high-level defining words:

: foo                              abi-code foo
   <high-level Forth words>              <assembler>
;                                  end-code
: bar                              : bar
   <high-level Forth words>           <high-level Forth words>
   CREATE                             CREATE
      <high-level Forth words>           <high-level Forth words>
   DOES>                              ;code
      <high-level Forth words>           <assembler>
;                                  end-code

For using abi-code, take a look at the ABI documentation of your platform to see how the parameters are passed (so you know where you get the stack pointers) and how the return value is passed (so you know where the data stack pointer is returned). The ABI documentation also tells you which registers are saved by the caller (caller-saved), so you are free to destroy them in your code, and which registers have to be preserved by the called word (callee-saved), so you have to save them before using them, and restore them afterwards. For some architectures and OSs we give short summaries of the parts of the calling convention in the appropriate sections. More reverse-engineering oriented people can also find out about the passing and returning of the stack pointers through see abi-call.

Most ABIs pass the parameters through registers, but some (in particular the most common 386 (aka IA-32) calling conventions) pass them on the architectural stack. The common ABIs all pass the return value in a register.

Other things you need to know for using abi-code is that both the data and the FP stack grow downwards (towards lower addresses) in Gforth, with 1 cells size per cell, and 1 floats size per FP value.

Here’s an example of using abi-code on the 386 architecture:

abi-code my+ ( n1 n2 -- n )
4 sp d) ax mov \ sp into return reg
ax )    cx mov \ tos
4 #     ax add \ update sp (pop)
cx    ax ) add \ sec = sec+tos
ret            \ return from my+

An AMD64 variant of this example can be found in AMD64 (x86_64) Assembler.

Here’s a 386 example that deals with FP values:

abi-code my-f+ ( r1 r2 -- r )
8 sp d) cx mov  \ load address of fp
cx )    dx mov  \ load fp
.fl dx )   fld  \ r2
8 #     dx add  \ update fp
.fl dx )   fadd \ r1+r2
.fl dx )   fstp \ store r
dx    cx ) mov  \ store new fp
4 sp d) ax mov  \ sp into return reg
ret             \ return from my-f+

5.27.2 Common Assembler

The assemblers in Gforth generally use a postfix syntax, i.e., the instruction name follows the operands.

The operands are passed in the usual order (the same that is used in the manual of the architecture). Since they all are Forth words, they have to be separated by spaces; you can also use Forth words to compute the operands.

The instruction names usually end with a ,. This makes it easier to visually separate instructions if you put several of them on one line; it also avoids shadowing other Forth words (e.g., and).

Registers are usually specified by number; e.g., (decimal) 11 specifies registers R11 and F11 on the Alpha architecture (which one, depends on the instruction). The usual names are also available, e.g., s2 for R11 on Alpha.

Control flow is specified similar to normal Forth code (see Arbitrary control structures), with if,, ahead,, then,, begin,, until,, again,, cs-roll, cs-pick, else,, while,, and repeat,. The conditions are specified in a way specific to each assembler.

The rest of this section is of interest mainly for those who want to define code words (instead of the more portable abi-code words).

Note that the register assignments of the Gforth engine can change between Gforth versions, or even between different compilations of the same Gforth version (e.g., if you use a different GCC version). If you are using CODE instead of ABI-CODE, and you want to refer to Gforth’s registers (e.g., the stack pointer or TOS), I recommend defining your own words for refering to these registers, and using them later on; then you can adapt to a changed register assignment.

The most common use of these registers is to end a code definition with a dispatch to the next word (the next routine). A portable way to do this is to jump to ' noop >code-address (of course, this is less efficient than integrating the next code and scheduling it well). When using ABI-CODE, you can just assemble a normal subroutine return (but make sure you return the data stack pointer).

Another difference between Gforth versions is that the top of stack is kept in memory in gforth and, on most platforms, in a register in gforth-fast. For ABI-CODE definitions, any stack caching registers are guaranteed to be flushed to the stack, allowing you to reliably access the top of stack in memory.

5.27.3 Common Disassembler

You can disassemble a code word with see (see Debugging). You can disassemble a section of memory with

discode ( addr u –  ) gforth-0.4 “discode”

hook for the disassembler: disassemble u bytes of code at addr

There are two kinds of disassembler for Gforth: The Forth disassembler (available on some CPUs) and the gdb disassembler (available on platforms with gdb and mktemp). If both are available, the Forth disassembler is used by default. If you prefer the gdb disassembler, say

' disasm-gdb is discode

If neither is available, discode performs dump.

The Forth disassembler generally produces output that can be fed into the assembler (i.e., same syntax, etc.). It also includes additional information in comments. In particular, the address of the instruction is given in a comment before the instruction.

The gdb disassembler produces output in the same format as the gdb disassemble command (see Source and machine code in Debugging with GDB), in the default flavour (AT&T syntax for the 386 and AMD64 architectures).

See may display more or less than the actual code of the word, because the recognition of the end of the code is unreliable. You can use discode if it did not display enough. It may display more, if the code word is not immediately followed by a named word. If you have something else there, you can follow the word with align latest , to ensure that the end is recognized.

5.27.4 386 Assembler

The 386 assembler included in Gforth was written by Bernd Paysan, it’s available under GPL, and originally part of bigFORTH.

The 386 disassembler included in Gforth was written by Andrew McKewan and is in the public domain.

The disassembler displays code in an Intel-like prefix syntax.

The assembler uses a postfix syntax with AT&T-style parameter order (i.e., destination last).

The assembler includes all instruction of the Athlon, i.e. 486 core instructions, Pentium and PPro extensions, floating point, MMX, 3Dnow!, but not ISSE. It’s an integrated 16- and 32-bit assembler. Default is 32 bit, you can switch to 16 bit with .86 and back to 32 bit with .386.

There are several prefixes to switch between different operation sizes, .b for byte accesses, .w for word accesses, .d for double-word accesses. Addressing modes can be switched with .wa for 16 bit addresses, and .da for 32 bit addresses. You don’t need a prefix for byte register names (AL et al).

For floating point operations, the prefixes are .fs (IEEE single), .fl (IEEE double), .fx (extended), .fw (word), .fd (double-word), and .fq (quad-word). The default is .fx, so you need to specify .fl explicitly when dealing with Gforth FP values.

The MMX opcodes don’t have size prefixes, they are spelled out like in the Intel assembler. Instead of move from and to memory, there are PLDQ/PLDD and PSTQ/PSTD.

The registers lack the ’e’ prefix; even in 32 bit mode, eax is called ax. Immediate values are indicated by postfixing them with #, e.g., 3 #. Here are some examples of addressing modes in various syntaxes:

Gforth          Intel (NASM)   AT&T (gas)      Name
.w ax           ax             %ax             register (16 bit)
ax              eax            %eax            register (32 bit)
3 #             offset 3       $3              immediate
1000 #)         byte ptr 1000  1000            displacement
bx )            [ebx]          (%ebx)          base
100 di d)       100[edi]       100(%edi)       base+displacement
20 ax *4 i#)    20[eax*4]      20(,%eax,4)     (index*scale)+displacement
di ax *4 i)     [edi][eax*4]   (%edi,%eax,4)   base+(index*scale)
4 bx cx di)     4[ebx][ecx]    4(%ebx,%ecx)    base+index+displacement
12 sp ax *2 di) 12[esp][eax*2] 12(%esp,%eax,2) base+(index*scale)+displacement

You can use L) and LI) instead of D) and DI) to enforce 32-bit displacement fields (useful for later patching).

Some example of instructions are:

ax bx mov             \ move ebx,eax
3 # ax mov            \ mov eax,3
100 di d) ax mov      \ mov eax,100[edi]
4 bx cx di) ax mov    \ mov eax,4[ebx][ecx]
.w ax bx mov          \ mov bx,ax

The following forms are supported for binary instructions:

<reg> <reg> <inst>
<n> # <reg> <inst>
<mem> <reg> <inst>
<reg> <mem> <inst>
<n> # <mem> <inst>

The shift/rotate syntax is:

<reg/mem> 1 # shl \ shortens to shift without immediate
<reg/mem> 4 # shl
<reg/mem> cl shl

Precede string instructions (movs etc.) with .b to get the byte version.

The control structure words IF UNTIL etc. must be preceded by one of these conditions: vs vc u< u>= 0= 0<> u<= u> 0< 0>= ps pc < >= <= >. (Note that most of these words shadow some Forth words when assembler is in front of forth in the search path, e.g., in code words). Currently the control structure words use one stack item, so you have to use roll instead of cs-roll to shuffle them (you can also use swap etc.).

Based on the Intel ABI (used in Linux), abi-code words can find the data stack pointer at 4 sp d), and the address of the FP stack pointer at 8 sp d); the data stack pointer is returned in ax; Ax, cx, and dx are caller-saved, so you do not need to preserve their values inside the word. You can return from the word with ret, the parameters are cleaned up by the caller.

For examples of 386 abi-code words, see Definitions in assembly language.

5.27.5 AMD64 (x86_64) Assembler

The AMD64 assembler is a slightly modified version of the 386 assembler, and as such shares most of the syntax. Two new prefixes, .q and .qa, are provided to select 64-bit operand and address sizes respectively. 64-bit sizes are the default, so normally you only have to use the other prefixes. Also there are additional register operands R8-R15.

The registers lack the ’e’ or ’r’ prefix; even in 64 bit mode, rax is called ax. Additional register operands are available to refer to the lowest-significant byte of all registers: R8L-R15L, SPL, BPL, SIL, DIL.

The Linux-AMD64 calling convention is to pass the first 6 integer parameters in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8 and r9 and to return the result in rax and rdx; to pass the first 8 FP parameters in xmm0–xmm7 and to return FP results in xmm0–xmm1. So abi-code words get the data stack pointer in di and the address of the FP stack pointer in si, and return the data stack pointer in ax. The other caller-saved registers are: r10, r11, xmm8-xmm15. This calling convention reportedly is also used in other non-Microsoft OSs.

Windows x64 passes the first four integer parameters in rcx, rdx, r8 and r9 and return the integer result in rax. The other caller-saved registers are r10 and r11.

On the Linux platform, according to page 21 the registers AX CX DX SI DI R8 R9 R10 R11 are available for scratch.

The addressing modes for the AMD64 are:

\ running word A produces a memory error as the registers are not initialised ;-)
ABI-CODE A  ( -- )
    500        #               AX  MOV     \ immediate
        DX              AX  MOV     \ register
        200             AX  MOV     \ direct addressing
        DX  )           AX  MOV     \ indirect addressing
    40  DX  D)          AX  MOV     \ base with displacement
        DX  CX      I)  AX  MOV     \ scaled index
        DX  CX  *4  I)  AX  MOV     \ scaled index
    40  DX  CX  *4  DI) AX  MOV     \ scaled index with displacement

        DI              AX  MOV     \ SP Out := SP in

Here are a few examples of an AMD64 abi-code words:

abi-code my+  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
\ SP passed in di, returned in ax,  address of FP passed in si
8 di d) ax lea        \ compute new sp in result reg
di )    dx mov        \ get old tos
dx    ax ) add        \ add to new tos
\ Do nothing
ABI-CODE aNOP  ( -- )
       DI  )       AX      LEA          \ SP out := SP in  
\ Drop TOS
ABI-CODE aDROP  ( n -- )
   8   DI  D)      AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin - 1
\ Push 5 on the data stack
ABI-CODE aFIVE   ( -- 5 )
   -8  DI  D)      AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin + 1
   5   #           AX  )   MOV          \ TOS := 5
\ Push 10 and 20 into data stack
ABI-CODE aTOS2  ( -- n n )
   -16 DI  D)      AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin + 2
   10  #       8   AX  D)  MOV          \ TOS - 1 := 10
   20  #           AX  )   MOV          \ TOS := 20
\ Get Time Stamp Counter as two 32 bit integers
\ The TSC is incremented every CPU clock pulse
                           RDTSC        \ DX:AX := TSC
   $FFFFFFFF #     AX      AND          \ Clear upper 32 bit AX
  0xFFFFFFFF #     DX      AND          \ Clear upper 32 bit DX
       AX          R8      MOV          \ Tempory save AX
   -16 DI  D)      AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin + 2
       R8      8   AX  D)  MOV          \ TOS-1 := saved AX = TSC low
       DX          AX  )   MOV          \ TOS := Dx = TSC high
\ Get Time Stamp Counter as 64 bit integer
                           RDTSC        \ DX:AX := TSC
   $FFFFFFFF #     AX      AND          \ Clear upper 32 bit AX
   32  #           DX      SHL          \ Move lower 32 bit DX to upper 32 bit
       AX          DX      OR           \ Combine AX wit DX in DX
   -8  DI  D)      AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin + 1
       DX          AX  )   MOV          \ TOS := DX

\ Assign 4 to variable V
ABI-CODE V=4 ( -- )
       BX                  PUSH         \ Save BX, used by gforth
   V   #           BX      MOV          \ BX := address of V
   4   #           BX )    MOV          \ Write 4 to V
       BX                  POP          \ Restore BX
       DI  )       AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin

\ Assign 5 to variable V
ABI-CODE V=5 ( -- )
   V   #           CX      MOV          \ CX := address of V
   5   #           CX )    MOV          \ Write 5 to V
   DI )            AX      LEA          \ SPout := SPin
ABI-CODE TEST2  ( -- n n )
   -16 DI  D)  AX          LEA          \ SPout := SPin + 2
   5   #       CX          MOV          \ CX := 5
   5   #       CX          CMP
   0= IF
       1   #   8   AX  D)      MOV      \ If CX = 5 then TOS - 1 := 1  <--
       2   #   8   AX  D)      MOV      \ else TOS - 1 := 2
   6   #       CX          CMP
   0= IF
       3   #       AX  )       MOV      \ If CX = 6 then TOS := 3
       4   #       AX  )       MOV      \ else TOS := 4  <--
\ Do four loops. Expect : ( 4 3 2 1 -- )
ABI-CODE LOOP4  ( -- n n n n )
       DI          AX      MOV          \ SPout := SPin
   4   #           DX      MOV          \ DX := 4  loop counter
       8   #           AX      SUB      \ SP := SP + 1
           DX          AX  )   MOV      \ TOS := DX
       1   #           DX      SUB      \ DX := DX - 1
   0= UNTIL

Here’s a AMD64 example that deals with FP values:

abi-code my-f+  ( r1 r2 -- r )
\ SP passed in di, returned in ax,  address of FP passed in si
si )       dx mov         \ load fp
8 dx d)  xmm0 movsd       \ r2
dx )     xmm0 addsd       \ r1+r2
xmm0  8 dx d) movsd       \ store r
8 #      si ) add         \ update fp
di         ax mov         \ sp into return reg

5.27.6 Alpha Assembler

The Alpha assembler and disassembler were originally written by Bernd Thallner.

The register names a0a5 are not available to avoid shadowing hex numbers.

Immediate forms of arithmetic instructions are distinguished by a # just before the ,, e.g., and#, (note: lda, does not count as arithmetic instruction).

You have to specify all operands to an instruction, even those that other assemblers consider optional, e.g., the destination register for br,, or the destination register and hint for jmp,.

You can specify conditions for if, by removing the first b and the trailing , from a branch with a corresponding name; e.g.,

11 fgt if, \ if F11>0e

fbgt, gives fgt.

5.27.7 MIPS assembler

The MIPS assembler was originally written by Christian Pirker.

Currently the assembler and disassembler covers most of the MIPS32 architecture and doesn’t support FP instructions.

The register names $a0$a3 are not available to avoid shadowing hex numbers. Use register numbers $4$7 instead.

Nothing distinguishes registers from immediate values. Use explicit opcode names with the i suffix for instructions with immediate argument. E.g. addiu, in place of addu,.

Where the architecture manual specifies several formats for the instruction (e.g., for jalr,),use the one with more arguments (i.e. two for jalr,). When in doubt, see arch/mips/testasm.fs for an example of correct use.

Branches and jumps in the MIPS architecture have a delay slot. You have to fill it manually (the simplest way is to use nop,), the assembler does not do it for you (unlike as). Even if,, ahead,, until,, again,, while,, else, and repeat, need a delay slot. Since begin, and then, just specify branch targets, they are not affected. For branches the argument specifying the target is a relative address. Add the address of the delay slot to get the absolute address.

Note that you must not put branches nor jumps (nor control-flow instructions) into the delay slot. Also it is a bad idea to put pseudo-ops such as li, into a delay slot, as these may expand to several instructions. The MIPS I architecture also had load delay slots, and newer MIPSes still have restrictions on using mfhi, and mflo,. Be careful to satisfy these restrictions, the assembler does not do it for you.

Some example of instructions are:

$ra  12 $sp  sw,         \ sw    ra,12(sp)
$4    8 $s0  lw,         \ lw    a0,8(s0)
$v0  $0  lui,            \ lui   v0,0x0
$s0  $s4  $12  addiu,    \ addiu s0,s4,0x12
$s0  $s4  $4  addu,      \ addu  s0,s4,$a0
$ra  $t9  jalr,          \ jalr  t9

You can specify the conditions for if, etc. by taking a conditional branch and leaving away the b at the start and the , at the end. E.g.,

4 5 eq if,
  ... \ do something if $4 equals $5

The calling conventions for 32-bit MIPS machines is to pass the first 4 arguments in registers $4..$7, and to use $v0-$v1 for return values. In addition to these registers, it is ok to clobber registers $t0-$t8 without saving and restoring them.

If you use jalr, to call into dynamic library routines, you must first load the called function’s address into $t9, which is used by position-indirect code to do relative memory accesses.

Here is an example of a MIPS32 abi-code word:

abi-code my+  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
  \ SP passed in $4, returned in $v0
  $t0  4 $4  lw,         \ load n1, n2 from stack
  $t1  0 $4  lw,    
  $t0  $t0  $t1  addu,   \ add n1+n2, result in $t0
  $t0  4 $4  sw,         \ store result (overwriting n1)
  $ra  jr,               \ return to caller
  $v0  $4  4  addiu,     \ (delay slot) return uptated SP in $v0

5.27.8 PowerPC assembler

The PowerPC assembler and disassembler were contributed by Michal Revucky.

This assembler does not follow the convention of ending mnemonic names with a “,”, so some mnemonic names shadow regular Forth words (in particular: and or xor fabs); so if you want to use the Forth words, you have to make them visible first, e.g., with also forth.

Registers are referred to by their number, e.g., 9 means the integer register 9 or the FP register 9 (depending on the instruction).

Because there is no way to distinguish registers from immediate values, you have to explicitly use the immediate forms of instructions, i.e., addi,, not just add,.

The assembler and disassembler usually support the most general form of an instruction, but usually not the shorter forms (especially for branches).

5.27.9 ARM Assembler

The ARM assembler includes all instruction of ARM architecture version 4, and the BLX instruction from architecture 5. It does not (yet) have support for Thumb instructions. It also lacks support for any co-processors.

The assembler uses a postfix syntax with the same operand order as used in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual. Mnemonics are suffixed by a comma.

Registers are specified by their names r0 through r15, with the aliases pc, lr, sp, ip and fp provided for convenience. Note that ip refers to the“intra procedure call scratch register” (r12) and does not refer to an instruction pointer. sp refers to the ARM ABI stack pointer (r13) and not the Forth stack pointer.

Condition codes can be specified anywhere in the instruction, but will be most readable if specified just in front of the mnemonic. The ’S’ flag is not a separate word, but encoded into instruction mnemonics, ie. just use adds, instead of add, if you want the status register to be updated.

The following table lists the syntax of operands for general instructions:

Gforth          normal assembler      description
123 #           #123                  immediate
r12             r12                   register
r12 4 #LSL      r12, LSL #4           shift left by immediate
r12 r1 LSL      r12, LSL r1           shift left by register
r12 4 #LSR      r12, LSR #4           shift right by immediate
r12 r1 LSR      r12, LSR r1           shift right by register
r12 4 #ASR      r12, ASR #4           arithmetic shift right
r12 r1 ASR      r12, ASR r1           ... by register
r12 4 #ROR      r12, ROR #4           rotate right by immediate
r12 r1 ROR      r12, ROR r1           ... by register
r12 RRX         r12, RRX              rotate right with extend by 1

Memory operand syntax is listed in this table:

Gforth            normal assembler      description
r4 ]              [r4]                  register
r4 4 #]           [r4, #+4]             register with immediate offset
r4 -4 #]          [r4, #-4]             with negative offset
r4 r1 +]          [r4, +r1]             register with register offset
r4 r1 -]          [r4, -r1]             with negated register offset
r4 r1 2 #LSL -]   [r4, -r1, LSL #2]     with negated and shifted offset
r4 4 #]!          [r4, #+4]!            immediate preincrement
r4 r1 +]!         [r4, +r1]!            register preincrement
r4 r1 -]!         [r4, +r1]!            register predecrement
r4 r1 2 #LSL +]!  [r4, +r1, LSL #2]!    shifted preincrement
r4 -4 ]#          [r4], #-4             immediate postdecrement
r4 r1 ]+          [r4], r1              register postincrement
r4 r1 ]-          [r4], -r1             register postdecrement
r4 r1 2 #LSL ]-   [r4], -r1, LSL #2     shifted postdecrement
' xyz >body [#]   xyz                   PC-relative addressing

Register lists for load/store multiple instructions are started and terminated by using the words { and } respectively. Between braces, register names can be listed one by one or register ranges can be formed by using the postfix operator r-r. The ^ flag is not encoded in the register list operand, but instead directly encoded into the instruction mnemonic, ie. use ^ldm, and ^stm,.

Addressing modes for load/store multiple are not encoded as instruction suffixes, but instead specified like an addressing mode, Use one of DA, IA, DB, IB, DA!, IA!, DB! or IB!.

The following table gives some examples:

Gforth                           normal assembler
r4 ia  { r0 r7 r8 }  stm,        stmia    r4, {r0,r7,r8}
r4 db!  { r0 r7 r8 }  ldm,       ldmdb    r4!, {r0,r7,r8}
sp ia!  { r0 r15 r-r }  ^ldm,    ldmfd    sp!, {r0-r15}^

Control structure words typical for Forth assemblers are available: if, ahead, then, else, begin, until, again, while, repeat, repeat-until,. Conditions are specified in front of these words:

r1 r2 cmp,    \ compare r1 and r2
eq if,        \ equal?
   ...          \ code executed if r1 == r2

Example of a definition using the ARM assembler:

abi-code my+ ( n1 n2 --  n3 )
   \ arm abi: r0=SP, r1=&FP, r2,r3,r12 saved by caller
   r0 IA!  { r2 r3 }  ldm,     \ pop r2 = n2, r3 = n1
   r3  r2  r3         add,     \ r3 = n1+n1
   r3  r0 -4 #]!      str,     \ push r3
   pc  lr             mov,     \ return to caller, new SP in r0

5.27.10 Other assemblers

If you want to contribute another assembler/disassembler, please contact us () to check if we have such an assembler already. If you are writing them from scratch, please use a similar syntax style as the one we use (i.e., postfix, commas at the end of the instruction names, see Common Assembler); make the output of the disassembler be valid input for the assembler, and keep the style similar to the style we used.

Hints on implementation: The most important part is to have a good test suite that contains all instructions. Once you have that, the rest is easy. For actual coding you can take a look at arch/mips/disasm.fs to get some ideas on how to use data for both the assembler and disassembler, avoiding redundancy and some potential bugs. You can also look at that file (and see Advanced does> usage example) to get ideas how to factor a disassembler.

Start with the disassembler, because it’s easier to reuse data from the disassembler for the assembler than the other way round.

For the assembler, take a look at arch/alpha/asm.fs, which shows how simple it can be.

5.28 Threading Words

These words provide access to code addresses and other threading stuff in Gforth (and, possibly, other interpretive Forths). It more or less abstracts away the differences between direct and indirect threading (and, for direct threading, the machine dependences). However, at present this wordset is still incomplete. It is also pretty low-level; some day it will hopefully be made unnecessary by an internals wordset that abstracts implementation details away completely.

The terminology used here stems from indirect threaded Forth systems; in such a system, the XT of a word is represented by the CFA (code field address) of a word; the CFA points to a cell that contains the code address. The code address is the address of some machine code that performs the run-time action of invoking the word (e.g., the dovar: routine pushes the address of the body of the word (a variable) on the stack ).

In an indirect threaded Forth, you can get the code address of name with ' name @; in Gforth you can get it with ' name >code-address, independent of the threading method.

threading-method ( – n ) gforth-0.4 “threading-method”

0 if the engine is direct threaded. Note that this may change during the lifetime of an image.

>code-address ( ) unknown “>code-address”
code-address! ( c_addr xt –  ) gforth-0.4 “code-address!”

Create a code field with code address c-addr at xt.

For a word defined with DOES>, the code address usually points to a jump instruction (the does-handler) that jumps to the dodoes routine (in Gforth on some platforms, it can also point to the dodoes routine itself). What you are typically interested in, though, is whether a word is a DOES>-defined word, and what Forth code it executes; >does-code tells you that.

>does-code ( xt – a_addr  ) gforth-0.4 “>does-code”

If xt is the execution token of a child of a DOES> word, a-addr is the start of the Forth code after the DOES>; Otherwise a-addr is 0.

To create a DOES>-defined word with the following basic words, you have to set up a DOES>-handler with does-handler!; /does-handler aus behind you have to place your executable Forth code. Finally you have to create a word and modify its behaviour with does-handler!.

does-code! ( xt1 xt2 –  ) gforth-0.4 “does-code!”

Create a code field at xt2 for a child of a DOES>-word; xt1 is the execution token of the assigned Forth code.


/does-handler ( – n  ) gforth-0.4 “/does-handler”

The size of a DOES>-handler (includes possible padding).

The code addresses produced by various defining words are produced by the following words:

docol: ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “docol:”

The code address of a colon definition.

docon: ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “docon:”

The code address of a CONSTANT.

dovar: ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “dovar:”

The code address of a CREATEd word.

douser: ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “douser:”

The code address of a USER variable.

dodefer: ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “dodefer:”

The code address of a defered word.

dofield: ( – addr  ) gforth-0.4 “dofield:”

The code address of a field.

The following two words generalize >code-address, >does-code, code-address!, and does-code!:

>definer ( xt – definer  ) gforth-0.4 “>definer”

Definer is a unique identifier for the way the xt was defined. Words defined with different does>-codes have different definers. The definer can be used for comparison and in definer!.

definer! ( definer xt –  ) gforth-0.4 “definer!”

The word represented by xt changes its behaviour to the behaviour associated with definer.

5.29 Passing Commands to the Operating System

Gforth allows you to pass an arbitrary string to the host operating system shell (if such a thing exists) for execution.

sh ( "..." –  ) gforth-0.4 “sh”

Execute the rest of the command line as shell command(s). Afterwards, $? produces the exit status of the command.

system ( c-addr u –  ) gforth-0.4 “system”

Pass the string specified by c-addr u to the host operating system for execution in a sub-shell. Afterwards, $? produces the exit status of the command. The value of the environment variable GFORTHSYSTEMPREFIX (or its default value) is prepended to the string (mainly to support using as shell in Windows instead of whatever shell Cygwin uses by default; see Environment variables).

$? ( – n  ) gforth-0.4 “dollar-question”

Value – the exit status returned by the most recently executed system command.

getenv ( c-addr1 u1 – c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.4 “getenv”

The string c-addr1 u1 specifies an environment variable. The string c-addr2 u2 is the host operating system’s expansion of that environment variable. If the environment variable does not exist, c-addr2 u2 specifies a string 0 characters in length.

5.30 Keeping track of Time

ms ( n –  ) unknown “ms”
time&date ( – nsec nmin nhour nday nmonth nyear  ) facility-ext “time-and-date”

Report the current time of day. Seconds, minutes and hours are numbered from 0. Months are numbered from 1.


utime ( – dtime ) gforth-0.5 “utime”

Report the current time in microseconds since some epoch. Use #1000000 um/mod nip to convert to seconds

ntime ( – dtime ) gforth-1.0 “ntime”

Report the current time in nanoseconds since some epoch.

cputime ( – duser dsystem ) gforth-0.5 “cputime”

duser and dsystem are the respective user- and system-level CPU times used since the start of the Forth system (excluding child processes), in microseconds (the granularity may be much larger, however). On platforms without the getrusage call, it reports elapsed time (since some epoch) for duser and 0 for dsystem.

5.31 Miscellaneous Words

This section lists the Standard Forth words that are not documented elsewhere in this manual. Ultimately, they all need proper homes.

quit ( ?? – ??  ) core “quit”

Empty the return stack, make the user input device the input source, enter interpret state and start the text interpreter.

The following Standard Forth words are not currently supported by Gforth (see Standard conformance):


6 Error messages

A typical Gforth error message looks like this:

in file included from \evaluated string/:-1
in file included from ./yyy.fs:1
./xxx.fs:4: Invalid memory address
$400E664C @
$400E6664 foo

The message identifying the error is Invalid memory address. The error happened when text-interpreting line 4 of the file ./xxx.fs. This line is given (it contains bar), and the word on the line where the error happened, is pointed out (with >>> and <<<).

The file containing the error was included in line 1 of ./yyy.fs, and yyy.fs was included from a non-file (in this case, by giving yyy.fs as command-line parameter to Gforth).

At the end of the error message you find a return stack dump that can be interpreted as a backtrace (possibly empty). On top you find the top of the return stack when the throw happened, and at the bottom you find the return stack entry just above the return stack of the topmost text interpreter.

To the right of most return stack entries you see a guess for the word that pushed that return stack entry as its return address. This gives a backtrace. In our case we see that bar called foo, and foo called @ (and @ had an Invalid memory address exception).

Note that the backtrace is not perfect: We don’t know which return stack entries are return addresses (so we may get false positives); and in some cases (e.g., for abort") we cannot determine from the return address the word that pushed the return address, so for some return addresses you see no names in the return stack dump.

The return stack dump represents the return stack at the time when a specific throw was executed. In programs that make use of catch, it is not necessarily clear which throw should be used for the return stack dump (e.g., consider one throw that indicates an error, which is caught, and during recovery another error happens; which throw should be used for the stack dump?). Gforth presents the return stack dump for the first throw after the last executed (not returned-to) catch or nothrow; this works well in the usual case. To get the right backtrace, you usually want to insert nothrow or ['] false catch 2drop after a catch if the error is not rethrown.

Gforth is able to do a return stack dump for throws generated from primitives (e.g., invalid memory address, stack empty etc.); gforth-fast is only able to do a return stack dump from a directly called throw (including abort etc.). Given an exception caused by a primitive in gforth-fast, you will typically see no return stack dump at all; however, if the exception is caught by catch (e.g., for restoring some state), and then thrown again, the return stack dump will be for the first such throw.

gforth-fast also does not attempt to differentiate between division by zero and division overflow, because that costs time in every division.

7 Tools

See also Emacs and Gforth.

7.1 ans-report.fs: Report the words used, sorted by wordset

If you want to label a Forth program as Standard Program, you must document which wordsets the program uses.

The ans-report.fs tool makes it easy for you to determine which words from which wordset and which non-standard words your application uses. You simply have to include ans-report.fs before loading the program you want to check. After loading your program, you can get the report with print-ans-report. A typical use is to run this as batch job like this:

gforth ans-report.fs myprog.fs -e "print-ans-report bye"

The output looks like this (for compat/control.fs):

The program uses the following words
from CORE :
: POSTPONE THEN ; immediate ?dup IF 0= 
from BLOCK-EXT :
from FILE :

ans-report.fs reports both Forth-94 and Forth-2012 wordsets. For words that are in both standards, it reports the wordset without suffix (e.g., CORE-EXT). For Forth-2012-only words, it reports the wordset with a -2012 suffix (e.g., CORE-EXT-2012); and likewise for the words that are Forth-94-only (i.e., that have been removed in Forth-2012).

7.1.1 Caveats

Note that ans-report.fs just checks which words are used, not whether they are used in a standard-conforming way!

Some words are defined in several wordsets in the standard. ans-report.fs reports them for only one of the wordsets, and not necessarily the one you expect. It depends on usage which wordset is the right one to specify. E.g., if you only use the compilation semantics of S", it is a Core word; if you also use its interpretation semantics, it is a File word.

7.2 Stack depth changes during interpretation

Sometimes you notice that, after loading a file, there are items left on the stack. The tool depth-changes.fs helps you find out quickly where in the file these stack items are coming from.

The simplest way of using depth-changes.fs is to include it before the file(s) you want to check, e.g.:

gforth depth-changes.fs my-file.fs

This will compare the stack depths of the data and FP stack at every empty line (in interpretation state) against these depths at the last empty line (in interpretation state). If the depths are not equal, the position in the file and the stack contents are printed with ~~ (see Debugging). This indicates that a stack depth change has occured in the paragraph of non-empty lines before the indicated line. It is a good idea to leave an empty line at the end of the file, so the last paragraph is checked, too.

Checking only at empty lines usually works well, but sometimes you have big blocks of non-empty lines (e.g., when building a big table), and you want to know where in this block the stack depth changed. You can check all interpreted lines with

gforth depth-changes.fs -e "' all-lines is depth-changes-filter" my-file.fs

This checks the stack depth at every end-of-line. So the depth change occured in the line reported by the ~~ (not in the line before).

Note that, while this offers better accuracy in indicating where the stack depth changes, it will often report many intentional stack depth changes (e.g., when an interpreted computation stretches across several lines). You can suppress the checking of some lines by putting backslashes at the end of these lines (not followed by white space), and using

gforth depth-changes.fs -e "' most-lines is depth-changes-filter" my-file.fs

8 Standard conformance

To the best of our knowledge, Gforth is a

ANS Forth System and a Forth-2012 System

Gforth has the following environmental restrictions:

In addition, Standard Forth systems are required to document certain implementation choices. This chapter tries to meet these requirements for the Forth-94 standard. For the Forth-2012 standard, we decided to produce the additional documentation only if there is demand. So if you are really missing this documentation, please let us know.

In many cases, the following documentation gives a way to ask the system for the information instead of providing the information directly, in particular, if the information depends on the processor, the operating system or the installation options chosen, or if they are likely to change during the maintenance of Gforth.

8.1 The Core Words

8.1.1 Implementation Defined Options

(Cell) aligned addresses:

processor-dependent. Gforth’s alignment words perform natural alignment (e.g., an address aligned for a datum of size 8 is divisible by 8). Unaligned accesses usually result in a -23 THROW.

EMIT and non-graphic characters:

The character is output using the C library function (actually, macro) putc.

character editing of ACCEPT and EXPECT:

This is modeled on the GNU readline library (see Command Line Editing in The GNU Readline Library) with Emacs-like key bindings. Tab deviates a little by producing a full word completion every time you type it (instead of producing the common prefix of all completions). See Command-line editing.

character set:

The character set of your computer and display device. Gforth is 8-bit-clean (but some other component in your system may make trouble).

Character-aligned address requirements:

installation-dependent. Currently a character is represented by a C unsigned char; in the future we might switch to wchar_t (Comments on that requested).

character-set extensions and matching of names:

Any character except the ASCII NUL character can be used in a name. Matching is case-insensitive (except in TABLEs). The matching is performed using the C library function strncasecmp, whose function is probably influenced by the locale. E.g., the C locale does not know about accents and umlauts, so they are matched case-sensitively in that locale. For portability reasons it is best to write programs such that they work in the C locale. Then one can use libraries written by a Polish programmer (who might use words containing ISO Latin-2 encoded characters) and by a French programmer (ISO Latin-1) in the same program (of course, WORDS will produce funny results for some of the words (which ones, depends on the font you are using)). Also, the locale you prefer may not be available in other operating systems. Hopefully, Unicode will solve these problems one day.

conditions under which control characters match a space delimiter:

If word is called with the space character as a delimiter, all white-space characters (as identified by the C macro isspace()) are delimiters. Parse, on the other hand, treats space like other delimiters. Parse-name, which is used by the outer interpreter (aka text interpreter) by default, treats all white-space characters as delimiters.

format of the control-flow stack:

The data stack is used as control-flow stack. The size of a control-flow stack item in cells is given by the constant cs-item-size. At the time of this writing, an item consists of a (pointer to a) locals list (third), an address in the code (second), and a tag for identifying the item (TOS). The following tags are used: defstart, live-orig, dead-orig, dest, do-dest, scopestart.

conversion of digits > 35

The characters [\]^_' are the digits with the decimal value 36−41. There is no way to input many of the larger digits.

display after input terminates in ACCEPT and EXPECT:

The cursor is moved to the end of the entered string. If the input is terminated using the Return key, a space is typed.

exception abort sequence of ABORT":

The error string is stored into the variable "error and a -2 throw is performed.

input line terminator:

For interactive input, C-m (CR) and C-j (LF) terminate lines. One of these characters is typically produced when you type the Enter or Return key.

maximum size of a counted string:

s" /counted-string" environment? drop .. Currently 255 characters on all platforms, but this may change.

maximum size of a parsed string:

Given by the constant /line. Currently 255 characters.

maximum size of a definition name, in characters:


maximum string length for ENVIRONMENT?, in characters:


method of selecting the user input device:

The user input device is the standard input. There is currently no way to change it from within Gforth. However, the input can typically be redirected in the command line that starts Gforth.

method of selecting the user output device:

EMIT and TYPE output to the file-id stored in the value outfile-id (stdout by default). Gforth uses unbuffered output when the user output device is a terminal, otherwise the output is buffered.

methods of dictionary compilation:

What are we expected to document here?

number of bits in one address unit:

s" address-units-bits" environment? drop .. 8 in all current platforms.

number representation and arithmetic:

Processor-dependent. Binary two’s complement on all current platforms.

ranges for integer types:

Installation-dependent. Make environmental queries for MAX-N, MAX-U, MAX-D and MAX-UD. The lower bounds for unsigned (and positive) types is 0. The lower bound for signed types on two’s complement and one’s complement machines machines can be computed by adding 1 to the upper bound.

read-only data space regions:

The whole Forth data space is writable.

size of buffer at WORD:

PAD HERE - .. 104 characters on 32-bit machines. The buffer is shared with the pictured numeric output string. If overwriting PAD is acceptable, it is as large as the remaining dictionary space, although only as much can be sensibly used as fits in a counted string.

size of one cell in address units:

1 cells ..

size of one character in address units:

1 chars .. 1 on all current platforms.

size of the keyboard terminal buffer:

Varies. You can determine the size at a specific time using lp@ tib - .. It is shared with the locals stack and TIBs of files that include the current file. You can change the amount of space for TIBs and locals stack at Gforth startup with the command line option -l.

size of the pictured numeric output buffer:

PAD HERE - .. 104 characters on 32-bit machines. The buffer is shared with WORD.

size of the scratch area returned by PAD:

The remainder of dictionary space. unused pad here - - ..

system case-sensitivity characteristics:

Dictionary searches are case-insensitive (except in TABLEs). However, as explained above under character-set extensions, the matching for non-ASCII characters is determined by the locale you are using. In the default C locale all non-ASCII characters are matched case-sensitively.

system prompt:

ok in interpret state, compiled in compile state.

division rounding:

The ordinary division words / mod /mod */ */mod perform floored division (with the default installation of Gforth). You can check this with s" floored" environment? drop .. If you write programs that need a specific division rounding, best use fm/mod or sm/rem for portability.

values of STATE when true:


values returned after arithmetic overflow:

On two’s complement machines, arithmetic is performed modulo 2**bits-per-cell for single arithmetic and 4**bits-per-cell for double arithmetic (with appropriate mapping for signed types). Division by zero typically results in a -55 throw (Floating-point unidentified fault) or -10 throw (divide by zero). Integer division overflow can result in these throws, or in -11 throw; in gforth-fast division overflow and divide by zero may also result in returning bogus results without producing an exception.

whether the current definition can be found after DOES>:


8.1.2 Ambiguous conditions

a name is neither a word nor a number:

-13 throw (Undefined word).

a definition name exceeds the maximum length allowed:

-19 throw (Word name too long)

addressing a region not inside the various data spaces of the forth system:

The stacks, code space and header space are accessible. Machine code space is typically readable. Accessing other addresses gives results dependent on the operating system. On decent systems: -9 throw (Invalid memory address).

argument type incompatible with parameter:

This is usually not caught. Some words perform checks, e.g., the control flow words, and issue a ABORT" or -12 THROW (Argument type mismatch).

attempting to obtain the execution token of a word with undefined execution semantics:

The execution token represents the interpretation semantics of the word. Gforth defines interpretation semantics for all words; for words where the standard does not define interpretation semantics, but defines the execution semantics (except LEAVE), the interpretation semantics are to perform the execution semantics. For words where the standard defines no interprtation semantics, but defined compilation semantics (plus LEAVE), the interpretation semantics are to perform the compilation semantics. Some words are marked as compile-only, and ' gives a warning for these words.

dividing by zero:

On some platforms, this produces a -10 throw (Division by zero); on other systems, this typically results in a -55 throw (Floating-point unidentified fault).

insufficient data stack or return stack space:

Depending on the operating system, the installation, and the invocation of Gforth, this is either checked by the memory management hardware, or it is not checked. If it is checked, you typically get a -3 throw (Stack overflow), -5 throw (Return stack overflow), or -9 throw (Invalid memory address) (depending on the platform and how you achieved the overflow) as soon as the overflow happens. If it is not checked, overflows typically result in mysterious illegal memory accesses, producing -9 throw (Invalid memory address) or -23 throw (Address alignment exception); they might also destroy the internal data structure of ALLOCATE and friends, resulting in various errors in these words.

insufficient space for loop control parameters:

Like other return stack overflows.

insufficient space in the dictionary:

If you try to allot (either directly with allot, or indirectly with ,, create etc.) more memory than available in the dictionary, you get a -8 throw (Dictionary overflow). If you try to access memory beyond the end of the dictionary, the results are similar to stack overflows.

interpreting a word with undefined interpretation semantics:

Gforth defines interpretation semantics for all words; for words where the standard defines execution semantics (except LEAVE), the interpretation semantics are to perform the execution semantics. For words where the standard defines no interprtation semantics, but defined compilation semantics (plus LEAVE), the interpretation semantics are to perform the compilation semantics. Some words are marked as compile-only, and text-interpreting them gives a warning.

modifying the contents of the input buffer or a string literal:

These are located in writable memory and can be modified.

overflow of the pictured numeric output string:

-17 throw (Pictured numeric ouput string overflow).

parsed string overflow:

PARSE cannot overflow. WORD does not check for overflow.

producing a result out of range:

On two’s complement machines, arithmetic is performed modulo 2**bits-per-cell for single arithmetic and 4**bits-per-cell for double arithmetic (with appropriate mapping for signed types). Division by zero typically results in a -10 throw (divide by zero) or -55 throw (floating point unidentified fault). Overflow on division may result in these errors or in -11 throw (result out of range). Gforth-fast may silently produce bogus results on division overflow or division by zero. Convert and >number currently overflow silently.

reading from an empty data or return stack:

The data stack is checked by the outer (aka text) interpreter after every word executed. If it has underflowed, a -4 throw (Stack underflow) is performed. Apart from that, stacks may be checked or not, depending on operating system, installation, and invocation. If they are caught by a check, they typically result in -4 throw (Stack underflow), -6 throw (Return stack underflow) or -9 throw (Invalid memory address), depending on the platform and which stack underflows and by how much. Note that even if the system uses checking (through the MMU), your program may have to underflow by a significant number of stack items to trigger the reaction (the reason for this is that the MMU, and therefore the checking, works with a page-size granularity). If there is no checking, the symptoms resulting from an underflow are similar to those from an overflow. Unbalanced return stack errors can result in a variety of symptoms, including -9 throw (Invalid memory address) and Illegal Instruction (typically -260 throw).

unexpected end of the input buffer, resulting in an attempt to use a zero-length string as a name:

Create and its descendants perform a -16 throw (Attempt to use zero-length string as a name). Words like ' probably will not find what they search. Note that it is possible to create zero-length names with nextname (should it not?).

>IN greater than input buffer:

The next invocation of a parsing word returns a string with length 0.

RECURSE appears after DOES>:

Compiles a recursive call to the code after DOES>.

argument input source different than current input source for RESTORE-INPUT:

-12 THROW. Note that, once an input file is closed (e.g., because the end of the file was reached), its source-id may be reused. Therefore, restoring an input source specification referencing a closed file may lead to unpredictable results instead of a -12 THROW.

In the future, Gforth may be able to restore input source specifications from other than the current input source.

data space containing definitions gets de-allocated:

Deallocation with allot is not checked. This typically results in memory access faults or execution of illegal instructions.

data space read/write with incorrect alignment:

Processor-dependent. Typically results in a -23 throw (Address alignment exception). Under Linux-Intel on a 486 or later processor with alignment turned on, incorrect alignment results in a -9 throw (Invalid memory address). There are reportedly some processors with alignment restrictions that do not report violations.

data space pointer not properly aligned, ,, C,:

Like other alignment errors.

less than u+2 stack items (PICK and ROLL):

Like other stack underflows.

loop control parameters not available:

Not checked. The counted loop words simply assume that the top of return stack items are loop control parameters and behave accordingly.

most recent definition does not have a name (IMMEDIATE):

abort" last word was headerless".

name not defined by VALUE used by TO:

-32 throw (Invalid name argument) (unless name is a local or was defined by CONSTANT; in the latter case it just changes the constant).

name not found (', POSTPONE, ['], [COMPILE]):

-13 throw (Undefined word)

parameters are not of the same type (DO, ?DO, WITHIN):

Gforth behaves as if they were of the same type. I.e., you can predict the behaviour by interpreting all parameters as, e.g., signed.

POSTPONE or [COMPILE] applied to TO:

Assume : X POSTPONE TO ; IMMEDIATE. X performs the compilation semantics of TO.

String longer than a counted string returned by WORD:

Not checked. The string will be ok, but the count will, of course, contain only the least significant bits of the length.

u greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell (LSHIFT, RSHIFT):

Processor-dependent. Typical behaviours are returning 0 and using only the low bits of the shift count.

word not defined via CREATE:

>BODY produces the PFA of the word no matter how it was defined.

DOES> changes the execution semantics of the last defined word no matter how it was defined. E.g., CONSTANT DOES> is equivalent to CREATE , DOES>.

words improperly used outside <# and #>:

Not checked. As usual, you can expect memory faults.

8.1.3 Other system documentation

nonstandard words using PAD:


operator’s terminal facilities available:

After processing the OS’s command line, Gforth goes into interactive mode, and you can give commands to Gforth interactively. The actual facilities available depend on how you invoke Gforth.

program data space available:

UNUSED . gives the remaining dictionary space. The total dictionary space can be specified with the -m switch (see Invoking Gforth) when Gforth starts up.

return stack space available:

You can compute the total return stack space in cells with s" RETURN-STACK-CELLS" environment? drop .. You can specify it at startup time with the -r switch (see Invoking Gforth).

stack space available:

You can compute the total data stack space in cells with s" STACK-CELLS" environment? drop .. You can specify it at startup time with the -d switch (see Invoking Gforth).

system dictionary space required, in address units:

Type here forthstart - . after startup. At the time of this writing, this gives 80080 (bytes) on a 32-bit system.

8.2 The optional Block word set

8.2.1 Implementation Defined Options

the format for display by LIST:

First the screen number is displayed, then 16 lines of 64 characters, each line preceded by the line number.

the length of a line affected by \:

64 characters.

8.2.2 Ambiguous conditions

correct block read was not possible:

Typically results in a throw of some OS-derived value (between -512 and -2048). If the blocks file was just not long enough, blanks are supplied for the missing portion.

I/O exception in block transfer:

Typically results in a throw of some OS-derived value (between -512 and -2048).

invalid block number:

-35 throw (Invalid block number)

a program directly alters the contents of BLK:

The input stream is switched to that other block, at the same position. If the storing to BLK happens when interpreting non-block input, the system will get quite confused when the block ends.

no current block buffer for UPDATE:

UPDATE has no effect.

8.2.3 Other system documentation

any restrictions a multiprogramming system places on the use of buffer addresses:

No restrictions (yet).

the number of blocks available for source and data:

depends on your disk space.

8.3 The optional Double Number word set

8.3.1 Ambiguous conditions

d outside of range of n in D>S:

The least significant cell of d is produced.

8.4 The optional Exception word set

8.4.1 Implementation Defined Options

THROW-codes used in the system:

The codes -256−-511 are used for reporting signals. The mapping from OS signal numbers to throw codes is -256−signal. The codes -512−-2047 are used for OS errors (for file and memory allocation operations). The mapping from OS error numbers to throw codes is -512−errno. One side effect of this mapping is that undefined OS errors produce a message with a strange number; e.g., -1000 THROW results in Unknown error 488 on my system.

8.5 The optional Facility word set

8.5.1 Implementation Defined Options

encoding of keyboard events (EKEY):

Keys corresponding to ASCII characters are encoded as ASCII characters. Other keys are encoded with the constants k-left, k-right, k-up, k-down, k-home, k-end, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11, k12, k-winch, k-eof.

duration of a system clock tick:

System dependent. With respect to MS, the time is specified in microseconds. How well the OS and the hardware implement this, is another question.

repeatability to be expected from the execution of MS:

System dependent. On Unix, a lot depends on load. If the system is lightly loaded, and the delay is short enough that Gforth does not get swapped out, the performance should be acceptable. Under MS-DOS and other single-tasking systems, it should be good.

8.5.2 Ambiguous conditions

AT-XY can’t be performed on user output device:

Largely terminal dependent. No range checks are done on the arguments. No errors are reported. You may see some garbage appearing, you may see simply nothing happen.

8.6 The optional File-Access word set

8.6.1 Implementation Defined Options

file access methods used:

R/O, R/W and BIN work as you would expect. W/O translates into the C file opening mode w (or wb): The file is cleared, if it exists, and created, if it does not (with both open-file and create-file). Under Unix create-file creates a file with 666 permissions modified by your umask.

file exceptions:

The file words do not raise exceptions (except, perhaps, memory access faults when you pass illegal addresses or file-ids).

file line terminator:

System-dependent. Gforth uses C’s newline character as line terminator. What the actual character code(s) of this are is system-dependent.

file name format:

System dependent. Gforth just uses the file name format of your OS.

information returned by FILE-STATUS:

FILE-STATUS returns the most powerful file access mode allowed for the file: Either R/O, W/O or R/W. If the file cannot be accessed, R/O BIN is returned. BIN is applicable along with the returned mode.

input file state after an exception when including source:

All files that are left via the exception are closed.

ior values and meaning:

The iors returned by the file and memory allocation words are intended as throw codes. They typically are in the range -512−-2047 of OS errors. The mapping from OS error numbers to iors is -512−errno.

maximum depth of file input nesting:

limited by the amount of return stack, locals/TIB stack, and the number of open files available. This should not give you troubles.

maximum size of input line:

/line. Currently 255.

methods of mapping block ranges to files:

By default, blocks are accessed in the file blocks.fb in the current working directory. The file can be switched with USE.

number of string buffers provided by S":

As many as memory available; the strings are stored in memory blocks allocated with ALLOCATE indefinitely.

size of string buffer used by S":

/line. currently 255.

8.6.2 Ambiguous conditions

attempting to position a file outside its boundaries:

REPOSITION-FILE is performed as usual: Afterwards, FILE-POSITION returns the value given to REPOSITION-FILE.

attempting to read from file positions not yet written:

End-of-file, i.e., zero characters are read and no error is reported.

file-id is invalid (INCLUDE-FILE):

An appropriate exception may be thrown, but a memory fault or other problem is more probable.

I/O exception reading or closing file-id (INCLUDE-FILE, INCLUDED):

The ior produced by the operation, that discovered the problem, is thrown.

named file cannot be opened (INCLUDED):

The ior produced by open-file is thrown.

requesting an unmapped block number:

There are no unmapped legal block numbers. On some operating systems, writing a block with a large number may overflow the file system and have an error message as consequence.

using source-id when blk is non-zero:

source-id performs its function. Typically it will give the id of the source which loaded the block. (Better ideas?)

8.7 The optional Floating-Point word set

8.7.1 Implementation Defined Options

format and range of floating point numbers:

System-dependent; the double type of C.

results of REPRESENT when float is out of range:

System dependent; REPRESENT is implemented using the C library function ecvt() and inherits its behaviour in this respect.

rounding or truncation of floating-point numbers:

System dependent; the rounding behaviour is inherited from the hosting C compiler. IEEE-FP-based (i.e., most) systems by default round to nearest, and break ties by rounding to even (i.e., such that the last bit of the mantissa is 0).

size of floating-point stack:

s" FLOATING-STACK" environment? drop . gives the total size of the floating-point stack (in floats). You can specify this on startup with the command-line option -f (see Invoking Gforth).

width of floating-point stack:

1 floats.

8.7.2 Ambiguous conditions

df@ or df! used with an address that is not double-float aligned:

System-dependent. Typically results in a -23 THROW like other alignment violations.

f@ or f! used with an address that is not float aligned:

System-dependent. Typically results in a -23 THROW like other alignment violations.

floating-point result out of range:

System-dependent. Can result in a -43 throw (floating point overflow), -54 throw (floating point underflow), -41 throw (floating point inexact result), -55 THROW (Floating-point unidentified fault), or can produce a special value representing, e.g., Infinity.

sf@ or sf! used with an address that is not single-float aligned:

System-dependent. Typically results in an alignment fault like other alignment violations.

base is not decimal (REPRESENT, F., FE., FS.):

The floating-point number is converted into decimal nonetheless.

Both arguments are equal to zero (FATAN2):

System-dependent. FATAN2 is implemented using the C library function atan2().

Using FTAN on an argument r1 where cos(r1) is zero:

System-dependent. Anyway, typically the cos of r1 will not be zero because of small errors and the tan will be a very large (or very small) but finite number.

d cannot be presented precisely as a float in D>F:

The result is rounded to the nearest float.

dividing by zero:

Platform-dependent; can produce an Infinity, NaN, -42 throw (floating point divide by zero) or -55 throw (Floating-point unidentified fault).

exponent too big for conversion (DF!, DF@, SF!, SF@):

System dependent. On IEEE-FP based systems the number is converted into an infinity.

float<1 (FACOSH):

Platform-dependent; on IEEE-FP systems typically produces a NaN.

float<=-1 (FLNP1):

Platform-dependent; on IEEE-FP systems typically produces a NaN (or a negative infinity for float=-1).

float<=0 (FLN, FLOG):

Platform-dependent; on IEEE-FP systems typically produces a NaN (or a negative infinity for float=0).

float<0 (FASINH, FSQRT):

Platform-dependent; for fsqrt this typically gives a NaN, for fasinh some platforms produce a NaN, others a number (bug in the C library?).

|float|>1 (FACOS, FASIN, FATANH):

Platform-dependent; IEEE-FP systems typically produce a NaN.

integer part of float cannot be represented by d in F>D:

Platform-dependent; typically, some double number is produced and no error is reported.

string larger than pictured numeric output area (f., fe., fs.):

Precision characters of the numeric output area are used. If precision is too high, these words will smash the data or code close to here.

8.8 The optional Locals word set

8.8.1 Implementation Defined Options

maximum number of locals in a definition:

s" #locals" environment? drop .. Currently 15. This is a lower bound, e.g., on a 32-bit machine there can be 41 locals of up to 8 characters. The number of locals in a definition is bounded by the size of locals-buffer, which contains the names of the locals.

8.8.2 Ambiguous conditions

executing a named local in interpretation state:

Compiles the local into the current definition (just as in compile state); in addition text-interpreting a local in interpretation state gives an “is compile-only” warning.

name not defined by VALUE or (LOCAL) (TO):

-32 throw (Invalid name argument)

8.9 The optional Memory-Allocation word set

8.9.1 Implementation Defined Options

values and meaning of ior:

The iors returned by the file and memory allocation words are intended as throw codes. They typically are in the range -512−-2047 of OS errors. The mapping from OS error numbers to iors is -512−errno.

8.10 The optional Programming-Tools word set

8.10.1 Implementation Defined Options

ending sequence for input following ;CODE and CODE:


manner of processing input following ;CODE and CODE:

The ASSEMBLER vocabulary is pushed on the search order stack, and the input is processed by the text interpreter, (starting) in interpret state.

search order capability for EDITOR and ASSEMBLER:

The Search-Order word set.

source and format of display by SEE:

The source for see is the executable code used by the inner interpreter. The current see tries to output Forth source code (and on some platforms, assembly code for primitives) as well as possible.

8.10.2 Ambiguous conditions

deleting the compilation word list (FORGET):

Not implemented (yet).

fewer than u+1 items on the control-flow stack (CS-PICK, CS-ROLL):

This typically results in an abort" with a descriptive error message (may change into a -22 throw (Control structure mismatch) in the future). You may also get a memory access error. If you are unlucky, this ambiguous condition is not caught.

name can’t be found (FORGET):

Not implemented (yet).

name not defined via CREATE:

;CODE behaves like DOES> in this respect, i.e., it changes the execution semantics of the last defined word no matter how it was defined.

POSTPONE applied to [IF]:

After defining : X POSTPONE [IF] ; IMMEDIATE. X is equivalent to [IF].

reaching the end of the input source before matching [ELSE] or [THEN]:

Continue in the same state of conditional compilation in the next outer input source. Currently there is no warning to the user about this.

removing a needed definition (FORGET):

Not implemented (yet).

8.11 The optional Search-Order word set

8.11.1 Implementation Defined Options

maximum number of word lists in search order:

s" wordlists" environment? drop .. Currently 16.

minimum search order:

root root.

8.11.2 Ambiguous conditions

changing the compilation word list (during compilation):

The word is entered into the word list that was the compilation word list at the start of the definition. Any changes to the name field (e.g., immediate) or the code field (e.g., when executing DOES>) are applied to the latest defined word (as reported by latest or latestxt), if possible, irrespective of the compilation word list.

search order empty (previous):

abort" Vocstack empty".

too many word lists in search order (also):

abort" Vocstack full".

9 Should I use Gforth extensions?

As you read through the rest of this manual, you will see documentation for Standard words, and documentation for some appealing Gforth extensions. You might ask yourself the question: “Should I restrict myself to the standard, or should I use the extensions?”

The answer depends on the goals you have for the program you are working on:

If restricting the program to Gforth is ok, then there is no reason not to use extensions. It is still a good idea to keep to the standard where it is easy, in case you want to reuse these parts in another program that you want to be portable.

If you want to be able to port the program to other Forth systems, there are the following points to consider:

In order to perform these considerations, you need to know what’s standard and what’s not. This manual generally states if something is non-standard, but the authoritative source is the standard document. Appendix A of the Standard (Rationale) provides a valuable insight into the thought processes of the technical committee.

Note also that portability between Forth systems is not the only portability issue; there is also the issue of portability between different platforms (processor/OS combinations).

10 Model

This chapter has yet to be written. It will contain information, on which internal structures you can rely.

11 Integrating Gforth into C programs

Several people like to use Forth as scripting language for applications that are otherwise written in C, C++, or some other language.

The Forth system ATLAST provides facilities for embedding it into applications; unfortunately it has several disadvantages: most importantly, it is not based on Standard Forth, and it is apparently dead (i.e., not developed further and not supported). The facilities provided by Gforth in this area are inspired by ATLAST’s facilities, so making the switch should not be hard.

We also tried to design the interface such that it can easily be implemented by other Forth systems, so that we may one day arrive at a standardized interface. Such a standard interface would allow you to replace the Forth system without having to rewrite C code.

You embed the Gforth interpreter by linking with the library libgforth.a or (give the compiler the option -lgforth, or for one of the other engines -lgforth-fast, -lgforth-itc, or -lgforth-ditc). All global symbols in this library that belong to the interface, have the prefix gforth_; if a common interface emerges, the functions may also be available through #defines with the prefix forth_.

You can include the declarations of Forth types, the functions and variables of the interface with #include <gforth.h>.

You can now run a Gforth session by either calling gforth_main or using the components:

Cell gforth_main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  Cell retvalue=gforth_start(argc, argv);

  if(retvalue == -56) { /* throw-code for quit */
    gforth_setwinch();        // set winch signal handler
    gforth_bootmessage();     // show boot message
    retvalue = gforth_quit(); // run quit loop
  // gforth_free_dict(); // if you want to restart, do this

  return retvalue;

To interact with the Forth interpreter, there’s Xt gforth_find(Char * name) and Cell gforth_execute(Xt xt).

More documentation needs to be put here.

11.1 Types

Cell, UCell: data stack elements.

Float: float stack element.

Address, Xt, Label: pointer typies to memory, Forth words, and Forth instructions inside the VM.

11.2 Variables

Data and FP Stack pointer. Area sizes. Accessing the Stacks

gforth_SP, gforth_FP.

11.3 Functions

void *gforth_engine(Xt *, stackpointers *);
Cell gforth_main(int argc, char **argv, char **env);
int gforth_args(int argc, char **argv, char **path, char **imagename);
ImageHeader* gforth_loader(char* imagename, char* path);
user_area* gforth_stacks(Cell dsize, Cell rsize, Cell fsize, Cell lsize);
void gforth_free_stacks(user_area* t);
void gforth_setstacks(user_area * t);
void gforth_free_dict();
Cell gforth_go(Xt* ip0);
Cell gforth_boot(int argc, char** argv, char* path);
void gforth_bootmessage();
Cell gforth_start(int argc, char ** argv);
Cell gforth_quit();
Xt gforth_find(Char * name);
Cell gforth_execute(Xt xt);
void gforth_cleanup();
void gforth_printmetrics();
void gforth_setwinch();

11.4 Signals

Gforth sets up signal handlers to catch exceptions and window size changes. This may interfere with your C program.

12 Emacs and Gforth

Gforth comes with gforth.el, an improved version of forth.el by Goran Rydqvist (included in the TILE package). The improvements are:

To get a basic description of these features, enter Forth mode and type C-h m.

In addition, Gforth supports Emacs quite well: The source code locations given in error messages, debugging output (from ~~) and failed assertion messages are in the right format for Emacs’ compilation mode (see Running Compilations under Emacs in Emacs Manual) so the source location corresponding to an error or other message is only a few keystrokes away (C-x ` for the next error, C-c C-c for the error under the cursor).

Moreover, for words documented in this manual, you can look up the glossary entry quickly by using C-h TAB (info-lookup-symbol, see Documentation Commands in Emacs Manual). This feature requires Emacs 20.3 or later and does not work for words containing :.

12.1 Installing gforth.el

To make the features from gforth.el available in Emacs, add the following lines to your .emacs file:

(autoload 'forth-mode "gforth.el")
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.fs\\'" . forth-mode) 
(autoload 'forth-block-mode "gforth.el")
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.fb\\'" . forth-block-mode) 
(add-hook 'forth-mode-hook (function (lambda ()
   ;; customize variables here:
   (setq forth-indent-level 4)
   (setq forth-minor-indent-level 2)
   (setq forth-hilight-level 3)
   ;;; ...

12.2 Emacs Tags

If you require etags.fs, a new TAGS file will be produced (see Tags Tables in Emacs Manual) that contains the definitions of all words defined afterwards. You can then find the source for a word using M-.. Note that Emacs can use several tags files at the same time (e.g., one for the Gforth sources and one for your program, see Selecting a Tags Table in Emacs Manual). The TAGS file for the preloaded words is $(datadir)/gforth/$(VERSION)/TAGS (e.g., /usr/local/share/gforth/0.2.0/TAGS). To get the best behaviour with etags.fs, you should avoid putting definitions both before and after require etc., otherwise you will see the same file visited several times by commands like tags-search.

12.3 Hilighting

gforth.el comes with a custom source hilighting engine. When you open a file in forth-mode, it will be completely parsed, assigning faces to keywords, comments, strings etc. While you edit the file, modified regions get parsed and updated on-the-fly.

Use the variable ‘forth-hilight-level’ to change the level of decoration from 0 (no hilighting at all) to 3 (the default). Even if you set the hilighting level to 0, the parser will still work in the background, collecting information about whether regions of text are “compiled” or “interpreted”. Those information are required for auto-indentation to work properly. Set ‘forth-disable-parser’ to non-nil if your computer is too slow to handle parsing. This will have an impact on the smartness of the auto-indentation engine, though.

Sometimes Forth sources define new features that should be hilighted, new control structures, defining-words etc. You can use the variable ‘forth-custom-words’ to make forth-mode hilight additional words and constructs. See the docstring of ‘forth-words’ for details (in Emacs, type C-h v forth-words).

‘forth-custom-words’ is meant to be customized in your .emacs file. To customize hilighing in a file-specific manner, set ‘forth-local-words’ in a local-variables section at the end of your source file (see Variables in Emacs Manual).


0 [IF]
   Local Variables:
      ((("t:") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
        "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
       ((";t") definition-ender (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)))

12.4 Auto-Indentation

forth-mode automatically tries to indent lines in a smart way, whenever you type TAB or break a line with C-m.

Simple customization can be achieved by setting ‘forth-indent-level’ and ‘forth-minor-indent-level’ in your .emacs file. For historical reasons gforth.el indents per default by multiples of 4 columns. To use the more traditional 3-column indentation, add the following lines to your .emacs:

(add-hook 'forth-mode-hook (function (lambda ()
   ;; customize variables here:
   (setq forth-indent-level 3)
   (setq forth-minor-indent-level 1)

If you want indentation to recognize non-default words, customize it by setting ‘forth-custom-indent-words’ in your .emacs. See the docstring of ‘forth-indent-words’ for details (in Emacs, type C-h v forth-indent-words).

To customize indentation in a file-specific manner, set ‘forth-local-indent-words’ in a local-variables section at the end of your source file (see Variables in Emacs Manual).


0 [IF]
   Local Variables:
      ((("t:") (0 . 2) (0 . 2))
       ((";t") (-2 . 0) (0 . -2)))

12.5 Blocks Files

forth-mode Autodetects blocks files by checking whether the length of the first line exceeds 1023 characters. It then tries to convert the file into normal text format. When you save the file, it will be written to disk as normal stream-source file.

If you want to write blocks files, use forth-blocks-mode. It inherits all the features from forth-mode, plus some additions:

  • Files are written to disk in blocks file format.
  • Screen numbers are displayed in the mode line (enumerated beginning with the value of ‘forth-block-base’)
  • Warnings are displayed when lines exceed 64 characters.
  • The beginning of the currently edited block is marked with an overlay-arrow.

There are some restrictions you should be aware of. When you open a blocks file that contains tabulator or newline characters, these characters will be translated into spaces when the file is written back to disk. If tabs or newlines are encountered during blocks file reading, an error is output to the echo area. So have a look at the ‘*Messages*’ buffer, when Emacs’ bell rings during reading.

Please consult the docstring of forth-blocks-mode for more information by typing C-h v forth-blocks-mode).

13 Image Files

An image file is a file containing an image of the Forth dictionary, i.e., compiled Forth code and data residing in the dictionary. By convention, we use the extension .fi for image files.

13.1 Image Licensing Issues

An image created with gforthmi (see gforthmi) or savesystem (see Non-Relocatable Image Files) includes the original image; i.e., according to copyright law it is a derived work of the original image.

Since Gforth is distributed under the GNU GPL, the newly created image falls under the GNU GPL, too. In particular, this means that if you distribute the image, you have to make all of the sources for the image available, including those you wrote. For details see GNU General Public License (Section 3).

If you create an image with cross (see cross.fs), the image contains only code compiled from the sources you gave it; if none of these sources is under the GPL, the terms discussed above do not apply to the image. However, if your image needs an engine (a gforth binary) that is under the GPL, you should make sure that you distribute both in a way that is at most a mere aggregation, if you don’t want the terms of the GPL to apply to the image.

13.2 Image File Background

Gforth consists not only of primitives (in the engine), but also of definitions written in Forth. Since the Forth compiler itself belongs to those definitions, it is not possible to start the system with the engine and the Forth source alone. Therefore we provide the Forth code as an image file in nearly executable form. When Gforth starts up, a C routine loads the image file into memory, optionally relocates the addresses, then sets up the memory (stacks etc.) according to information in the image file, and (finally) starts executing Forth code.

The default image file is (in the GFORTHPATH). You can use a different image by using the -i, --image-file or --appl-image options (see Invoking Gforth), e.g.:

gforth-fast -i

There are different variants of image files, and they represent different compromises between the goals of making it easy to generate image files and making them portable.

Win32Forth 3.4 and Mitch Bradley’s cforth use relocation at run-time. This avoids many of the complications discussed below (image files are data relocatable without further ado), but costs performance (one addition per memory access) and makes it difficult to pass addresses between Forth and library calls or other programs.

By contrast, the Gforth loader performs relocation at image load time. The loader also has to replace tokens that represent primitive calls with the appropriate code-field addresses (or code addresses in the case of direct threading).

There are three kinds of image files, with different degrees of relocatability: non-relocatable, data-relocatable, and fully relocatable image files.

These image file variants have several restrictions in common; they are caused by the design of the image file loader:

  • There is only one segment; in particular, this means, that an image file cannot represent ALLOCATEd memory chunks (and pointers to them). The contents of the stacks are not represented, either.
  • The only kinds of relocation supported are: adding the same offset to all cells that represent data addresses; and replacing special tokens with code addresses or with pieces of machine code.

    If any complex computations involving addresses are performed, the results cannot be represented in the image file. Several applications that use such computations come to mind:

    • Hashing addresses (or data structures which contain addresses) for table lookup. If you use Gforth’s tables or wordlists for this purpose, you will have no problem, because the hash tables are recomputed automatically when the system is started. If you use your own hash tables, you will have to do something similar.
    • There’s a cute implementation of doubly-linked lists that uses XORed addresses. You could represent such lists as singly-linked in the image file, and restore the doubly-linked representation on startup.37
    • The code addresses of run-time routines like docol: cannot be represented in the image file (because their tokens would be replaced by machine code in direct threaded implementations). As a workaround, compute these addresses at run-time with >code-address from the executions tokens of appropriate words (see the definitions of docol: and friends in kernel/getdoers.fs).
    • On many architectures addresses are represented in machine code in some shifted or mangled form. You cannot put CODE words that contain absolute addresses in this form in a relocatable image file. Workarounds are representing the address in some relative form (e.g., relative to the CFA, which is present in some register), or loading the address from a place where it is stored in a non-mangled form.

13.3 Non-Relocatable Image Files

These files are simple memory dumps of the dictionary. They are specific to the executable (i.e., gforth file) they were created with. What’s worse, they are specific to the place on which the dictionary resided when the image was created. Now, there is no guarantee that the dictionary will reside at the same place the next time you start Gforth, so there’s no guarantee that a non-relocatable image will work the next time (Gforth will complain instead of crashing, though). Indeed, on OSs with (enabled) address-space randomization non-relocatable images are unlikely to work.

You can create a non-relocatable image file with savesystem, e.g.:

gforth app.fs -e "savesystem bye"
savesystem ( "name" –  ) gforth-0.4 “savesystem”

13.4 Data-Relocatable Image Files

These files contain relocatable data addresses, but fixed code addresses (instead of tokens). They are specific to the executable (i.e., gforth file) they were created with. Also, they disable dynamic native code generation (typically a factor of 2 in speed). You get a data-relocatable image, if you pass the engine you want to use through the GFORTHD environment variable to gforthmi (see gforthmi), e.g.

GFORTHD="/usr/bin/gforth-fast --no-dynamic" gforthmi source.fs

Note that the --no-dynamic is required here for the image to work (otherwise it will contain references to dynamically generated code that is not saved in the image).

13.5 Fully Relocatable Image Files

These image files have relocatable data addresses, and tokens for code addresses. They can be used with different binaries (e.g., with and without debugging) on the same machine, and even across machines with the same data formats (byte order, cell size, floating point format), and they work with dynamic native code generation. However, they are usually specific to the version of Gforth they were created with. The files and kernl*.fi are fully relocatable.

There are two ways to create a fully relocatable image file:

13.5.1 gforthmi

You will usually use gforthmi. If you want to create an image file that contains everything you would load by invoking Gforth with gforth options, you simply say:

gforthmi file options

E.g., if you want to create an image that has the file asm.fs loaded in addition to the usual stuff, you could do it like this:

gforthmi asm.fs

gforthmi is implemented as a sh script and works like this: It produces two non-relocatable images for different addresses and then compares them. Its output reflects this: first you see the output (if any) of the two Gforth invocations that produce the non-relocatable image files, then you see the output of the comparing program: It displays the offset used for data addresses and the offset used for code addresses; moreover, for each cell that cannot be represented correctly in the image files, it displays a line like this:

     78DC         BFFFFA50         BFFFFA40

This means that at offset $78dc from forthstart, one input image contains $bffffa50, and the other contains $bffffa40. Since these cells cannot be represented correctly in the output image, you should examine these places in the dictionary and verify that these cells are dead (i.e., not read before they are written).

If you insert the option --application in front of the image file name, you will get an image that uses the --appl-image option instead of the --image-file option (see Invoking Gforth). When you execute such an image on Unix (by typing the image name as command), the Gforth engine will pass all options to the image instead of trying to interpret them as engine options.

If you type gforthmi with no arguments, it prints some usage instructions.

There are a few wrinkles: After processing the passed options, the words savesystem and bye must be visible. A special doubly indirect threaded version of the gforth executable is used for creating the non-relocatable images; you can pass the exact filename of this executable through the environment variable GFORTHD (default: gforth-ditc); if you pass a version that is not doubly indirect threaded, you will not get a fully relocatable image, but a data-relocatable image (see Data-Relocatable Image Files), because there is no code address offset). The normal gforth executable is used for creating the relocatable image; you can pass the exact filename of this executable through the environment variable GFORTH.

13.5.2 cross.fs

You can also use cross, a batch compiler that accepts a Forth-like programming language (see Cross Compiler).

cross allows you to create image files for machines with different data sizes and data formats than the one used for generating the image file. You can also use it to create an application image that does not contain a Forth compiler. These features are bought with restrictions and inconveniences in programming. E.g., addresses have to be stored in memory with special words (A!, A,, etc.) in order to make the code relocatable.

13.6 Stack and Dictionary Sizes

If you invoke Gforth with a command line flag for the size (see Invoking Gforth), the size you specify is stored in the dictionary. If you save the dictionary with savesystem or create an image with gforthmi, this size will become the default for the resulting image file. E.g., the following will create a fully relocatable version of with a 1MB dictionary:

gforthmi -m 1M

In other words, if you want to set the default size for the dictionary and the stacks of an image, just invoke gforthmi with the appropriate options when creating the image.

Note: For cache-friendly behaviour (i.e., good performance), you should make the sizes of the stacks modulo, say, 2K, somewhat different. E.g., the default stack sizes are: data: 16k (mod 2k=0); fp: 15.5k (mod 2k=1.5k); return: 15k(mod 2k=1k); locals: 14.5k (mod 2k=0.5k).

13.7 Running Image Files

You can invoke Gforth with an image file image instead of the default with the -i flag (see Invoking Gforth):

gforth -i image

If your operating system supports starting scripts with a line of the form #! ..., you just have to type the image file name to start Gforth with this image file (note that the file extension .fi is just a convention). I.e., to run Gforth with the image file image, you can just type image instead of gforth -i image. This works because every .fi file starts with a line of this format:

#! /usr/local/bin/gforth-0.4.0 -i

The file and pathname for the Gforth engine specified on this line is the specific Gforth executable that it was built against; i.e. the value of the environment variable GFORTH at the time that gforthmi was executed.

You can make use of the same shell capability to make a Forth source file into an executable. For example, if you place this text in a file:

#! /usr/local/bin/gforth

." Hello, world" CR

and then make the file executable (chmod +x in Unix), you can run it directly from the command line. The sequence #! is used in two ways; firstly, it is recognised as a “magic sequence” by the operating system38 secondly it is treated as a comment character by Gforth. Because of the second usage, a space is required between #! and the path to the executable (moreover, some Unixes require the sequence #! /).

Most Unix systems (including Linux) support exactly one option after the binary name. If that is not enough, you can use the following trick:

#! /bin/sh
: ## ; 0 [if]
exec gforth -m 10M -d 1M $0 "$@"
." Hello, world" cr
bye \ caution: this prevents (further) processing of "$@"

First this script is interpreted as shell script, which treats the first two lines as (mostly) comments, then performs the third line, which invokes gforth with this script ($0) as parameter and its parameters as additional parameters ("$@"). Then this script is interpreted as Forth script, which first defines a colon definition ##, then ignores everything up to [then] and finally processes the following Forth code. You can also use

#0 [if]

in the second line, but this works only in Gforth-0.7.0 and later.

The gforthmi approach is the fastest one, the shell-based one is slowest (needs to start an additional shell). An additional advantage of the shell approach is that it is unnecessary to know where the Gforth binary resides, as long as it is in the $PATH.

#! ( ) gforth-0.4 “hash-bang”

An alias for \

13.8 Modifying the Startup Sequence

You can add your own initialization to the startup sequence of an image through the deferred word 'cold. 'cold is invoked just before the image-specific command line processing (i.e., loading files and evaluating (-e) strings) starts.

A sequence for adding your initialization usually looks like this:

    Defers 'cold \ do other initialization stuff (e.g., rehashing wordlists)
    ... \ your stuff
; IS 'cold

After 'cold, Gforth processes the image options (see Invoking Gforth), and then it performs bootmessage, another deferred word. This normally prints Gforth’s startup message and does nothing else.

So, if you want to make a turnkey image (i.e., an image for an application instead of an extended Forth system), you can do this in two ways:

  • If you want to do your interpretation of the OS command-line arguments, hook into 'cold. In that case you probably also want to build the image with gforthmi --application (see gforthmi) to keep the engine from processing OS command line options. You can then do your own command-line processing with next-arg
  • If you want to have the normal Gforth processing of OS command-line arguments, hook into bootmessage.

In either case, you probably do not want the word that you execute in these hooks to exit normally, but use bye or throw. Otherwise the Gforth startup process would continue and eventually present the Forth command line to the user.

'cold ( ) gforth-0.4 “tick-cold”

Hook (deferred word) for things to do right before interpreting the OS command-line arguments. Normally does some initializations that you also want to perform.

bootmessage ( ) gforth-0.4 “bootmessage”

Hook (deferred word) executed right after interpreting the OS command-line arguments. Normally prints the Gforth startup message.

14 Engine

Reading this chapter is not necessary for programming with Gforth. It may be helpful for finding your way in the Gforth sources.

The ideas in this section have also been published in the following papers: Bernd Paysan, ANS fig/GNU/??? Forth (in German), Forth-Tagung ’93; M. Anton Ertl, A Portable Forth Engine, EuroForth ’93; M. Anton Ertl, Threaded code variations and optimizations (extended version), Forth-Tagung ’02.

14.1 Portability

An important goal of the Gforth Project is availability across a wide range of personal machines. fig-Forth, and, to a lesser extent, F83, achieved this goal by manually coding the engine in assembly language for several then-popular processors. This approach is very labor-intensive and the results are short-lived due to progress in computer architecture.

Others have avoided this problem by coding in C, e.g., Mitch Bradley (cforth), Mikael Patel (TILE) and Dirk Zoller (pfe). This approach is particularly popular for UNIX-based Forths due to the large variety of architectures of UNIX machines. Unfortunately an implementation in C does not mix well with the goals of efficiency and with using traditional techniques: Indirect or direct threading cannot be expressed in C, and switch threading, the fastest technique available in C, is significantly slower. Another problem with C is that it is very cumbersome to express double integer arithmetic.

Fortunately, there is a portable language that does not have these limitations: GNU C, the version of C processed by the GNU C compiler (see Extensions to the C Language Family in GNU C Manual). Its labels as values feature (see Labels as Values in GNU C Manual) makes direct and indirect threading possible, its long long type (see Double-Word Integers in GNU C Manual) corresponds to Forth’s double numbers on many systems. GNU C is freely available on all important (and many unimportant) UNIX machines, VMS, 80386s running MS-DOS, the Amiga, and the Atari ST, so a Forth written in GNU C can run on all these machines.

Writing in a portable language has the reputation of producing code that is slower than assembly. For our Forth engine we repeatedly looked at the code produced by the compiler and eliminated most compiler-induced inefficiencies by appropriate changes in the source code.

However, register allocation cannot be portably influenced by the programmer, leading to some inefficiencies on register-starved machines. We use explicit register declarations (see Variables in Specified Registers in GNU C Manual) to improve the speed on some machines. They are turned on by using the configuration flag --enable-force-reg (gcc switch -DFORCE_REG). Unfortunately, this feature not only depends on the machine, but also on the compiler version: On some machines some compiler versions produce incorrect code when certain explicit register declarations are used. So by default -DFORCE_REG is not used.

14.2 Threading

GNU C’s labels as values extension (available since gcc-2.0, see Labels as Values in GNU C Manual) makes it possible to take the address of label by writing &&label. This address can then be used in a statement like goto *address. I.e., goto *&&x is the same as goto x.

With this feature an indirect threaded NEXT looks like:

cfa = *ip++;
ca = *cfa;
goto *ca;

For those unfamiliar with the names: ip is the Forth instruction pointer; the cfa (code-field address) corresponds to Standard Forth’s execution token and points to the code field of the next word to be executed; The ca (code address) fetched from there points to some executable code, e.g., a primitive or the colon definition handler docol.

Direct threading is even simpler:

ca = *ip++;
goto *ca;

Of course we have packaged the whole thing neatly in macros called NEXT and NEXT1 (the part of NEXT after fetching the cfa).

14.2.1 Scheduling

There is a little complication: Pipelined and superscalar processors, i.e., RISC and some modern CISC machines can process independent instructions while waiting for the results of an instruction. The compiler usually reorders (schedules) the instructions in a way that achieves good usage of these delay slots. However, on our first tries the compiler did not do well on scheduling primitives. E.g., for + implemented as


the NEXT comes strictly after the other code, i.e., there is nearly no scheduling. After a little thought the problem becomes clear: The compiler cannot know that sp and ip point to different addresses (and the version of gcc we used would not know it even if it was possible), so it could not move the load of the cfa above the store to the TOS. Indeed the pointers could be the same, if code on or very near the top of stack were executed. In the interest of speed we chose to forbid this probably unused “feature” and helped the compiler in scheduling: NEXT is divided into several parts: NEXT_P0, NEXT_P1 and NEXT_P2). + now looks like:


There are various schemes that distribute the different operations of NEXT between these parts in several ways; in general, different schemes perform best on different processors. We use a scheme for most architectures that performs well for most processors of this architecture; in the future we may switch to benchmarking and chosing the scheme on installation time.

14.2.2 Direct or Indirect Threaded?

Threaded forth code consists of references to primitives (simple machine code routines like +) and to non-primitives (e.g., colon definitions, variables, constants); for a specific class of non-primitives (e.g., variables) there is one code routine (e.g., dovar), but each variable needs a separate reference to its data.

Traditionally Forth has been implemented as indirect threaded code, because this allows to use only one cell to reference a non-primitive (basically you point to the data, and find the code address there).

However, threaded code in Gforth (since 0.6.0) uses two cells for non-primitives, one for the code address, and one for the data address; the data pointer is an immediate argument for the virtual machine instruction represented by the code address. We call this primitive-centric threaded code, because all code addresses point to simple primitives. E.g., for a variable, the code address is for lit (also used for integer literals like 99).

Primitive-centric threaded code allows us to use (faster) direct threading as dispatch method, completely portably (direct threaded code in Gforth before 0.6.0 required architecture-specific code). It also eliminates the performance problems related to I-cache consistency that 386 implementations have with direct threaded code, and allows additional optimizations.

There is a catch, however: the xt parameter of execute can occupy only one cell, so how do we pass non-primitives with their code and data addresses to them? Our answer is to use indirect threaded dispatch for execute and other words that use a single-cell xt. So, normal threaded code in colon definitions uses direct threading, and execute and similar words, which dispatch to xts on the data stack, use indirect threaded code. We call this hybrid direct/indirect threaded code.

The engines gforth and gforth-fast use hybrid direct/indirect threaded code. This means that with these engines you cannot use , to compile an xt. Instead, you have to use compile,.

If you want to compile xts with ,, use gforth-itc. This engine uses plain old indirect threaded code. It still compiles in a primitive-centric style, so you cannot use compile, instead of , (e.g., for producing tables of xts with ] word1 word2 ... [). If you want to do that, you have to use gforth-itc and execute ' , is compile,. Your program can check if it is running on a hybrid direct/indirect threaded engine or a pure indirect threaded engine with threading-method (see Threading Words).

14.2.3 Dynamic Superinstructions

The engines gforth and gforth-fast use another optimization: Dynamic superinstructions with replication. As an example, consider the following colon definition:

: squared ( n1 -- n2 )
  dup * ;

Gforth compiles this into the threaded code sequence


In normal direct threaded code there is a code address occupying one cell for each of these primitives. Each code address points to a machine code routine, and the interpreter jumps to this machine code in order to execute the primitive. The routines for these three primitives are (in gforth-fast on the 386):

Code dup  
( $804B950 )  add     esi , # -4  \ $83 $C6 $FC 
( $804B953 )  add     ebx , # 4  \ $83 $C3 $4 
( $804B956 )  mov     dword ptr 4 [esi] , ecx  \ $89 $4E $4 
( $804B959 )  jmp     dword ptr FC [ebx]  \ $FF $63 $FC 
Code *  
( $804ACC4 )  mov     eax , dword ptr 4 [esi]  \ $8B $46 $4 
( $804ACC7 )  add     esi , # 4  \ $83 $C6 $4 
( $804ACCA )  add     ebx , # 4  \ $83 $C3 $4 
( $804ACCD )  imul    ecx , eax  \ $F $AF $C8 
( $804ACD0 )  jmp     dword ptr FC [ebx]  \ $FF $63 $FC 
Code ;s  
( $804A693 )  mov     eax , dword ptr [edi]  \ $8B $7 
( $804A695 )  add     edi , # 4  \ $83 $C7 $4 
( $804A698 )  lea     ebx , dword ptr 4 [eax]  \ $8D $58 $4 
( $804A69B )  jmp     dword ptr FC [ebx]  \ $FF $63 $FC 

With dynamic superinstructions and replication the compiler does not just lay down the threaded code, but also copies the machine code fragments, usually without the jump at the end.

( $4057D27D )  add     esi , # -4  \ $83 $C6 $FC 
( $4057D280 )  add     ebx , # 4  \ $83 $C3 $4 
( $4057D283 )  mov     dword ptr 4 [esi] , ecx  \ $89 $4E $4 
( $4057D286 )  mov     eax , dword ptr 4 [esi]  \ $8B $46 $4 
( $4057D289 )  add     esi , # 4  \ $83 $C6 $4 
( $4057D28C )  add     ebx , # 4  \ $83 $C3 $4 
( $4057D28F )  imul    ecx , eax  \ $F $AF $C8 
( $4057D292 )  mov     eax , dword ptr [edi]  \ $8B $7 
( $4057D294 )  add     edi , # 4  \ $83 $C7 $4 
( $4057D297 )  lea     ebx , dword ptr 4 [eax]  \ $8D $58 $4 
( $4057D29A )  jmp     dword ptr FC [ebx]  \ $FF $63 $FC 

Only when a threaded-code control-flow change happens (e.g., in ;s), the jump is appended. This optimization eliminates many of these jumps and makes the rest much more predictable. The speedup depends on the processor and the application; on the Athlon and Pentium III this optimization typically produces a speedup by a factor of 2.

The code addresses in the direct-threaded code are set to point to the appropriate points in the copied machine code, in this example like this:

primitive  code address
   dup       $4057D27D
   *         $4057D286
   ;s        $4057D292

Thus there can be threaded-code jumps to any place in this piece of code. This also simplifies decompilation quite a bit.

You can disable this optimization with --no-dynamic. You can use the copying without eliminating the jumps (i.e., dynamic replication, but without superinstructions) with --no-super; this gives the branch prediction benefit alone; the effect on performance depends on the CPU; on the Athlon and Pentium III the speedup is a little less than for dynamic superinstructions with replication.

One use of these options is if you want to patch the threaded code. With superinstructions, many of the dispatch jumps are eliminated, so patching often has no effect. These options preserve all the dispatch jumps.

On some machines dynamic superinstructions are disabled by default, because it is unsafe on these machines. However, if you feel adventurous, you can enable it with --dynamic.

14.2.4 DOES>

One of the most complex parts of a Forth engine is dodoes, i.e., the chunk of code executed by every word defined by a CREATE...DOES> pair; actually with primitive-centric code, this is only needed if the xt of the word is executed. The main problem here is: How to find the Forth code to be executed, i.e. the code after the DOES> (the DOES>-code)? There are two solutions:

In fig-Forth the code field points directly to the dodoes and the DOES>-code address is stored in the cell after the code address (i.e. at CFA cell+). It may seem that this solution is illegal in the Forth-79 and all later standards, because in fig-Forth this address lies in the body (which is illegal in these standards). However, by making the code field larger for all words this solution becomes legal again. We use this approach. Leaving a cell unused in most words is a bit wasteful, but on the machines we are targeting this is hardly a problem.

14.3 Primitives

14.3.1 Automatic Generation

Since the primitives are implemented in a portable language, there is no longer any need to minimize the number of primitives. On the contrary, having many primitives has an advantage: speed. In order to reduce the number of errors in primitives and to make programming them easier, we provide a tool, the primitive generator (prims2x.fs aka Vmgen, see Introduction in Vmgen), that automatically generates most (and sometimes all) of the C code for a primitive from the stack effect notation. The source for a primitive has the following form:

Forth-name  ( stack-effect )        category    [pronounc.]
[""glossary entry""]
C code
Forth code]

The items in brackets are optional. The category and glossary fields are there for generating the documentation, the Forth code is there for manual implementations on machines without GNU C. E.g., the source for the primitive + is:

+    ( n1 n2 -- n )   core    plus
n = n1+n2;

This looks like a specification, but in fact n = n1+n2 is C code. Our primitive generation tool extracts a lot of information from the stack effect notations39: The number of items popped from and pushed on the stack, their type, and by what name they are referred to in the C code. It then generates a C code prelude and postlude for each primitive. The final C code for + looks like this:

I_plus: /* + ( n1 n2 -- n ) */  /* label, stack effect */
/*  */                          /* documentation */
NAME("+")                       /* debugging output (with -DDEBUG) */
DEF_CA                          /* definition of variable ca (indirect threading) */
Cell n1;                        /* definitions of variables */
Cell n2;
Cell n;
NEXT_P0;                        /* NEXT part 0 */
n1 = (Cell) sp[1];              /* input */
n2 = (Cell) TOS;
sp += 1;                        /* stack adjustment */
n = n1+n2;                      /* C code taken from the source */
NEXT_P1;                        /* NEXT part 1 */
TOS = (Cell)n;                  /* output */
NEXT_P2;                        /* NEXT part 2 */

This looks long and inefficient, but the GNU C compiler optimizes quite well and produces optimal code for + on, e.g., the R3000 and the HP RISC machines: Defining the ns does not produce any code, and using them as intermediate storage also adds no cost.

There are also other optimizations that are not illustrated by this example: assignments between simple variables are usually for free (copy propagation). If one of the stack items is not used by the primitive (e.g. in drop), the compiler eliminates the load from the stack (dead code elimination). On the other hand, there are some things that the compiler does not do, therefore they are performed by prims2x.fs: The compiler does not optimize code away that stores a stack item to the place where it just came from (e.g., over).

While programming a primitive is usually easy, there are a few cases where the programmer has to take the actions of the generator into account, most notably ?dup, but also words that do not (always) fall through to NEXT.

For more information

14.3.2 TOS Optimization

An important optimization for stack machine emulators, e.g., Forth engines, is keeping one or more of the top stack items in registers. If a word has the stack effect in1...inx -- out1...outy, keeping the top n items in registers

  • is better than keeping n-1 items, if x>=n and y>=n, due to fewer loads from and stores to the stack.
  • is slower than keeping n-1 items, if x<>y and x<n and y<n, due to additional moves between registers.

In particular, keeping one item in a register is never a disadvantage, if there are enough registers. Keeping two items in registers is a disadvantage for frequent words like ?branch, constants, variables, literals and i. Therefore our generator only produces code that keeps zero or one items in registers. The generated C code covers both cases; the selection between these alternatives is made at C-compile time using the switch -DUSE_TOS. TOS in the C code for + is just a simple variable name in the one-item case, otherwise it is a macro that expands into sp[0]. Note that the GNU C compiler tries to keep simple variables like TOS in registers, and it usually succeeds, if there are enough registers.

The primitive generator performs the TOS optimization for the floating-point stack, too (-DUSE_FTOS). For floating-point operations the benefit of this optimization is even larger: floating-point operations take quite long on most processors, but can be performed in parallel with other operations as long as their results are not used. If the FP-TOS is kept in a register, this works. If it is kept on the stack, i.e., in memory, the store into memory has to wait for the result of the floating-point operation, lengthening the execution time of the primitive considerably.

The TOS optimization makes the automatic generation of primitives a bit more complicated. Just replacing all occurrences of sp[0] by TOS is not sufficient. There are some special cases to consider:

  • In the case of dup ( w -- w w ) the generator must not eliminate the store to the original location of the item on the stack, if the TOS optimization is turned on.
  • Primitives with stack effects of the form -- out1...outy must store the TOS to the stack at the start. Likewise, primitives with the stack effect in1...inx -- must load the TOS from the stack at the end. But for the null stack effect -- no stores or loads should be generated.

14.3.3 Produced code

To see what assembly code is produced for the primitives on your machine with your compiler and your flag settings, type make engine.s and look at the resulting file engine.s. Alternatively, you can also disassemble the code of primitives with see on some architectures.

14.4 Performance

On RISCs the Gforth engine is very close to optimal; i.e., it is usually impossible to write a significantly faster threaded-code engine.

On register-starved machines like the 386 architecture processors improvements are possible, because gcc does not utilize the registers as well as a human, even with explicit register declarations; e.g., Bernd Beuster wrote a Forth system fragment in assembly language and hand-tuned it for the 486; this system is 1.19 times faster on the Sieve benchmark on a 486DX2/66 than Gforth compiled with gcc-2.6.3 with -DFORCE_REG. The situation has improved with gcc-2.95 and gforth-0.4.9; now the most important virtual machine registers fit in real registers (and we can even afford to use the TOS optimization), resulting in a speedup of 1.14 on the sieve over the earlier results. And dynamic superinstructions provide another speedup (but only around a factor 1.2 on the 486).

The potential advantage of assembly language implementations is not necessarily realized in complete Forth systems: We compared Gforth-0.5.9 (direct threaded, compiled with gcc-2.95.1 and -DFORCE_REG) with Win32Forth 1.2093 (newer versions are reportedly much faster), LMI’s NT Forth (Beta, May 1994) and Eforth (with and without peephole (aka pinhole) optimization of the threaded code); all these systems were written in assembly language. We also compared Gforth with three systems written in C: PFE-0.9.14 (compiled with gcc-2.6.3 with the default configuration for Linux: -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DUSE_REGS -DUNROLL_NEXT), ThisForth Beta (compiled with gcc-2.6.3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer; ThisForth employs peephole optimization of the threaded code) and TILE (compiled with make opt). We benchmarked Gforth, PFE, ThisForth and TILE on a 486DX2/66 under Linux. Kenneth O’Heskin kindly provided the results for Win32Forth and NT Forth on a 486DX2/66 with similar memory performance under Windows NT. Marcel Hendrix ported Eforth to Linux, then extended it to run the benchmarks, added the peephole optimizer, ran the benchmarks and reported the results.

We used four small benchmarks: the ubiquitous Sieve; bubble-sorting and matrix multiplication come from the Stanford integer benchmarks and have been translated into Forth by Martin Fraeman; we used the versions included in the TILE Forth package, but with bigger data set sizes; and a recursive Fibonacci number computation for benchmarking calling performance. The following table shows the time taken for the benchmarks scaled by the time taken by Gforth (in other words, it shows the speedup factor that Gforth achieved over the other systems).

relative       Win32-    NT       eforth       This-      
time     Gforth Forth Forth eforth  +opt   PFE Forth  TILE
sieve      1.00  2.16  1.78   2.16  1.32  2.46  4.96 13.37
bubble     1.00  1.93  2.07   2.18  1.29  2.21        5.70
matmul     1.00  1.92  1.76   1.90  0.96  2.06        5.32
fib        1.00  2.32  2.03   1.86  1.31  2.64  4.55  6.54

You may be quite surprised by the good performance of Gforth when compared with systems written in assembly language. One important reason for the disappointing performance of these other systems is probably that they are not written optimally for the 486 (e.g., they use the lods instruction). In addition, Win32Forth uses a comfortable, but costly method for relocating the Forth image: like cforth, it computes the actual addresses at run time, resulting in two address computations per NEXT (see Image File Background).

The speedup of Gforth over PFE, ThisForth and TILE can be easily explained with the self-imposed restriction of the latter systems to standard C, which makes efficient threading impossible (however, the measured implementation of PFE uses a GNU C extension: see Defining Global Register Variables in GNU C Manual). Moreover, current C compilers have a hard time optimizing other aspects of the ThisForth and the TILE source.

The performance of Gforth on 386 architecture processors varies widely with the version of gcc used. E.g., gcc-2.5.8 failed to allocate any of the virtual machine registers into real machine registers by itself and would not work correctly with explicit register declarations, giving a significantly slower engine (on a 486DX2/66 running the Sieve) than the one measured above.

Note that there have been several releases of Win32Forth since the release presented here, so the results presented above may have little predictive value for the performance of Win32Forth today (results for the current release on an i486DX2/66 are welcome).

In Translating Forth to Efficient C by M. Anton Ertl and Martin Maierhofer (presented at EuroForth ’95), an indirect threaded version of Gforth is compared with Win32Forth, NT Forth, PFE, ThisForth, and several native code systems; that version of Gforth is slower on a 486 than the version used here. You can find a newer version of these measurements at You can find numbers for Gforth on various machines in Benchres.

15 Cross Compiler

The cross compiler is used to bootstrap a Forth kernel. Since Gforth is mostly written in Forth, including crucial parts like the outer interpreter and compiler, it needs compiled Forth code to get started. The cross compiler allows to create new images for other architectures, even running under another Forth system.

15.1 Using the Cross Compiler

The cross compiler uses a language that resembles Forth, but isn’t. The main difference is that you can execute Forth code after definition, while you usually can’t execute the code compiled by cross, because the code you are compiling is typically for a different computer than the one you are compiling on.

The Makefile is already set up to allow you to create kernels for new architectures with a simple make command. The generic kernels using the GCC compiled virtual machine are created in the normal build process with make. To create a embedded Gforth executable for e.g. the 8086 processor (running on a DOS machine), type


This will use the machine description from the arch/8086 directory to create a new kernel. A machine file may look like that:

\ Parameter for target systems                         06oct92py

    4 Constant cell             \ cell size in bytes
    2 Constant cell<<           \ cell shift to bytes
    5 Constant cell>bit         \ cell shift to bits
    8 Constant bits/char        \ bits per character
    8 Constant bits/byte        \ bits per byte [default: 8]
    8 Constant float            \ bytes per float
    8 Constant /maxalign        \ maximum alignment in bytes
false Constant bigendian        \ byte order
( true=big, false=little )

include machpc.fs               \ feature list

This part is obligatory for the cross compiler itself, the feature list is used by the kernel to conditionally compile some features in and out, depending on whether the target supports these features.

There are some optional features, if you define your own primitives, have an assembler, or need special, nonstandard preparation to make the boot process work. asm-include includes an assembler, prims-include includes primitives, and >boot prepares for booting.

: asm-include    ." Include assembler" cr
  s" arch/8086/asm.fs" included ;

: prims-include  ." Include primitives" cr
  s" arch/8086/prim.fs" included ;

: >boot          ." Prepare booting" cr
  s" ' boot >body into-forth 1+ !" evaluate ;

These words are used as sort of macro during the cross compilation in the file kernel/main.fs. Instead of using these macros, it would be possible — but more complicated — to write a new kernel project file, too.

kernel/main.fs expects the machine description file name on the stack; the cross compiler itself (cross.fs) assumes that either mach-file leaves a counted string on the stack, or machine-file leaves an address, count pair of the filename on the stack.

The feature list is typically controlled using SetValue, generic files that are used by several projects can use DefaultValue instead. Both functions work like Value, when the value isn’t defined, but SetValue works like to if the value is defined, and DefaultValue doesn’t set anything, if the value is defined.

\ generic mach file for pc gforth                       03sep97jaw

true DefaultValue NIL  \ relocating


true DefaultValue file          \ controls the presence of the
                                \ file access wordset
true DefaultValue OS            \ flag to indicate a operating system

true DefaultValue prims         \ true: primitives are c-code

true DefaultValue floating      \ floating point wordset is present

true DefaultValue glocals       \ gforth locals are present
                                \ will be loaded
true DefaultValue dcomps        \ double number comparisons

true DefaultValue hash          \ hashing primitives are loaded/present

true DefaultValue xconds        \ used together with glocals,
                                \ special conditionals supporting gforths'
                                \ local variables
true DefaultValue header        \ save a header information

true DefaultValue backtrace     \ enables backtrace code

false DefaultValue ec
false DefaultValue crlf

cell 2 = [IF] &32 [ELSE] &256 [THEN] KB DefaultValue kernel-size

&16 KB          DefaultValue stack-size
&15 KB &512 +   DefaultValue fstack-size
&15 KB          DefaultValue rstack-size
&14 KB &512 +   DefaultValue lstack-size

15.2 How the Cross Compiler Works

Appendix A Bugs

Known bugs are described in the file BUGS in the Gforth distribution.

If you find a bug, please submit a bug report through

For a thorough guide on reporting bugs read How to Report Bugs in GNU C Manual.

Appendix B Authors and Ancestors of Gforth

B.1 Authors and Contributors

The Gforth project was started in mid-1992 by Bernd Paysan and Anton Ertl. The third major author was Jens Wilke. Neal Crook contributed a lot to the manual. Assemblers and disassemblers were contributed by Andrew McKewan, Christian Pirker, Bernd Thallner, and Michal Revucky. Lennart Benschop (who was one of Gforth’s first users, in mid-1993) and Stuart Ramsden inspired us with their continuous feedback. Lennart Benshop contributed glosgen.fs, while Stuart Ramsden has been working on automatic support for calling C libraries. Helpful comments also came from Paul Kleinrubatscher, Christian Pirker, Dirk Zoller, Marcel Hendrix, John Wavrik, Barrie Stott, Marc de Groot, Jorge Acerada, Bruce Hoyt, Robert Epprecht, Dennis Ruffer and David N. Williams. Since the release of Gforth-0.2.1 there were also helpful comments from many others; thank you all, sorry for not listing you here (but digging through my mailbox to extract your names is on my to-do list).

Gforth also owes a lot to the authors of the tools we used (GCC, CVS, and autoconf, among others), and to the creators of the Internet: Gforth was developed across the Internet, and its authors did not meet physically for the first 4 years of development.

B.2 Pedigree

Gforth descends from bigFORTH (1993) and fig-Forth. Of course, a significant part of the design of Gforth was prescribed by Standard Forth.

Bernd Paysan wrote bigFORTH, a descendent from TurboForth, an unreleased 32 bit native code version of VolksForth for the Atari ST, written mostly by Dietrich Weineck.

VolksForth was written by Klaus Schleisiek, Bernd Pennemann, Georg Rehfeld and Dietrich Weineck for the C64 (called UltraForth there) in the mid-80s and ported to the Atari ST in 1986. It descends from fig-Forth.

A team led by Bill Ragsdale implemented fig-Forth on many processors in 1979. Robert Selzer and Bill Ragsdale developed the original implementation of fig-Forth for the 6502 based on microForth.

The principal architect of microForth was Dean Sanderson. microForth was FORTH, Inc.’s first off-the-shelf product. It was developed in 1976 for the 1802, and subsequently implemented on the 8080, the 6800 and the Z80.

All earlier Forth systems were custom-made, usually by Charles Moore, who discovered (as he puts it) Forth during the late 60s. The first full Forth existed in 1971.

A part of the information in this section comes from The Evolution of Forth by Elizabeth D. Rather, Donald R. Colburn and Charles H. Moore, presented at the HOPL-II conference and preprinted in SIGPLAN Notices 28(3), 1993. You can find more historical and genealogical information about Forth there. For a more general (and graphical) Forth family tree look see, Forth Family Tree and Timeline.

Appendix C Other Forth-related information

There is an active news group (comp.lang.forth) discussing Forth (including Gforth) and Forth-related issues. Its FAQs (frequently asked questions and their answers) contains a lot of information on Forth. You should read it before posting to comp.lang.forth.

The Forth standard is most usable in its HTML form.

Appendix D Licenses

D.1 GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.2, November 2002
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    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


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    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

D.1.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

  Copyright (C)  year  your name.
  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
  Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
  Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with...Texts.” line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
    the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
    being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.


Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.

The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program—to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

For the developers’ and authors’ protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users’ and authors’ sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions.

Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users’ freedom to change the software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.


  1. Definitions.

    “This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

    “Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.

    “The Program” refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and “recipients” may be individuals or organizations.

    To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.

    A “covered work” means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the Program.

    To “propagate” a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well.

    To “convey” a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

    An interactive user interface displays “Appropriate Legal Notices” to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

  2. Source Code.

    The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source form of a work.

    A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language.

    The “System Libraries” of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A “Major Component”, in this context, means a major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.

    The “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include the work’s System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work.

    The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.

    The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work.

  3. Basic Permissions.

    All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

    You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

    Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary.

  4. Protecting Users’ Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

    No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures.

    When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work’s users, your or third parties’ legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.

  5. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

    You may convey verbatim copies of the Program’s source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

    You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

  6. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

    You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    1. The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date.
    2. The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to “keep intact all notices”.
    3. You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
    4. If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so.

    A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.

  7. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

    You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways:

    1. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange.
    2. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
    3. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection 6b.
    4. Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
    5. Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d.

    A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work.

    A “User Product” is either (1) a “consumer product”, which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, “normally used” refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the product.

    “Installation Information” for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.

    If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

    The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network.

    Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying.

  8. Additional Terms.

    “Additional permissions” are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions.

    When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

    1. Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
    2. Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or
    3. Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
    4. Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or
    5. Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
    6. Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors.

    All other non-permissive additional terms are considered “further restrictions” within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying.

    If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the applicable terms.

    Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements apply either way.

  9. Termination.

    You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11).

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10.

  10. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

    You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.

  11. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.

    Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

    An “entity transaction” is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party’s predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.

    You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.

  12. Patents.

    A “contributor” is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor’s “contributor version”.

    A contributor’s “essential patent claims” are all patent claims owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this definition, “control” includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License.

    Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor’s essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its contributor version.

    In the following three paragraphs, a “patent license” is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To “grant” such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.

    If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream recipients. “Knowingly relying” means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work in a country, or your recipient’s use of the covered work in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country that you have reason to believe are valid.

    If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered work and works based on it.

    A patent license is “discriminatory” if it does not include within the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.

    Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

  13. No Surrender of Others’ Freedom.

    If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.

  14. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the combination as such.

  15. Revised Versions of this License.

    The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

    Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

    If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Program.

    Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version.

  16. Disclaimer of Warranty.


  17. Limitation of Liability.


  18. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

    If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.


How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
Copyright (C) year name of author

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:

program Copyright (C) year name of author
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type ‘show w’.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type ‘show c’ for details.

The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program’s commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an “about box”.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see

The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

Word Index

This index is a list of Forth words that have “glossary” entries within this manual. Each word is listed with its stack effect and wordset.

Jump to:   !   #   $   %   '   (   )   *   +   ,   -   .   /   0   1   2   :   ;   <   =   >   ?   @   [   \   ]   {   ~  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X  
Index Entry  Section

!!FIXME!!( -- ) unknown: Debugging
!( w a-addr -- ) core: Memory Access
!@( u1 a-addr -- u2 ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads

#!( -- ) gforth-0.4: Running Image Files
#( ud1 -- ud2 ) core: Formatted numeric output
#>( xd -- addr u ) core: Formatted numeric output
#>>( -- ) gforth-0.5: Formatted numeric output
#loc( nline nchar "file" -- ) unknown: Debugging
#s( ud -- 0 0 ) core: Formatted numeric output
#tib( -- addr ) core-ext-obsolescent: The Text Interpreter

$!( addr1 u $addr -- ) gforth-string: String words
$!len( u $addr -- ) gforth-string: String words
$+!( addr1 u $addr -- ) gforth-string: String words
$+!len( u $addr -- addr ) unknown: String words
$.( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$?( -- n ) gforth-0.4: Passing Commands to the OS
$@( $addr -- addr2 u ) gforth-string: String words
$@len( $addr -- u ) gforth-string: String words
$boot( $addr -- ) unknown: String words
$del( addr off u -- ) gforth-string: String words
$exec( xt addr -- ) unknown: String words
$free( $addr -- ) gforth-string: String words
$init( $addr -- ) unknown: String words
$ins( addr1 u $addr off -- ) gforth-string: String words
$iter( .. $addr char xt -- .. ) gforth-string: String words
$over( addr u $addr off -- ) unknown: String words
$save( $addr -- ) unknown: String words
$saved( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$slurp( fid addr -- ) unknown: String words
$slurp-file( addr1 u1 addr2 -- ) unknown: String words
$split( addr u char -- addr1 u1 addr2 u2 ) gforth-string: String words
$tmp( xt -- addr u ) unknown: String words
$Variable( -- ) unknown: String words
$[]!( addr u n $[]addr -- ) gforth-1.0: String words
$[]#( addr -- len ) gforth-1.0: String words
$[]( u $[]addr -- addr' ) unknown: String words
$[]+!( addr u n $[]addr -- ) gforth-1.0: String words
$[].( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]@( n $[]addr -- addr u ) gforth-1.0: String words
$[]boot( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]free( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]map( addr xt -- ) unknown: String words
$[]save( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]saved( addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]slurp( fid addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]slurp-file( addr u $addr -- ) unknown: String words
$[]Variable( -- ) unknown: String words

%align( align size -- ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
%alignment( align size -- align ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
%alloc( align size -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
%allocate( align size -- addr ior ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
%allot( align size -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
%size( align size -- size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary

'( "name" -- xt ) core: Execution token
'( "name" -- xt ) oof: The OOF base class
'cold( -- ) gforth-0.4: Modifying the Startup Sequence
's( user task -- user' ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads

(( ( compilation 'ccc<close-paren>' -- ; run-time -- ) core,file: Comments
(local)( addr u -- ) local: Standard Forth locals

)( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assertions

*( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Single precision
*/( ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) core: Integer division
*/f( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
*/mod( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) core: Integer division
*/modf( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
*/mods( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
*/s( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division

+!( n a-addr -- ) core: Memory Access
+!@( u1 a-addr -- u2 ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
+( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Single precision
+DO( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
+field( unknown ) unknown: Forth200x Structures
+fmode( fam1 rwxrwxrwx -- fam2 ) unknown: General files
+load( i*x n -- j*x ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
+LOOP( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 n -- | loop-sys2 ) core: Arbitrary control structures
+ltrace( -- ) unknown: Debugging
+thru( i*x n1 n2 -- j*x ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
+TO( value "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Values
+x/string( xc-addr1 u1 -- xc-addr2 u2 ) xchar: Xchars and Unicode

,( w -- ) core: Dictionary allocation

-( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Single precision
-->( -- ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
-DO( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
-LOOP( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 u -- | loop-sys2 ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
-ltrace( unknown ) unknown: Debugging
-rot( w1 w2 w3 -- w3 w1 w2 ) gforth-0.4: Data stack
-trailing( c_addr u1 -- c_addr u2 ) string: Memory Blocks
-trailing-garbage( xc-addr u1 -- xc-addr u2 ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode

."( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time -- ) core: Displaying characters and strings
.( n -- ) core: Simple numeric output
.(( compilation&interpretation "ccc<paren>" -- ) core-ext: Displaying characters and strings
...( unknown ) varargs: Examining data
.cover-raw( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
.coverage( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
.debugline( nfile nline -- ) gforth-0.6: Debugging
.id( nt -- ) F83: Name token
.name( nt -- ) gforth-obsolete: Name token
.path( path-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: General Search Paths
.r( n1 n2 -- ) core-ext: Simple numeric output
.s( -- ) tools: Examining data
.unresolved( -- ) unknown: Forward
.\"( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.6: Displaying characters and strings

/( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Integer division
/does-handler( -- n ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
/f( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
/f-stage1m( n addr-reci -- ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
/f-stage2m( n1 a-reci -- nquotient ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
/l( -- u ) gforth-0.7: Address arithmetic
/mod( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) core: Integer division
/modf( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
/modf-stage2m( n1 a-reci -- umodulus nquotient ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
/mods( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
/s( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
/string( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) string: Memory Blocks
/w( -- u ) gforth-0.7: Address arithmetic

0<( n -- f ) core: Numeric comparison
0<=( n -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
0<>( n -- f ) core-ext: Numeric comparison
0=( n -- f ) core: Numeric comparison
0>( n -- f ) core-ext: Numeric comparison
0>=( n -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison

1+( n1 -- n2 ) core: Single precision
1-( n1 -- n2 ) core: Single precision
1/f( r1 -- r2 ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point

2!( w1 w2 a-addr -- ) core: Memory Access
2*( n1 -- n2 ) core: Bitwise operations
2,( w1 w2 -- ) gforth-0.4: Dictionary allocation
2/( n1 -- n2 ) core: Bitwise operations
2>r( w1 w2 -- R:w1 R:w2 ) core-ext: Return stack
2@( a-addr -- w1 w2 ) core: Memory Access
2Constant( w1 w2 "name" -- ) double: Constants
2drop( w1 w2 -- ) core: Data stack
2dup( w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 w2 ) core: Data stack
2field:( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-0.7: Forth200x Structures
2Literal( compilation w1 w2 -- ; run-time -- w1 w2 ) double: Literals
2nip( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 ) gforth-0.4: Data stack
2over( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 ) core: Data stack
2r>( R:w1 R:w2 -- w1 w2 ) core-ext: Return stack
2r@( R:w1 R:w2 -- R:w1 R:w2 w1 w2 ) core-ext: Return stack
2rdrop( R:w1 R:w2 -- ) gforth-0.4: Return stack
2rot( w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 -- w3 w4 w5 w6 w1 w2 ) double-ext: Data stack
2swap( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w1 w2 ) core: Data stack
2tuck( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 ) gforth-0.4: Data stack
2Variable( "name" -- ) double: Variables

:( "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
:( "name" -- colon-sys ) core: Colon Definitions
::( "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
::( class "name" -- ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
:m( "name" -- xt; run-time: object -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
:noname( -- xt colon-sys ) core-ext: Anonymous Definitions
:}d( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0: Closures
:}h( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0: Closures
:}l( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0: Closures

;( compilation colon-sys -- ; run-time nest-sys ) core: Colon Definitions
;>( -- ) gforth-experimental: Closures
;code( compilation. colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 ) tools-ext: Assembler Definitions
;m( colon-sys --; run-time: -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
;s( R:w -- ) gforth-0.4: Calls and returns
;]( compile-time: quotation-sys -- ; run-time: -- xt ) gforth-1.0: Quotations

<#( -- ) core: Formatted numeric output
<( n1 n2 -- f ) core: Numeric comparison
<<#( -- ) gforth-0.5: Formatted numeric output
<=( n1 n2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
<>( n1 n2 -- f ) core-ext: Numeric comparison
<bind>( class selector-xt -- xt ) objects: Objects Glossary
<event( -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
<to-inst>( w xt -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
<{:( -- hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 ) gforth-experimental: Closures

=( n1 n2 -- f ) core: Numeric comparison
=mkdir( c-addr u wmode -- wior ) gforth-0.7: Directories

>( n1 n2 -- f ) core: Numeric comparison
>=( n1 n2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
>addr( xt -- addr ) gforth-experimental: Closures
>body( xt -- a_addr ) core: CREATE..DOES> details
>code-address( ) unknown: Threading Words
>definer( xt -- definer ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
>does-code( xt -- a_addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
>float( c-addr u -- f:... flag ) float: Line input and conversion
>float1( c-addr u c -- f:... flag ) gforth-1.0: Line input and conversion
>in( -- addr ) core: The Text Interpreter
>l( w -- ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
>name( xt -- nt|0 ) gforth-0.4: Name token
>number( ud1 c-addr1 u1 -- ud2 c-addr2 u2 ) core: Line input and conversion
>order( wid -- ) gforth-0.5: Word Lists
>r( w -- R:w ) core: Return stack

?!@( unew uold a-addr -- uprev ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
?( a-addr -- ) tools: Examining data
???( -- ) unknown: Debugging
?DO( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time w1 w2 -- | loop-sys ) core-ext: Arbitrary control structures
?dup( w -- S:... w ) core: Data stack
?DUP-0=-IF( compilation -- orig ; run-time n -- n| ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
?dup-IF( compilation -- orig ; run-time n -- n| ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
?events( -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
?LEAVE( compilation -- ; run-time f | f loop-sys -- ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
?of( compilation -- of-sys ; run-time f -- ) gforth-1.0: Arbitrary control structures

@( a-addr -- w ) core: Memory Access
@local#( #noffset -- w ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation

[']( compilation. "name" -- ; run-time. -- xt ) core: Execution token
[( -- ) core: Literals
[+LOOP]( n -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[:( compile-time: -- quotation-sys flag colon-sys ) gforth-1.0: Quotations
[?DO]( n-limit n-index -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[AGAIN]( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[BEGIN]( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[bind]( compile-time: "class" "selector" -- ; run-time: ... object -- ... ) objects: Objects Glossary
[char]( compilation '<spaces>ccc' -- ; run-time -- c ) core: Displaying characters and strings
[COMP']( compilation "name" -- ; run-time -- w xt ) gforth-0.4: Compilation token
[current]( compile-time: "selector" -- ; run-time: ... object -- ... ) objects: Objects Glossary
[DO]( n-limit n-index -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[ELSE]( -- ) tools-ext: Interpreter Directives
[ENDIF]( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[FOR]( n -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[IFDEF]( "<spaces>name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[IFUNDEF]( "<spaces>name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[IF]( flag -- ) tools-ext: Interpreter Directives
[LOOP]( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[NEXT]( n -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[parent]( compile-time: "selector" -- ; run-time: ... object -- ... ) objects: Objects Glossary
[REPEAT]( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[THEN]( -- ) tools-ext: Interpreter Directives
[to-inst]( compile-time: "name" -- ; run-time: w -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
[UNTIL]( flag -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[WHILE]( flag -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpreter Directives
[]( n "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
[{:( -- hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 ) gforth-experimental: Closures

\( compilation 'ccc<newline>' -- ; run-time -- ) core-ext,block-ext: Comments
\c( "rest-of-line" -- ) gforth-0.7: Declaring C Functions
\G( compilation 'ccc<newline>' -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.4: Comments

]( -- ) core: Literals
]L( compilation: n -- ; run-time: -- n ) gforth-0.5: Literals
]]( -- ) gforth-0.6: Macros

{:( -- hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 ) forth-2012: Standard Forth locals

~~( -- ) gforth-0.4: Debugging
~~1bt( -- ) unknown: Debugging
~~bt( -- ) unknown: Debugging
~~Value( n "name" -- ) unknown: Debugging
~~Variable( "name" -- ) unknown: Debugging

abi-code( "name" -- colon-sys ) gforth-1.0: Assembler Definitions
ABORT"( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time f -- ) core,exception-ext: Exception Handling
abort( ?? -- ?? ) core,exception-ext: Exception Handling
abs( n -- u ) core: Single precision
accept( c-addr +n1 -- +n2 ) core: Line input and conversion
action-of( interpretation "name" -- xt; compilation "name" -- ; run-time -- xt ) core-ext: Deferred Words
activate( task -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
add-cflags( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-incdir( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-ldflags( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-lib( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.7: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-libpath( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.7: Declaring OS-level libraries
addr( "name" -- addr ) gforth-1.0: Values
ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS( -- n ) environment: Address arithmetic
after-locate( -- u ) gforth-1.0: Locating source code definitions
AGAIN( compilation dest -- ; run-time -- ) core-ext: Arbitrary control structures
AHEAD( compilation -- orig ; run-time -- ) tools-ext: Arbitrary control structures
Alias( xt "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Aliases
align( -- ) core: Dictionary allocation
aligned( c-addr -- a-addr ) core: Address arithmetic
allocate( u -- a_addr wior ) memory: Heap Allocation
allot( n -- ) core: Dictionary allocation
also( -- ) search-ext: Word Lists
also-path( c-addr len path-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: General Search Paths
and( w1 w2 -- w ) core: Bitwise operations
annotate-cov( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
arg( u -- addr count ) gforth-0.4: OS command line arguments
argc( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: OS command line arguments
argv( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: OS command line arguments
arshift( n1 u -- n2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
asptr( class -- ) oof: Class Declaration
asptr( o "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
assembler( -- ) tools-ext: Assembler Definitions
assert(( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assertions
assert-level( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Assertions
assert0(( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assertions
assert1(( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assertions
assert2(( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assertions
assert3(( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assertions
ASSUME-LIVE( orig -- orig ) gforth-0.4: Where are locals visible by name?
at-xy( x y -- ) unknown: Terminal output
attr!( attr -- ) gforth-1.0: Terminal output
authors( -- ) unknown: Help on Gforth

b( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating source code definitions
barrier( -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
base( -- a-addr ) core: Number Conversion
base-execute( i*x xt u -- j*x ) gforth-0.7: Number Conversion
before-locate( -- u ) gforth-1.0: Locating source code definitions
BEGIN( compilation -- dest ; run-time -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
begin-structure( "name" -- struct-sys 0 ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
bin( fam1 -- fam2 ) file: General files
bind'( "class" "selector" -- xt ) objects: Objects Glossary
bind( ... "class" "selector" -- ... ) objects: Objects Glossary
bind( o "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
bl( -- c-char ) core: Displaying characters and strings
blank( c-addr u -- ) string: Memory Blocks
blk( -- addr ) block: Input Sources
block( u -- a-addr ) block: Blocks
block-included( a-addr u -- ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
block-offset( -- addr ) gforth-0.5: Blocks
block-position( u -- ) block: Blocks
bootmessage( -- ) gforth-0.4: Modifying the Startup Sequence
bound( class addr "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
bounds( addr u -- addr+u addr ) gforth-0.4: Memory Blocks
break"( 'ccc"' -- ) gforth-0.4: Singlestep Debugger
break:( -- ) gforth-0.4: Singlestep Debugger
broken-pipe-error( -- n ) gforth-0.6: Pipes
bt( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating exception source
buffer( u -- a-addr ) block: Blocks
bw( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word
bw-cover( -- ) unknown: Code Coverage
bye( -- ) unknown: Leaving Gforth

c!( c c-addr -- ) core: Memory Access
C"( compilation "ccc<quote>" -- ; run-time -- c-addr ) core-ext: Displaying characters and strings
c$+!( char $addr -- ) gforth-string: String words
c,( c -- ) core: Dictionary allocation
c-callback( "forth-name" "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0: Callbacks
c-function( "forth-name" "c-name" "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-0.7: Declaring C Functions
c-funptr( "forth-name" <{>"c-typecast"<}> "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0: Calling C function pointers
c-library( "name" -- ) gforth-0.7: Defining library interfaces
c-library-name( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.7: Defining library interfaces
c-value( "forth-name" "c-name" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0: Declaring C Functions
c-variable( "forth-name" "c-name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Declaring C Functions
c@( c-addr -- c ) core: Memory Access
call-c( ... w -- ... ) gforth-0.4: Low-Level C Interface Words
case( compilation -- case-sys ; run-time -- ) core-ext: Arbitrary control structures
catch( ... xt -- ... n ) exception: Exception Handling
cell%( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
cell( -- u ) gforth-0.4: Address arithmetic
cell+( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) core: Address arithmetic
cell-( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) core: Address arithmetic
cell/( n1 -- n2 ) gforth-1.0: Address arithmetic
cells( n1 -- n2 ) core: Address arithmetic
cfalign( -- ) gforth-0.4: Dictionary allocation
cfaligned( addr1 -- addr2 ) gforth-0.4: Address arithmetic
cfield:( u1 "name" -- u2 ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
char%( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
char( '<spaces>ccc' -- c ) core: Displaying characters and strings
char+( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 ) core: Address arithmetic
chars( n1 -- n2 ) core: Address arithmetic
class( "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
class( class -- class selectors vars ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
class( parent-class -- align offset ) objects: Objects Glossary
class->map( class -- map ) objects: Objects Glossary
class-inst-size( class -- addr ) objects: Objects Glossary
class-override!( xt sel-xt class-map -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
class-previous( class -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
class;( -- ) oof: Class Declaration
class>order( class -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
class?( o -- flag ) oof: The OOF base class
clear-libs( -- ) gforth-0.7: Declaring OS-level libraries
clear-path( path-addr -- ) gforth-0.5: General Search Paths
clearstack( ... -- ) gforth-0.4: Examining data
clearstacks( ... -- ) gforth-0.7: Examining data
close-dir( wdirid -- wior ) gforth-0.5: Directories
close-file( wfileid -- wior ) file: General files
close-pipe( wfileid -- wretval wior ) gforth-0.4: Pipes
cmove( c-from c-to u -- ) string: Memory Blocks
cmove>( c-from c-to u -- ) string: Memory Blocks
code( "name" -- colon-sys ) tools-ext: Assembler Definitions
code-address!( c_addr xt -- ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
color-cover( -- ) unknown: Code Coverage
common-list( list1 list2 -- list3 ) unknown: Locals implementation
COMP'( "name" -- w xt ) gforth-0.4: Compilation token
compare( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n ) string: Memory Blocks
compile,( xt -- ) unknown: Macros
compile-lp+!( n -- ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
compile-only( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
cond( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
const-does>( run-time: w*uw r*ur uw ur "name" -- ) gforth-0.6: Const-does>
Constant( w "name" -- ) core: Constants
construct( ... object -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
context( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
contof( compilation case-sys1 of-sys -- case-sys2 ; run-time -- ) gforth-1.0: Arbitrary control structures
convert( ud1 c-addr1 -- ud2 c-addr2 ) core-ext-obsolescent: Line input and conversion
count( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 u ) core: String Formats
cov%( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
cov+( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
cputime( -- duser dsystem ) gforth-0.5: Keeping track of Time
cr( -- ) core: Displaying characters and strings
Create( "name" -- ) core: CREATE
create-file( c-addr u wfam -- wfileid wior ) file: General files
critical-section( xt semaphore -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
CS-DROP( dest -- ) gforth-1.0: Arbitrary control structures
CS-PICK( orig0/dest0 orig1/dest1 ... origu/destu u -- ... orig0/dest0 ) tools-ext: Arbitrary control structures
CS-ROLL( destu/origu .. dest0/orig0 u -- .. dest0/orig0 destu/origu ) tools-ext: Arbitrary control structures
cs-vocabulary( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Word Lists
cs-wordlist( -- wid ) gforth-1.0: Word Lists
current'( "selector" -- xt ) objects: Objects Glossary
current( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
current-interface( -- addr ) objects: Objects Glossary

d+( ud1 ud2 -- ud ) double: Double precision
d-( d1 d2 -- d ) double: Double precision
d.( d -- ) double: Simple numeric output
d.r( d n -- ) double: Simple numeric output
d0<( d -- f ) double: Numeric comparison
d0<=( d -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d0<>( d -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d0=( d -- f ) double: Numeric comparison
d0>( d -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d0>=( d -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d2*( d1 -- d2 ) double: Bitwise operations
d2/( d1 -- d2 ) double: Bitwise operations
d<( d1 d2 -- f ) double: Numeric comparison
d<=( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d<>( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d=( d1 d2 -- f ) double: Numeric comparison
d>( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d>=( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
d>f( d -- r ) float: Floating Point
d>s( d -- n ) double: Double precision
dabs( d -- ud ) double: Double precision
darshift( d1 u -- d2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
dbg( "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Singlestep Debugger
debug-fid( -- file-id ) gforth-1.0: Debugging
dec.( n -- ) gforth-0.4: Simple numeric output
decimal( -- ) core: Number Conversion
default-color( -- ) gforth-1.0: Terminal output
defer!( xt xt-deferred -- ) gforth-0.7: Deferred Words
Defer( "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Deferred Words
defer( -- ) oof: Class Declaration
defer@( xt-deferred -- xt ) gforth-0.7: Deferred Words
defers( compilation "name" -- ; run-time ... -- ... ) gforth-0.4: Deferred Words
definer!( definer xt -- ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
defines( xt class "name" -- ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
definitions( -- ) oof: The OOF base class
definitions( -- ) search: Word Lists
delete( buffer size u -- ) gforth-string: String words
delete-file( c-addr u -- wior ) file: General files
depth( -- +n ) core: Examining data
df!( r df-addr -- ) float-ext: Memory Access
df@( df-addr -- r ) float-ext: Memory Access
dfalign( -- ) float-ext: Dictionary allocation
dfaligned( c-addr -- df-addr ) float-ext: Address arithmetic
dffield:( u1 "name" -- u2 ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
dfloat%( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
dfloat+( df-addr1 -- df-addr2 ) float-ext: Address arithmetic
dfloats( n1 -- n2 ) float-ext: Address arithmetic
dict-new( ... class -- object ) objects: Objects Glossary
discode( addr u -- ) gforth-0.4: Common Disassembler
dispose( -- ) oof: The OOF base class
dlshift( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
dmax( d1 d2 -- d ) double: Double precision
dmin( d1 d2 -- d ) double: Double precision
dnegate( d1 -- d2 ) double: Double precision
DO( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time w1 w2 -- loop-sys ) core: Arbitrary control structures
docol:( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
docon:( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
dodefer:( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
does-code!( xt1 xt2 -- ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
DOES>( compilation colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 ) unknown: CREATE..DOES> details
dofield:( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
DONE( compilation orig -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
double%( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
douser:( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
dovar:( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
dpl( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Number Conversion
drol( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
drop( w -- ) core: Data stack
dror( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
drshift( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
du/mod( d u -- n u1 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
du<( ud1 ud2 -- f ) double-ext: Numeric comparison
du<=( ud1 ud2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
du>( ud1 ud2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
du>=( ud1 ud2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
dump( addr u -- ) unknown: Examining data
dup( w -- w w ) core: Data stack

e$,( addr u -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
early( -- ) oof: Class Declaration
edit( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating source code definitions
edit( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Debugging
edit-line( c-addr n1 n2 -- n3 ) gforth-0.6: Line input and conversion
eflit,( x -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
ekey( -- u ) facility-ext: Single-key input
ekey>char( u -- u false | c true ) facility-ext: Single-key input
ekey>fkey( u1 -- u2 f ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
ekey?( -- flag ) facility-ext: Single-key input
elit,( x -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
ELSE( compilation orig1 -- orig2 ; run-time -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
emit( c -- ) core: Displaying characters and strings
emit-file( c wfileid -- wior ) gforth-0.4: General files
empty-buffer( buffer -- ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
empty-buffers( -- ) block-ext: Blocks
end-c-library( -- ) gforth-0.7: Defining library interfaces
end-class( align offset "name" -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
end-class( class selectors vars "name" -- ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
end-class-noname( align offset -- class ) objects: Objects Glossary
end-code( colon-sys -- ) gforth-0.4: Assembler Definitions
end-interface( "name" -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
end-interface-noname( -- interface ) objects: Objects Glossary
end-methods( -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
end-struct( align size "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
end-structure( struct-sys +n -- ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
endcase( compilation case-sys -- ; run-time x -- ) core-ext: Arbitrary control structures
ENDIF( compilation orig -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
endof( compilation case-sys1 of-sys -- case-sys2 ; run-time -- ) core-ext: Arbitrary control structures
endscope( compilation scope -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.4: Where are locals visible by name?
endtry( compilation -- ; run-time R:sys1 -- ) gforth-0.5: Exception Handling
endtry-iferror( compilation orig1 -- orig2 ; run-time R:sys1 -- ) gforth-0.7: Exception Handling
endwith( -- ) oof: The OOF base class
environment-wordlist( -- wid ) gforth-0.4: Environmental Queries
environment?( c-addr u -- false / ... true ) core: Environmental Queries
erase( addr u -- ) core-ext: Memory Blocks
error-color( -- ) gforth-1.0: Terminal output
evaluate( ... addr u -- ... ) core,block: Input Sources
event-loop( -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
event:( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
event>( task -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
exception( addr u -- n ) gforth-0.4: Exception Handling
execute( xt -- ) core: Execution token
execute-parsing( ... addr u xt -- ... ) gforth-0.6: The Input Stream
execute-parsing-file( i*x fileid xt -- j*x ) gforth-0.6: The Input Stream
execute-task( xt -- task ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
EXIT( compilation -- ; run-time nest-sys -- ) core: Calls and returns
exitm( -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
expect( c-addr +n -- ) core-ext-obsolescent: Line input and conversion

f!( r f-addr -- ) float: Memory Access
f*( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float: Floating Point
f**( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float-ext: Floating Point
f+( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float: Floating Point
f,( f -- ) gforth-0.4: Dictionary allocation
f-( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float: Floating Point
f.( r -- ) float-ext: Simple numeric output
f.rdp( rf +nr +nd +np -- ) gforth-0.6: Simple numeric output
f.s( -- ) gforth-0.4: Examining data
f/( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float: Floating Point
f0<( r -- f ) float: Floating Point
f0<=( r -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f0<>( r -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f0=( r -- f ) float: Floating Point
f0>( r -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f0>=( r -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f2*( r1 -- r2 ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f2/( r1 -- r2 ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f<( r1 r2 -- f ) float: Floating Point
f<=( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f<>( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f=( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f>( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f>=( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
f>buf-rdp( rf c-addr +nr +nd +np -- ) gforth-0.6: Formatted numeric output
f>d( r -- d ) float: Floating Point
f>l( r -- ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
f>s( r -- n ) float: Floating Point
f>str-rdp( rf +nr +nd +np -- c-addr nr ) gforth-0.6: Formatted numeric output
f@( f-addr -- r ) float: Memory Access
f@local#( #noffset -- r ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
fabs( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
facos( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
facosh( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
falign( -- ) float: Dictionary allocation
faligned( c-addr -- f-addr ) float: Address arithmetic
falog( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
false( -- f ) core-ext: Boolean Flags
fasin( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fasinh( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fatan( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fatan2( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fatanh( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fconstant( r "name" -- ) float: Constants
fcos( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fcosh( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fdepth( -- +n ) float: Examining data
fdrop( r -- ) float: Floating point stack
fdup( r -- r r ) float: Floating point stack
fe.( r -- ) float-ext: Simple numeric output
fexp( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fexpm1( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
ffield:( u1 "name" -- u2 ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
ffourth( r1 r2 r3 r4 -- r1 r2 r3 r4 r1 ) gforth-1.0: Floating point stack
field( align1 offset1 align size "name" -- align2 offset2 ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
field:( u1 "name" -- u2 ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
file-position( wfileid -- ud wior ) file: General files
file-size( wfileid -- ud wior ) file: General files
file-status( c-addr u -- wfam wior ) file-ext: General files
filename-match( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- flag ) gforth-0.5: Directories
fill( c-addr u c -- ) core: Memory Blocks
find( c-addr -- xt +-1 | c-addr 0 ) core,search: Word Lists
find-name( c-addr u -- nt | 0 ) gforth-0.4: Name token
find-name-in( c-addr u wid -- nt | 0 ) unknown: Name token
fkey.( u -- ) gforth-1.0: Single-key input
FLiteral( compilation r -- ; run-time -- r ) float: Literals
fln( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
flnp1( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
float%( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
float( -- u ) gforth-0.4: Address arithmetic
float+( f-addr1 -- f-addr2 ) float: Address arithmetic
floating-stack( -- n ) environment: Floating point stack
floats( n1 -- n2 ) float: Address arithmetic
flog( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
floor( r1 -- r2 ) float: Floating Point
FLOORED( -- f ) environment: Integer division
flush( -- ) block: Blocks
flush-file( wfileid -- wior ) file-ext: General files
flush-icache( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.4: Assembler Definitions
fm/mod( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 ) core: Integer division
fmax( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float: Floating Point
fmin( r1 r2 -- r3 ) float: Floating Point
fnegate( r1 -- r2 ) float: Floating Point
fnip( r1 r2 -- r2 ) gforth-0.4: Floating point stack
FOR( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u -- loop-sys ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
form( ) unknown: Terminal output
Forth( -- ) search-ext: Word Lists
forth-recognize( ) unknown: Recognizers
forth-wordlist( -- wid ) search: Word Lists
forward( "name" -- ) unknown: Forward
fourth( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 ) gforth-1.0: Data stack
fover( r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1 ) float: Floating point stack
fp!( f-addr -- f:... ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
fp.( r -- ) float-ext: Simple numeric output
fp0( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
fp@( f:... -- f-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
fpath( -- path-addr ) gforth-0.4: Source Search Paths
fpick( f:... u -- f:... r ) gforth-0.4: Floating point stack
free( a_addr -- wior ) memory: Heap Allocation
frot( r1 r2 r3 -- r2 r3 r1 ) float: Floating point stack
fround( r1 -- r2 ) float: Floating Point
fs.( r -- ) gforth-0.4: Simple numeric output
fsin( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fsincos( r1 -- r2 r3 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fsinh( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fsqrt( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fswap( r1 r2 -- r2 r1 ) float: Floating point stack
ftan( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
ftanh( r1 -- r2 ) float-ext: Floating Point
fthird( r1 r2 r3 -- r1 r2 r3 r1 ) gforth-1.0: Floating point stack
ftuck( r1 r2 -- r2 r1 r2 ) gforth-0.4: Floating point stack
fvariable( "name" -- ) float: Variables
f~( r1 r2 r3 -- flag ) float-ext: Floating Point
f~abs( r1 r2 r3 -- flag ) gforth-0.5: Floating Point
f~rel( r1 r2 r3 -- flag ) gforth-0.5: Floating Point

g( -- ) gforth-0.7: Locating source code definitions
get-block-fid( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
get-current( -- wid ) search: Word Lists
get-dir( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.7: Directories
get-order( -- widn .. wid1 n ) search: Word Lists
get-recognizers( -- xt1 .. xtn n ) unknown: Recognizers
getenv( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.4: Passing Commands to the OS
gforth( -- c-addr u ) gforth-environment: Environmental Queries
gg( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word

halt( task -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
heap-new( ... class -- object ) objects: Objects Glossary
help( "rest-of-line" -- ) gforth-1.0: Help on Gforth
help( "rest-of-line" -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating documentation
here( -- addr ) core: Dictionary allocation
hex( -- ) core-ext: Number Conversion
hex.( u -- ) gforth-0.4: Simple numeric output
hold( char -- ) core: Formatted numeric output
how:( -- ) oof: Class Declaration

i( R:n -- R:n n ) core: Counted Loops
id.( nt -- ) gforth-0.6: Name token
IF( compilation -- orig ; run-time f -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
iferror( compilation orig1 -- orig2 ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.7: Exception Handling
immediate( -- ) core: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
implementation( interface -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
include( ... "file" -- ... ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
include-file( i*x wfileid -- j*x ) file: Forth source files
included( i*x c-addr u -- j*x ) file: Forth source files
included?( c-addr u -- f ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
infile-execute( ... xt file-id -- ... ) gforth-0.7: Redirection
info-color( -- ) gforth-1.0: Terminal output
init( ... -- ) oof: The OOF base class
init-asm( -- ) gforth-0.4: Assembler Definitions
init-object( ... class object -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
initiate( xt task -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
insert( string length buffer size -- ) gforth-string: String words
inst-value( align1 offset1 "name" -- align2 offset2 ) objects: Objects Glossary
inst-var( align1 offset1 align size "name" -- align2 offset2 ) objects: Objects Glossary
interface( -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
interpret/compile:( interp-xt comp-xt "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Combined words
invert( w1 -- w2 ) core: Bitwise operations
IS( value "name" -- ) core-ext: Deferred Words
is( xt "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class

j( R:w R:w1 R:w2 -- w R:w R:w1 R:w2 ) core: Counted Loops

k( R:w R:w1 R:w2 R:w3 R:w4 -- w R:w R:w1 R:w2 R:w3 R:w4 ) gforth-0.4: Counted Loops
k-alt-mask( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-ctrl-mask( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-delete( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-down( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-end( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f1( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f10( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f11( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f12( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f2( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f3( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f4( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f5( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f6( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f7( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f8( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-f9( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-home( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-insert( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-left( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-next( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-prior( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-right( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-shift-mask( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
k-up( -- u ) X:ekeys: Single-key input
key( -- char ) unknown: Single-key input
key-file( fd -- key ) unknown: General files
key?( -- flag ) facility: Single-key input
key?-file( wfileid -- f ) gforth-0.4: General files

l!( w c-addr -- ) gforth-0.7: Memory Access
l( -- ) unknown: Locating source code definitions
laddr#( #noffset -- c-addr ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
latest( -- nt ) gforth-0.6: Name token
latestxt( -- xt ) gforth-0.6: Anonymous Definitions
LEAVE( compilation -- ; run-time loop-sys -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
lib-error( -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.7: Low-Level C Interface Words
lib-sym( c-addr1 u1 u2 -- u3 ) gforth-0.4: Low-Level C Interface Words
license( -- ) gforth-0.4: Help on Gforth
link( "name" -- class addr ) oof: The OOF base class
list( u -- ) block-ext: Blocks
list-size( list -- u ) gforth-internal: Locals implementation
Literal( compilation n -- ; run-time -- n ) core: Literals
ll( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word
load( i*x u -- j*x ) block: Blocks
load-cov( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
locate( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating source code definitions
locate( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Debugging
lock( semaphore -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
LOOP( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 -- | loop-sys2 ) core: Arbitrary control structures
lp!( c-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
lp!( c-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
lp+!#( #noffset -- ) gforth-0.4: Locals implementation
lp0( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
lp@( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
lrol( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
lror( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
lshift( u1 u -- u2 ) core: Bitwise operations

m*( n1 n2 -- d ) core: Mixed precision
m*/( d1 n2 u3 -- dquot ) double: Integer division
m+( d1 n -- d2 ) double: Mixed precision
m:( -- xt colon-sys; run-time: object -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
marker( "<spaces> name" -- ) core-ext: Forgetting words
max( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Single precision
maxalign( -- ) gforth-0.4: Dictionary allocation
maxaligned( addr1 -- addr2 ) gforth-0.4: Address arithmetic
maxdepth-.s( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Examining data
method( -- ) oof: Class Declaration
method( m v "name" -- m' v ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
method( xt "name" -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
methods( class -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
min( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Single precision
mkdir-parents( c-addr u mode -- ior ) unknown: Directories
mod( n1 n2 -- n ) core: Integer division
modf( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
modf-stage2m( n1 a-reci -- umodulus ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
mods( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
move( c-from c-to ucount -- ) core: Memory Blocks
ms( n -- ) unknown: Keeping track of Time
mux( u1 u2 u3 -- u ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations

n( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating source code definitions
naligned( addr1 n -- addr2 ) gforth-0.5: Structure Glossary
name( -- c-addr u ) gforth-obsolete: The Input Stream
name>comp( nt -- w xt ) gforth-0.4: Name token
name>compile( nt -- w xt ) unknown: Name token
name>int( nt -- xt ) gforth-0.4: Name token
name>interpret( nt -- xt|0 ) unknown: Name token
name>string( nt -- addr u ) gforth-0.4: Name token
name?int( nt -- xt ) gforth-obsolete: Name token
needs( ... "name" -- ... ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
negate( n1 -- n2 ) core: Single precision
new( -- o ) oof: The OOF base class
new( class -- o ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
newtask( stacksize -- task ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
newtask4( dsize rsize fsize lsize -- task ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
new[]( n -- o ) oof: The OOF base class
NEXT( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 -- | loop-sys2 ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
next-arg( -- addr u ) gforth-0.7: OS command line arguments
next-case( compilation case-sys -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-1.0: Arbitrary control structures
nextname( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.4: Supplying names
nip( w1 w2 -- w2 ) core-ext: Data stack
noname( -- ) gforth-0.4: Anonymous Definitions
notfound( ) unknown: Recognizers
nothrow( -- ) gforth-0.7: Exception Handling
nt( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating exception source
ntime( -- dtime ) gforth-1.0: Keeping track of Time
nw( -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word

object( -- a-addr ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
object( -- class ) objects: Objects Glossary
of( compilation -- of-sys ; run-time x1 x2 -- |x1 ) core-ext: Arbitrary control structures
off( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: Boolean Flags
on( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: Boolean Flags
once( -- ) unknown: Debugging
Only( -- ) search-ext: Word Lists
open-blocks( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
open-dir( c-addr u -- wdirid wior ) gforth-0.5: Directories
open-file( c-addr u wfam -- wfileid wior ) file: General files
open-lib( c-addr1 u1 -- u2 ) gforth-0.4: Low-Level C Interface Words
open-path-file( addr1 u1 path-addr -- wfileid addr2 u2 0 | ior ) gforth-0.4: General Search Paths
open-pipe( c-addr u wfam -- wfileid wior ) gforth-0.4: Pipes
or( w1 w2 -- w ) core: Bitwise operations
order( -- ) search-ext: Word Lists
os-class( -- c-addr u ) gforth-environment: Environmental Queries
outfile-execute( ... xt file-id -- ... ) gforth-0.7: Redirection
over( w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 ) core: Data stack
overrides( xt "selector" -- ) objects: Objects Glossary

pad( -- c-addr ) core-ext: Memory Blocks
page( -- ) unknown: Terminal output
parse( xchar "ccc<xchar>" -- c-addr u ) core-ext,xchar: The Input Stream
parse-name( "name" -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.7: The Input Stream
parse-word( -- c-addr u ) gforth-obsolete: The Input Stream
pass( x1 .. xn n task -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
path+( path-addr "dir" -- ) gforth-0.4: General Search Paths
path=( path-addr "dir1|dir2|dir3" ) gforth-0.4: General Search Paths
pause( -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
perform( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: Execution token
pi( -- r ) gforth-0.4: Floating Point
pick( S:... u -- S:... w ) core-ext: Data stack
postpone( "name" -- ) core: Macros
postpone( "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
postpone,( w xt -- ) gforth-0.4: Compilation token
precision( -- u ) float-ext: Simple numeric output
previous( -- ) search-ext: Word Lists
print( object -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
printdebugdata( -- ) gforth-0.4: Debugging
protected( -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
pthread_cond_broadcast( cond -- r ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
pthread_cond_signal( cond -- r ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
pthread_cond_timedwait( cond mutex abstime -- r ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
pthread_cond_wait( cond mutex -- r ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
ptr( "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
ptr( -- ) oof: Class Declaration
public( -- ) objects: Objects Glossary

query( -- ) core-ext-obsolescent: Input Sources
quit( ?? -- ?? ) core: Miscellaneous Words

r/o( -- fam ) file: General files
r/w( -- fam ) file: General files
r>( R:w -- w ) core: Return stack
r@( -- w ; R: w -- w ) core: Return stack
rdrop( R:w -- ) gforth-0.4: Return stack
read-dir( c-addr u1 wdirid -- u2 flag wior ) gforth-0.5: Directories
read-file( c-addr u1 wfileid -- u2 wior ) file: General files
read-line( c_addr u1 wfileid -- u2 flag wior ) file: General files
rec-body( addr u -- xt recognized-tick | recognized-null ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-dtick( addr u -- nt rectype-num | rectype-null ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-float( addr u -- r recognized-float | notfound ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-nt( addr u -- nt recognized-nt | notfound ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-num( addr u -- n/d table | notfound ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-sequence:( x1 .. xn n "name" -- ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-string( addr u -- addr u' r:string | rectype-null ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-tick( addr u -- xt rectype-num | rectype-null ) unknown: Recognizers
rec-to( addr u -- xt r:to | rectype-null ) unknown: Recognizers
recognize( addr u rec-addr -- ... rectype ) unknown: Recognizers
recurse( ) unknown: Calls and returns
recursive( compilation -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.4: Calls and returns
refill( -- flag ) core-ext,block-ext,file-ext: The Input Stream
rename-file( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- wior ) file-ext: General files
REPEAT( compilation orig dest -- ; run-time -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
replace-word( xt1 xt2 -- ) gforth-1.0: Debugging
reposition-file( ud wfileid -- wior ) file: General files
represent( r c-addr u -- n f1 f2 ) float: Formatted numeric output
require( ... "file" -- ... ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
required( i*x addr u -- i*x ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
resize( a_addr1 u -- a_addr2 wior ) memory: Heap Allocation
resize-file( ud wfileid -- wior ) file: General files
restart( task -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
restore( compilation orig1 -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.7: Exception Handling
restore-input( x1 .. xn n -- flag ) core-ext: Input Sources
restrict( -- ) gforth-0.4: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
rol( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
roll( x0 x1 .. xn n -- x1 .. xn x0 ) core-ext: Data stack
Root( -- ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
ror( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
rot( w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1 ) core: Data stack
rp!( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
rp0( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
rp@( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
rshift( u1 u -- u2 ) core: Bitwise operations

S"( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time -- c-addr u ) core,file: Displaying characters and strings
s>d( n -- d ) core: Double precision
s>f( n -- r ) float: Floating Point
s>number?( addr u -- d f ) gforth-0.5: Line input and conversion
s>unumber?( c-addr u -- ud flag ) gforth-0.5: Line input and conversion
save-buffer( buffer -- ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
save-buffers( -- ) block: Blocks
save-cov( -- ) gforth-exp: Code Coverage
save-input( -- x1 .. xn n ) core-ext: Input Sources
savesystem( "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Non-Relocatable Image Files
scope( compilation -- scope ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.4: Where are locals visible by name?
scr( -- a-addr ) block-ext: Blocks
seal( -- ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
search( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr3 u3 flag ) string: Memory Blocks
search-wordlist( c-addr count wid -- 0 | xt +-1 ) search: Word Lists
see( "<spaces>name" -- ) tools: Examining compiled code
see-code( "name" -- ) gforth-0.7: Examining compiled code
see-code-range( addr1 addr2 -- ) gforth-0.7: Examining compiled code
select( u1 u2 f -- u ) gforth-1.0: Boolean Flags
selector( "name" -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
self( -- o ) oof: The OOF base class
semaphore( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
set-current( wid -- ) search: Word Lists
set-dir( c-addr u -- wior ) gforth-0.7: Directories
set-order( widn .. wid1 n -- ) search: Word Lists
set-precision( u -- ) float-ext: Simple numeric output
set-recognizers( xt1 .. xtn n ) unknown: Recognizers
sf!( r sf-addr -- ) float-ext: Memory Access
sf@( sf-addr -- r ) float-ext: Memory Access
sfalign( -- ) float-ext: Dictionary allocation
sfaligned( c-addr -- sf-addr ) float-ext: Address arithmetic
sffield:( u1 "name" -- u2 ) X:structures: Forth200x Structures
sfloat%( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
sfloat+( sf-addr1 -- sf-addr2 ) float-ext: Address arithmetic
sfloats( n1 -- n2 ) float-ext: Address arithmetic
sh( "..." -- ) gforth-0.4: Passing Commands to the OS
shift-args( -- ) gforth-0.7: OS command line arguments
sign( n -- ) core: Formatted numeric output
simple-fkey-string( u1 -- c-addr u ) gforth-1.0: Single-key input
simple-see( "name" -- ) gforth-0.6: Examining compiled code
simple-see-range( addr1 addr2 -- ) gforth-0.6: Examining compiled code
sl@( c-addr -- n ) gforth-0.7: Memory Access
SLiteral( Compilation c-addr1 u ; run-time -- c-addr2 u ) string: Literals
slurp-fid( fid -- addr u ) gforth-0.6: General files
slurp-file( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.6: General files
sm/rem( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 ) core: Integer division
source( -- addr u ) core: The Text Interpreter
source-id( -- 0 | -1 | fileid ) core-ext,file: Input Sources
sourcefilename( -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
sourceline#( -- u ) gforth-0.4: Forth source files
sp!( a-addr -- S:... ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
sp0( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
sp@( S:... -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4: Stack pointer manipulation
space( -- ) core: Displaying characters and strings
spaces( u -- ) core: Displaying characters and strings
span( -- c-addr ) core-ext-obsolescent: Line input and conversion
stacksize( -- n ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
stacksize4( -- dsize fsize rsize lsize ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
staged/-divisor( addr1 -- addr2 ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
staged/-size( -- u ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
static( -- ) oof: Class Declaration
stderr( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.4: General files
stdin( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.4: General files
stdout( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.4: General files
stop( -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
stop-ns( timeout -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
str<( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.6: Memory Blocks
str=( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.6: Memory Blocks
string-prefix?( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.6: Memory Blocks
struct( -- align size ) gforth-0.4: Structure Glossary
sub-list?( list1 list2 -- f ) unknown: Locals implementation
success-color( -- ) gforth-1.0: Terminal output
super( "name" -- ) oof: The OOF base class
sw@( c-addr -- n ) gforth-0.7: Memory Access
swap( w1 w2 -- w2 w1 ) core: Data stack
system( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.4: Passing Commands to the OS
s\"( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.6: Displaying characters and strings

table( -- wid ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
task( stacksize "name" -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
THEN( compilation orig -- ; run-time -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
third( w1 w2 w3 -- w1 w2 w3 w1 ) gforth-1.0: Data stack
this( -- object ) objects: Objects Glossary
threading-method( -- n ) gforth-0.4: Threading Words
throw( y1 .. ym nerror -- y1 .. ym / z1 .. zn error ) exception: Exception Handling
thru( i*x n1 n2 -- j*x ) block-ext: Blocks
tib( -- addr ) core-ext-obsolescent: The Text Interpreter
time&date( -- nsec nmin nhour nday nmonth nyear ) facility-ext: Keeping track of Time
TO( value "name" -- ) core-ext: Values
to-this( object -- ) objects: Objects Glossary
toupper( c1 -- c2 ) gforth-0.4: Displaying characters and strings
true( -- f ) core-ext: Boolean Flags
try( compilation -- orig ; run-time -- R:sys1 ) gforth-0.5: Exception Handling
tt( u -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating exception source
tuck( w1 w2 -- w2 w1 w2 ) core-ext: Data stack
type( c-addr u -- ) core: Displaying characters and strings
typewhite( addr n -- ) gforth-0.4: Displaying characters and strings

u*/( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
u*/mod( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 u5 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
U+DO( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
U-DO( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.4: Arbitrary control structures
u.( u -- ) core: Simple numeric output
u.r( u n -- ) core-ext: Simple numeric output
u/( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
u/-stage1m( u addr-reci -- ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
u/-stage2m( u1 a-reci -- uquotient ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
u/mod( u1 u2 -- u3 u4 ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
u/mod-stage2m( u1 a-reci -- umodulus uquotient ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
u<( u1 u2 -- f ) core: Numeric comparison
u<=( u1 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
u>( u1 u2 -- f ) core-ext: Numeric comparison
u>=( u1 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.4: Numeric comparison
ud.( ud -- ) gforth-0.4: Simple numeric output
ud.r( ud n -- ) gforth-0.4: Simple numeric output
ud/mod( ud1 u2 -- urem udquot ) gforth-0.4: Integer division
UDefer( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
ul@( c-addr -- u ) gforth-0.7: Memory Access
um*( u1 u2 -- ud ) core: Mixed precision
um/mod( ud u1 -- u2 u3 ) core: Integer division
umax( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-1.0: Single precision
umin( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-0.5: Single precision
umod( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-1.0: Integer division
umod-stage2m( u1 a-reci -- umodulus ) gforth-1.0: Two-stage integer division
under+( n1 n2 n3 -- n n2 ) gforth-0.4: Single precision
unlock( semaphore -- ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
unloop( R:w1 R:w2 -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
UNREACHABLE( -- ) gforth-0.4: Where are locals visible by name?
UNTIL( compilation dest -- ; run-time f -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
unused( -- u ) core-ext: Dictionary allocation
update( -- ) block: Blocks
updated?( n -- f ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
use( "file" -- ) gforth-0.4: Blocks
user'( 'user' -- n ) gforth-experimental: Pthreads
User( "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Variables
utime( -- dtime ) gforth-0.5: Keeping track of Time
UValue( "name" -- ) unknown: Pthreads
uw@( c-addr -- u ) gforth-0.7: Memory Access

Value( w "name" -- ) core-ext: Values
var( m v size "name" -- m v' ) mini-oof: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
var( size -- ) oof: Class Declaration
Variable( "name" -- ) core: Variables
view( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Debugging
vlist( -- ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
Vocabulary( "name" -- ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists
vocs( -- ) gforth-0.4: Word Lists

w!( w c-addr -- ) gforth-0.7: Memory Access
w/o( -- fam ) file: General files
WARNING"( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time f -- ) gforth-1.0: Exception Handling
warning-color( -- ) gforth-1.0: Terminal output
warnings( -- addr ) gforth-0.4: Exception Handling
where( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word
whereg( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word
WHILE( compilation dest -- orig dest ; run-time f -- ) core: Arbitrary control structures
with( o -- ) oof: The OOF base class
within( u1 u2 u3 -- f ) core-ext: Numeric comparison
word( char "<chars>ccc<char>-- c-addr ) core: The Input Stream
wordlist( -- wid ) search: Word Lists
words( -- ) tools: Word Lists
write-file( c-addr u1 wfileid -- wior ) file: General files
write-line( c-addr u wfileid -- ior ) file: General files
wrol( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
wror( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0: Bitwise operations
WTF??( -- ) unknown: Debugging
ww( u -- ) gforth-1.0: Locating uses of a word

x-size( xc-addr u1 -- u2 ) xchar: Xchars and Unicode
x-width( xc-addr u -- n ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xc!+?( xc xc-addr1 u1 -- xc-addr2 u2 f ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xc-size( xc -- u ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xc@+( xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 xc ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xchar+( xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xchar-( xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xchar-encoding( -- addr u ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xemit( xc -- ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xkey( -- xc ) xchar-ext: Xchars and Unicode
xor( w1 w2 -- w ) core: Bitwise operations
xt-new( ... class xt -- object ) objects: Objects Glossary
xt-see( xt -- ) gforth-0.4: Examining compiled code
x\string-( xc-addr u1 -- xc-addr u2 ) xchar: Xchars and Unicode

Concept and Word Index

Not all entries listed in this index are present verbatim in the text. This index also duplicates, in abbreviated form, all of the words listed in the Word Index (only the names are listed for the words here).

Jump to:   !   "   #   $   %   &   '   (   )   *   +   ,   -   .   /   0   1   2   :   ;   <   =   >   ?   @   [   \   ]   {   ~  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Z  
Index Entry  Section

!: Memory Access
!!FIXME!!: Debugging
!@: Pthreads

", stack item type: Notation

#: Formatted numeric output
#!: Running Image Files
#-prefix for decimal numbers: Number Conversion
#>: Formatted numeric output
#>>: Formatted numeric output
#loc: Debugging
#s: Formatted numeric output
#tib: The Text Interpreter

$!: String words
$!len: String words
$+!: String words
$+!len: String words
$-prefix for hexadecimal numbers: Number Conversion
$.: String words
$?: Passing Commands to the OS
$@: String words
$@len: String words
$boot: String words
$del: String words
$exec: String words
$free: String words
$init: String words
$ins: String words
$iter: String words
$over: String words
$save: String words
$saved: String words
$slurp: String words
$slurp-file: String words
$split: String words
$tmp: String words
$Variable: String words
$[]: String words
$[]!: String words
$[]#: String words
$[]+!: String words
$[].: String words
$[]@: String words
$[]boot: String words
$[]free: String words
$[]map: String words
$[]save: String words
$[]saved: String words
$[]slurp: String words
$[]slurp-file: String words
$[]Variable: String words

%-prefix for binary numbers: Number Conversion
%align: Structure Glossary
%alignment: Structure Glossary
%alloc: Structure Glossary
%allocate: Structure Glossary
%allot: Structure Glossary
%size: Structure Glossary

&-prefix for decimal numbers: Number Conversion

': Execution token
': The OOF base class
’-prefix for character strings: Number Conversion
'cold: Modifying the Startup Sequence
's: Pthreads

(: Comments
(local): Standard Forth locals

): Assertions

*: Single precision
*/: Integer division
*/f: Integer division
*/mod: Integer division
*/modf: Integer division
*/mods: Integer division
*/s: Integer division

+: Single precision
+!: Memory Access
+!@: Pthreads
+DO: Arbitrary control structures
+field: Forth200x Structures
+fmode: General files
+load: Blocks
+LOOP: Arbitrary control structures
+ltrace: Debugging
+thru: Blocks
+TO: Values
+x/string: Xchars and Unicode

,: Dictionary allocation

-: Single precision
–, tutorial: Stack-Effect Comments Tutorial
-->: Blocks
–appl-image, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–application, gforthmi option: gforthmi
–clear-dictionary, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-d, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–data-stack-size, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–debug, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-DFORCE_REG: Portability
–dictionary-size, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–die-on-signal, command-line-option: Invoking Gforth
-DO: Arbitrary control structures
-DUSE_FTOS: TOS Optimization
-DUSE_NO_FTOS: TOS Optimization
-DUSE_NO_TOS: TOS Optimization
-DUSE_TOS: TOS Optimization
–dynamic command-line option: Dynamic Superinstructions
–dynamic, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–enable-force-reg, configuration flag: Portability
-f, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–fp-stack-size, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-h, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–help, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-i, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-i, invoke image file: Running Image Files
–image file, invoke image file: Running Image Files
–image-file, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-l, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–locals-stack-size, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-LOOP: Arbitrary control structures
-ltrace: Debugging
-m, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–no-dynamic command-line option: Dynamic Superinstructions
–no-dynamic, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–no-offset-im, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–no-super command-line option: Dynamic Superinstructions
–no-super, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–offset-image, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-p, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–path, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–print-metrics, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-r, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–return-stack-size, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-rot: Data stack
–ss-greedy, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–ss-min-..., command-line options: Invoking Gforth
–ss-number, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
-trailing: Memory Blocks
-trailing-garbage: Xchars and Unicode
-v, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–version, command-line option: Invoking Gforth
–vm-commit, command-line option: Invoking Gforth

.: Simple numeric output
.": Displaying characters and strings
.", how it works: How does that work?
.(: Displaying characters and strings
...: Examining data
.cover-raw: Code Coverage
.coverage: Code Coverage
.debugline: Debugging
.emacs: Installing gforth.el
.fi files: Image Files
.gforth-history: Command-line editing
.id: Name token
.name: Name token
.path: General Search Paths
.r: Simple numeric output
.s: Examining data
.unresolved: Forward
.\": Displaying characters and strings

/: Integer division
/does-handler: Threading Words
/f: Integer division
/f-stage1m: Two-stage integer division
/f-stage2m: Two-stage integer division
/l: Address arithmetic
/mod: Integer division
/modf: Integer division
/modf-stage2m: Two-stage integer division
/mods: Integer division
/s: Integer division
/string: Memory Blocks
/w: Address arithmetic

0<: Numeric comparison
0<=: Numeric comparison
0<>: Numeric comparison
0=: Numeric comparison
0>: Numeric comparison
0>=: Numeric comparison
0x-prefix for hexadecimal numbers: Number Conversion

1+: Single precision
1-: Single precision
1/f: Floating Point

2!: Memory Access
2*: Bitwise operations
2,: Dictionary allocation
2/: Bitwise operations
2>r: Return stack
2@: Memory Access
2Constant: Constants
2drop: Data stack
2dup: Data stack
2field:: Forth200x Structures
2Literal: Literals
2nip: Data stack
2over: Data stack
2r>: Return stack
2r@: Return stack
2rdrop: Return stack
2rot: Data stack
2swap: Data stack
2tuck: Data stack
2Variable: Variables

:: Colon Definitions
:: The OOF base class
:, passing data across: Literals
::: The OOF base class
::: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
:m: Objects Glossary
:noname: Anonymous Definitions
:}d: Closures
:}h: Closures
:}l: Closures

;: Colon Definitions
;>: Closures
;code: Assembler Definitions
;CODE ending sequence: programming-idef
;CODE, name not defined via CREATE: programming-ambcond
;CODE, processing input: programming-idef
;m: Objects Glossary
;m usage: Method conveniences
;s: Calls and returns
;]: Quotations

<: Numeric comparison
<#: Formatted numeric output
<<#: Formatted numeric output
<=: Numeric comparison
<>: Numeric comparison
<bind>: Objects Glossary
<event: Pthreads
<to-inst>: Objects Glossary
<{:: Closures

=: Numeric comparison
=mkdir: Directories

>: Numeric comparison
>=: Numeric comparison
>addr: Closures
>body: CREATE..DOES> details
>BODY of non-CREATEd words: core-ambcond
>code-address: Threading Words
>definer: Threading Words
>does-code: Threading Words
>float: Line input and conversion
>float1: Line input and conversion
>in: The Text Interpreter
>IN greater than input buffer: core-ambcond
>l: Locals implementation
>name: Name token
>number: Line input and conversion
>order: Word Lists
>r: Return stack

?: Examining data
?!@: Pthreads
???: Debugging
?DO: Arbitrary control structures
?dup: Data stack
?DUP-0=-IF: Arbitrary control structures
?dup-IF: Arbitrary control structures
?events: Pthreads
?LEAVE: Arbitrary control structures
?of: Arbitrary control structures

@: Memory Access
@local#: Locals implementation

[: Literals
[']: Execution token
[+LOOP]: Interpreter Directives
[:: Quotations
[?DO]: Interpreter Directives
[AGAIN]: Interpreter Directives
[BEGIN]: Interpreter Directives
[bind]: Objects Glossary
[bind] usage: Class Binding
[char]: Displaying characters and strings
[COMP']: Compilation token
[current]: Objects Glossary
[DO]: Interpreter Directives
[ELSE]: Interpreter Directives
[ENDIF]: Interpreter Directives
[FOR]: Interpreter Directives
[IFDEF]: Interpreter Directives
[IFUNDEF]: Interpreter Directives
[IF]: Interpreter Directives
[IF] and POSTPONE: programming-ambcond
[IF], end of the input source before matching [ELSE] or [THEN]: programming-ambcond
[LOOP]: Interpreter Directives
[NEXT]: Interpreter Directives
[parent]: Objects Glossary
[parent] usage: Class Binding
[REPEAT]: Interpreter Directives
[THEN]: Interpreter Directives
[to-inst]: Objects Glossary
[UNTIL]: Interpreter Directives
[WHILE]: Interpreter Directives
[]: The OOF base class
[{:: Closures

\: Comments
\, editing with Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
\, line length in blocks: block-idef
\c: Declaring C Functions
\G: Comments

]: Literals
]L: Literals
]]: Macros

{:: Standard Forth locals

~~: Debugging
~~, removal with Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
~~1bt: Debugging
~~bt: Debugging
~~Value: Debugging
~~Variable: Debugging

abi-code: Assembler Definitions
abort: Exception Handling
ABORT": Exception Handling
ABORT", exception abort sequence: core-idef
abs: Single precision
abstract class: Basic Objects Usage
abstract class: Basic OOF Usage
accept: Line input and conversion
ACCEPT, display after end of input: core-idef
ACCEPT, editing: core-idef
action-of: Deferred Words
activate: Pthreads
add-cflags: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-incdir: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-ldflags: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-lib: Declaring OS-level libraries
add-libpath: Declaring OS-level libraries
addr: Values
address alignment exception: core-ambcond
address alignment exception, stack overflow: core-ambcond
address arithmetic for structures: Why explicit structure support?
address arithmetic words: Address arithmetic
address of counted string: String Formats
address unit: Address arithmetic
address unit, size in bits: core-idef
ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS: Address arithmetic
after-locate: Locating source code definitions
AGAIN: Arbitrary control structures
AHEAD: Arbitrary control structures
Alias: Aliases
aliases: Aliases
align: Dictionary allocation
aligned: Address arithmetic
aligned addresses: core-idef
alignment faults: core-ambcond
alignment of addresses for types: Address arithmetic
alignment tutorial: Alignment Tutorial
allocate: Heap Allocation
allot: Dictionary allocation
also: Word Lists
also, too many word lists in search order: search-ambcond
also-path: General Search Paths
ambiguous conditions, block words: block-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, core words: core-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, double words: double-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, facility words: facility-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, file words: file-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, floating-point words: floating-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, locals words: locals-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, programming-tools words: programming-ambcond
ambiguous conditions, search-order words: search-ambcond
and: Bitwise operations
angles in trigonometric operations: Floating Point
annotate-cov: Code Coverage
ans-report.fs: Standard Report
arg: OS command line arguments
argc: OS command line arguments
argument input source different than current input source for RESTORE-INPUT: core-ambcond
argument type mismatch: core-ambcond
argument type mismatch, RESTORE-INPUT: core-ambcond
arguments, OS command line: OS command line arguments
argv: OS command line arguments
arithmetic words: Arithmetic
arithmetics tutorial: Arithmetics Tutorial
arrays: CREATE
arrays tutorial: Arrays and Records Tutorial
arshift: Bitwise operations
asptr: The OOF base class
asptr: Class Declaration
assembler: Assembler and Code Words
assembler: Assembler Definitions
ASSEMBLER, search order capability: programming-idef
assert(: Assertions
assert-level: Assertions
assert0(: Assertions
assert1(: Assertions
assert2(: Assertions
assert3(: Assertions
assertions: Assertions
ASSUME-LIVE: Where are locals visible by name?
at-xy: Terminal output
AT-XY can’t be performed on user output device: facility-ambcond
Attempt to use zero-length string as a name: core-ambcond
attr!: Terminal output
au (address unit): Address arithmetic
authors: Help on Gforth
authors of Gforth: Origin
auto-indentation of Forth code in Emacs: Auto-Indentation
a_, stack item type: Notation

b: Locating source code definitions
backtrace: Error messages
backtrace examination: Locating exception source
backtraces with gforth-fast: Error messages
barrier: Pthreads
base: Number Conversion
base is not decimal (REPRESENT, F., FE., FS.): floating-ambcond
base-execute: Number Conversion
basic objects usage: Basic Objects Usage
batch processing with Gforth: Invoking Gforth
before-locate: Locating source code definitions
BEGIN: Arbitrary control structures
begin-structure: Forth200x Structures
benchmarking Forth systems: Performance
Benchres: Performance
bin: General files
bind: Objects Glossary
bind: The OOF base class
bind usage: Class Binding
bind': Objects Glossary
bitwise operation words: Bitwise operations
bl: Displaying characters and strings
blank: Memory Blocks
blk: Input Sources
BLK, altering BLK: block-ambcond
block: Blocks
block buffers: Blocks
block number invalid: block-ambcond
block read not possible: block-ambcond
block transfer, I/O exception: block-ambcond
block words, ambiguous conditions: block-ambcond
block words, implementation-defined options: block-idef
block words, other system documentation: block-other
block words, system documentation: The optional Block word set
block-included: Blocks
block-offset: Blocks
block-position: Blocks
blocks: Blocks
blocks file: Blocks
blocks files, use with Emacs: Blocks Files
blocks in files: file-idef
blocks.fb: Blocks
Boolean flags: Boolean Flags
bootmessage: Modifying the Startup Sequence
bound: The OOF base class
bounds: Memory Blocks
break": Singlestep Debugger
break:: Singlestep Debugger
broken-pipe-error: Pipes
bt: Locating exception source
buffer: Blocks
bug reporting: Bugs
bw: Locating uses of a word
bw-cover: Code Coverage
bye: Leaving Gforth
bye during gforthmi: gforthmi

C function pointers to Forth words: Callbacks
C function pointers, calling from Forth: Calling C function pointers
C functions, calls to: Calling C Functions
C functions, declarations: Declaring C Functions
C interface: C Interface
c!: Memory Access
C": Displaying characters and strings
c$+!: String words
c,: Dictionary allocation
c, stack item type: Notation
C, using C for the engine: Portability
c-callback: Callbacks
c-function: Declaring C Functions
c-funptr: Calling C function pointers
c-library: Defining library interfaces
c-library-name: Defining library interfaces
c-value: Declaring C Functions
c-variable: Declaring C Functions
c@: Memory Access
call-c: Low-Level C Interface Words
Callback functions written in Forth: Callbacks
calling a definition: Calls and returns
calling C functions: Calling C Functions
case: Arbitrary control structures
case as generalized control structure: General control structures with CASE
CASE control structure: Selection
case sensitivity: Case insensitivity
case-sensitivity characteristics: core-idef
case-sensitivity for name lookup: core-idef
catch: Exception Handling
catch and backtraces: Error messages
catch and this: Objects Implementation
catch in m: ... ;m: Method conveniences
cell: Address arithmetic
cell size: core-idef
cell%: Structure Glossary
cell+: Address arithmetic
cell-: Address arithmetic
cell-aligned addresses: core-idef
cell/: Address arithmetic
cells: Address arithmetic
CFA: Execution token
cfalign: Dictionary allocation
cfaligned: Address arithmetic
cfield:: Forth200x Structures
changing the compilation word list (during compilation): search-ambcond
char: Displaying characters and strings
char size: core-idef
char%: Structure Glossary
char+: Address arithmetic
character editing of ACCEPT and EXPECT: core-idef
character set: core-idef
character strings - compiling and displaying: Displaying characters and strings
character strings - formats: String Formats
character strings - moving and copying: Memory Blocks
character-aligned address requirements: core-idef
character-set extensions and matching of names: core-idef
characters - compiling and displaying: Displaying characters and strings
characters tutorial: Characters and Strings Tutorial
chars: Address arithmetic
child class: Object-Oriented Terminology
child words: User-defined Defining Words
class: Object-Oriented Terminology
class: Objects Glossary
class: The OOF base class
class: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
class binding: Class Binding
class binding as optimization: Class Binding
class binding, alternative to: Class Binding
class binding, implementation: Objects Implementation
class declaration: Class Declaration
class definition, restrictions: Basic Objects Usage
class definition, restrictions: Basic OOF Usage
class implementation: Class Implementation
class implementation and representation: Objects Implementation
class scoping implementation: Objects Implementation
class usage: Basic Objects Usage
class usage: Basic OOF Usage
class->map: Objects Glossary
class-inst-size: Objects Glossary
class-inst-size discussion: Creating objects
class-override!: Objects Glossary
class-previous: Objects Glossary
class;: Class Declaration
class; usage: Basic OOF Usage
class>order: Objects Glossary
class?: The OOF base class
classes and scoping: Classes and Scoping
clear screen: Terminal output
clear-libs: Declaring OS-level libraries
clear-path: General Search Paths
clearstack: Examining data
clearstacks: Examining data
clock tick duration: facility-idef
close-dir: Directories
close-file: General files
close-pipe: Pipes
closures: Closures
cmove: Memory Blocks
cmove>: Memory Blocks
code: Assembler Definitions
code address: Threading Words
code address: Threading Words
code coverage: Code Coverage
CODE ending sequence: programming-idef
code field address: Execution token
code field address: Threading Words
code words: Assembler and Code Words
CODE, processing input: programming-idef
code-address!: Threading Words
colon definitions: Colon Definitions
colon definitions: Anonymous Definitions
colon definitions, nesting: Quotations
colon definitions, tutorial: Colon Definitions Tutorial
colon-sys, passing data across :: Literals
color-cover: Code Coverage
combined words: Combined words
command line arguments, OS: OS command line arguments
command-line editing: Command-line editing
command-line options: Invoking Gforth
comment editing commands: Emacs and Gforth
comments: Comments
comments tutorial: Comments Tutorial
common-list: Locals implementation
COMP': Compilation token
comp-i.fs: gforthmi
comp.lang.forth: Forth-related information
compare: Memory Blocks
comparison of object models: Comparison with other object models
comparison tutorial: Flags and Comparisons Tutorial
compilation semantics: How does that work?
compilation semantics: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
compilation semantics tutorial: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics and Immediacy Tutorial
compilation token: Compilation token
compilation tokens, tutorial: Compilation Tokens Tutorial
compilation word list: Word Lists
compilation word list, change before definition ends: search-ambcond
compile state: The Text Interpreter
compile,: Macros
compile-lp+!: Locals implementation
compile-only: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
compile-only warning, for ' etc.: core-ambcond
compile-only words: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
compiled code examination: Examining compiled code
compiling compilation semantics: Macros
compiling words: Compiling words
cond: Pthreads
conditional compilation: Interpreter Directives
conditionals, tutorial: Conditional execution Tutorial
const-does>: Const-does>
Constant: Constants
constants: Constants
construct: Objects Glossary
construct discussion: Creating objects
context: Word Lists
context-sensitive help: Emacs and Gforth
contiguous regions and heap allocation: Heap Allocation
contiguous regions in dictionary allocation: Dictionary allocation
contof: Arbitrary control structures
contributors to Gforth: Origin
control characters as delimiters: core-idef
control structures: Control Structures
control structures for selection: Selection
control structures programming style: Arbitrary control structures
control structures, user-defined: Arbitrary control structures
control-flow stack: Arbitrary control structures
control-flow stack items, locals information: Locals implementation
control-flow stack underflow: programming-ambcond
control-flow stack, format: core-idef
convert: Line input and conversion
convertin strings to numbers: Line input and conversion
core words, ambiguous conditions: core-ambcond
core words, implementation-defined options: core-idef
core words, other system documentation: core-other
core words, system documentation: The Core Words
count: String Formats
counted loops: Counted Loops
counted loops with negative increment: Counted Loops
counted string: String Formats
counted string, maximum size: core-idef
counted strings: String Formats
cov%: Code Coverage
cov+: Code Coverage
cputime: Keeping track of Time
cr: Displaying characters and strings
Create: CREATE
CREATE ... DOES>: User-defined Defining Words
CREATE ... DOES>, applications: CREATE..DOES> applications
CREATE ... DOES>, details: CREATE..DOES> details
CREATE and alignment: Address arithmetic
create-file: General files
create...does> tutorial: Defining Words Tutorial
creating objects: Creating objects
critical-section: Pthreads
cross-compiler: cross.fs
cross-compiler: Cross Compiler
cross.fs: cross.fs
cross.fs: Cross Compiler
CS-DROP: Arbitrary control structures
CS-PICK: Arbitrary control structures
CS-PICK, fewer than u+1 items on the control flow-stack: programming-ambcond
CS-ROLL: Arbitrary control structures
CS-ROLL, fewer than u+1 items on the control flow-stack: programming-ambcond
cs-vocabulary: Word Lists
cs-wordlist: Word Lists
CT (compilation token): Compilation token
CT, tutorial: Compilation Tokens Tutorial
current: Word Lists
current': Objects Glossary
current-interface: Objects Glossary
current-interface discussion: Objects Implementation
currying: CREATE..DOES> applications
cursor control: Displaying characters and strings
cursor positioning: Terminal output
c_, stack item type: Notation

d+: Double precision
d, stack item type: Notation
d-: Double precision
d.: Simple numeric output
d.r: Simple numeric output
d0<: Numeric comparison
d0<=: Numeric comparison
d0<>: Numeric comparison
d0=: Numeric comparison
d0>: Numeric comparison
d0>=: Numeric comparison
d2*: Bitwise operations
d2/: Bitwise operations
d<: Numeric comparison
d<=: Numeric comparison
d<>: Numeric comparison
d=: Numeric comparison
d>: Numeric comparison
d>=: Numeric comparison
d>f: Floating Point
D>F, d cannot be presented precisely as a float: floating-ambcond
d>s: Double precision
D>S, d out of range of n: double-ambcond
dabs: Double precision
darshift: Bitwise operations
data space - reserving some: Dictionary allocation
data space available: core-other
data space containing definitions gets de-allocated: core-ambcond
data space pointer not properly aligned, ,, C,: core-ambcond
data space read/write with incorrect alignment: core-ambcond
data stack: Stack Manipulation
data stack manipulation words: Data stack
data structure locals: Gforth locals
data-relocatable image files: Data-Relocatable Image Files
data-space, read-only regions: core-idef
dbg: Singlestep Debugger
debug tracer editing commands: Emacs and Gforth
debug-fid: Debugging
debugging: Debugging
debugging output, finding the source location in Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
debugging Singlestep: Singlestep Debugger
dec.: Simple numeric output
decimal: Number Conversion
declaring C functions: Declaring C Functions
decompilation tutorial: Decompilation Tutorial
default type of locals: Gforth locals
default-color: Terminal output
Defer: Deferred Words
defer: Class Declaration
defer!: Deferred Words
defer@: Deferred Words
deferred words: Deferred Words
defers: Deferred Words
definer: Threading Words
definer!: Threading Words
defines: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
defining defining words: User-defined Defining Words
defining words: Defining Words
defining words tutorial: Defining Words Tutorial
defining words with arbitrary semantics combinations: Combined words
defining words without name: Anonymous Definitions
defining words, name given in a string: Supplying names
defining words, simple: CREATE
defining words, user-defined: User-defined Defining Words
definition: Introducing the Text Interpreter
definitions: Word Lists
definitions: The OOF base class
definitions, tutorial: Colon Definitions Tutorial
delete: String words
delete-file: General files
depth: Examining data
depth changes during interpretation: Stack depth changes
depth-changes.fs: Stack depth changes
design of stack effects, tutorial: Designing the stack effect Tutorial
dest, control-flow stack item: Arbitrary control structures
df!: Memory Access
df@: Memory Access
df@ or df! used with an address that is not double-float aligned: floating-ambcond
dfalign: Dictionary allocation
dfaligned: Address arithmetic
dffield:: Forth200x Structures
dfloat%: Structure Glossary
dfloat+: Address arithmetic
dfloats: Address arithmetic
df_, stack item type: Notation
dict-new: Objects Glossary
dict-new discussion: Creating objects
dictionary: The Text Interpreter
dictionary in persistent form: Image Files
dictionary overflow: core-ambcond
dictionary size default: Stack and Dictionary Sizes
digits > 35: core-idef
direct threaded inner interpreter: Threading
Directories: Directories
disassembler, general: Common Disassembler
discode: Common Disassembler
dispose: The OOF base class
dividing by zero: core-ambcond
dividing by zero, floating-point: floating-ambcond
Dividing classes: Dividing classes
dividing integers: Integer division
dividing many integers with the same divisor: Two-stage integer division
Division by zero: Integer division
Division by zero: Integer division
division rounding: core-idef
division with potentially negative operands: Arithmetic
dlshift: Bitwise operations
dmax: Double precision
dmin: Double precision
dnegate: Double precision
DO: Arbitrary control structures
DO loops: Counted Loops
docol:: Threading Words
docon:: Threading Words
documentation for a word: Locating documentation
dodefer:: Threading Words
dodoes routine: DOES>
does-code!: Threading Words
DOES>: CREATE..DOES> details
DOES> implementation: DOES>
DOES> in a separate definition: CREATE..DOES> details
DOES> in interpretation state: CREATE..DOES> details
DOES> of non-CREATEd words: core-ambcond
does> tutorial: Defining Words Tutorial
DOES>, visibility of current definition: core-idef
does>-code: Threading Words
DOES>-code: DOES>
does>-handler: Threading Words
DOES>-parts, stack effect: User-defined Defining Words
dofield:: Threading Words
DONE: Arbitrary control structures
double precision arithmetic words: Double precision
double words, ambiguous conditions: double-ambcond
double words, system documentation: The optional Double Number word set
double%: Structure Glossary
double-cell numbers, input format: Number Conversion
doubly indirect threaded code: gforthmi
douser:: Threading Words
dovar:: Threading Words
dpl: Number Conversion
drol: Bitwise operations
drop: Data stack
dror: Bitwise operations
drshift: Bitwise operations
du/mod: Integer division
du<: Numeric comparison
du<=: Numeric comparison
du>: Numeric comparison
du>=: Numeric comparison
dump: Examining data
dup: Data stack
duration of a system clock tick: facility-idef
dynamic allocation of memory: Heap Allocation
Dynamic superinstructions with replication: Dynamic Superinstructions
Dynamically linked libraries in C interface: Declaring OS-level libraries

e$,: Pthreads
early: Class Declaration
early binding: Class Binding
edit: Locating source code definitions
edit: Debugging
edit-line: Line input and conversion
editing in ACCEPT and EXPECT: core-idef
eflit,: Pthreads
eforth performance: Performance
ekey: Single-key input
EKEY, encoding of keyboard events: facility-idef
ekey>char: Single-key input
ekey>fkey: Single-key input
ekey?: Single-key input
elements of a Forth system: Review - elements of a Forth system
elit,: Pthreads
ELSE: Arbitrary control structures
Emacs and Gforth: Emacs and Gforth
emit: Displaying characters and strings
EMIT and non-graphic characters: core-idef
emit-file: General files
empty-buffer: Blocks
empty-buffers: Blocks
end-c-library: Defining library interfaces
end-class: Objects Glossary
end-class: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
end-class usage: Basic Objects Usage
end-class-noname: Objects Glossary
end-code: Assembler Definitions
end-interface: Objects Glossary
end-interface usage: Object Interfaces
end-interface-noname: Objects Glossary
end-methods: Objects Glossary
end-struct: Structure Glossary
end-struct usage: Structure Usage
end-structure: Forth200x Structures
endcase: Arbitrary control structures
ENDIF: Arbitrary control structures
endless loop: Simple Loops
endof: Arbitrary control structures
endscope: Where are locals visible by name?
endtry: Exception Handling
endtry-iferror: Exception Handling
endwith: The OOF base class
engine: Engine
engine performance: Performance
engine portability: Portability
engine.s: Produced code
engines, gforth vs. gforth-fast vs. gforth-itc: Direct or Indirect Threaded?
environment variables: Environment variables
environment variables: gforthmi
environment wordset: Notation
environment-wordlist: Environmental Queries
environment?: Environmental Queries
ENVIRONMENT? string length, maximum: core-idef
environmental queries: Environmental Queries
environmental restrictions: Standard conformance
equality of floats: Floating Point
erase: Memory Blocks
error messages: Error messages
error output, finding the source location in Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
error-color: Terminal output
etags.fs: Emacs Tags
evaluate: Input Sources
event-loop: Pthreads
event:: Pthreads
event>: Pthreads
examining data and code: Examining data
exception: Exception Handling
exception abort sequence of ABORT": core-idef
exception source code: Locating exception source
exception when including source: file-idef
exception words, implementation-defined options: exception-idef
exception words, system documentation: The optional Exception word set
exceptions: Exception Handling
exceptions tutorial: Exceptions Tutorial
executable image file: Running Image Files
execute: Execution token
execute-parsing: The Input Stream
execute-parsing-file: The Input Stream
execute-task: Pthreads
executing code on startup: Invoking Gforth
execution frequency: Code Coverage
execution semantics: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
execution token: Introducing the Text Interpreter
execution token: Execution token
execution token of last defined word: Anonymous Definitions
execution token of words with undefined execution semantics: core-ambcond
execution tokens tutorial: Execution Tokens Tutorial
exercises: Exercises
EXIT: Calls and returns
exit in m: ... ;m: Method conveniences
exitm: Objects Glossary
exitm discussion: Method conveniences
expect: Line input and conversion
EXPECT, display after end of input: core-idef
EXPECT, editing: core-idef
explicit register declarations: Portability
exponent too big for conversion (DF!, DF@, SF!, SF@): floating-ambcond
extended records: Structure Usage

f!: Memory Access
f! used with an address that is not float aligned: floating-ambcond
f*: Floating Point
f**: Floating Point
f+: Floating Point
f,: Dictionary allocation
f, stack item type: Notation
f-: Floating Point
f.: Simple numeric output
f.rdp: Simple numeric output
f.s: Examining data
f/: Floating Point
f0<: Floating Point
f0<=: Floating Point
f0<>: Floating Point
f0=: Floating Point
f0>: Floating Point
f0>=: Floating Point
f2*: Floating Point
f2/: Floating Point
f83name, stack item type: Notation
f<: Floating Point
f<=: Floating Point
f<>: Floating Point
f=: Floating Point
f>: Floating Point
f>=: Floating Point
f>buf-rdp: Formatted numeric output
f>d: Floating Point
F>D, integer part of float cannot be represented by d: floating-ambcond
f>l: Locals implementation
f>s: Floating Point
f>str-rdp: Formatted numeric output
f@: Memory Access
f@ used with an address that is not float aligned: floating-ambcond
f@local#: Locals implementation
fabs: Floating Point
facility words, ambiguous conditions: facility-ambcond
facility words, implementation-defined options: facility-idef
facility words, system documentation: The optional Facility word set
facos: Floating Point
FACOS, |float|>1: floating-ambcond
facosh: Floating Point
FACOSH, float<1: floating-ambcond
factoring: Introduction
factoring similar colon definitions: CREATE..DOES> applications
factoring tutorial: Factoring Tutorial
falign: Dictionary allocation
faligned: Address arithmetic
falog: Floating Point
false: Boolean Flags
fam (file access method): General files
fasin: Floating Point
FASIN, |float|>1: floating-ambcond
fasinh: Floating Point
FASINH, float<0: floating-ambcond
fatan: Floating Point
fatan2: Floating Point
FATAN2, both arguments are equal to zero: floating-ambcond
fatanh: Floating Point
FATANH, |float|>1: floating-ambcond
fconstant: Constants
fcos: Floating Point
fcosh: Floating Point
fdepth: Examining data
FDL, GNU Free Documentation License: GNU Free Documentation License
fdrop: Floating point stack
fdup: Floating point stack
fe.: Simple numeric output
fexp: Floating Point
fexpm1: Floating Point
ffield:: Forth200x Structures
ffourth: Floating point stack
field: Structure Glossary
field naming convention: Structure Naming Convention
field usage: Structure Usage
field usage in class definition: Basic Objects Usage
field:: Forth200x Structures
file access methods used: file-idef
file exceptions: file-idef
file input nesting, maximum depth: file-idef
file line terminator: file-idef
file name format: file-idef
file search path: Search Paths
file words, ambiguous conditions: file-ambcond
file words, implementation-defined options: file-idef
file words, system documentation: The optional File-Access word set
file-handling: General files
file-position: General files
file-size: General files
file-status: General files
FILE-STATUS, returned information: file-idef
filename-match: Directories
filenames in assertion output: Assertions
filenames in ~~ output: Debugging
files: Files
files containing blocks: file-idef
files containing Forth code, tutorial: Using files for Forth code Tutorial
files tutorial: Files Tutorial
fill: Memory Blocks
find: Word Lists
find-name: Name token
find-name-in: Name token
first definition: Your first definition
first field optimization: Structure Usage
first field optimization, implementation: Structure Implementation
fkey.: Single-key input
flags on the command line: Invoking Gforth
flags tutorial: Flags and Comparisons Tutorial
flavours of locals: Gforth locals
FLiteral: Literals
fln: Floating Point
FLN, float<=0: floating-ambcond
flnp1: Floating Point
FLNP1, float<=-1: floating-ambcond
float: Address arithmetic
float%: Structure Glossary
float+: Address arithmetic
floating point arithmetic words: Floating Point
floating point numbers, format and range: floating-idef
floating point tutorial: Floating Point Tutorial
floating point unidentified fault, integer division: core-ambcond
floating-point arithmetic, pitfalls: Floating Point
floating-point comparisons: Floating Point
floating-point dividing by zero: floating-ambcond
floating-point numbers, input format: Number Conversion
floating-point numbers, rounding or truncation: floating-idef
floating-point result out of range: floating-ambcond
floating-point stack: Stack Manipulation
floating-point stack in the standard: Stack Manipulation
floating-point stack manipulation words: Floating point stack
floating-point stack size: floating-idef
floating-point stack width: floating-idef
Floating-point unidentified fault: Integer division
Floating-point unidentified fault (on integer division): Integer division
floating-point unidentified fault, F>D: floating-ambcond
floating-point unidentified fault, FACOS, FASIN or FATANH: floating-ambcond
floating-point unidentified fault, FACOSH: floating-ambcond
floating-point unidentified fault, FASINH or FSQRT: floating-ambcond
floating-point unidentified fault, FLN or FLOG: floating-ambcond
floating-point unidentified fault, FLNP1: floating-ambcond
floating-point unidentified fault, FP divide-by-zero: floating-ambcond
floating-point words, ambiguous conditions: floating-ambcond
floating-point words, implementation-defined options: floating-idef
floating-point words, system documentation: The optional Floating-Point word set
floating-stack: Floating point stack
floats: Address arithmetic
flog: Floating Point
FLOG, float<=0: floating-ambcond
floor: Floating Point
FLOORED: Integer division
floored division: Integer division
flush: Blocks
flush-file: General files
flush-icache: Assembler Definitions
fm/mod: Integer division
fmax: Floating Point
fmin: Floating Point
fnegate: Floating Point
fnip: Floating point stack
FOR: Arbitrary control structures
FOR loops: Counted Loops
foreign language interface: C Interface
FORGET, deleting the compilation word list: programming-ambcond
FORGET, name can’t be found: programming-ambcond
FORGET, removing a needed definition: programming-ambcond
forgeting words: Forgetting words
form: Terminal output
format and range of floating point numbers: floating-idef
format of glossary entries: Notation
formatted numeric output: Formatted numeric output
Forth: Word Lists
Forth - an introduction: Introduction
Forth mode in Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
Forth source files: Forth source files
Forth Tutorial: Tutorial
forth-recognize: Recognizers
Forth-related information: Forth-related information
forth-wordlist: Word Lists
forth.el: Emacs and Gforth
forward: Forward
fourth: Data stack
fover: Floating point stack
FP tutorial: Floating Point Tutorial
fp!: Stack pointer manipulation
fp.: Simple numeric output
fp0: Stack pointer manipulation
fp@: Stack pointer manipulation
fpath: Source Search Paths
fpick: Floating point stack
free: Heap Allocation
frequently asked questions: Forth-related information
frot: Floating point stack
fround: Floating Point
fs.: Simple numeric output
fsin: Floating Point
fsincos: Floating Point
fsinh: Floating Point
fsqrt: Floating Point
FSQRT, float<0: floating-ambcond
fswap: Floating point stack
ftan: Floating Point
FTAN on an argument r1 where cos(r1) is zero: floating-ambcond
ftanh: Floating Point
fthird: Floating point stack
ftuck: Floating point stack
fully relocatable image files: Fully Relocatable Image Files
functions, tutorial: Colon Definitions Tutorial
fvariable: Variables
f_, stack item type: Notation
f~: Floating Point
f~abs: Floating Point
f~rel: Floating Point

g: Locating source code definitions
gdb disassembler: Common Disassembler
general control structures (case): General control structures with CASE
general files: General files
get-block-fid: Blocks
get-current: Word Lists
get-dir: Directories
get-order: Word Lists
get-recognizers: Recognizers
getenv: Passing Commands to the OS
gforth: Environmental Queries
GFORTH – environment variable: Environment variables
GFORTH – environment variable: gforthmi
Gforth - leaving: Leaving Gforth
gforth engine: Direct or Indirect Threaded?
Gforth environment: Gforth Environment
Gforth extensions: Standard vs Extensions
Gforth files: Gforth Files
Gforth locals: Gforth locals
Gforth performance: Performance
Gforth stability: Stability Goals
gforth-ditc: gforthmi
gforth-fast and backtraces: Error messages
gforth-fast engine: Direct or Indirect Threaded?
gforth-fast, difference from gforth: Error messages
gforth-itc engine: Direct or Indirect Threaded?
gforth.el: Emacs and Gforth
gforth.el, installation: Installing gforth.el, relocatability: Fully Relocatable Image Files
GFORTHD – environment variable: Environment variables
GFORTHD – environment variable: gforthmi
GFORTHHIST – environment variable: Environment variables
gforthmi: gforthmi
GFORTHPATH – environment variable: Environment variables
GFORTHSYSTEMPREFIX – environment variable: Environment variables
gg: Locating uses of a word
giving a name to a library interface: Defining library interfaces
glossary notation format: Notation
GNU C for the engine: Portability
goals of the Gforth project: Goals

halt: Pthreads
header space: Word Lists
heap allocation: Heap Allocation
heap-new: Objects Glossary
heap-new discussion: Creating objects
heap-new usage: Basic Objects Usage
help: Help on Gforth
help: Help on Gforth
help: Locating documentation
here: Dictionary allocation
hex: Number Conversion
hex.: Simple numeric output
highlighting Forth code in Emacs: Hilighting
hilighting Forth code in Emacs: Hilighting
history file: Command-line editing
hold: Formatted numeric output
how:: Class Declaration
hybrid direct/indirect threaded code: Direct or Indirect Threaded?

i: Counted Loops
I/O - blocks: Blocks
I/O - file-handling: Files
I/O - keyboard and display: Other I/O
I/O - see character strings: String Formats
I/O - see input: Line input and conversion
I/O exception in block transfer: block-ambcond
id.: Name token
IDE (integrated development environment): Locating source code definitions
IF: Arbitrary control structures
IF control structure: Selection
if, tutorial: Conditional execution Tutorial
iferror: Exception Handling
image file: Image Files
image file background: Image File Background
image file initialization sequence: Modifying the Startup Sequence
image file invocation: Running Image Files
image file loader: Image File Background
image file, data-relocatable: Data-Relocatable Image Files
image file, executable: Running Image Files
image file, fully relocatable: Fully Relocatable Image Files
image file, non-relocatable: Non-Relocatable Image Files
image file, stack and dictionary sizes: Stack and Dictionary Sizes
image file, turnkey applications: Modifying the Startup Sequence
image license: Image Licensing Issues
immediate: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
immediate words: How does that work?
immediate words: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
immediate, tutorial: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics and Immediacy Tutorial
implementation: Objects Glossary
implementation of locals: Locals implementation
implementation of structures: Structure Implementation
implementation usage: Object Interfaces
implementation-defined options, block words: block-idef
implementation-defined options, core words: core-idef
implementation-defined options, exception words: exception-idef
implementation-defined options, facility words: facility-idef
implementation-defined options, file words: file-idef
implementation-defined options, floating-point words: floating-idef
implementation-defined options, locals words: locals-idef
implementation-defined options, memory-allocation words: memory-idef
implementation-defined options, programming-tools words: programming-idef
implementation-defined options, search-order words: search-idef
in-lining of constants: Constants
include: Forth source files
include search path: Search Paths
include, placement in files: Emacs Tags
include-file: Forth source files
INCLUDE-FILE, file-id is invalid: file-ambcond
INCLUDE-FILE, I/O exception reading or closing file-id: file-ambcond
included: Forth source files
INCLUDED, I/O exception reading or closing file-id: file-ambcond
INCLUDED, named file cannot be opened: file-ambcond
included?: Forth source files
including files: Forth source files
including files, stack effect: Forth source files
indentation of Forth code in Emacs: Auto-Indentation
indirect threaded inner interpreter: Threading
infile-execute: Redirection
info-color: Terminal output
inheritance: Object-Oriented Terminology
init: The OOF base class
init-asm: Assembler Definitions
init-object: Objects Glossary
init-object discussion: Creating objects
initialization sequence of image file: Modifying the Startup Sequence
initiate: Pthreads
inner interpreter implementation: Threading
inner interpreter optimization: Scheduling
inner interpreter, direct threaded: Threading
inner interpreter, indirect threaded: Threading
input buffer: The Text Interpreter
input format for double-cell numbers: Number Conversion
input format for floating-point numbers: Number Conversion
input format for single-cell numbers: Number Conversion
input from pipes: Gforth in pipes
input line size, maximum: file-idef
input line terminator: core-idef
Input Redirection: Redirection
input sources: Input Sources
input stream: The Input Stream
input, linewise from terminal: Line input and conversion
input, single-key: Single-key input
insert: String words
inst-value: Objects Glossary
inst-value usage: Method conveniences
inst-value visibility: Classes and Scoping
inst-var: Objects Glossary
inst-var implementation: Objects Implementation
inst-var usage: Method conveniences
inst-var visibility: Classes and Scoping
instance variables: Object-Oriented Terminology
instruction pointer: Threading
insufficient data stack or return stack space: core-ambcond
insufficient space for loop control parameters: core-ambcond
insufficient space in the dictionary: core-ambcond
integer types, ranges: core-idef
integrated development environment: Locating source code definitions
interface: Objects Glossary
interface implementation: Objects Implementation
interface to C functions: C Interface
interface usage: Object Interfaces
interfaces for objects: Object Interfaces
interpret state: The Text Interpreter
Interpret/Compile states: Interpret/Compile states
interpret/compile:: Combined words
interpretation semantics: How does that work?
interpretation semantics: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
interpretation semantics tutorial: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics and Immediacy Tutorial
interpreter - outer: The Text Interpreter
interpreter directives: Interpreter Directives
Interpreting a compile-only word: core-ambcond
Interpreting a compile-only word, for a local: locals-ambcond
interpreting a word with undefined interpretation semantics: core-ambcond
invalid block number: block-ambcond
Invalid memory address: core-ambcond
Invalid memory address, stack overflow: core-ambcond
Invalid name argument, TO: core-ambcond
Invalid name argument, TO: locals-ambcond
invert: Bitwise operations
invoking a selector: Object-Oriented Terminology
invoking Gforth: Invoking Gforth
invoking image files: Running Image Files
ior type description: Notation
ior values and meaning: file-idef
ior values and meaning: memory-idef
IS: Deferred Words
is: The OOF base class
items on the stack after interpretation: Stack depth changes

j: Counted Loops

k: Counted Loops
k-alt-mask: Single-key input
k-ctrl-mask: Single-key input
k-delete: Single-key input
k-down: Single-key input
k-end: Single-key input
k-f1: Single-key input
k-f10: Single-key input
k-f11: Single-key input
k-f12: Single-key input
k-f2: Single-key input
k-f3: Single-key input
k-f4: Single-key input
k-f5: Single-key input
k-f6: Single-key input
k-f7: Single-key input
k-f8: Single-key input
k-f9: Single-key input
k-home: Single-key input
k-insert: Single-key input
k-left: Single-key input
k-next: Single-key input
k-prior: Single-key input
k-right: Single-key input
k-shift-mask: Single-key input
k-up: Single-key input
kern*.fi, relocatability: Fully Relocatable Image Files
key: Single-key input
key-file: General files
key?: Single-key input
key?-file: General files
keyboard events, encoding in EKEY: facility-idef
Kuehling, David: Emacs and Gforth

l: Locating source code definitions
l!: Memory Access
labels as values: Threading
laddr#: Locals implementation
LANG – environment variable: Environment variables
last word was headerless: core-ambcond
late binding: Class Binding
latest: Name token
latestxt: Anonymous Definitions
LC_ALL – environment variable: Environment variables
LC_CTYPE – environment variable: Environment variables
LEAVE: Arbitrary control structures
leaving definitions, tutorial: Leaving definitions or loops Tutorial
leaving Gforth: Leaving Gforth
leaving loops, tutorial: Leaving definitions or loops Tutorial
length of a line affected by \: block-idef
lib-error: Low-Level C Interface Words
lib-sym: Low-Level C Interface Words
Libraries in C interface: Declaring OS-level libraries
library interface names: Defining library interfaces
license: Help on Gforth
license for images: Image Licensing Issues
lifetime of locals: How long do locals live?
line input from terminal: Line input and conversion
line terminator on input: core-idef
link: The OOF base class
list: Blocks
LIST display format: block-idef
list-size: Locals implementation
Literal: Literals
literal tutorial: Literal Tutorial
Literals: Literals
ll: Locating uses of a word
load: Blocks
load-cov: Code Coverage
loader for image files: Image File Background
loading files at startup: Invoking Gforth
loading Forth code, tutorial: Using files for Forth code Tutorial
local in interpretation state: locals-ambcond
local variables, tutorial: Local Variables Tutorial
locale and case-sensitivity: core-idef
locals: Locals
locals and return stack: Return stack
locals flavours: Gforth locals
locals implementation: Locals implementation
locals information on the control-flow stack: Locals implementation
locals lifetime: How long do locals live?
locals programming style: Locals programming style
locals stack: Stack Manipulation
locals stack: Locals implementation
locals types: Gforth locals
locals visibility: Where are locals visible by name?
locals words, ambiguous conditions: locals-ambcond
locals words, implementation-defined options: locals-idef
locals words, system documentation: The optional Locals word set
locals, default type: Gforth locals
locals, Gforth style: Gforth locals
locals, maximum number in a definition: locals-idef
locals, Standard Forth style: Standard Forth locals
locate: Locating source code definitions
locate: Debugging
lock: Pthreads
long long: Portability
LOOP: Arbitrary control structures
loop control parameters not available: core-ambcond
loops without count: Simple Loops
loops, counted: Counted Loops
loops, counted, tutorial: Counted loops Tutorial
loops, endless: Simple Loops
loops, indefinite, tutorial: General Loops Tutorial
lp!: Stack pointer manipulation
lp!: Locals implementation
lp+!#: Locals implementation
lp0: Stack pointer manipulation
lp@: Stack pointer manipulation
lrol: Bitwise operations
lror: Bitwise operations
lshift: Bitwise operations
LSHIFT, large shift counts: core-ambcond

m*: Mixed precision
m*/: Integer division
m+: Mixed precision
m:: Objects Glossary
m: usage: Method conveniences
macros: Compiling words
Macros: Macros
macros, advanced tutorial: Advanced macros Tutorial
mapping block ranges to files: file-idef
marker: Forgetting words
max: Single precision
maxalign: Dictionary allocation
maxaligned: Address arithmetic
maxdepth-.s: Examining data
maximum depth of file input nesting: file-idef
maximum number of locals in a definition: locals-idef
maximum number of word lists in search order: search-idef
maximum size of a counted string: core-idef
maximum size of a definition name, in characters: core-idef
maximum size of a parsed string: core-idef
maximum size of input line: file-idef
maximum string length for ENVIRONMENT?, in characters: core-idef
memory access words: Memory Access
memory access/allocation tutorial: Memory Tutorial
memory alignment tutorial: Alignment Tutorial
memory block words: Memory Blocks
memory overcommit for dictionary and stacks: Invoking Gforth
memory words: Memory
memory-allocation word set: Heap Allocation
memory-allocation words, implementation-defined options: memory-idef
memory-allocation words, system documentation: The optional Memory-Allocation word set
message send: Object-Oriented Terminology
metacompiler: cross.fs
metacompiler: Cross Compiler
method: Object-Oriented Terminology
method: Objects Glossary
method: Class Declaration
method: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
method conveniences: Method conveniences
method map: Objects Implementation
method selector: Object-Oriented Terminology
method usage: Basic OOF Usage
methods: Objects Glossary
methods...end-methods: Dividing classes
min: Single precision
mini-oof: Mini-OOF
mini-oof example: Mini-OOF Example
mini-oof usage: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
mini-oof.fs, differences to other models: Comparison with other object models
minimum search order: search-idef
miscellaneous words: Miscellaneous Words
mixed precision arithmetic words: Mixed precision
mkdir-parents: Directories
mod: Integer division
modf: Integer division
modf-stage2m: Two-stage integer division
modifying >IN: How does that work?
modifying the contents of the input buffer or a string literal: core-ambcond
mods: Integer division
modulus: Integer division
most recent definition does not have a name (IMMEDIATE): core-ambcond
motivation for object-oriented programming: Why object-oriented programming?
move: Memory Blocks
ms: Keeping track of Time
MS, repeatability to be expected: facility-idef
Multiple exits from begin: BEGIN loops with multiple exits
multitasker: Multitasker
Must now be used inside C-LIBRARY, see C interface doc: Migrating the C interface from earlier Gforth
mux: Bitwise operations

n: Locating source code definitions
n, stack item type: Notation
naligned: Structure Glossary
name: The Input Stream
name dictionary: Introducing the Text Interpreter
name field address: Name token
name lookup, case-sensitivity: core-idef
name not defined by VALUE or (LOCAL) used by TO: locals-ambcond
name not defined by VALUE used by TO: core-ambcond
name not found: core-ambcond
name not found (', POSTPONE, ['], [COMPILE]): core-ambcond
name token: Name token
name, maximum length: core-idef
name>comp: Name token
name>compile: Name token
name>int: Name token
name>interpret: Name token
name>string: Name token
name?int: Name token
names for defined words: Supplying names
needs: Forth source files
negate: Single precision
negative increment for counted loops: Counted Loops
Neon model: Comparison with other object models
nested colon definitions: Quotations
new: The OOF base class
new: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
newline character on input: core-idef
newtask: Pthreads
newtask4: Pthreads
new[]: The OOF base class
NEXT: Arbitrary control structures
NEXT, direct threaded: Threading
NEXT, indirect threaded: Threading
next-arg: OS command line arguments
next-case: Arbitrary control structures
nextname: Supplying names
NFA: Name token
nip: Data stack
non-graphic characters and EMIT: core-idef
non-relocatable image files: Non-Relocatable Image Files
noname: Anonymous Definitions
notation of glossary entries: Notation
notfound: Recognizers
nothrow: Exception Handling
nt: Locating exception source
NT Forth performance: Performance
ntime: Keeping track of Time
number conversion: Number Conversion
number conversion - traps for the unwary: Number Conversion
number of bits in one address unit: core-idef
number representation and arithmetic: core-idef
numeric comparison words: Numeric comparison
numeric output - formatted: Formatted numeric output
numeric output - simple/free-format: Simple numeric output
nw: Locating uses of a word

object: Object-Oriented Terminology
object: Objects Glossary
object: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
object allocation options: Creating objects
object class: The Objects base class
object creation: Creating objects
object interfaces: Object Interfaces
object models, comparison: Comparison with other object models
object-map discussion: Objects Implementation
object-oriented programming: Objects
object-oriented programming: OOF
object-oriented programming motivation: Why object-oriented programming?
object-oriented programming style: Object-Oriented Programming Style
object-oriented terminology: Object-Oriented Terminology
objects: Objects
objects, basic usage: Basic Objects Usage
objects.fs: Objects
objects.fs: OOF
objects.fs Glossary: Objects Glossary
objects.fs implementation: Objects Implementation
objects.fs properties: Properties of the Objects model
of: Arbitrary control structures
off: Boolean Flags
on: Boolean Flags
once: Debugging
Only: Word Lists
oof: OOF
oof.fs: Objects
oof.fs: OOF
oof.fs base class: The OOF base class
oof.fs properties: Properties of the OOF model
oof.fs usage: Basic OOF Usage
oof.fs, differences to other models: Comparison with other object models
open-blocks: Blocks
open-dir: Directories
open-file: General files
open-lib: Low-Level C Interface Words
open-path-file: General Search Paths
open-pipe: Pipes
operating system - passing commands: Passing Commands to the OS
operator’s terminal facilities available: core-other
options on the command line: Invoking Gforth
or: Bitwise operations
order: Word Lists
orig, control-flow stack item: Arbitrary control structures
OS command line arguments: OS command line arguments
os-class: Environmental Queries
other system documentation, block words: block-other
other system documentation, core words: core-other
outer interpreter: Introducing the Text Interpreter
outer interpreter: Stacks and Postfix notation
outer interpreter: The Text Interpreter
outfile-execute: Redirection
output in pipes: Gforth in pipes
Output Redirection: Redirection
output to terminal: Terminal output
over: Data stack
overcommit memory for dictionary and stacks: Invoking Gforth
overflow of the pictured numeric output string: core-ambcond
overrides: Objects Glossary
overrides usage: Basic Objects Usage

pad: Memory Blocks
PAD size: core-idef
PAD use by nonstandard words: core-other
page: Terminal output
parameter stack: Stack Manipulation
parameters are not of the same type (DO, ?DO, WITHIN): core-ambcond
parent class: Object-Oriented Terminology
parent class binding: Class Binding
parse: The Input Stream
parse area: The Text Interpreter
parse-name: The Input Stream
parse-word: The Input Stream
parsed string overflow: core-ambcond
parsed string, maximum size: core-idef
parsing words: How does that work?
parsing words: How does that work?
parsing words: The Text Interpreter
pass: Pthreads
patching threaded code: Dynamic Superinstructions
path for included: Search Paths
path+: General Search Paths
path=: General Search Paths
pause: Pthreads
pedigree of Gforth: Origin
perform: Execution token
performance of some Forth interpreters: Performance
persistent form of dictionary: Image Files
PFE performance: Performance
pi: Floating Point
pick: Data stack
pictured numeric output: Formatted numeric output
pictured numeric output buffer, size: core-idef
pictured numeric output string, overflow: core-ambcond
pipes, creating your own: Pipes
pipes, Gforth as part of: Gforth in pipes
postpone: Macros
postpone: The OOF base class
POSTPONE applied to [IF]: programming-ambcond
POSTPONE or [COMPILE] applied to TO: core-ambcond
postpone tutorial: POSTPONE Tutorial
postpone,: Compilation token
Pountain’s object-oriented model: Comparison with other object models
precision: Simple numeric output
precompiled Forth code: Image Files
previous: Word Lists
previous, search order empty: search-ambcond
primitive source format: Automatic Generation
primitive-centric threaded code: Direct or Indirect Threaded?
primitives, assembly code listing: Produced code
primitives, automatic generation: Automatic Generation
primitives, implementation: Primitives
primitives, keeping the TOS in a register: TOS Optimization
prims2x.fs: Automatic Generation
print: Objects Glossary
printdebugdata: Debugging
private discussion: Classes and Scoping
procedures, tutorial: Colon Definitions Tutorial
program data space available: core-other
programming style, arbitrary control structures: Arbitrary control structures
programming style, locals: Locals programming style
programming style, object-oriented: Object-Oriented Programming Style
programming tools: Programming Tools
programming-tools words, ambiguous conditions: programming-ambcond
programming-tools words, implementation-defined options: programming-idef
programming-tools words, system documentation: The optional Programming-Tools word set
prompt: core-idef
pronounciation of words: Notation
protected: Objects Glossary
protected discussion: Classes and Scoping
pthread: Pthreads
pthread_cond_broadcast: Pthreads
pthread_cond_signal: Pthreads
pthread_cond_timedwait: Pthreads
pthread_cond_wait: Pthreads
ptr: The OOF base class
ptr: Class Declaration
public: Objects Glossary

query: Input Sources
quit: Miscellaneous Words
quotations: Quotations

r, stack item type: Notation
r/o: General files
r/w: General files
r>: Return stack
r@: Return stack
ranges for integer types: core-idef
rdrop: Return stack
read-dir: Directories
read-file: General files
read-line: General files
read-only data space regions: core-idef
reading from file positions not yet written: file-ambcond
rec-body: Recognizers
rec-dtick: Recognizers
rec-float: Recognizers
rec-nt: Recognizers
rec-num: Recognizers
rec-sequence:: Recognizers
rec-string: Recognizers
rec-tick: Recognizers
rec-to: Recognizers
receiving object: Object-Oriented Terminology
reciprocal of integer: Two-stage integer division
recognize: Recognizers
recongizers: Recognizers
records: Structures
records tutorial: Arrays and Records Tutorial
recover (old Gforth versions): Exception Handling
recurse: Calls and returns
RECURSE appears after DOES>: core-ambcond
recursion tutorial: Recursion Tutorial
recursive: Calls and returns
recursive definitions: Calls and returns
Redirection: Redirection
refill: The Input Stream
relocating loader: Image File Background
relocation at load-time: Image File Background
relocation at run-time: Image File Background
remainder: Integer division
rename-file: General files
REPEAT: Arbitrary control structures
repeatability to be expected from the execution of MS: facility-idef
replace-word: Debugging
Replication: Dynamic Superinstructions
report the words used in your program: Standard Report
reposition-file: General files
REPOSITION-FILE, outside the file’s boundaries: file-ambcond
represent: Formatted numeric output
REPRESENT, results when float is out of range: floating-idef
require: Forth source files
require, placement in files: Emacs Tags
required: Forth source files
reserving data space: Dictionary allocation
resize: Heap Allocation
resize-file: General files
restart: Pthreads
restore: Exception Handling
restore-input: Input Sources
RESTORE-INPUT, Argument type mismatch: core-ambcond
restrict: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
Result out of range: Integer division
result out of range: core-ambcond
Result out of range (on integer division): Integer division
return stack: Stack Manipulation
return stack and locals: Return stack
return stack dump with gforth-fast: Error messages
return stack manipulation words: Return stack
return stack space available: core-other
return stack tutorial: Return Stack Tutorial
return stack underflow: core-ambcond
returning from a definition: Calls and returns
rol: Bitwise operations
roll: Data stack
Root: Word Lists
ror: Bitwise operations
rot: Data stack
rounding of floating-point numbers: floating-idef
rp!: Stack pointer manipulation
rp0: Stack pointer manipulation
rp@: Stack pointer manipulation
rshift: Bitwise operations
RSHIFT, large shift counts: core-ambcond
run-time code generation, tutorial: Advanced macros Tutorial
running Gforth: Invoking Gforth
running image files: Running Image Files
Rydqvist, Goran: Emacs and Gforth

S": Displaying characters and strings
S", number of string buffers: file-idef
S", size of string buffer: file-idef
s>d: Double precision
s>f: Floating Point
s>number?: Line input and conversion
s>unumber?: Line input and conversion
save-buffer: Blocks
save-buffers: Blocks
save-cov: Code Coverage
save-input: Input Sources
savesystem: Non-Relocatable Image Files
savesystem during gforthmi: gforthmi
scope: Where are locals visible by name?
scope of locals: Where are locals visible by name?
scoping and classes: Classes and Scoping
scr: Blocks
seal: Word Lists
search: Memory Blocks
search order stack: Word Lists
search order, maximum depth: search-idef
search order, minimum: search-idef
search order, tutorial: Wordlists and Search Order Tutorial
search path control, source files: Source Search Paths
search path control, source files: General Search Paths
search path for files: Search Paths
search-order words, ambiguous conditions: search-ambcond
search-order words, implementation-defined options: search-idef
search-order words, system documentation: The optional Search-Order word set
search-wordlist: Word Lists
see: Examining compiled code
see tutorial: Decompilation Tutorial
SEE, source and format of output: programming-idef
see-code: Examining compiled code
see-code-range: Examining compiled code
select: Boolean Flags
selection control structures: Selection
selector: Object-Oriented Terminology
selector: Objects Glossary
selector implementation, class: Objects Implementation
selector invocation: Object-Oriented Terminology
selector invocation, restrictions: Basic Objects Usage
selector invocation, restrictions: Basic OOF Usage
selector usage: Basic Objects Usage
selectors and stack effects: Object-Oriented Programming Style
selectors common to hardly-related classes: Object Interfaces
self: The OOF base class
semantics tutorial: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics and Immediacy Tutorial
semantics, interpretation and compilation: Interpretation and Compilation Semantics
semaphore: Pthreads
set-current: Word Lists
set-dir: Directories
set-order: Word Lists
set-precision: Simple numeric output
set-recognizers: Recognizers
sf!: Memory Access
sf@: Memory Access
sf@ or sf! used with an address that is not single-float aligned: floating-ambcond
sfalign: Dictionary allocation
sfaligned: Address arithmetic
sffield:: Forth200x Structures
sfloat%: Structure Glossary
sfloat+: Address arithmetic
sfloats: Address arithmetic
sf_, stack item type: Notation
sh: Passing Commands to the OS
Shared libraries in C interface: Declaring OS-level libraries
shell commands: Passing Commands to the OS
shift-args: OS command line arguments
sign: Formatted numeric output
silent exiting from Gforth: Gforth in pipes
simple defining words: CREATE
simple loops: Simple Loops
simple-fkey-string: Single-key input
simple-see: Examining compiled code
simple-see-range: Examining compiled code
single precision arithmetic words: Single precision
single-assignment style for locals: Locals programming style
single-cell numbers, input format: Number Conversion
single-key input: Single-key input
singlestep Debugger: Singlestep Debugger
size of buffer at WORD: core-idef
size of the dictionary and the stacks: Invoking Gforth
size of the keyboard terminal buffer: core-idef
size of the pictured numeric output buffer: core-idef
size of the scratch area returned by PAD: core-idef
size parameters for command-line options: Invoking Gforth
sl@: Memory Access
SLiteral: Literals
slurp-fid: General files
slurp-file: General files
sm/rem: Integer division
source: The Text Interpreter
source code for exception: Locating exception source
source code of a word: Locating source code definitions
source location of error or debugging output in Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
source-id: Input Sources
SOURCE-ID, behaviour when BLK is non-zero: file-ambcond
sourcefilename: Forth source files
sourceline#: Forth source files
sp!: Stack pointer manipulation
sp0: Stack pointer manipulation
sp@: Stack pointer manipulation
space: Displaying characters and strings
space delimiters: core-idef
spaces: Displaying characters and strings
span: Line input and conversion
speed, startup: Startup speed
stability of Gforth: Stability Goals
stack depth changes during interpretation: Stack depth changes
stack effect: Notation
Stack effect design, tutorial: Designing the stack effect Tutorial
stack effect of DOES>-parts: User-defined Defining Words
stack effect of included files: Forth source files
stack effects of selectors: Object-Oriented Programming Style
stack empty: core-ambcond
stack item types: Notation
stack manipulation tutorial: Stack Manipulation Tutorial
stack manipulation words: Stack Manipulation
stack manipulation words, floating-point stack: Floating point stack
stack manipulation words, return stack: Return stack
stack manipulations words, data stack: Data stack
stack overflow: core-ambcond
stack pointer manipulation words: Stack pointer manipulation
stack size default: Stack and Dictionary Sizes
stack size, cache-friendly: Stack and Dictionary Sizes
stack space available: core-other
stack tutorial: Stack Tutorial
stack underflow: core-ambcond
stack-effect comments, tutorial: Stack-Effect Comments Tutorial
stacksize: Pthreads
stacksize4: Pthreads
staged/-divisor: Two-stage integer division
staged/-size: Two-stage integer division
Standard conformance of Gforth: Standard conformance
starting Gforth tutorial: Starting Gforth Tutorial
startup sequence for image file: Modifying the Startup Sequence
Startup speed: Startup speed
state - effect on the text interpreter: How does that work?
STATE values: core-idef
state-smart words (are a bad idea): Combined words
static: Class Declaration
stderr: General files
stderr and pipes: Gforth in pipes
stdin: General files
stdout: General files
stop: Pthreads
stop-ns: Pthreads
str<: Memory Blocks
str=: Memory Blocks
string larger than pictured numeric output area (f., fe., fs.): floating-ambcond
string longer than a counted string returned by WORD: core-ambcond
string words: String words
string-prefix?: Memory Blocks
strings - see character strings: String Formats
strings tutorial: Characters and Strings Tutorial
struct: Structure Glossary
struct usage: Structure Usage
structs tutorial: Arrays and Records Tutorial
structure extension: Structure Usage
structure glossary: Structure Glossary
structure implementation: Structure Implementation
structure naming convention: Structure Naming Convention
structure naming convention: Structure Naming Convention
structure of Forth programs: Forth is written in Forth
structure usage: Structure Usage
structures: Structures
structures containing arrays: Structure Usage
structures containing structures: Structure Usage
Structures in Forth200x: Forth200x Structures
structures using address arithmetic: Why explicit structure support?
sub-list?: Locals implementation
success-color: Terminal output
super: The OOF base class
superclass binding: Class Binding
Superinstructions: Dynamic Superinstructions
sw@: Memory Access
swap: Data stack
symmetric division: Integer division
syntax tutorial: Syntax Tutorial
system: Passing Commands to the OS
system dictionary space required, in address units: core-other
system documentation: Standard conformance
system documentation, block words: The optional Block word set
system documentation, core words: The Core Words
system documentation, double words: The optional Double Number word set
system documentation, exception words: The optional Exception word set
system documentation, facility words: The optional Facility word set
system documentation, file words: The optional File-Access word set
system documentation, floating-point words: The optional Floating-Point word set
system documentation, locals words: The optional Locals word set
system documentation, memory-allocation words: The optional Memory-Allocation word set
system documentation, programming-tools words: The optional Programming-Tools word set
system documentation, search-order words: The optional Search-Order word set
system prompt: core-idef
s\": Displaying characters and strings

table: Word Lists
TAGS file: Emacs Tags
target compiler: cross.fs
target compiler: Cross Compiler
task: Pthreads
terminal buffer, size: core-idef
terminal input buffer: The Text Interpreter
terminal output: Terminal output
terminal size: Terminal output
terminology for object-oriented programming: Object-Oriented Terminology
text interpreter: Introducing the Text Interpreter
text interpreter: Stacks and Postfix notation
text interpreter: The Text Interpreter
text interpreter - effect of state: How does that work?
text interpreter - input sources: The Text Interpreter
text interpreter - input sources: Input Sources
THEN: Arbitrary control structures
third: Data stack
this: Objects Glossary
this and catch: Objects Implementation
this implementation: Objects Implementation
this usage: Method conveniences
ThisForth performance: Performance
threaded code implementation: Threading
threading words: Threading Words
threading, direct or indirect?: Direct or Indirect Threaded?
threading-method: Threading Words
throw: Exception Handling
THROW-codes used in the system: exception-idef
thru: Blocks
tib: The Text Interpreter
tick (’): Execution token
TILE performance: Performance
time&date: Keeping track of Time
time-related words: Keeping track of Time
TMP, TEMP - environment variable: Environment variables
TO: Values
TO on non-VALUEs: core-ambcond
TO on non-VALUEs and non-locals: locals-ambcond
to-this: Objects Glossary
tokens for words: Tokens for Words
TOS definition: Stacks and Postfix notation
TOS optimization for primitives: TOS Optimization
toupper: Displaying characters and strings
trigonometric operations: Floating Point
true: Boolean Flags
truncation of floating-point numbers: floating-idef
try: Exception Handling
tt: Locating exception source
tuck: Data stack
turnkey image files: Modifying the Startup Sequence
Tutorial: Tutorial
type: Displaying characters and strings
types of locals: Gforth locals
types of stack items: Notation
types tutorial: Types Tutorial
typewhite: Displaying characters and strings

u*/: Integer division
u*/mod: Integer division
U+DO: Arbitrary control structures
u, stack item type: Notation
U-DO: Arbitrary control structures
u.: Simple numeric output
u.r: Simple numeric output
u/: Integer division
u/-stage1m: Two-stage integer division
u/-stage2m: Two-stage integer division
u/mod: Integer division
u/mod-stage2m: Two-stage integer division
u<: Numeric comparison
u<=: Numeric comparison
u>: Numeric comparison
u>=: Numeric comparison
ud, stack item type: Notation
ud.: Simple numeric output
ud.r: Simple numeric output
ud/mod: Integer division
UDefer: Pthreads
ul@: Memory Access
um*: Mixed precision
um/mod: Integer division
umax: Single precision
umin: Single precision
umod: Integer division
umod-stage2m: Two-stage integer division
undefined word: core-ambcond
undefined word, ', POSTPONE, ['], [COMPILE]: core-ambcond
under+: Single precision
unexpected end of the input buffer: core-ambcond
unlock: Pthreads
unloop: Arbitrary control structures
unmapped block numbers: file-ambcond
UNREACHABLE: Where are locals visible by name?
UNTIL: Arbitrary control structures
UNTIL loop: Simple Loops
unused: Dictionary allocation
unwind-protect: Exception Handling
update: Blocks
UPDATE, no current block buffer: block-ambcond
updated?: Blocks
upper and lower case: Case insensitivity
use: Blocks
User: Variables
user input device, method of selecting: core-idef
user output device, method of selecting: core-idef
user space: Variables
user variables: Variables
user': Pthreads
user-defined defining words: User-defined Defining Words
Uses of a word: Locating uses of a word
utime: Keeping track of Time
UValue: Pthreads
uw@: Memory Access

Value: Values
value-flavoured locals: Gforth locals
values: Values
var: Class Declaration
var: Basic Mini-OOF Usage
Variable: Variables
variable-flavoured locals: Gforth locals
variables: Variables
variadic C functions: Declaring C Functions
versions, invoking other versions of Gforth: Invoking Gforth
view: Debugging
view (called locate in Gforth): Locating source code definitions
viewing the documentation of a word in Emacs: Emacs and Gforth
viewing the source of a word in Emacs: Emacs Tags
virtual function: Object-Oriented Terminology
virtual function table: Objects Implementation
virtual machine: Engine
virtual machine instructions, implementation: Primitives
visibility of locals: Where are locals visible by name?
vlist: Word Lists
Vocabularies, detailed explanation: Vocabularies
Vocabulary: Word Lists
vocs: Word Lists
vocstack empty, previous: search-ambcond
vocstack full, also: search-ambcond

w!: Memory Access
w, stack item type: Notation
w/o: General files
WARNING": Exception Handling
warning-color: Terminal output
warnings: Exception Handling
where: Locating uses of a word
where to go next: Where to go next
whereg: Locating uses of a word
WHILE: Arbitrary control structures
WHILE loop: Simple Loops
wid: Word Lists
wid, stack item type: Notation
Win32Forth performance: Performance
wior type description: Notation
wior values and meaning: file-idef
with: The OOF base class
within: Numeric comparison
word: Introducing the Text Interpreter
word: The Input Stream
WORD buffer size: core-idef
word glossary entry format: Notation
word list for defining locals: Locals implementation
word lists: Word Lists
word lists - example: Word list example
word lists - why use them?: Why use word lists?
word name too long: core-ambcond
WORD, string overflow: core-ambcond
wordlist: Word Lists
wordlists tutorial: Wordlists and Search Order Tutorial
words: Words
words: Word Lists
words used in your program: Standard Report
words, forgetting: Forgetting words
wordset: Notation
write-file: General files
write-line: General files
wrol: Bitwise operations
wror: Bitwise operations
WTF??: Debugging
ww: Locating uses of a word

x-size: Xchars and Unicode
x-width: Xchars and Unicode
xc!+?: Xchars and Unicode
xc-size: Xchars and Unicode
xc@+: Xchars and Unicode
xchar+: Xchars and Unicode
xchar-: Xchars and Unicode
xchar-encoding: Xchars and Unicode
xemit: Xchars and Unicode
xkey: Xchars and Unicode
xor: Bitwise operations
xt: Introducing the Text Interpreter
xt: Execution token
XT tutorial: Execution Tokens Tutorial
xt, stack item type: Notation
xt-new: Objects Glossary
xt-see: Examining compiled code
x\string-: Xchars and Unicode

zero-length string as a name: core-ambcond
Zsoter’s object-oriented model: Comparison with other object models



However, in 1998 the bar was raised when the major commercial Forth vendors switched to native code compilers.


i.e. it is stored in the user’s home directory.


This notation is also known as Postfix or RPN (Reverse Polish Notation).


therefore it’s a good idea to avoid ) in word names.


We can’t tell if it found them or not, but assume for now that it did not


That’s not quite true. If you press the up-arrow key on your keyboard you should be able to scroll back to any earlier command, edit it and re-enter it.


Actually, there are some subtle differences – see The Text Interpreter.


For example, /usr/local/share/gforth...


It’s easy to generate the separate notation from that by just separating the floating-point numbers out: e.g. ( n r1 u r2 -- r3 ) becomes ( n u -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 ).


Sometimes, the term dictionary is used to refer to the search data structure embodied in word lists and headers, because it is used for looking up names, just as you would in a conventional dictionary.


To be precise, they have no interpretation semantics (see Interpretation and Compilation Semantics).


well, not in a way that is portable.


Next-case has a -, unlike the other case words, because VFX Forth contains a nextcase that drops a value.


Well, often it can be – but not in a Standard, portable way. It’s safer to use a Value (read on).


Strictly speaking, the mechanism that compile, uses to convert an xt into something in the code area is implementation-dependent. A threaded implementation might spit out the execution token directly whilst another implementation might spit out a native code sequence.


It is legitimate both to read and write to this data area.


Exercise: use this example as a starting point for your own implementation of Value and TO – if you get stuck, investigate the behaviour of ' and ['].


In standard terminology, “appends to the current definition”.


In standard terminology: The default interpretation semantics are its execution semantics; the default compilation semantics are to append its execution semantics to the execution semantics of the current definition.


For a more detailed discussion of this topic, see M. Anton Ertl, State-smartness—Why it is Evil and How to Exorcise it, EuroForth ’98.


Depending upon the compilation semantics of the word. If the word has default compilation semantics, the xt will represent compile,. Otherwise (e.g., for immediate words), the xt will represent execute.


A recent RFI answer requires that compiling words should only be executed in compile state, so this example is not guaranteed to work on all standard systems, but on any decent system it will work.


This is an expanded version of the material in Introducing the Text Interpreter.


When the text interpreter is processing input from the keyboard, this area of memory is called the terminal input buffer (TIB) and is addressed by the (obsolescent) words TIB and #TIB.


In other words, the text interpreter processes the contents of the input buffer by parsing strings from the parse area until the parse area is empty.


This is how parsing words work.


Exercise for the reader: what would happen if the 3 were replaced with 4?


For example, 0-9 when the number base is decimal or 0-9, A-F when the number base is hexadecimal.


Some Forth implementations provide a similar scheme by implementing $ etc. as parsing words that process the subsequent number in the input stream and push it onto the stack. For example, see Number Conversion and Literals, by Wil Baden; Forth Dimensions 20(3) pages 26–27. In such implementations, unlike in Gforth, a space is required between the prefix and the number.


The Standard Forth definition of buffer is intended not to cause disk I/O; if the data associated with the particular block is already stored in a block buffer due to an earlier block command, buffer will return that block buffer and the existing contents of the block will be available. Otherwise, buffer will simply assign a new, empty block buffer for the block.


In compiler construction terminology, all places dominated by the definition of the local.


This feature is also known as extended records. It is the main innovation in the Oberon language; in other words, adding this feature to Modula-2 led Wirth to create a new language, write a new compiler etc. Adding this feature to Forth just required a few lines of code.


Moreover, for any word that calls catch and was defined before loading objects.fs, you have to redefine it like I redefined catch: : catch this >r catch r> to-this ;


This is Self terminology; in C++ terminology: virtual function table.


A longer version of this critique can be found in On Standardizing Object-Oriented Forth Extensions (Forth Dimensions, May 1997) by Anton Ertl.


If you know the calling convention of your C compiler, you usually can call such functions in some way, but that way is usually not portable between platforms, and sometimes not even between C compilers.


In my opinion, though, you should think thrice before using a doubly-linked list (whatever implementation).


The Unix kernel actually recognises two types of files: executable files and files of data, where the data is processed by an interpreter that is specified on the “interpreter line” – the first line of the file, starting with the sequence #!. There may be a small limit (e.g., 32) on the number of characters that may be specified on the interpreter line.


We use a one-stack notation, even though we have separate data and floating-point stacks; The separate notation can be generated easily from the unified notation.